Desolation Demon Eyes Complete, Desolate Temple Moon Ratio

Huang appeared!

Looking at this terrifying behemoth, Wu Yun felt an extremely strong sense of oppression.

Just after he came out, Huang's giant eyes were closed. However, when Wu Yun looked at those eyes, he still felt a sense of fear, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Huang Teng flew up to the sky, its huge body coiled and entangled in the sky, then it slowly lowered its huge head, opened its eyes, and stared at Wu Yun who was as small as an ant on the ground below.

Looking over with that eye, Wu Yun could feel that the ground where he stood was withering at an extremely terrifying speed.

"This is the correct way to open Huang Jin!"

Wu Yun's Adam's apple surged. Although he knew that this was a spiritual space and not real, it still made him feel a strong oppression.

The ground under the feet quickly withered, and then split open, withered and yellow barren color, spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, Wu Yun was not affected by it, and his eyes were still looking directly at Huang in the sky!

At this time, if the spirit retreats, I am afraid that it will immediately lose in this kind of spiritual confrontation.

Wu Yun's resistance seemed to have attracted Huang's attention, and the giant eyes finally looked at him, and the giant eyes widened again, revealing endless dark gray inside.

call out!

All of a sudden, a huge gray light with a size of hundreds of feet burst out from the giant eyes.

As the gray light passed by, the earth instantly withered and cracked, and the original lush color disappeared completely, and what was replaced was a barren with little life.

Just a glance!

Within ten thousand miles, it is all barren!

The gray light shot towards him.

The speed is extremely fast, in a flash, it flies across the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it is in front of Wu Yun, but the size of the gray light shrinks rapidly, and it is only the thickness of a thumb.

Wu Yun didn't dodge it, and couldn't dodge it, so he bravely looked at it directly.

There is domineering and confident in his eyes.

In the next second, the shrunken gray light unceremoniously shot at his forehead.

Shocking pain was spreading from the eyes, and Wu Yun's eyes were also momentarily dark, as if they had lost their light.

In another spiritual space, Lin Dong also experienced the test of barrenness just like Wu Yun.


In front of the stele, the two of them were motionless, and the blind old man who had been watching them from behind was also extremely quiet, even his breathing was barely audible.

His spiritual power lingered around the two of them, always ready to cut off the connection between the two of them and the demon eye of the stele.

Like this, more than an hour passed.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the stele, Wu Yun's body trembled first, and a faint ray of light radiated from the monster eyes of the black stele.

The moment the light appeared, the blind old man suddenly raised his head, moved, and appeared in front of Wu Yun, staring at his face solemnly.

On Wu Yun's handsome and stern face, there was a dark gray aura, and this gray aura gathered towards the center of his forehead, and after a while, a very fine gray line appeared there.

The gray thread penetrated into Wu Yun's flesh and wriggled like a bug, seeming to take root between his eyebrows.

Seeing this scene, the blind old man's face became a little excited. He knew that this proved that Wu Yun had seen Huang, and whether he could succeed in cultivation would depend on his subsequent performance.

call out!

Another gray light shot onto Lin Dong's face, and quickly converged to form a vertical line between his brows.

"I've seen it all!" The

blind old man was pleasantly surprised again. Under the excessive excitement, the broom in his hand was crushed by him and turned into powder!

However, soon the gray lines on their faces stabilized, and their expressions were not as tense as they were at the beginning.

Lin Dong reacted a little more, and the eyelids of his eyes fluttered faintly, as if he was enduring a lot of pain.

The demonic eyes on the stele continued to shoot out gray light, more and more, gathered between the eyebrows of the two of them.

"The next step is to transform the eyes!" The

blind old man took a deep breath, quietly looked at the eyebrows of the two, and waited for the eyes to transform.

The barren demon eye is this kind of magical martial art. It directly uses the barren energy to develop the "barren eyes" between its eyebrows. This kind of cultivation is similar to the previous barbarian species. Once it is successful, it can always grow stronger.

But if you fail, you will never be able to get started.

Time passed day by day!

The blind old man has been paying attention to the changes between the eyebrows of the two of them.

Finally after three days.

The flesh between the eyebrows of the two wriggled quickly, and the gray line became more and more conspicuous, showing signs of splitting.

Seeing this scene, the blind old man immediately straightened up a lot, which is a sign that he is about to transform his eyes.

Wu Yun's mental body had already returned, and he felt the strong cold and fierce aura between his brows, which was very uncontrollable.

He instantly aroused Tyrannical Blood, and the purple blood flowed between the eyebrows, and the domineering and strong blood power easily suppressed the cold and fierce aura, causing it to condense quickly.

This is, he felt that he could control this power, so he quickly cultivated the Desolate Demon Eye.

The blind old man stared at Wu Yun, and suddenly the flesh between his brows split open, and a gray-white vertical eye opened, emitting streaks of gray light.

