Going on a Mission with Huanhuan

"Two people together?"

Wu Dao looked at them with some surprise... Is this not going to separate?

"Yeah, the two of us brothers have been in the sect for a while, and it's time to go out for a walk. It's boring to practice in seclusion all the time, and the two of us go together, so we can solve everything quickly." Wu Yun slightly laughed.

"Yeah, since the end of the Hundred Dynasties War, we haven't fully relaxed yet. It's good to have a chance to go out this time." Lin Dongxin felt the same way.

Wu Dao: "That's it, it doesn't matter if there is one more person, then go, anyway, leaving you alone in the sect is also a closed-door practice, but going can only be regarded as the task of one person."

Wu Yun grinned, "As long as you can do it for yourself Whether the sect does something or not is a task is not that important."

"Oh, you can say it."

Wu Dao smiled at Wu Yun, then turned around and rushed out.

"Then come with me, I'll take you to meet the partners of this trip first."

Wu Yun and the two followed Wu Dao and flew out of the mountains of Huangdian, heading for a giant peak in the north.

From a distance, Wu Yun saw a familiar figure on the peak platform.

It was Ying Huanhuan, the second lady of the Zongmen!

Today, she was wearing white clothes and green trousers, showing her youthful vigor. With big bright eyes, she looked at Wu Yun and the others. When she saw the two of them, there was a bit of quirky banter and slight surprise in her eyes.

Wu Yun also looked at her. Her long black hair was pulled into a ponytail by her and fell down to her soft waist. The tip of the ponytail was slightly curved, giving people a sense of youthful vitality. The spot of light shone on her slender and slender body, which looked extremely dazzling.

Some people are born to be the protagonist, and Ying Huanhuan stood there, easily attracting people's attention to her.

Wu Yun has seen many beauties, but Ying Huanhuan gave him a very unique feeling, lively and cheerful, full of girlish spirit.

Beside Ying Huanhuan were two tall and straight young men who were a little less than Wu Yun and Lin Dong in appearance.

One was dressed in white and the other was dressed in black. They looked a bit like Ying Huanhuan's bodyguards, perfectly setting off Ying Huanhuan.

These two also looked at Wu Yun and Lin Dong, with a look of arrogance in their eyes, and that sense of superiority was already reflected on their faces.

Wu Yunguan's aura is similar to that of Jiang Hao, their third senior brother from Huangdian, and even worse than that of Pang Tong.

According to what Enlightenment said just now, he should be the eldest disciple of the other two halls.

"I met Uncle Wu Dao."

Wu Yun and the three of them fell down, facing Wu Dao, Ying Huanhuan and the others still did not dare to be arrogant.

Wu Dao nodded to them.

At this time, another white-haired old man flew over.

"Oh, Wu Dao, why did you bring two!"

Wu Dao bowed his hands to the white-haired old man, and introduced to Wu Yun and Lin Dong, "This is Elder Bai Hua."

"Senior brother Bai Ye, they are our Huangdian The newly promoted personal disciples came to the sect, and they have not gone out before, so let them go together this time."

"These two little guys are Wu Yun and Lin Dong, who have been rumored in your barren palace recently. Ah!" Bai Ye looked at Wu Yun and Lin Dong appreciatively.

After the comparison of the Huangdian month, the two have become celebrities of the Taoist sect. They not only defeated the first and second senior brothers of the Huangdian, but also learned one of the most difficult martial arts in the Huangdian, the Desolation Demon Eye.

"I've met Elder Bai Ye!" Wu Yun and Lin Dong clasped their hands together.


Elder Bai Ye looked slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Lin Dong also got the spiritual seal inheritance.

However, when he looked at Wu Yun, he frowned, because he realized that he couldn't see through Wu Yun.

Bai Ye stroked his beard and nodded, and said to Wu Dao, "They are two good seedlings. You are lucky this time."

"Hey!" .

Bai Ye said seriously: "This time the four of you are going out on a mission, with Huanhuan as the leader. She will explain the exact mission to you after you leave. Everything is arranged by Huanhuan.

" Well, judging by her appearance, she hasn't been through any storms, it's not pure." Lin Dong said in a voice transmission in surprise.

He obviously looked down on Ying Huanhuan, thinking that Ying Huanhuan was just a slut.

Wu Yun said through voice transmission, "You can't look at the surface when looking at people, especially women. You can't see anything on the surface."

Ying Huanhuan has been paying attention to the two of them. Wei Wei said unhappily, "You two have any objections to my leading the team?"

