Rebuking Ying Huanhuan

Lin Dong was very wild, and directly induced Feng Lei Jie to chase and kill Xiao Tian.

This scene stunned everyone.

Jiang Kun and Yuan Ling, who had only heard of it before, saw their faces trembling. This is the man who treats Fengleijie as a plaything in his palm.

"This guy, he really uses the wind and thunder calamity as a way to fight against the enemy!"

Ying Huanhuan pursed her lips and murmured, with some doubts between her brows,

"Wind and thunder calamity is in his hands, so he will come at any time."

She also cultivated vigorously However, she only survived the wind and thunder disaster once, and Ying Huanhuan felt that the wind and thunder disaster was very dangerous, and she still has lingering fears in retrospect.

But now Fengleijie is playing in Lin's hands.

By the way, there is also Wu Yun!

Her beautiful eyes turned to Wu Yun, her eyes were a little complicated, and she couldn't understand this man even more.

Wu Yun was the first to play this way. She deliberately inquired about the details of the Hundred Dynasties War. It was Wu Yun who triggered the triple wind and thunder calamity to resolve the crisis in the Beixuan Territory.

"Both of them have one characteristic, that is, their physical bodies are extremely strong, so they can easily withstand such a powerful wind and thunder force, and the Niwan Palace should have some kind of secret method or treasure protection, otherwise it is only the physical body that is strong, and the Niwan Palace I can't bear the bombardment of this kind of thunder."

Ying Huanhuan thought about it carefully, and remembered the terrifying physical strength of the two.

Lin Dong just sat down and fought with Xiao Tian, ​​even Xiao Tian couldn't break his defense.

And Wu Yun was even more horrified. With physical strength, he blasted Yao Ling who had cast the magic element spell.

You must know that Yao Ling's Moyuan Mantra Body is one of the most powerful body training martial arts in Yuanmen, stronger than their Huangdian's Great Waste Body.

However, Wu Yun was able to crush the opponent with his physical body even though he was short of three realms.

The most important thing is that Wu Yun's physical body is so strong, but he is not like Yao Ling, whose body swells several times and becomes like an ugly giant, which is unsightly. Wu Yun's physical body has strengthened, but he is still so handsome, and even more domineering .

"They must have some kind of powerful physical training martial arts, and it is a very powerful one. It must be higher than spiritual martial arts, otherwise the physical body can't bear such a terrifying force, whether it's Wu Yun's super burst or Lin Dong's spiritual power. Sealing requires physical strength comparable to that of Nine Yuan Nirvana."

Ying Huan guessed inwardly, only in this way can the explanation make sense.

"This man has helped a lot of secrets."

She became more and more curious about Wu Yun. With that kind of curiosity, she wanted to strip him clean to see clearly.

"Fortunately, they are all Taoist disciples." Ying Huanhuan smiled gratifiedly again.

At this moment, the two are working hard for Daozong, for them.


The thunder was roaring, Lin Dong had already caught up with Xiao Tian, ​​grabbed him with both hands, and flew into the high-altitude thunder clouds together to bathe in the sea of ​​thunder.

And Wu Yun was still punching Yao Ling, exactly, he was punching Yao Ling violently, just like returning a Piao Piao punch to me, beating Yao Ling's body that swelled like a giant to a small size.

"I don't want Xianyuan Guzhong anymore!"

Yao Ling cursed, ready to run away, but when he met such a monster, he really lost his confidence after being beaten.

"It doesn't matter whether you want the ancient species of Xianyuan or not. What's important is that I want your head in exchange for a bounty." Wu Yun said lightly.

"Boy, don't push yourself too hard. Although I was wanted by Yuanmen, I was also a deacon of Yuanmen. You really think that Yuanmen can't kill me. If you want to arrest me, I still have people in Yuanmen. If you dare to take my head Yuanmen is exchanged for bounty, and your head will stay there."

Yao Ling threatened coldly, he was desperate, he could only move out of Yuanmen as a threat.

"It's ridiculous. You are a real dog and still lick like this after being wanted by others. Have you ever heard a saying that you lick a dog until you have nothing left?" Wu Yun curled his lips and couldn't help complaining.

Yao Ling said with a ferocious face, "Impossible, Yuanmen told me before, let me develop well in Blood Rock Land, help them collect information, and make meritorious deeds."

"Licking a dog will never know it!"

Wu Yun stopped talking nonsense , The huge fist mark directly hit Yao Ling, no matter whether what he said was true or not, he was killed first.

Bang, bang, bang...

A punch fell, and Yao Ling had no choice but to get out of his body, ready to abandon himself and run away.

But how could this escape Wu Yun's eyes.

His mental power surged out, and the Nirvana gold energy he had absorbed before played a role at this moment, the devouring rune flickered, and the devouring power accompanied by spiritual power directly dragged Yao Ling's primordial spirit back into the Niwan Palace middle.