This frightened the blind old man to rush out his mental power to shake the wrapping away.

"Success!" The blind old man was overjoyed, his face full of excitement.

On the other side, Lin Dong flashed a gentle white light. The power of the stone talisman helped him suppress the cold and fierce aura. He also successfully cultivated the Desolate Demon Eye.

"Good! Good!" The

blind old man said two good words excitedly.

He hadn't been this excited for a long time.

The powerful martial art of the Desolate Demon Eye has finally been cultivated successfully, and there are only two of them.

He could already imagine how happy Chen Zhen and Wu Dao would be if they knew about it.

They are about to rise again!

The heads of the halls take turns, and today it's the turn of the Huangdian!

Leaving aside the Great Desolation Sutra, the Desolation Demon Eye is enough to make Wu Yun and Lin Dong no less inferior to the other disciples who have cultivated the Three Great Desolation Sutras.

The martial art of Huangdian is mainly based on Huang Jin, which is very powerful. It is a martial art born for killing and destruction. The only downside is that it is very difficult to cultivate.

Among the four strongest martial arts, apart from the first Great Star Gang Fist, the other three, especially the Desolate Demon Eye, are as difficult to practice as the three great scriptures of the other three temples!

Wu Yun and Lin Dong opened their eyes, and the vertical eyes between their brows closed and returned to their normal appearance.

"Senior, thank you for protecting the law for us!" The

two said sincerely.

Although the old man didn't do anything, he just kept making all kinds of excited, worried, and surprised blind emoticons around them.

But with the old man by their side, Wu Yun and Lin Dong felt more at ease.

The old man was like putting a layer of insurance on them. They knew that the old man would definitely save them at critical times.

"My name is Gu Mo, and I'm an elder of Dao Sect. From now on, you can call me Uncle Mo!"

Elder Gu Mo said to the two of them appreciatively.

"Yes, Uncle Mo!"

The two bowed their hands respectfully.

"Brother, this senior is actually an elder, he is even taller than the two palace masters!" Lin Dong sent a voice transmission to Wu Yun.

"The desolate demon eye has been cultivated successfully, but this is just the beginning. In the future, we must continue to nourish it and strengthen its barrenness. However, this martial art is a bit strange, and it will hurt your eyes if you use it too often. Remember not to use it too often!"

Elder Gu Mo reminded road.

"Yes, I understand, you need to be restrained!" Wu Yun nodded.

The truth is the same!

Next, Wu Yun and Lin Dong exchanged some experiences on cultivating the Desolate Demon Eye with Elder Gu Mo.

Elder Gu Mo admired the two of them very much, and because they both practiced the Demon Eye of Desolation, there were many topics between them.

Now the three of them are the only three people in the Huangdian who have successfully practiced this martial art.

Others can't do it!

The Desolate Demon Eye is too difficult to cultivate.

Wu Yun and Lin Kineng went so smoothly, beyond his expectation!

This Elder Gu Mo also went through twists and turns to succeed in his cultivation.

At the beginning, he failed in cultivating the desolate demon eye, which made him blind, but then he insisted on great perseverance, and succeeded in cultivating it again without his eyes.

Wu Yun and the others know how badly the sinister air of this martial art erodes the eyes. If the two of them hadn't been able to suppress the evil air because of something special, I'm afraid I would have fallen into Gu Mo The price of the elders.

For ordinary people, it is too difficult to cultivate!

After all, this is the martial arts of the ancient alien beast "Huang".

Elder Gu Mo was also a ruthless person back then. After he became blind, he broke the pot and threw it, directly gave up the cultivation of Yuanli, and majored in spiritual power, which greatly increased his spiritual power.

Now that the mental power is released, the world seen is clearer than the world seen with the naked eye.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong left the Martial Arts Hall and returned to their residence.

Continue to study martial arts.

In addition to the desolate demon eye, Wu Yun's other martial arts training is also on the agenda.

To Wu Yun's surprise, the martial arts he signed up for did not appear to be repulsive in practice.

Generally speaking, when multiple martial arts are practiced together, there will be two situations, either mutually beneficial or mutually exclusive.

And Wu Yun's current situation is mutual benefit.

The exercises signed by the system seem to be tailor-made for him, and they can be practiced with twice the result with half the effort.

Several kinds of martial arts are mixed with practice, and some experiences are common, which greatly improves the progress of martial arts cultivation.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye!

It's the day when the barren palace is compared to the moon.

Yuebi is a very common competition between disciples in Daozong, and it is not mandatory to participate, but all disciples must participate if it is not necessary.

The main purpose is to test the cultivation results of the disciples and compare them. If they perform well, they can be promoted.

From registered disciples, official disciples, personal disciples, to personal disciples.

The grades are different, and the treatment is also different.

For example, Wu Yun and the others practiced the four kinds of martial arts at the Desolate Demon Eye, and only the senior disciples who passed them on were eligible.

