Qingtan confronts Lingzhen, and the dark ancestral talisman appears

The sudden arrival of Chen Puppet and Qing Tan brought a brief stagnation to the tense situation.

Everyone was amazed why Chen Puppet chose to help Daozong, and at the same time, they were more curious about this girl named Qingtan.

From the looks of it, she seemed to be very close to Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

"Brother Wu Yun, Brother Lin Dong, this is my senior brother, Chen Puppet, thanks to his escort for coming out this time." Qing Tan turned his head, then pointed to Chen Puppet standing in front of him, and introduced them.

"Thank you, Brother Chen."

Wu Yun and Lin Dong cupped their hands.

"Ah, don't dare to act, dare not act, brother Wu Yun, brother Lin Dong, you are being polite, I am just following the orders of the master." Seeing this, Chen Puppet hurriedly bowed his hands in return, his appearance made him smile, Wang Yan The people waiting for Daozong were a little stunned. After all, Chen Puppet's reputation, but that kind of extremely eccentric and indifferent person, is not so easy to talk to.

It seems that this girl named Qingtan has an unusual status.

The Palace of Darkness, the overlord of the Northern Profound Realm, is no less famous than a behemoth like Yuanmen.

"These are brothers and sisters of my Taoist sect..."

Wu Yun also introduced to Chen Puppet and Qing Tan.

Seeing the exchange of pleasantries between the two parties, the people of Yuanmen were at a loss, but they did not dare to act rashly.

Chen Puppet was standing beside Qingtan, which seemed to mean that his junior sister was the main one.

"Let's talk about the past, let's talk about it later, let's solve the trouble first."

Wu Yun arranged Chen Puppet and Qing Tan into the Taoist team, and then looked at the people of Yuanmen.

Before Wu Yun could open his mouth, Yuan Cang spoke first, "Don't think that you have the right to provoke our Yuanmen because you have Chen Puppet to help you, I think..."

Wu Yun laughed, "I don't want you to think , I want me to think that with Brother Chen around, there will be no provocation, it is dog abuse, understand?"

"It's so arrogant, but it's a pity that you think highly of Chen Puppet." Yuan Cang sneered, he felt that Wu Yun's self-confidence came from Chen Puppet, but he didn't know that Yuan Cang was not afraid of Chen Puppet at all.

Chen Puppet's expression on the side suddenly collapsed... You guys quarrel when you are on horseback, why belittle me.

"Don't beep and beep, I have heard that you, Little Yuan Wang, are the number one young generation of Dong Xuanyu. I want to see if you are worthy of the name."

Wu Yun didn't put it at all . In his eyes, Daozhi Yuancang was launching a challenge.

"Only you, you are not worthy of my elder brother's attack. If you can defeat me, your Taoist sect is qualified to stay here." Xiaoling Wang Lingzhen appeared out of nowhere, shook his fan, dressed in white, and looked proudly at Wu Yun thought he was handsome.

Seeing that King Xiaoling was going to fight for Yuan Cang, Lin Dong who was beside Wu Yun immediately stood up and said coldly, "Your elder brother is not here, and you are not qualified to challenge my elder brother. Pass the halberd in my hand before we talk..."

" I'm coming!"

Before Lin Dong finished speaking, an abrupt voice sounded behind him again, and then everyone was shocked to see Qingtan stand up, and at this moment, she was holding a rather exaggerated handle in her hand black sickle.

The sickle was bigger than her whole body, and there were strange runes looming on the blade, and an unusually cold and sharp wave radiated from the sickle.

The girl in a black dress, holding a huge black scythe, looks quite funny and cute.

"Just by you, it's not enough for my two elder brothers

to take action!" She said crisply, but judging by her appearance, she was no longer the well-behaved girl just now, a dark, cold breath emanated from her, like a witch .

"Junior Sister, let me come."

Chen Puppet pursed his lips, stood up and stood in front of Qing Tan.

He promised his master to protect his junior sister well, Xiaoling Wang is not weak, and he cannot let his junior sister be in danger, although he thinks his junior sister will not necessarily lose.

"You guys..."

Little Ling Wang Lingzhen's face was extremely ugly, these people, fighting so much, took him for nothing, do they think he is easy to bully.

People from other sects around also looked like they were watching the show. Yuanmen has always been arrogant and domineering. Now these people from Daozong are very happy to let them be so deflated.

"Are these people a bit too arrogant?"

"That Lingzhen is second only to Yuan Cang, and his strength is not bad. Even if he is a strong man with a small achievement in the Shengxuan Realm, I am afraid he would not dare to say victory."

" But it seems that these people seem to have the confidence to deal with Lingzhen."

"It's been a long time since people from the Yuanmen Sect have been so passive."

