Desolation Demon Eye, Desolation, Come Out


Powerful forces erupted from Wu Yun and Lin Dong's bodies at the same time.

The majestic energy fluctuations when the barren species were formed suddenly swept away from their bodies, and there was an extremely rich and powerful barbaric energy in that wave!

This powerful and familiar fluctuation was immediately sensed by many disciples around, and expressions of shock appeared on their faces.

If you want to increase the barbaric strength to this level, you must at least successfully condense the barren species, and if you want to condense the barren species, you must practice the barren art to the third level.

How long have Wu Yun and Lin Dong been practicing? !

Less than half an hour!

That's it!

It was so outrageous that if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it was real.

These disciples practiced here for at least a month, and some even practiced for half a year.

But still failed to condense the wild species.

For ordinary disciples, it takes at least several months to cultivate.

It would take a month or two to pass on to the big disciples personally.

The most legendary Zhou Tong also took three days to condense the wild species.

The flesh on the blind old man's face trembled slightly.

His shock was not only from the speed with which the two cultivated the barren species, but also that they were able to resist the rejection of the barren stone.

"Okay, let's let it go!"

Wu Yun waved his hand and said to Lin Dong.

At the same time, the Great Desolate Ancient Monument on his body also had a force to withdraw it.

Lin Dong also withdrew his hand from the barren rock, feeling the majestic energy in his body with satisfaction.


The spirit of the wild stone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and obediently restrained his wild energy, not daring to get close to Wu Yun and the two of them.

When the two walked out of the barren rock area, they happened to see the blind old man.

"You two little fellows, you performed well. If Zhou Tong knew that the record he set was broken by two juniors one after another, I'm afraid the coffin will not be able to hold it down!" the

blind old man said with emotion.

"It's not impossible, the two of us brothers just practiced a special technique, which happens to have a buff effect on Huang Jin, which is incomparable to Senior Zhou Tong!" Wu Yun said modestly.

"Zhou Tong also has his own secret, if he can do it, it will prove the ability of the two of you." The blind old man said with a faint smile.

"You haven't chosen martial arts yet, have you? I think you don't like martial arts outside. Come with me. Zhou Tong has also been to that place. Let's see if you can surpass him!" The

blind old man walked towards the hall after speaking. Go deep.

The two of Wu Yun were overjoyed, they looked at each other, and quickly followed.

"Brother, this old senior's strength seems to be terrifying, and I feel that he is even stronger than the two hall heads!!"

Lin Dong said spiritually.

"Yeah, Daozong is also a hidden dragon and crouching tiger."

"However, it will be our sect in the future. The more strong people are, the best for us."

Wu Yun said leisurely. In the original book, he is also the most sensitive to Daozong good.

If possible, he also wants to come once,

great, my Taoist sect!

The blind old man walked very slowly, shuttling among the steles, but Wu Yun and Lin Dong were not in a hurry, and followed steadily behind without saying a word.

This kind of big guy has his reasons for doing things.

Walking at such a slow pace, maybe they want to see their xinxing.

For a cultivator, talent is second, but he must also be able to calm down and look at the scenery.

After walking for about an hour, he finally stopped.

And when he stopped, Wu Yun and the two looked up immediately.

In front of him, there was a film of light turned upside down in the shape of a bowl, and within the film of light, four stone tablets could be vaguely seen standing silently.


The blind old man raised his head, slowly raised his skinny palm, and swipe down through the air, a ray of light passed by his fingertips, and then the light film and even the space were torn apart. .

Mental strength? !

Both Wu Yun and Lin Dong felt the power of the blind old man.

However, this mental power is many times more condensed than the two of them.

If their mental strength at this level is compared to a pool of spring water, then the blind old man is like a vast ocean.

The gap is too big!

There is absolutely no comparison between the two.

Lin Dong was very shocked. Unlike Wu Yun, he knew the details of the blind old man, so he looked at Wu Yun with his surprised little mouth.

This is the person with the highest spiritual attainment that they have encountered so far.

After tearing open the opening with mental strength, the blind old man stepped forward and stepped in gently.

Seeing this, Wu Yun and Lin Dong quickly followed.

Drilling into the light film, the light in front of them suddenly dimmed a little, and a strange pressure permeated from the front, making the two of them tremble slightly.

This feeling comes from the four steles inside.

The black stone tablet stands quietly in the light film, like an ancient beast, exuding an astonishing evil spirit.

It's depressing.

These four steles are taller than the steles outside, and the fluctuations emitted by them are also something that those steles did not have.