"My boy, you dare to bring the old man's soul into the Niwan Palace. You are dead. You don't even know how powerful a soul in the nine-element nirvana state is."

Yao Ling was so excited that he seemed to feel that he had Occupied Wu Yun's physical body.

Wu Yun's voice sounded in the Niwan Palace, "Idiot, do you really think everyone is as stupid as you? I can beat your soul out of your body, so I won't be afraid of your soul."

"You are not the first This person who came here is not the first person to have such an idea."

"In the future, there may be more, I will try to attract two more old guys from Yuanmen to come and accompany you."

Yuanmen is destined to belong to Wu Yun Enemies are not only because of their conflicts with Taoist sect and hatred with the Tianyao Diao clan, but also because they are the lair of strange demons themselves, and strange demons and people in this world cannot coexist.

In the future, there will be a battle between him and Yuanmen!

"What the hell is this?"

Yao Ling's primordial spirit stared at the chaotic talisman in the Niwan Palace in horror, with a bewildered expression, wondering why there was such a thing in Wu Yun's Niwan Palace.

"The power of devouring, the power of thunder, the power of hurricane... what is this?"

He was surprised to feel the power of various runes from the chaotic rune.

"You have no chance to know!"

"Sword of Calming Chaos!"

Wu Yun said coldly. A lot of qi was integrated into the chaotic talisman body, and at this moment, Wu Yun used it to condense a small primordial spirit sword body when he performed the chaotic sword art.

"Hoo!" The

black primordial spirit sword embryo, the size of a needle, made Yao Ling's primordial spirit feel an extremely powerful sense of crisis.

The Yuanshen sword embryo shuttled back and forth, and the sword energy continued to disperse, tearing Yao Ling's Yuanshen apart.

The shrill screams resounded through Wu Yun's Niwan Palace, but after a while, it fell silent.

Yao Ling's primordial spirit has completely become Wu Yun's spiritual nourishment.

The devouring rune lit up, and the domineering devouring power was activated, and those crushed primordial spirits were immediately refined and absorbed by the devouring power, turning them into Wu Yun's spiritual power.

Wu Yun also had two purposes at once, and immediately began to use the Chaos God to grind his thoughts, crushing those spiritual powers over and over again, making them pure and condensed.

When Wu Yun beheaded Yao Ling, Lin Dong's side also came to an end.

What he passed was the wind and thunder calamity when the Seven Seals were promoted to the Eight Seals.

Such a powerful wind and thunder tribulation, even if Xiao Tian is a strong man at the peak of the eight-element nirvana state, he can't bear it.

The power of sky thunder not only bombards the body, but also the soul.

Xiao Tian couldn't stop it at all, he was directly knocked out by the thunder, and fell into Lin Dong's arms.

The sky became quiet, and there were many strong men rushing over here in the distance, but when they saw Yao Ling and Xiao Tian, ​​they all moved away quickly, not daring to come closer.


Wu Yun took a deep breath, this battle was hearty, he hadn't fought such a hearty battle for a long time.

"Brother, what should we do with this guy?"

Lin Dong asked while carrying the fainted Xiao Tian over.

"Let's seal the dantian first, and leave it to Huoyun to watch. The living should be able to exchange more rewards than the dead."

Lin Dong smiled, slapped Xiao Tian's dantian, and then threw it to Huoyun. Crystal Ape King.

The Fire Crystal Ape King took Xiao Tian tremblingly, and immediately gushed out majestic energy to form chains and bind him.

This is the top expert in the Eight Elements Nirvana Realm.

It never dared to mess with it!

"Clean up the battlefield, and put away their Qiankun bags and Lingbao's valuables."

Wu Yun and Lin Dong began to skillfully lick their bags.

Jiang Kun, Yuan Fang and the others swallowed, looking at the two juniors with strange eyes.

They understand well!

"You two, don't you specialize in murder and looting?" Ying Huanhuan looked at the two with wide eyes.

"Oh, I got used to it in the Hundred Dynasties War before." Wu Yun touched his head, just now he also had the feeling of returning to the Hundred Dynasties War.

"By the way, Senior Sister Huanhuan, where do you go to exchange these guys' bounties?"

"You can exchange them in the sect. The wanted list of the super sect is jointly released by the eight major sects. Our Taoist sect is one of them. You can exchange it." Bounty, when the time comes, the sect will negotiate with the corresponding sect that issued the reward to complete the head exchange." Ying Huanhuan explained.

"That's good, otherwise it would be troublesome!"

Wu Yun laughed.

"The two junior brothers have made a lot of money this time. They have received more than two billion Nirvana Pills, which is probably richer than some elders of the sect."

Yuan Fang envied.

What Wu Yun and the others got was not just the bounties, they looted the Qiankun bags and spirit treasures of Yao Ling and the others. This wave of looting, the wealth obtained by people will probably not be less than the final bounty.

"Whoever sees it has a share!"