"This time, Daozong is really surprising."


The team of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace In the middle, Ling Qingzhu looked at Qingtan, sizing her up with subtle and sharp eyes.

"Who is that girl?" Wu Qun beside her looked at Su Rou and asked.

"It should be Brother Lin Dong's younger sister."

Su Rou was not sure, but she looked at Qing Tan with a hint of hostility. Judging from Qing Tan's warm embrace to Wu Yun just now, she felt that Lin Dong The relationship between this younger sister and Wu Yun is not simple.

"Don't rob me, Brother Wu Yun, let me go and show you my current strength. I have not been fooling around for nothing in the past two years. Maybe neither of you is my opponent. , I promise to beat that Little Spirit King into a little sheep."

Qing Tan looked at Wu Yun pitifully with big eyes, hoping that Wu Yun would give her a chance to make a move, she wanted to prove herself too much, and wanted to be in the To prove herself in front of her two brothers, she is no longer the younger sister who can only hide at home and wait for the two brothers to come home, but a little witch who can go out with the two brothers.

Looking at Qingtan's expectant eyes, Wu Yun hesitated for a while, and immediately stretched out his mental power to check Qingtan's strength.

Sensing that it was Wu Yun's spiritual power, Qingtan's eyes lit up, and she immediately gave up all resistance, allowing Wu Yun's spiritual power to pervade her whole body, including the Niwan Palace.

She knew that Brother Wu Yun was thinking about her strength, and as long as she was strong enough, Brother Wu Yun would definitely agree to her playing.

Qingtan is the body of evil spirits, Wu Yun taught Qingtan the method of cultivating Taiyin runes at the beginning, and now there are two runes in Qingtan's Niwan Palace.

One is the Lunar Rune, and the other is the Dark Rune.

Two-thirds of the lunar rune has been completed, and the dark rune is complete, but the spirituality of those runes is not strong enough. Wu Yun has been in contact with the devouring ancestor talisman, so he can immediately judge that it is the rubbing talisman of the dark ancestor talisman arts.

With the help of these two runes, coupled with the cultivation of the Temple of Darkness, Qingtan's mental power is not weak, and has reached the level of a seven-seal celestial talisman master.

In terms of Yuanli, she has also reached the level of Nine Yuan Nirvana. The Taiyin rune can help her quickly improve the body of Yin Sha, so her realm can catch up with Wu Yun and the others.

Of course, the body is not weak either. When they were about to part, Wu Yun taught them Yin characters in Qingtan script in the small black room.

Now Wu Yun inspects Qingtan's physical body, and finds that her physique is also extremely powerful, and can actually devour the spiritual power he protruded. Qingtan's physical body has a strange energy, which can absorb external energy all the time and strengthen her body .


Swallowing Demon Physique?!" Wu Yun immediately judged that the cultivation direction of Qingtan's physique should be the other extreme of the word Yin, the Sky Swallowing Demon Physique.

The Heaven-swallowing Demon Body can devour the energy of the world and turn it into its own use.

This is somewhat similar to the Great Desolation Sutra, but the Great Desolation Sutra is a practice, which is only a short-term burst, absorbing the power of heaven and earth.

But the Heaven-swallowing Demon Body is a kind of foundation, which can be regarded as the Great Desolation Scripture that runs automatically.

Of course, the current Qingtan is not yet at the level of the swallowing demon body, but I have reached the level of the emperor's body. She should have transformed her Yin evil body into the body script according to the cultivation method of Yin characters in body script Innate physique Yin Demon Physique, and then cultivated on this basis, the physique increased rapidly, and has been raised to the level of Emperor Physique, which is at the same level as Jiang Xue's Oasis Physique.

The current Qingtan should be the imperial body, swallowing the heavenly body!

Coupled with the black sickle in her hand, the dark aura emanating from it is extremely powerful, without a doubt, it has definitely reached the ranks of the treasure of pure essence.

The body, energy, spirit, skills, and equipment Qingtan are not weak. This strength is indeed enough to challenge them. It should not be a big problem to deal with Lingzhen.

"Okay, let's go, play better."

Wu Yun agreed decisively.

Don't be too masculine like Lin Dong. It is also appropriate to give girls some opportunities to show themselves, and they also need to be proved.

"Alright, Brother Wu Yun, I will definitely not let you down."

Qingtan jumped up excitedly.

Then it turned into a black shadow and flew out.

"You're that little sheep, come here, I'll shave you with a sickle."

Qingtan stared at Lingzhen who was dressed in white with a smile.

"Looking for death, I won't take pity on the fragrance and cherish the jade."

Lingzhen closed the folding fan in his hand, and his face darkened instantly.

Immediately, he slapped Qing Tan with his palm.

