After two years, goodbye Qingtan

Hearing Wu Yun's answer, Yang Huo and Meng Duan were slightly taken aback for a moment, then their smiles disappeared instantly, and their faces darkened.

"Boy, don't pay a price that you can't afford for the sake of gaining a momentary tongue!" Yang Huo said coldly.

"You may not be afraid, but the rest of your Taoist sect may not be." Meng Duan also said in a strange way. Obviously, he threatened Wu Yun with other members of the Taoist sect, and he wanted to tell Wu Yun, He Yuanmen, etc. Fighting to the death, other Taoist disciples, is the price.

"If I tell you a word, I really feel that I am a character. In my eyes, you are just dogs who pass on messages to others. Let alone you two, even your masters are not qualified to be my masters." Show off your power in front of you."

Wu Yun's eyes were cold, like the edge of a knife, and Yang Huo and his wife retreated subconsciously.

However, these two are also the leaders of their sect, their own strength is not weak, and they are also full of arrogance, and with the backing of the Yuan sect behind them, they also became tough for a while.

"You are too rampant." The

two of them stepped forward suddenly, and the majestic vitality swept out, rolling towards Wu Yun.

"Since you want to seek death, I will fulfill you."

Wu Yun laughed when he saw this, and the domineering aura in his body radiated, easily defeating the energy released by the two of them.

Not to be outdone, Yang Huo and the other two held the wind vigorously, and took pictures of Wu Yun unceremoniously.

Wu Yun stood still, however, the palms of the two stopped an inch in front of Wu Yun, as if something blocked them, and at this time the Lei Lingtian Knife appeared in their hands.

Hand up and down!


The arms that the two shot out were directly broken.

Wu Yun's knife was so fast that they couldn't react at all. They waited until his arm fell, and the two screamed.

A sense of danger hit their hearts, and they didn't care about the pain. The two retreated quickly, trying to distance themselves from Wu Yun.

The slash just now was too terrifying. They couldn't possibly be Wu Yun's opponents. The gap was too great.

"Is it possible to retreat?"

Wu Yun sneered, the saber light raged out, and flew in to catch up with the two.

"Brother Yuan Cang will make you pay the price if you dare to touch us."

Yang Huo insisted that Yuan Cang threaten Wu Yun.

"Really, I don't believe it?"

Wu Yun shook his head with a smile, and the Thunder Spirit Sword in his hand gathered even greater power of thunder and swept out, and the huge lightning blade directly enveloped the two of them.

The horror in the eyes of the two of them was obviously beyond their ability to withstand the horror of this saber light, and the threat of death was just around the corner.


Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky.

A huge thunder spear light appeared in front of Yang Huo and the two of them, blocking the terrifying sword light for them.


The two of them panted heavily, sweating profusely, they really stepped into the gate of hell with half of their feet just now.

"Brother Lei Qian." They looked at Lei Qian who had just rescued them in surprise, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. The third little king came forward, so there was no need for the two of them to embarrass him.

"You are still here to save people, aren't you afraid that I will kill you together?" Wu Yun looked at Lei Qian mockingly, shook the knife in his hand, and touched the blade, as if reminding Lei Qian that the previous Thunder Knife Ba, what's it like.

Looking at the blade that shone brightly with lightning, Lei Qian's face twitched.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Wu Yun, don't think that you can do whatever you want if you are stronger than me. Do you want to start a war before this burning sky ancient treasure? Our Yuanmen are not afraid of you. If you don't retreat, Brother Yuancang will definitely teach you Be human."

"It's ridiculous. Yuan Cang doesn't have long legs or a long mouth. He wants to drive us away, but he doesn't even dare to show his face. Let you dogs come out one after another. Do you think you are qualified to stand in front of me? Talk."

Wu Yun finally couldn't bear it anymore, Yuanmen thought highly of themselves, and really felt that their Taoist sect was afraid of Yuanmen, a few words were like dismissing them.

"As for your level of scum like Lei Qian, our Taoist sect can easily pull out four." He looked at Lei Qiandao with disdain, "Huanhuan, Xiaoxiao, release the

demon corpses, and destroy them."

Xiaoxiao and Ying Huanhuan were taken aback for a moment, didn't even the senior sister call now?

However, they still cooperated with Wu Yun very much and immediately released the four demon corpses.

In the Daozong team, four black lights burst out abruptly, the speed of the black light was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, they appeared in front of Lei Qian and Yang Huo.

"What the hell?"

