Xuan Su: Stop talking, come here

Although Ying Huanhuan often went out on missions, she grew up in a sect as big as Daozong. She was the jewel in the palm of the head of Daozong, and she was born to be nobler than others.

There are many problems that she cannot see.

In comparison, Wu Yun, Yuan Fang and other disciples who climbed up from the bottom know that it is not that simple to gain a foothold, and they must be ruthless.

However, Ying Huanhuan is not a fool, on the contrary, she is ice and snow smart, but she is just too kind.

After Wu Yun's instructing, she also understood.

The so-called dead friends never die poor!

What she loves is Daozong, so she naturally wants to protect the interests of Daozong. Wu Yun's proposal is not only beneficial to Daozong, but also an invisible means of protection for the disciples of Daozong who come to Blood Rock to practice.

Why is Yuanmen so awe-inspiring?

To a certain extent, it is also because they are ruthless!

Only by making others fear you can others respect you.

Wu Yun's suggestion was actually just an additional idea. His real reason was that he didn't want to go back to Daozong right away, and delay some time for Huangyun and the others to cultivate the ancient species of Xianyuan.

If he returned to Daozong early and met the strong people who came to support from Daozong in advance, they must check the ancient Xianyuan species as soon as possible, then Wu Yun would have no chance to cultivate the ancient Xianyuan species, unless he was willing to hold the sky bottle This treasure is shared with Daozong.

It's not that Wu Yun didn't think about this kind of thought, but that would have to wait until he is strong enough to control Daozong!

After discussing it, act immediately.

Wu Yun released all the Fire Crystal Demon Apes, led by the Fire Crystal Ape King, and immediately formed a powerful fighting force.

These fire crystal demon apes are all above the five yuan Nirvana state, and under the leadership of the fire crystal ape king, their combat effectiveness is stronger than all the disciples led by Yuan Fang.

With this power, they are much more relaxed.

And Wu Yun also took out the army of pill spirit corpses.

Although there is only one Nirvana state, there are more than 3,000 pill spirit corpses, which is already a very strong army.

Compared with the super sect, it is naturally not as good as it is, but this blood rock land, especially the three cities near their Daozong mine veins, without Yao Ling and other high-end combat power, the deterrence of these pill spirit corpses is still very strong.

Seeing Wu Yun casually create an army of monster beasts and an army of alchemy corpses, Yuan Fang, Jiang Kun and other disciples became even more in awe of Wu Yun.

These are just the methods they saw. They don't know what else is in Wu Yun's space spirit treasure. However, it is certain that these are not Wu Yun's strongest methods.

Wu Yun, Lin Dong, and Ying Huanhuan led some of their disciples to kill the three cities.

Wu Yun entrusted the Fire Crystal Ape King to Ying Huanhuan. After all, this place is the Blood Rock Land. Apart from Yao Ling, Luo Yi and the others, there are quite a few experts in the Nirvana Realm.

Ying Huanhuan and the others may not be able to deal with it. If there is the Fire Crystal Ape King, even if they encounter the eight-element Nirvana state, they can resist it.

For this kind of thing, what is required is to act vigorously, subdue those who are obedient, and kill those who are disobedient.

Under Wu Yun's iron and blood methods, in less than a day, all the three cities belonged to Shun Daozong.

Next, Daozong only needs to arrange for the strong to guard it.

At night, Wu Yun found a quiet place and entered the ancient monument space.

Under the World Tree, there is already an ancient Xianyuan tree that grows gratifyingly, reaches a height of 100 meters, is full of greenery, exudes strong vitality, and is full of fruits.

"Master, I have irrigated all the ripening liquid to the ancient tree of Xianyuan, and these fruits are about to ripen." Huang Yun happily asked for credit and transmitted his voice.

"Well, you did a good job, but you need to speed up a bit more. You extract some life source liquid from the World Tree, and help the Xianyuan ancient tree to speed up the ripening of this batch of fruits, and try to cultivate new Xianyuan as soon as possible. Ancient species."

Wu Yun praised it.

Today's Barren Cloud has become more and more powerful because of the nourishment of the World Tree. It is also a treasure of pure essence.

But now Feng Yun can also enter the world tree to accumulate and grow up quickly.

As they mature, they will be able to practice and fight by themselves.

In other words, as the saying goes, you are already a mature spirit treasure, you must learn to kill the enemy yourself.

Barren Cloud extracted ball after ball of life source liquid from the World Tree, and blended it into the ancient Xianyuan tree. The ancient tree of Xianyuan grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it grew to a height of 200 meters in a blink of an eye. The leaves are luxuriant, and the fruit on it has become plump and huge, and the faint fruit fragrance has spread out.

After a while, the fruits began to shake and fell from the tree.