"Brother, this is not right." Lin Dong said worriedly.

"Brother Wu Yun, how can you let Qing Tan mess around, if something happens to her, I can't explain to Master." Chen Puppet wanted to step forward to stop her.

"You two don't keep imposing your own ideas on Qingtan, she is no longer a girl, blindly taking care of her will not make her grow, and, she probably doesn't need your care, she is not as weak as you imagined, Don't worry, you two are not the only ones who care about her, I won't let anything happen to her." Wu Yun flatly rejected the two.

His family's little Qingtan, don't look at the little one, she has a royal physique, and her physique is much stronger than her elder brother and senior brother.

It is estimated that here, only Wu Yun's domineering body can stabilize her head.

Finally got the chance to express myself in front of my two elder brothers, Qingtan's small universe exploded, and her temperament changed in an instant, a cold, sinister aura gushed out of her body.

Qing Tan was silent, did not speak, but his expression was very serious, an extremely sinister black light suddenly swept out from his body, where the black light spread, it seemed that even the air seemed to be a little frozen.

Qing Tan shot decisively, the huge sickle in his hand danced, and an unusually cold black light swept towards Ling Zhen's head.

In mid-air, seeing Qingtan's murderous move, Na Lingzhen's face turned cold, and he opened the folding fan in his hand, forming a barrier of Yuanli.


When the black light hit the Yuanli barrier, it broke through the barrier directly, and made a hole in Lingzhen's folding fan.

"The treasure of pure essence?"

Lingzhen's face changed slightly, and he didn't dare to underestimate Qingtan any more. He immediately stepped into the air, forming seals with both hands, and a majestic and sharp elemental force was condensed into a spear, like lightning He shot fiercely at Qingtan's Tianling Gai.

On the blade of the black sickle in Qingtan's hand, a strange cold light flickered, and the next moment, it suddenly struck out.

"Boom!" The

dark blade directly split Lingzhen's spear in half.

Qingtan's offensive continued unabated, his jade hand tightly grasped the black scythe, and he slashed down quickly, the space in front of him squirmed, the sharp knife light, with a sharp cold air, directly pierced through the void, appeared strangely on top of Lingzhen's head, and slashed down.

The black light from the black scythe in her hand burst out, and the attack was very strange. It was obvious that there was still some distance from Lingzhen, but the sharp blade seemed to ignore the obstacles of space, and directly enveloped Lingzhen strangely.

Lingzhen evaded in a hurry, but the ends of his hair were still cut off, and his hair fluttered in a flash. He was not handsome, only embarrassed.


Everyone watching this scene gasped.

"This black scythe can attack regardless of distance. It's really weird."

"What a scary girl, she looks small, but I didn't expect it to explode so high."

"Young girls are not easy to mess with these days."


Lingzhen's face turned grim for an instant, and he said in a low voice,

"You successfully angered me, the treasure of pure essence? It's not enough."

As he spoke, a blue-gold spear appeared in his hand.

The surrounding sky instantly turned blue, and a faint green light and shadow appeared behind Lingzhen, and Lingzhen's aura rose rapidly.

"It's the Spirit Emperor's Code!"

"This spirit is really going to move."

"It forced him to use the Spirit Emperor's Code so quickly. I don't know if this little girl can stop it."

"Looking at the breath, At this moment, Lingzhen may be comparable to a strong person in the Profound Realm."

... The others were shocked.

Everyone on Daozong's side showed signs of worry, and Lin Dong and Chen Gui were on the verge of breaking out. It seemed that if something went wrong, they would immediately attack.

Quite a few looked at Wu Yun, he was still calm on the surface, as if he loved you and didn't worry about it.

However, they didn't know that Wu Yun's spiritual power had already been released.

"Lingdi Code, Bending Sky Spirit Spear!"

Lingzhen yelled angrily, and actually used one of the three great skills of the Yuanmen, the Lingdi Code.

The long spear in his hand burst out with bright light, and the surrounding heaven and earth energy gathered towards his spear rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the energy gathered in the spear was already terrifying to the point of being a strong man who passed through the Nine Yuan Nirvana Realm.

Seeing this, Qingtan was not in a hurry, and quickly formed a mysterious seal with both hands, and there was a black light surging between his brows, and finally, an ancient rune in black slowly came out of his Niwan Palace. fly out.

As soon as this ancient black rune appeared, the world dimmed instantly, and a monstrous black light swept out from it.

Black light diffused from the sky, and many surprised eyes were looking at the ancient dark runes floating in the sky, which emitted quite astonishing fluctuations.

"Dark Ancestral Talisman?!"

As soon as the rune came out, many people were surprised.

They all subconsciously thought it was the ancestral talisman itself.