Huanhuan, my love, how could I be willing to let you hurt

Tian Yuanzi was obviously in a hurry, and he was no longer ready to procrastinate, and dealing with Ying Xuanzi was a deadly move.

As the first head teacher of the Yuan Sect, Tian Yuanzi's strength can be said to be the strongest in the Eastern Profound Realm, and even an old ghost like Gan who has just stepped into the wheel-turning realm cannot last three rounds in front of him.

It was not easy for Ying Xuanzi to delay for so long.

But if it drags on, he won't be able to bear it anymore, and he will definitely be severely injured by Tian Yuanzi, and even die.

Naturally, Wu Yun would not watch his head teacher face Tian Yuanzi alone, and he also prepared some small gifts for him.

More than a dozen primordial spirits were all gathered by him, and condensed into a three-inch long primordial spirit sword embryo in Niwan Palace.

As soon as the black primordial spirit sword embryo took shape, it emerged from the center of Wu Yun's eyebrows.

Turning into a real primordial spirit sword embryo, this is the first time that Wu Yun has truly performed the Ping Chao Jue.

Although these primordial powers were only formed by his kneading, they have been able to completely form a sword embryo.

The strongest soul attack swordsmanship.

"Peace the chaos!"

Wu Yun shouted in his heart, manipulating the Yuanshen sword embryo, and shot directly at Tian Yuanzi.

The black sword tire pierced through the air, leaving only a black light in the sky, which was different from those Yuanli attacks, which had majestic Yuanli fluctuations.

Yuanshen Sword Embryo, the energy of all the Yuanshen's power is gathered, and no power leaks out at all. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for people to detect this kind of Yuanshen attack.

At this moment, Tian Yuanzi was attacking Ying Xuanzi crazily, one after another fierce sword lights pierced into Ying Xuanzi's body, Ying Xuanzi was bleeding and persisted.

At this moment, Tian Yuanzi was startled suddenly, and turned his head abruptly.

He has always paid attention to Wu Yun, this young guy, although he appears to be in the Profound Realm, the threat he poses to him is even greater than that of an old ghost.

The moment the primordial spirit locked onto him, Tian Yuanzi's primordial spirit immediately warned him. After entering the wheel-turning realm, he had grasped the meaning of life and death reincarnation, and was able to warn of death in advance.

Niwan Gong was trembling, this soul sword fetus made him not calm.

However, the birth of Yuanshen sword was too fast, and it came in a blink of an eye.

Tian Yuanzi didn't have time to dodge, so he had to quickly gather his primordial spirit, and the majestic primordial force instantly condensed life and death energy shields for protection.

But how could Wu Yun give him a chance, he stepped on the Xingzi secret, followed closely behind, and at the same time that the Yuanshen sword embryo shot at Tian Yuanzi, the chaos symbol embryo was activated at the same time, the static runes on it flickered, and an invisible The power swept Tian Yuanzi.

His eyes froze instantly.


"Mie Shen!"

Wu Yun yelled, and the Yuanshen sword fetus was successfully shot into Tian Yuanzi's head, and the black light disappeared in a flash.


Tian Yuanzi screamed, there was no wound between his brows, but blood was flowing out, his eyes were blurred, and his soul light was scattered.

Although this soul sword fetus did not kill his soul, it split his Niwan Palace and disturbed his soul.

The pain brought by the soul is thousands of times more sensitive than the body.

Moreover, his soul was traumatized, causing his memory to be disordered and his strength greatly affected.

His body was about to fall from the air uncontrollably.

This soul blow almost separated his body and soul, sending him to reincarnation.

However, in just an instant, Tian Yuanzi calmed down, blood was flowing from his eyes and between his brows.

"Damn it, it's been a long time since anyone has injured me so badly."

Tian Yuanzi squinted his eyes and roared angrily. He never imagined that such an ant would seriously injure his primordial spirit.

If he hadn't been paying attention to Wu Yun, he might have been annihilated by the other party, which is really terrifying.

The melon-eating crowd were dumbfounded that Wu Yun actually injured Tian Yuanzi.

"What the hell, the realm is fake, right? This Wu Yun can't possibly be a strong man at the Shengxuan Realm."

"That's the way it is at the Shengxuan Realm. If he reaches the Turning Wheel Realm, wouldn't it be a day?"

"Today's As long as Wu Yun does not die, the Yuan Sect will be destroyed in the future."

"I just don't know if he can still fight against the level of attack just now?"

"Looking like this, Tian Yuanzi has reached the verge of anger, and Wu Yun is probably a murderer today. Duoji is missing."