Wu Yun looked at Lin Dong, "Do you have an objection?"

Lin Dong: "No objection!"

"No objection, senior sister, you misunderstood." Wu Yun Huanhuan said with a smile.

Ying Huanhuan twitched her lips and said, "Huh, I have led the team out of the sect for more than ten times. The experience is not comparable to rookies like you. In this world, older age does not mean stronger ability."

Huanhuan said That's amazing... Wu Yun nodded with a smile, not arguing with her.

Although Ying Huanhuan said that she seemed to be very powerful, and Wu Yun also knew that she was very powerful, but her innocent girly appearance really made people feel insecure.

"Let's go!"

Ying Huanhuan stretched out her slender jade fingers, and casually touched the void in front of her, and there was a clear and crisp sound, which spread quickly in the sky.


As the sound waves spread out, the chirping of an eagle came from a lush mountain not far away, and a big blue eagle appeared and flew towards them.

With a movement of Ying Huanhuan's delicate body, she flew lightly to the body of the green eagle.

In the other Didian, the two people from Hongdian followed closely behind.

"Senior Sister's sculpture is really big!" Wu Yun also flung himself on the back of the sculpture, boasting.

This blue eagle should belong to the ancient species, and it is very large. The five of them sat on it, and it was a little spacious.

"Go early and come back early!" Elder Bai Ye said.

Ying Huanhuan nodded, and lightly patted the green eagle with her white jade hand, and the big eagle flapped its huge wings, and the wind was strong, and it flew out like lightning.

Watching the big eagle flying away, Wu Dao asked, "Are they going to the Blood Rock this time?"

Bai Ye nodded, "Yeah!"

"There are dragons and snakes mixed in there, and the five young men may be a little unsafe." Wu Dao was a little worried. This time, the two most valued disciples of Huangdian were going, so he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Bai Ye: "Don't worry, it's fine. It's just a Yuan mine in our sect. It is said that there is some abnormality. It should be a monster. It's a small problem. They can all come back safely."


The more certain Bai Ye said, the more uneasy Wu Dao felt.

He understood that the two disciples of his Huangdian were somewhat restless.



Above the sky, the green eagle's huge wings flapped, and it flew into the distance at an extremely fast speed.

On the green eagle's back, Ying Huanhuan sat on the head, the other two disciples sat in the middle, and Wu Yun and Lin Dong carved the tail.

During the trip, the two disciples of Nahedidian Hongdian kept looking for topics and chatting.

The two of them had smiles on their faces, chatting with Ying Huanhuan was like looking for nothing to say, asking about their health, admiring and boasting, but Ying Huanhuan didn't respond with a single word.

The word "lick the dog" was almost written on the faces of the two of them.

But they didn't know it, they were enjoying it, and Ying Huanhuan's answer to them could keep their smiles on for a long time.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong looked around more.

They came from a small place like the Great Yan Dynasty, and they still hadn't seen the world.

"Hey, you two, don't be so out of gregarious, the disciples of Huangdian are not as lonely as you." Ying Huanhuan said to the two of them.

"Going out on a mission together, we are a team. You two are newcomers and it's the first time you come out, but don't worry, I won't let you go back with a healthy body."

"Then thank you for taking care of me first! " Wu Yun said with a smile.

"By the way, let's get to know each other first."

"Senior brothers, my name is Wu Yun!"

"My name is Lin Dong." The

man in white cupped his hands slightly, "Didian, Jiang Kun."

The man in black also said, "Hong Hall, Yuan Ling."

Jiang Kun looked at Ying Huan and smiled, "Huanhuan is right, the two junior brothers should come out to gain some knowledge, Huanhuan has done many missions, plus the two of us, we will definitely not let the two A junior brother made a mistake."

Wu Yun and Lin Dong smiled and said nothing.

After getting to know each other, Ying Huanhuan began to talk about the mission.

"The location of our mission is in Blood Rock, about a five-day journey away."

"This is a place where super sects meet, and it is a chaotic area that is unattended. Many violent figures on the sect's most wanted list are active here ."

"Our Taoist sect has a Nirvana crystal mine in the blood rock field. This time something happened in the mining area, and the mining was forced to stop. Our task is to find out the reason and solve it."

"The initial guess is to come It won't be very difficult for monsters to cause trouble, and if things go well, you can go back in about half a month." It's

a pity that it didn't go so smoothly... Wu Yun sighed slightly in his heart. related to the flag.

"Nirvana Crystal Mine." Lin Dong swallowed.