Feeling the powerful aura and the oppressive feeling of fierce murderous intent, the three of them were surprised, and shot one after another, bombarding the black light figure.

However, when their attacks hit the black light body, there was no response. The black light figure didn't even take a step back. The fierce black horse shot out from between their bones and palms, and rushed towards the three of them fiercely.

"Quick back."

Lei Qian yelled, and hit the giant thunder palm with one hand, and at the same time kicked his feet on the ground violently, and the figure retreated violently.

However, the two of Yang and Huo were miserable. How could they resist the attack of the demon corpse?

"Pfft! Puff!" The

two vomited blood on the spot, and were severely injured with one move.

"It's the demon corpse!"

The eyes of the surroundings locked on the four black figures, and then they saw the withered face that seemed to be black. The next moment, shocking voices rang out quickly.

"How could there be a demon corpse in the Taoist sect?"

"Could it be that they manipulated this demon corpse?"

"How is it possible? This kind of demon corpse is difficult for even the people of the Wanpuppet Sect to control, and the Taoist sect is not good at this kind of thing. How to control it?!"


People from other sects around were surprised, they are no strangers to demon corpses in the Different Demon Realm, but they also know the horror of demon corpses.

Manipulating demonic corpses is not something ordinary people can do. The demonic energy can erode people's primordial spirit. Only when the spiritual power reaches the level of an immortal talisman master can they be manipulated safely.

But now, Daozong took out four statues at once.

Xue Ling and the people from Jianzong swallowed. They knew about these four demon corpses, but they never expected that Daozong would be able to control these four demon corpses.

The strength of the demon corpse is not inferior to Lei Qian at all.

It can be said that Zong now has four more Lei Qians, and his strength has increased dramatically.

Lei Qian was counted as the Three Little Kings in the Yuan Sect, and the four demon corpses of the Taoist sect were not the four demon kings.

Everyone in Daozong had smug smiles on their faces, and at the same time they looked at Wu Yun with eyes full of admiration.

It was thanks to Wu Yun that he could manipulate these four demon corpses.

When Wu Yun refined the four devil corpses into spirit puppets, he didn't completely purify their devil energy, which is also a kind of power. He asked Feng Yun to seal the devil energy in the devil corpse's body, and with them Their bodies are fused, so that the magic energy can also be understood as the material, so it will not affect the manipulator, and Ying Xiaoxiao and the others can also manipulate it.

The demon corpse is a killing machine, and it will not show the slightest mercy to the enemy. The two of Yang Huo were severely injured. Two of the demon corpses did not hesitate to make up the knife, and directly penetrated their bodies with a palm, and the black horses swept away. Out, even the spiritual power of the two of them was completely destroyed.

The two big dogs of Yuanmen are gone like this.

The other two demon corpses caught up with Lei Qian and attacked from left to right, making it impossible for Lei Qian to escape.

"Senior Brother Yang!"

"Senior Brother Meng!"

The other disciples of the Fire Cloud Sect and Ghost Saber Sect saw their senior brother die like this, and felt sad for a moment, shouting at the top of their lungs.


Suddenly, a beam of sword light shot from the sky, and as soon as the voice fell, an iron sword fell on Lei Qian's body. The terrifying sword energy emanated from the iron sword, and it turned out to be the devil who was besieging Lei Qian. It is cut back.

With a flash of blue light, a young man in a blue shirt appeared. With a move of his hand, the iron sword flew back into his palm.

The person who came was Xiao Yuan Wang, Yuan Cang.

Then, there were several sounds of piercing through the air, and the little spirit king dressed in white and holding a folding fan appeared with many Yuanmen disciples.

Seeing the appearance of Xiao Yuan Wang and Xiao Ling Wang, Ying Xiaoxiao and Ying Huanhuan also quickly recalled the demon corpse, and did not let them go up to the hard steel. loss.

The four demon corpses retreated and stood on the left and right of the Daozong people, like four bodyguards, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Yuan Cang looked at Yang Huo and Meng Duan who were already dead on the ground, his eyes froze for a moment, and his hand holding the sword exerted a little force.

"Brother Yuancang, you must avenge Senior Brother Yang Huo."

"Brother Yuancang, don't let people from the Dao Sect go."


The two dogs of the Fire Cloud Sect and the Ghost Swords saw Yuan Cang, one by one Getting excited, he crazily clamored for Yuan Cang to help them avenge them.

Yuan Cang ignored the crying of the two dogs, but looked at the four demon corpses, and said disdainfully, "Is the demon corpse your reliance?

" Since you want to die so much, I will fulfill you today."