Many disciples practice hard, hoping to become a blockbuster in the monthly competition and become more advanced disciples.

There are also those new disciples who started with Wu Yun, who are also looking forward to performing well today and having the opportunity to become personal disciples.

In short, the monthly monthly comparison is quite lively.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong set off together to participate in the monthly competition.

The location is in the main hall!

The two soon came to the center of the Huangdian Mountains, an exceptionally huge peak, the peak pierced into the sky, and the clouds and mist swirled around it, revealing a sense of being out of the world.

The main hall is on the top of this mountain!

When they arrived, the square of the main hall was densely packed with people, thousands of disciples gathered here, and it was very lively.

However, although there are many people, there is still a big difference. From the outside to the inside, the density of people decreases sharply.

Surrounding them are numerous registered disciples.

There are relatively few formal disciples who come in again.

In front of the main hall, there were only hundreds of personal disciples in light yellow clothes.

And when it comes to the interior, there are six tall platforms standing tall, but two of them have just been built and are quite brand new.

At this moment, four of the six tall platforms already had four figures sitting cross-legged.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong arrived, but they went directly to the other two platforms without politeness. They had been hand-picked by Chen Zhen as personal disciples before Danhe, and the two extra platforms were prepared for them. of.

"Junior Brother Wu Yun, Junior Brother Lin Dong!"

"Hello, everyone!"

They greeted each other.

Wu Yun looked directly in front of the square, where there was a row of stone chairs, Chen Zhen, Wu Dao and some guardians of the deserted palace sat on them, looking at the entire square.

Wu Dao smiled and nodded to the two of them.

These few days he was busy with Yuebi's affairs, and he didn't have time to ask Wu Yun how they were doing in the martial arts hall and what martial arts they chose.

I just heard that the two of them rubbed against the barren rock, forcibly absorbed the barren rock's barren energy, and cultivated the barren seed in half an hour.

This matter has been spread among most of the disciples.

Now the reputation of the two of them is not weaker than that of the original four personal disciples.

When the time came, Chen Zhen announced the start of the month-to-month comparison.

The first thing to do is the competition between the registered disciples.

The two hall masters and many Dharma protectors will comment on the performance of the disciples. If they perform well, they will be promoted to official disciples.

There are many registered disciples, hundreds of competition platforms, and the competition was not completed until noon, and more than two hundred registered disciples became official disciples.

Then there are formal disciples.

It's much easier here.

They can choose a personal disciple at will, challenge!

Those who win can become direct disciples.

There are more than 3,000 official disciples, but there are not many challenges, only a few dozen people challenge.

In the end, more loses than wins. After all, the direct disciples came up this way at the beginning, and only four of them were promoted to direct disciples in the end.

It is the same when it comes to personal disciples.

They can challenge any personal disciple, and the winner will be promoted to personal disciple.

However, this time, no one challenged it!

Personal disciples are usually the elders among the disciples, and they are all the top ones killed from below, so it is not so easy to surpass them.

Generally, there will be one or two successful counterattacks during the year-to-year comparison.

The newly promoted Wu Yun and Lin Dong are exceptions, no one dares to mess with them.

One of them crushed Tong Chuan, who was the most hopeful to be promoted to the personal first disciple, and the other crushed the third senior brother Jiang Hao, and they also created those records that surpassed Zhou Tong.

No one wants to be abused!

Finally, I arrived at the big disciple who passed me on!

Basically nothing compares here.

Generally, it is to compare rankings, but at this level, few people care about this.

Moreover, the difference in strength between each other is not very big, and it will not be possible to tell the winner for a while, so basically every time the big disciple is personally handed down, no one makes a move.

Many disciples below looked at the six of them expectantly, and they all wanted to compete with these few to see the strength of the eldest disciple who was handed down personally.

Usually it is very difficult to see the hands-on big disciple make a move, and only occasionally can see it every month.

Pang Tong looked at the people on the left and right, and took a special look at Wu Yun and Lin Dong, and said, "You guys, do you have anyone who wants to compete with me?

" thinking." Second Senior Brother Song Zhou said.

Jiang Hao and Fang Yun also shook their heads.

They are all familiar with each other's strength, and it is impossible to surpass their senior brother at this stage.

The disciples below sighed.

It seems that I can't fight again.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong looked at each other, and they were about to be humble and avoid the fight.

Suddenly Chen Zhen said, "Wu Yun, Lin Dong, the two of you have just become personal disciples, so let's compete with your senior brothers.

" How about it, don't do it again like Lin Dong's wind and thunder catastrophe last time." Wu Dao added.

Looking at the two with a smile... Fengleijie is very good, but it is not allowed to do it again.


Wu Yun and Lin Dong were stunned.

Chen Zhen announced,

"Wu Yun vs. Pang Tong!"

"Lin Dong vs. Song Zhou!"

"Let's fight!"