The Nirvana Crystal Mine was basically unseen in the Yan Dynasty. Similar to the Yang Yuan Stone Mine, it was also a kind of energy Yuanshi, but the Nirvana Crystal Ore not only contained pure heaven and earth energy, but also contained the energy of Nirvana.

This kind of ore lode is quite an important strategic resource for super sects.

The Dan River used by the super sect is supplemented by the Nirvana crystal ore. Without this crystal ore, the Dan River will gradually dry up.

Without Danhe, the super sect would not be able to train more disciples.

Therefore, it is very important to resume the mining work of the Nirvana Crystal Mine as soon as possible, and this is why they let their eldest disciples personally go out.


the sixth day!

The green eagle, which had been flying in the high-altitude clouds, finally began to descend downward.

They gradually saw the scene below, passing a lush forest, a slightly scarlet color suddenly appeared in front of them, like the earth eroded by blood, and there was a faint ominous smell in the air.

This kind of vicious aura is somewhat similar to that of the Blood Spirit Puppet, which can only be formed by dead people all year round.

It can be seen that this place is not a good place.

As soon as they approached, waves of spiritual power swept over them.

However, he quickly took it back with fear.

"It's finally here, let's go to the mine first!" Ying Huanhuan stretched her waist and said with a smile.

half an hour later.

They came to a mountain range, which was full of people and many buildings.

Ying Huanhuan drove the blue sculpture to a stone field.

There were dozens of people in the field, and they let down their vigilance when they saw that it was Ying Huanhuan.


A petite woman greeted Ying Huanhuan happily.

"Hee hee, Sister Fang."

Ying Huanhuan shouted cheerfully, pointing her slender fingers at Wu Yun and Lin Dong, "Let me introduce to you, this time there are two newcomers who have just joined the Dao Sect and have both gone to the Desolate Palace. Wu Yun, Lin Dong."

"Oh, you just became a personal first disciple?" Sister Fang was taken aback, slightly surprised.

This time, all the disciples who asked to come were personal disciples.

"Yeah, the two of them are not simple. Don't look at the six-element nirvana, they have also cultivated their spiritual power, and they have all reached the level of Qiyin Tianfu masters. They have also learned one of the most difficult martial arts in Huangdian. Yaoyan defeated the senior brother and the second senior brother of the Huangdian."

Ying Huanhuan said everything about Wu Yun and Wu Yun with a small mouth.

"This is Senior Sister Yuanfang, a direct disciple of our Tiandian, and she is in charge of this piece of minerals." Ying Huanhuan smiled at Wu Yun and Lin Dong again.

Yuan Fang and the others looked at the two of them in amazement.

She herself has passed on to her disciples herself.

It is very difficult to be promoted to a senior disciple personally.

"I've met Senior Sister Yuanfang!" Wu Yun and the two cupped their hands.

"You two juniors are welcome!" Yuan Fang smiled.

"Sister Fang, take us to see the mining area. If it's those annoying monsters again, then don't blame my aunt and grandma for trying to kill me." Ying Huanhuan grabbed her hands fiercely in front of her. The milk is fierce and the milk is fierce.

Yuan Fang smiled and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to have a look, the problem this time is really weird."

Saying that, Yuan Fang took the lead and flew towards the forest.

Wu Yun frowned slightly from behind. He was so powerful that he already felt a lot of eyes watching secretly.

"Our ore vein is the most extensive in the blood rock field, and there are about a hundred disciples stationed here..." During the

flyby, Yuan Fang introduced the general situation of the ore vein.

The mining area was red and the veins were very large. They flew along the mine for a long time.

Finally, it landed on a protruding pinnacle.

In front of Shifeng, there is a scarlet forest. Giant trees stand in the forest. The fiery red leaves are blown by the breeze, and they dance like a sea of ​​fire.

Wu Yun immediately felt that there were many powerful auras in the scarlet forest, which were full of violence and viciousness.


Yuan Fang: "It's the fire crystal monster ape, a kind of monster in the blood rock land. It is extremely difficult to deal with. Once it appears, it will be in groups, and each of them is fierce. There are at least four monsters in it." Ten heads, if we really want to fight together, even if we can drive them away, our disciples here will probably suffer heavy casualties."

"So many?"

Hearing forty heads, Jiang Kun and Yuan Ling's expressions changed slightly.

Obviously feeling a little stressed.

Ying Huanhuan frowned and asked in confusion, "How come there are so many of them suddenly?"

Wu Yun: "Senior Sister Yuanfang, what do you think?"