Wu Yun smiled, and casually took out tens of millions of Nirvana Pills from the Qiankun bag he had just looted and distributed them to Yuan Fang and the others.

"Ah, thank you, Junior Brother Wu Yun, and thank you, Junior Brother Lin Dong."

Several people said in surprise, including those five-yuan Nirvana realm disciples who followed Yuan Fang, who also got a lot of Nirvana Pills, and thanked them excitedly.

Wu Yun was so excited that he generously distributed some things to a few people, but it was not entirely because of Yao Ling and the others, but because he got the ancient species of Xianyuan.

At this moment, the ancient species of Xianyuan has been planted in the ancient stele space. Wu Yun had asked the stele soul Huangyun to store some life ripening liquid in the Zhangtian bottle in advance. The tree core space of the world tree can well preserve the life ripening liquid cooked liquid.

When Xian Yuangu planted one species, he quickly watered the green sap accumulated in advance to make it grow crazily.

Before returning to Daozong, Wu Yun wanted to ripen the ancient Xianyuan seed to produce a second ancient Xianyuan seed, and then give the new ancient Xianyuan seed to Daozong.

Here's the thing!

To avoid long nights and dreams, Ying Huanhuan suggested that they should return to Daozong as soon as possible.

However, Wu Yun denied her proposal.

Wu Yun: "Now that the danger has been lifted, the strong men of the sect will arrive tomorrow. It doesn't matter if we leave now or not. The ancient species of Xianyuan are already safe, but this place is not safe."

"There is such a big movement here, there must be many people who will come to investigate, and the people of the magic seal know the news of the ancient species of Xianyuan, which is also a hidden danger. If it spreads and we leave, Senior Sister Yuanfang and the others may have Dangerous."

"Since Yao Ling and the others have been killed, why not do the same thing and take advantage of them without the boss to completely eradicate the forces around the magic seals and others, and clean up the vital forces they left behind in the blood rock field, by the way Also unify the three cities around our Daozong mine, so that our Daozong's mining of the mine will be much smoother in the future."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ying Huanhuan, Jiang Kun, Yuan Fang and others.

After Yuan Fang and her disciples finished listening, they all looked at Wu Yun with bright eyes, and their hearts were moved. Only they knew how difficult it was for their Taoist sect in this place called Blood Rock Land.

Every time I go to the city, I am cautious. There are quite a few Taoist disciples who died here or disappeared here for no reason. The people here are almost outlaw lunatics, and they don't pay attention to the super sect at all.

If the three surrounding cities can be subdued and unified, Daozong will be one of the overlords in Blood Rock Land, and few dare to provoke them, so the Daozong disciples here will be a little safer.

This is also a good thing for Daozong. The reason why the Blood Rock Land has become a place where so many powerful people gather is also because the place is rich in resources and minerals. If these three cities are occupied, at least three more Nirvana crystal mines can be obtained.

Jiang Kun and Yuan Ling were a little hesitant, but also a little eager to try. This is a big event for the sect to expand its territory. They didn't expect this junior to have such courage.

Only Ying Huanhuan frowned a little, and said in a deep voice,

"Wouldn't it mean that many people will be killed, and with our small number of people, many disciples may also be killed?"

As soon as Ying Huanhuan's words came out, Wu Yun was cold to her He shouted, "Childish!"

"In this kind of chaotic place, people are not ruthless, and they can't stand firm!"

"Dead people, there are people here every day, and you don't even think about it, what kind of people gather here, most of them die Not a pity."

"There is no order here, and so many problems have arisen because of the chaos. It is dangerous for us to come here, not to mention other disciples. I am afraid that many disciples of the Taoist sect will be buried here every year."

"If we Daozong has unified the three surrounding cities, and we Daozong people will manage them. With order, naturally there won't be so many deaths, and at least our Daozong disciples can move around in these three cities with peace of mind."

"Today's sacrifice is for tomorrow's peace. If you are afraid of death, you will die sooner or later. A sect cannot be afraid to move forward just because you will die today. If it is a trouble, it will be solved sooner or later. It will not wait until later, it will only be a big trouble "

Now the death of Yao Ling and others is the best chance for Daozong to take over the three surrounding cities."

"We killed their boss. By doing this, we will also eliminate future troubles for us. You probably don't want to see the magic seal Let Xiao Tian, ​​Jiang Yi and others take revenge on other Taoist disciples!"

"I..." Ying Huanhuan wanted to say something, but she was powerless to refute.

Wu Yun's harsh reprimand explained to her the cruelty of reality, and peace needs to be bought with sacrifices.

Yuan Fang: "Huanhuan, what Junior Brother Wu Yun said is reasonable, and now that he and Lin Dong are here, with their strength, they can almost sweep the three cities. Now we can take these three cities at the lowest cost. , and we are also well-known teachers, it is the magic seal, Xiao Tian, ​​Luo Yi and others who came to challenge our Taoist sect first."

Wu Yun: "Look, Senior Sister Yuanfang is right."