Then the green light of the ancient Xianyuan tree soared into the sky, just like the previous scene, the green light could faintly catch up with the light of the World Tree, and in that green light, an ancient species of Xianyuan was bred again, but this time , The ancient Xianyuan tree has a strong foundation and is supported by the life source liquid of the World Tree. It is not like before that an ancient Xianyuan species was bred and then gradually lost its vitality.

Wu Yun put away the new Xianyuan Ancient Seed, and his hanging heart finally settled down. He used the Xianyuan Ancient Seed to go to the Dao Sect for a mission. From now on, the Xianyuan Ancient Tree in front of him would belong to their Great Desolation Sect.

"It has produced so many fruits!"

Wu Yun said in surprise, under the double blessing of Zhangtian bottle ripening liquid and world tree life source liquid, the ancient immortal tree produced more than a thousand immortal spirits for the first time fruit.

He ate one immediately, not only the taste was excellent, but also the effect was gratifying.

The energy in it is stronger than the previous five, even if it is for the Nine Yuan Nirvana Realm, it will have a good effect.

"This fairy spirit is really good. One piece is equivalent to absorbing a million nirvana pills, which is equivalent to compressing the energy of a million nirvana pills into one fruit. People under the five yuan nirvana state eat it, almost You can break through in place."

"Even the Nirvana Realm, the one-element Nirvana Realm, and one that everyone loves is enough to break through."

"If the second brother refines it into a celestial spirit pill, the effect will probably be even higher."

"It's not necessary." , The energy of the Xianyuan Lingguo is already extremely pure, with very few impurities, and it is not a big problem to absorb it directly."

"If it is cultivated to a kilometer, ten thousand meters, how much fruit will it bear?"

"Beyond Daozong, even Yuanyuan The door is not impossible!"

Wu Yun couldn't help thinking about it.

It is really this spiritual thing, the effect is really too heaven-defying.

"Master, I can try to fuse this ancient immortal tree, so that the world tree can bear this kind of fruit."

Huang Yun said suddenly.

It has now become the spirit of the world tree, and has a deep understanding of the world tree, and has tried to fuse many elixir before, and can analyze its medicinal properties, and then use its own leaves, sap, fruits, etc. The effect is better presented.

The world tree is also called the ancestor tree, it is the ancestor of all plants, and it can be any plant itself!

"Oh, then when it breeds another ancient immortal seed, you can try to fuse it again!" To be on the safe side

, Wu Yun thinks it's better to wait first.

It is not difficult for Zhang Tianping to want the ancient tree of Xianyuan to bear fruit quickly. It is estimated that it will take only a few days to cultivate it with all its strength.

At that time, there will be an ancient immortal species, and the world tree will swallow it. If it is really successful, there will be no need to plant any ancient immortal forests, and it will be enough to cultivate the world tree.

Now the branches and roots of the World Tree have extended to the entire space of the ancient monument. In the world of expanding the space of the ancient monument, if they bear immortal spirit fruits, the number will be hundreds of millions.

"By the way, since you can swallow these elixirs and obtain their medicinal effects, then you should know what their medicinal effects are for."

Wu Yun suddenly had an idea, he looked at the World Tree with burning eyes and smiled, "I have a bold idea, you take all the medicines grown in this big medicine garden and swallow them one by one, and analyze them all. Can I combine the medicinal effects by myself, similar to the way of practicing alchemy, and directly produce the elixir I want."

Huang Yun pondered for a while, and said, "It should be possible, but I need to try it slowly The effect of each elixir and the reaction after its fusion can give the result."

Wu Yun laughed and said happily, "It's okay, you can study it slowly, this medicine garden will be entrusted to you Go take care of it, the elixir inside is at your disposal.

I will help you collect elixirs that are not available here, as well as some pills, so that you have a clear direction to experiment.

Anyway, you are bored here, and there is a career for you Do it, you can record the medicinal properties of each elixir, and what kind of elixir can be obtained by combining the medicinal properties, all of which can be compiled into a book.

Maybe you can directly become a generation of alchemy emperor!"

Wu Yun found out, A wise world tree is simply a natural gardener, pharmacist, and alchemist.

In this way, with the world tree in the future, there is no need for tool man Lin Dong.

Barren Cloud: "..."

Barren Cloud was speechless, it regretted giving such a suggestion to its master!

With Wu Yun's words just now, its workload in the future will be endless, and it can't be lazy and sleep.


Wu Yun came to the suzerain's mansion with more than a thousand celestial spirit fruits that had just been harvested.

Xuan Su, Bai Yun, Jiang Xue, Mu Qianqian and others are all here.

"This is the immortal spirit fruit. One piece of energy is equivalent to a million Nirvana pills. It is the best spiritual fruit for Nirvana practice. With this, your cultivation speed will be greatly improved."

Wu Yun will pretend to be an immortal . Yuan Lingguo's universe bag was shown to the four girls.

