Wu Yun is determined to win the ancient immortal tree

Wu Yun thought that Yuan Fang had been guarding the mine veins here, so he should be able to know the general situation.

Of course, asking this way was mainly due to the name of the other party, which made him a little fluent for a while.

Yuan Fang looked at him, shook his head and said,

"I'm not too sure about this, these fire crystal demon apes come out from time to time, and there are so many of them, we can't deal with them at all, so we have to stop mining veins, and we have no choice but to go The sect sends a message, and it's up to you now."

Wu Yun looked at the surrounding environment, then pointed to the deep forest and said, "There should be something they are interested in in that forest.

" The energy induction is extremely sharp, they will not gather for no reason, but once they gather, there must be some kind of purpose, they didn't attack you, and they didn't compete for ore veins, obviously other things attracted them."

"Then We have explored this forest before, and we haven't found any natural treasures." Yuan Fang frowned.

"It didn't exist before, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist now." Wu Yun said with a smile, "If you want to know the reason, you have to go in and have a look!"

Everyone looked at the fire crystal demon ape gathered in front of them, all showing serious expressions.

If you want to go into the deep forest to check, this group of fire crystal monster apes can't avoid it.

"How to get there, these guys won't deal with it." Yuan Fang swallowed and said.

Jiang Kun and the others also nodded in agreement. It is very difficult to break through the blockade of such a large number of fire crystal demon apes, and after Wu Yun said this, they all looked at the forest behind with some trepidation. Who knows if there is any stronger forest behind? The presence.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong actually didn't care about the group of monsters in front of them. With the physical strength of the two of them, they could just rush through them.

"These guys, it's easy, leave it to me, sometimes it doesn't have to be head-to-head." Ying Huanhuan suddenly laughed softly while everyone was hesitating.

Everyone looked at her.

With a movement of Ying Huanhuan's tender body, she flew out lightly, and then appeared in the middle of the forest. With a wave of her jade hand, a burst of Yuan Li blasted directly into the forest.


This immediately disturbed many fire crystal demon apes, and their angry roars resounded through the mountains and forests.


There was a burst of wind, and the fire crystal demon apes jumped up one after another, climbing to the top of the giant trees, full of violence, scarlet eyes, staring at Ying Huan in mid-air like burning anger joyous.

At this time, people could also clearly see the appearance of these fire crystal demon apes. They were about several feet in size, and their bodies were fiery red. They looked as if they were wrapped in a layer of spar, and waves of violent energy continuously swept out from their bodies.

Facing so many monsters, Ying Huanhuan hung in the air without any panic, even with a charming smile on her face, she looked down at these fire crystal monster apes from a high position.

Then she stretched out her slender jade hand and flicked across the air in front of her.

A light cyan energy gathered at her light white fingertips, and several cyan strings appeared indistinctly.

I saw him stroking the strings with his jade hands!

Boom... Suddenly, the melodious sound of the piano swayed from under his fingertips.

As soon as the sound of the piano came into his ears, Wu Yun suddenly felt a little fuzzy, not only his eyes lit up.

Sonic attack, playing the piano to hurt people!

Ying Huanhuan's piano sounds very nice, but it's easy to get dizzy after listening to it.

Those fire crystal demon apes who were attacked by the wave of the piano sound, their violent aura slowly dissipated, sleepiness appeared in their eyes, they fell from the tree, and then fell asleep!


"Brother, Ying Huanhuan has something. She plays the piano really well." Lin Dong said through voice transmission, he was a little surprised, he didn't expect this innocent looking girl to have such tricks.

Yuan Fang, Jiang Kun and the group of monsters who were in trouble were solved by her playing the piano twice.

Wu Yun commented, "Integrate Yuanli into the sound of the piano. If you don't pay attention, you will be easily tricked. This method is hard to guard against. It is very effective against these mentally weak monsters."

"It's done, let's call it a day ." Ying Huan said with a smile.

She looked at them with a proud face, and focused on Wu Yun... Look at me.

Wu Yun stretched out his thumb, "Awesome!"

"Let's go, let's go into this forest and see what is attracting these guys." Ying Huanhuan flew into it while speaking.

Wu Yun walked into the forest and said,

"Wait a minute, I'll put these guys away first, otherwise when they wake up, I will cause trouble for Senior Sister Yuan Fang.

" .

Wu Yun's mental power surged out, and he sucked all the dozens of fire crystal monster apes into the space of the ancient monument.

These monsters are above the Nirvana Realm of five elements, but they are very good resources of monsters. They can be placed in the space of the ancient stele to enrich the number of monsters. Wu Yun asked Feng Tianzhentu to suppress them first, and then go in to subdue them when he is free.