Yuan Cang raised the iron sword in his hand, and then slashed down on Dao Zong's direction.

There is nothing unusual about the iron sword, but the sword light it cuts out is extremely terrifying, and the sharp aura, even the strong in the Nine Yuan Nirvana Realm, dare not bear it.

Yuan Cang's strength has already broken through and entered the realm of the Profound Realm.

When a sword fell, the energy of the heavens and the earth seemed to be boiling at this moment. A monstrous sword glow tore apart the heavens and the earth. At a speed that could not be detected by the naked eye, it immediately slashed down at the demon corpse, and the range of the sword glow was still Wu Yun in the rear is also shrouded in it.

Wu Yun squinted slightly at the rapidly enlarged sword light in his pupils, and just about to make a move, his heart suddenly moved, only to see a majestic gray light whistling suddenly from the edge of the day, and it was heavily in contact with that The sword lights collided with each other, and suddenly, a loud sound resounded.

The onlookers looked at the colliding sword glow and gray light in bewilderment, still not understanding what was going on.

The monstrous fluctuations swept away, and for the first time there were some fluctuations in the eyes of the little Yuan Wang Yuancang, and then, a gloomy and indifferent voice sounded.

"Chen Puppet, this is a grievance between my Yuanmen and Daozong, why do you want to intervene?!"

"Chen Puppet?"

Hearing this name, everyone was shocked.

"No. 1 on the sect's most wanted list, Guimian Chengui." Ying Xiaoxiao said in surprise. Wang Yan looked towards the sky and added, "He is not a disciple of any sect, and he

doesn't seem to be from Dongxuan Region.

Cang fought against each other, but Yuan Cang failed to win."

Amidst the uproar, a rainbow flashed from the distant sky, and finally turned into two figures, appearing in the midair.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong also looked at the two figures in mid-air with a hint of doubt in their eyes.

Then, when their eyes caught sight of one of the petite and familiar figures, their pupils constricted instantly.

The expressions of the two suddenly changed, with surprise, surprise, and doubt.

"Why is she here?" Lin Dong frowned.

Wu Yun shook his head, "I want to know too."

Ying Xiaoxiao, Ying Huanhuan and the others were still wondering why Wu Yun and Lin Dong reacted like this.

At this time, in the sky, the petite figure finally appeared in everyone's sight, and a happy smile appeared on an unusually delicate and beautiful face.

It was a girl about the same age as Ying Huanhuan. She was dressed in a dark black dress, with a slender figure and a pretty face. There was agility in her beautiful eyes, like a talking elf.

And behind her, there is a man standing in the air. The waves of the latter's body are quite majestic. There is a half ghost mask on his face, which makes him feel a little more ghostly.

It is the most wanted ghost face Chen Puppet who ranks first on the most wanted list of the Dongxuanyu Sect, and most people here know him.

Just when everyone was looking at Chen Gui, the girl beside him suddenly said with a happy smile,

"Hey, brother Wu Yun, brother Lin Dong!"

"Qingtan, why are you here?"

Lin Looking at Qingtan suspiciously, he knew that a family of younger sisters went to practice with a powerful senior and left Dongxuan Domain, but he didn't expect to meet him here today.

"Brother Wu Yun, Brother Lin Dong, I miss you so much, so I came to see you."

Qing Tan looked at them affectionately and said.

Then Qianying moved and flew down from the air.

She directly opened her arms, and just as Lin Dong was about to step forward, that petite figure rushed directly into Wu Yun's arms.

Lin Dong:? ? ?

He froze in place, looking at the two people embracing each other passionately, he was a little puzzled for a moment... I am your brother?

"Brother Wu Yun, I miss you so much!"

Qing Tan coquettishly said, the two years of separation had missed her so much.

"Cough, cough, and you Lin Dong."

Wu Yun coughed in embarrassment, and gently pushed Qingtan away.

The eldest wife and the second wife are watching, this Qingtan is really ignorant.

"Brother Lin Dong, I miss you too."

Qing Tan immediately prepared to hug Lin Dong.

Unexpectedly, Lin Dong blinked, and complained, "I'm not your brother."

"Oh, brother Lin Dong." Qing Tan pulled Lin Dong's arm and shook it.

"Hmph, I forgot about my second brother... you."

Lin Dong pointed vigorously at Qingtan's forehead.

He felt that his younger sister probably fell in love with brother Wu Yun.

However, it's normal for a man as outstanding as Brother Wu Yun to like him, but Lin Dong feels sorry for his sister because she has too many rivals in love.