He also introduced them to the correct method of using the celestial spirit fruit,

"The disciples of the Great Desolation Sect, including those Tianjiao Tianjiao of the Great Yan Dynasty who participated in the Hundred Dynasties War and did not join the sect, will be given to every strong person who has reached the Nirvana Realm. They have a fairy spirit fruit.

As a reward for their choice to follow the Great Desolation Sect.

The rest, as a reward from the sect, is given to disciples who have outstanding performance and made great contributions to the sect. Work hard, and you can get a fairy spirit fruit in a month."

Wu Yun announced.

Those who followed them in were basically people who were close to him, so Wu Yun was very kind to them.

Now less than a hundred of their Great Desolation Sect have reached Nirvana.

The supply of Xianyuan Lingguo exceeds the demand!

If you want them to grow rapidly, you need to spend more resources.

To a large extent, the strong ones also rely on resources. The reason why Wu Yun and Lin Dong are so strong is that they consume dozens or even hundreds of times more resources than the strong ones of the same realm.

With Xianyuan Lingguo, they will greatly shorten the growth cycle.

Xuan Su, Bai Yun and the others were very excited. They never thought that Wu Yun would get such a powerful spiritual fruit.

"Xiao Diao and Xiao Yan went out to practice. I'm afraid we will be left behind when we meet again." Bai Yun said with a smile. When Xiao Diao left, he had vowed to Bai Yun that it was very important to stay by the elder brother's side all the time. If it is difficult to grow up, she will definitely be surpassed by Xiao Yan.

Wu Yun rubbed Baiyun's furry tiger ears, and said pettingly, "Step up your cultivation and try to consume all the fruits of the second batch of Xianyuan Ancient Tree before they ripen."

"Hey, it's a pity that I still have If you haven't reached Nirvana, you won't be able to enjoy this spiritual fruit." Xuan Su said resentfully.

Her cultivation base is very low, and when she first met Wu Yun, she was only at the Yuandan realm.

Although they have gained a lot of cultivation resources with Wu Yun in the past few years, and their cultivation base has also improved by leaps and bounds, their talents cannot be compared with Baiyun and the others. Now, they are only able to break through the Creation Realm.

"Sister Xuan Su, don't worry, I'll help you."

"Elbow, follow me into Wu."

Wu Yun pulled Xuan Su, took two fairy spirit fruits, and took Xuan Su into the second place. upstairs bedroom.

Xuan Su is smart and excellent in management. He helped him manage the Great Wild Sect in an orderly manner. He is a rare and good secretary.

With Wu Yun's strength, there is no shortage of strong people. On the contrary, talents like Xuan Su are precious.

For a sect to prosper, strength alone is not enough, management must be in place.

Xuan Su's strength is indeed too weak, far from keeping up with the development of the Great Desolation Sect. Even if she manages the sect on Wu Yun's behalf, her strength is too weak to speak. Wu Yun wanted to help her improve her strength before, but has been There is no time and good opportunities.

Now Xianyuan Lingguo is a good thing.

This is the fruit condensed by the ancient immortal tree absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth. It always has the purest energy and is easy to absorb.

However, the energy is too huge, and Xuan Su himself will definitely not be able to do it.

Wu Yun had to help her refine it.

"Sovereign Lord, how are you going to help the servants?"

Xuan Su said flirtatiously in the room where a man and a widow were alone.

"Naturally, it is to help you refine and help you absorb. Sister Xuan Su, you should know that when a child is young, his parents will chew up food and feed it to him. The way I help you is probably the same. The spirit fruit will be refined once and poured into your body." Wu Yun said vividly.

Xuan Su blushed slightly and said, "Sovereign Lord, what kind of metaphor is this, then you have become the father of the slave family!"

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense, this is not punishment!" Wu Yun smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, let's get started, you've worked for me for so long, today you should repay my sister."

Xuan Su smiled sweetly and took off her coat.

Wu Yun approached Xuan Su and said, "There may be some physical contact during this process, don't blame Miss Xuan Su, I'm doing this for you to quickly improve your strength."

"Boy, do you think my sister really likes managing the sect and wants Pursuing stronger power, I am so busy helping you, what do you think it is for?"

Xuan Su suddenly punched Wu Yun's chest.

She felt that Wu Yun should understand her heart.

Although she is a woman, she is no longer a little girl. What is the reason for helping Wu Yun so much.

If he didn't like this younger brother, how could he help him willingly.

Now, only the two of them, Xuan Su couldn't help but confide in his heart.

There was always some impulsiveness in her heart, she wanted to explode a long time ago!


"Sister Xuan Su, you've worked hard!" Wu Yun scratched his head.

Xuan Su: "Don't talk, come here!"

"My sister is restless and can't calm down to practice. You first find a way to help my sister calm down."

"Cultivation, let's talk about it later!"