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of spatial spirit treasure. It must have reached at least the sky rank!" Ying Huanhuan looked at the mini tablet on Wu Yun's chest in surprise.

Most people can't see the Great Desolation Ancient Monument at all!

Wu Yun said lightly, "It's just a heavenly spirit treasure, and it must be incomparable to my senior sister." The

heavenly spirit treasure is still space-like!

Jiang Kun and the others looked at Wu Yun enviously, because there were not many of them who were direct disciples who could possess heavenly spirit treasures.

However, it is important to complete the task right now, and no one is paying attention to Wu Yun's spirit treasure.

They rushed straight into the forest and came to the central area of ​​the forest smoothly.

Wu Yun's spiritual power has been spreading out, and when he came here, he could clearly feel that the energy of the heaven and earth here is very disordered.

Similarly, Ying Huanhuan also cultivated a strong mental strength, she also felt it, and looked around with a slight frown.

I want to find the source of the disorder of Yuanli.


Wu Yun pointed in one direction and swept away.

Ying Huanhuan and the others quickly followed, and soon they came to a special terrain.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, and their faces were full of shock.

In front of them was a piece of crimson land, the center of the surface was torn open, a section of black tree broke through the ground, above the black wood, the branches criss-crossed, shining with a color as cold as steel.

Ancient runes linger around the tree body, and an unusual wave emanates from it.

The most peculiar thing is that there are five burning crimson fruits hanging on the tree, and the fruits are crumbling, as if they are about to fall off.

Don't think about it, this thing must be a good thing.

"Xianyuan ancient tree."

Ying Huanhuan covered her lips lightly with her jade hand, her big eyes were full of shock.

"An ancient tree of immortal origin appeared."

"No wonder!"

Yuan Fang, Jiang Kun and the others were extremely surprised, and then a look of excitement appeared on their faces.

Ying Huanhuan, who was closest, stared at the black tree in great surprise, and immediately couldn't help but want to walk over it. Wu Yun's expression froze, and just as she was about to step out, he grabbed her smooth tree. Hao wrist, pulled to the side, quickly swept back.


A fiery red giant palm protruded from the ground where they retreated just now, and slapped the ground, causing a loud noise and flying dust.

Its figure crawled out from the ground, and in the dust that filled the air, everyone could only see a huge beast shadow.

After a while, the dust fell, and there was already a dark red giant ape standing beside the ancient immortal tree.

It stared at everyone with violent eyes, and a monstrous fierce aura radiated from its body, sweeping towards them.

"Fire Crystal Ape King!"

Ying Huanhuan leaned against Wu Yun's arms, looked at the huge beast shadow, her pretty face changed slightly, and she said with lingering fear.

This guy is bigger than those fire crystal apes just now, and the fire crystal on the surface of his body is thick and bright red, as if wearing a fire red crystal armor.

The most important thing is that its eyes are not dull like those fire crystal demon apes, but full of wisdom.

Yuan Fang frowned and said, "This guy is the old demon king of Blood Rock Land. He has a great reputation, but he has always practiced in the deep mountains. He didn't expect to break into our place this time."

Ying Huanhuan's expression was serious, subconsciously She took a quick look at Wu Yun, she really didn't react just now.

"Are you okay?" Wu Yun asked.

"No...it's nothing!"

Ying Huanhuan shook her head, then twitched the hand that was held by Wu Yun, and whispered, "It's fine!"

"I'll be in front, your piano sound is suitable for supporting, don't rely So close."

Wu Yun said, pulling Ying Huanhuan to the back, and staring at the Fire Crystal Ape King.

He rubbed his palm involuntarily.

Ying Huanhuan is indeed the world's number one jade hand, smooth!

"The ancient tree of immortal origin was discovered by this king first, you all get out of here!" The

Fire Crystal Ape King slapped the ground with his palm, full of momentum, and shouted violently.

Yuan Fang: "This is the territory of our Dao Sect. It's fine if you break in without permission, but you still want to occupy the treasures of our Dao Sect.

Do you think you can be an enemy of the Dao Sect?

Fire Crystal Ape King, I advise you not to!" You have made a mistake, it is not easy for you to reach this level of cultivation, get out of the mountains as soon as we Daozong experts stand still, otherwise you will not be able to leave if you delay!"

"Don't use Daozong to scare me. I didn't want to scare you too much. Hehe, you said it. If the Daozong powerhouse didn't come, you brats can't stop me!" Huo Jing The ape king's scarlet eyes flashed, and he grinned. Wu Yun curled his lips, and said calmly, "It's just the demon king who

is the first seven-yuan nirvana, dare to be so rampant, have you always been so brave?"