"The four steles here all have an extremely powerful martial arts. To a certain extent, they are the strongest martial arts in our Desolate Hall except the Great Desolation Scripture." The blind old man put his hands behind his back, his gray and white Tong Tong looked in the direction of the four steles and said calmly.

"The only ones who are qualified to practice martial arts here are personal disciples.

The four personal disciples before you all only practiced the martial arts on the first stone tablet. The other three have not been practiced successfully in Huangdian. "

Wu Yun: "What is the difference between martial arts?" The

blind old man thought for a while and explained, "The difference between strength and weakness mainly depends on the practitioner, but the degree of difficulty, the first kind of martial arts is the easiest. , Almost all of them can practice successfully."

"The second one is slightly more difficult, and the third and fourth ones have

their own test points!" "Which one did senior Zhou Tong choose?" Lin Dong asked.

"He chose the third type!"

"The third type of martial arts has stricter requirements on the physical body, and the fourth type requires high attainments in both spiritual power and elemental power!"

Is this referring to them?

Wu Yun and Wu Yun looked at each other, the third and fourth were quite suitable for them.

They are physically invincible, and their spirit and energy are almost equal!

"Look at it!"

"Yes!" The

two looked at the first stone tablet.

"Great Xinggang Fist!"

Just by looking at the name, one can feel a sense of majestic violence. This is a powerful and fierce boxing technique!

They looked at the second stele, on which was engraved a dark long sword. On the long sword, black mist lingered, and a cold air permeated out, giving people a sense of cold.

Great dark eclipse sword.

Continue to look at the third stele!

It is much simpler than the previous two, and its color tends to be dark gray. On the surface of the stele, there is a figure sitting cross-legged, but the figure's body is in a withered shape, which looks like a dry earth. But faintly, in this kind of dilapidation, there is an astonishing sense of power emanating from it.

Great barren body.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely powerful body training martial art!

However, there are too many Wu Yun and Lin Dong practicing martial arts now, and there is no extra energy to practice.

In addition to body script, Wu Yun also has the Qingtianhualongjue!

And Lin Dong also has Xuanwu inheritance!

They are all very strong body training martial arts!

They looked at the fourth stone tablet. There was no writing on the stone tablet, but there was a huge black eye on the dark surface of the tablet.

Wu Yun's eyes were instantly attracted, and he stared blankly at that black eye, as if it had come to life, and seemed to be staring at Wu Yun too!

That feeling made Wu Yun's hair stand on end in an instant.

The blind old man was slightly serious, watching the two of them carefully.

The two stared at the black eyes for several minutes, feeling very uncomfortable, and suddenly the black eyes blinked twice in a row.

Two tiny black lights shot out from the black eyes and shot into their open eyes.

Lin Dong still had lingering fears, looked at the calm elder brother beside him, and immediately forcibly calmed down too.


Wu Yun took a deep breath and received the message from the black light.

In ancient times, there was a strange beast named Huang, which had one eye. When it opened its eyes, thousands of miles were barren, like the passage of time, eroding people's vitality...

The martial arts of the fourth stele is called the demon eye of barrenness!

This is a kind of eye training martial art, which imitates the eyes of "Huang"!

The method of cultivation is not as simple as ordinary exercises, it does not have fixed formulas, but needs to be immersed in the desolate demon eyes on the stone tablet to practice.

Both Wu Yun and Lin Dong were digesting the information they had just obtained. Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye. The blind old man had been waiting quietly. He also had high expectations for Wu Yun and the two of them.

Naturally, I also hope that they can choose to practice this powerful martial art!

Although there is no clear distinction between the strengths and weaknesses of the four martial arts, there is no doubt that once the Desolation Demon Eye is successfully cultivated, its power in battle will definitely far exceed the other three.

Because the demon eye of desolation is an extremely pure killing move!

After Wu Yun had a deep understanding of this martial arts, he also felt that the desolate demon eyes were quite strange. Even if he had practiced a lot of supreme skills and secret arts, he was not absolutely sure that he could succeed in cultivating them.

Moreover, once this martial art is practiced, there are only two outcomes: success or failure, there is no such thing as a degree of progress, and there is no such thing as one eye being cultivated and the other eye not being cultivated!

Success is naturally to obtain the Demon Eye of Desolation!

And once it fails, not only will it consume a lot of energy, but it may also ruin both eyes.

The blind old man next to him touched the scene and touched his own gray eyes.