Yuan Nirvana Realm, but full of momentum, facing the three Seventh Yuan Nirvana Realm here and their two Qiyin Tianfu masters dare to be so crazy, there should be some leapfrog fighting strength.

"Wu Yun, our Taoist sect must get that ancient immortal tree!"

Ying Huanhuan said softly from behind Wu Yun.

"Senior Sister, what is this Ancient Immortal Tree? Is it rare?" Lin Dong asked curiously.

Ying Huanhuan: "The ancient tree of immortality is an extremely important treasure for every sect. It can automatically absorb the energy of the world and condense it into fruits. This kind of fruit is very important for the cultivation of disciples at the level of Nirvana. Huge benefits."

"That's only five!" Lin Dong subconsciously glanced at the fruits on the ancient Xianyuan tree, and indeed felt the great energy, but the number was too small.

Ying Huanhuan: "This ancient Xianyuan tree is just a seedling. If it grows up, the number of fruits it will produce will be multiplied countless times, and if there are seeds in its fruits, the value will be even higher."

" Yuanmen has an ancient fairy tree, which has been cultivated by them for hundreds of years. It is said that it is thousands of feet tall, and every time it bears fruit, it can produce thousands of ancient fairy fruits.

" Part of the reason why it is stronger than other sects is the effect of the ancient tree of immortality."

Lin Dong was startled after hearing this, and immediately understood the value of the ancient tree of immortality.

If the Taoist sect also had such a mature ancient tree of immortal origin, then the sect's strength would surely rise steadily.

No wonder Ying Huanhuan was so excited.

Wu Yun also had a smile on his face, he was determined to win the ancient immortal tree.

This thing is even better than the ancient talisman tree.

He has a palm bottle that can speed up the growth of elixir.

I believe that it won't be long before the ancient tree of Xianyuan can be cultivated beyond the one of Yuanmen.

Moreover, the ancient immortal tree can produce seeds.

Seeds are replanted and mature again!

Wu Yun's goal is not as simple as a tree, but an ancient forest of immortal origin.

This is the biggest purpose of his following this time.

As long as he gets the seed of this ancient immortal tree, his Great Desolation Sect will be able to rise quickly and overtake it.

At that time, you can also lead Daozong to quickly cultivate a group of strong people.

"The value of the ancient immortal tree is so precious, so we can't let other people know about it, otherwise it will definitely cause endless competition." Lin Dong said with a solemn expression.

This is the Blood Rock Land. They have said before that this place is in chaos, and there are many criminals wanted by sects here. If the news of the ancient tree of immortal origin spreads, there is no doubt that these people will take action to snatch it.

They are all wanted criminals, but they are not afraid of Daozong.

But relying on these few disciples alone, it is very difficult to deal with those wanted criminals.

"Then kill the Fire Crystal Ape King first."

Wu Yun said decisively.

Jiang Kun and the others were slightly surprised by Wu Yun and Lin Dong's decisiveness.

Yuan Fang has been wandering here, but has seen many murderers, and knows that this is the most correct way, so she nodded in agreement.

At this time, they remembered that Wu Yun had taken away all those Fire Crystal Demon Apes before. This was a foresight. Those Fire Crystal Demon Apes must have known about the existence of the Ancient Immortal Tree.

At this time, the Huojing Ape King was struggling with his thoughts, one side was Daozong, and the other was his favorite ancient tree of immortal origin.

I can't bear it.

It is too afraid to make a move.

But now, listening to the conversation of several people, it seems that it just wants to leave the other party and is not willing.

"Second brother,

make a move." Lin Dong had already taken out the Black Dragon Roaring Sky Seal, and immediately summoned the spirit of the black dragon to kill the Fire Crystal Ape King.

Wu Yun also decisively sacrificed Yanshan, the heavy prison, and turned into a mountain to suppress it. The powerful gravity field enveloped the Fire Crystal Ape King.

"Heaven-ranked spirit treasure!"

Jiang Kun, Yuan Fang and the others pursed their lips, looking at the two heaven-ranked spirit treasures enviously.

These two disciples are not simple.

Ying Huanhuan's tender body jumped and landed on a big tree. Immediately, she waved her jade hand, and a guzheng that was as green as emerald flashed out, and then there was a wave of fluctuation that surprised Lin Dong. On the guzheng, it slowly spread.

On the big tree, a girl in green clothes and white trousers sat cross-legged. The emerald-like guzheng was placed lightly on her knees, and the slender hands, as white as suet jade, stretched out lightly, and then gently landed on the zither. above the strings.

Another heavenly spirit treasure!

The Fire Crystal Ape King was dumbfounded.

Three heavenly spirit treasures all at once, this is his life.

These people, I'm afraid they didn't come prepared!