You must know that people at his level can achieve rebirth with severed limbs, but the serious consequence of desolate demon eyes due to failure in cultivation is that his eyes will never be able to recover their brightness!

"Brother, I want to learn this desolate demon eye!"

"It feels quite challenging!"

Lin Dong said through voice transmission to Wu Yun, seeing the power displayed by Huang, he was already tempted!

"I'm also a little curious. It just so happens that the eyes are flawed. Let's practice it together!"

Wu Yun also said excitedly!

Of course, he is sure, even if he fails, he is also sure that he can keep his eyes from being blind!

He doesn't want to do things that are not sure, these eyes are very important, and there are so many beautiful people in the world waiting for him to appreciate, so he can't go blind early.

If you want to be blind, you have to be blind because of the beauty of the monument!

As for Lin Dong, he wasn't worried. Lin Dong could learn this martial art in the original book, and there was no reason why he couldn't learn it because he joined.

Although Wu Yun's crossing brought about some changes, the change in Lin Dong's life trajectory was actually not that great, especially in terms of strength, which was much stronger.

In order to make him stronger, Wu Yun didn't even give him the chance to meet women!

Without a woman in his heart, Lin Dong is a god of nature!

Ruan Ruanxiang, let his big brother fall!

Wu Yun opened his eyes and said, "Senior, both of us want to choose this martial art!"

Hearing this, the blind old man was silent for a moment, and said in a hoarse voice: "Practicing this martial art is risky, if something goes wrong, you These eyes must be the same as the old man."

"The risk is equal to the reward, the power of the desolate demon eye is worth a try, and we also have confidence in ourselves." Wu Yun said with a smile.

Seeing the determination of the two, the blind old man couldn't help but think of the past. Zhou Tong also hesitated here for a long time. He really wanted to cultivate the Desolation Demon Eye, but his own conditions were not suitable for the Desolation Demon Eye, so he chose the Great Desolation Body.

Now Wu Yun and Lin Dong have reached the level of Qiyin Tianfu master and Liuyuan Nirvana in terms of spiritual power and Yuan power.

It meets the conditions for cultivating the Desolate Demon Eye!

Wu Yun and the two sat in front of the barren eye stone tablet, slowly closed their eyes, and began to practice.

The blind old man behind them looked at them and murmured,

"Whether you can succeed in cultivation depends on your chance. Don't worry, you are rare geniuses in Huangdian who can compare with Zhou Tong. I will watch you become like me."

According to the method of cultivation, Wu Yun withdrew his own energy, and the spiritual energy in the Niwan Palace radiated out, entangled on the monster eyes of the stone tablet.

call out!

As his mental power shot into the black eyes, Wu Yun immediately felt in a trance, and in the next second, his mental body appeared on a vast expanse of land.

Here is Yimapingchuan, an endless plain, as if connected with the sky.

The world is filled with the smell of ancient vicissitudes, and the wildness is brewing and rising in the world, just like going back to ancient times.

Standing on this piece of land, Wu Yun felt that he was extremely small. A kind of powerlessness crawled out from the depths of his heart and spread throughout his body, making him immobile.

Wu Yun took a deep breath and rolled his eyes, forcibly suppressing this small sense of powerlessness.

This is the spiritual space of the monster eye of the stone tablet!

He is in a spiritual confrontation with this world.

This kind of confrontation requires him to have strong self-confidence and invincible momentum, and he must not be at a disadvantage, otherwise he will leave a mental imprint of fear and fear deep in his heart.

He suppressed this emotion, took a step forward, and stepped on the vast land.

Suddenly, the ground trembled violently, and ripples visible to the naked eye rippled across the endless land, spreading rapidly like pulses.

Wu Yun calmed down and watched all this quietly.

In the distance, a huge crack opened in the ground, and the crack tore open at an astonishing speed. In just an instant, it reached a huge distance of thousands of feet. It looked like an endless abyss.


A strange whining sound resounded between the heavens and the earth, and invisible sound waves swept across the sky, which directly set off a monstrous hurricane.

The sound came out from the cracked abyss. Wu Yun looked intently, and vaguely, there was a huge shadow moving there.

Suddenly, a monstrous dust and mist gushed out from the crack, and an indescribably huge black shadow, like an earth dragon, suddenly soared out of the abyss. That huge shadow covered the sky and the sun!

Its body is like a snake, it is as huge as a thousand feet, its whole body is as black as iron, and it exudes a monstrous cold and evil spirit!

On its head, there is a ferocious giant mouth full of sharp teeth, and between its forehead is a giant black eye!

This is barren!

It appeared!