"The Taoist sect is really pitiful, there was Zhou Tong in the front, and Wu Yun in the back, both are amazing geniuses, but they always encounter disasters from Yuanmen, I really don't know whether to be happy or sad."


The people below were discussing one after another.

Tian Yuanzi's anger value had soared to the extreme, majestic Yuan force gushed out from his body, and the killing intent swept across like substance, sealing off the space around Wu Yun.

"If I don't kill you today, it's hard to understand the anger in my heart."

He looked at Wu Yun and said murderously.

But at this moment, Ying Xuanzi and Gan Laogui had been seriously injured, with sword marks all over their bodies, and the life and death sword energy left by Tian Yuanzi in their bodies was still eroding their vitality.

The two of them were already at the end of their strength and could not help Wu Yun at all.

In Daozong's team, Qingtan was holding the dark sickle in her white hand, and she was about to rush out, "No, I'm going to help Brother Wu Yun."

"Come back!" Lin Dong called to stop her in time.

"In the past, you would only distract Big Brother. Tian Yuanzi is too strong. With your current strength, you can't threaten him."


"Don't worry, Big Brother never fights uncertain battles, and he definitely has a backup."

Lin Dong comforted Qing Tan, he and Big Brother lived together day and night, and he thought he knew Big Brother better than anyone else.

From the beginning to the end, the eldest brother never showed a panicked expression, but faced it with ease and indifference. In this case, the eldest brother must have thought about the worst consequences of the development of the matter. With such a calm expression, it is inevitable There is no problem, if they forcefully help, it will become a burden instead, if Qingtan accidentally falls into Tian Yuanzi's hands, wouldn't it be used by the other party to threaten elder brother.

So Lin Dong wanted to stop it.

However, he can only stop Qingtan.

Qing Tan is not the only one who is worried about Wu Yun at this moment, there are many women as well.

Just as Tian Yuanzi's anger was rising, an astonishing cold air suddenly spread in the world. That cold air seemed to be able to solidify the soul!

Tian Yuanzi's face froze, the cold air made his mind, which was burning with anger, slightly sober up.

In Daozong's team, all the disciples looked sideways, they were the first to feel the chill.

Tian Yuanzi shrank his pupils suddenly, moved away from Wu Yun, and then slowly turned his head. Then, he saw, among the Taoist disciples in the distance, a delicate and slender girl floating in the air. At this moment, her long black hair was turning into ice blue at an astonishing speed under the shocked eyes of others.

The chill that made one's soul tremble was emanating from her body.

The girl hangs in the air, her ice-blue long hair cascading down like a waterfall, her big beautiful eyes are filled with ice-blue at this moment, and between her brows, there is a circular symbol shining with light, arcing The extension of the line is like reincarnation, indestructible and indestructible.

"Samsara seal?!"

Tian Yuanzi's expression changed drastically.

Not only him, but everyone present looked sideways at him.

This sudden cold air permeated the sky and the earth, and the air seemed to be frozen at this moment with a slight crackling sound. A thin layer of frost covered all the buildings in Strange Demon City. That kind of cold air, As if it could solidify the soul, many people felt a kind of chill rising from their bodies, and even the movement of Yuanli slowed down.

Countless gazes looked at the girl floating in the sky with astonishment. The latter's long ice-blue hair fluttered in the wind, and snowflakes condensed from her body, fluttering and falling, like a snow fairy.


Ying Xiaoxiao and other Daozong people also looked at this scene in shock, their eyes were full of disbelief, obviously they didn't understand why Ying Huanhuan had such a sudden change.

There were very few people who knew that Ying Huanhuan was a reincarnation, except for Wu Yun and his brothers, only Ying Xuanzi and Old Ghost Gan knew about it in the Taoist sect.

However, at this moment, the seal of reincarnation appeared, and anyone with a little knowledge could recognize it.


"Huanhuan turned out to be a reincarnation."

Qi Lei and Chen Zhen looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

The powerhouses from other parties were also extremely horrified.

Reincarnation person, this proves that Ying Huanhuan must have been a strong person in the reincarnation realm in her previous life, and also the kind of super strong person who really survived the reincarnation.

In the Eastern Profound Realm, the strongest Tian Yuanzi is only at the peak of the wheel-turning realm, and has not really stepped into the cycle of reincarnation.

The strong ones who have survived the reincarnation are the top-level existences in the world!

"Dao Zong is really a monster. First there was Wu Yun and Lin Dong, and now there is another reincarnation."

"My god, Yuanmen is poking a hornet's nest."

"After Wu Yun and Lin Dong It's hard to say, but Ying Huanhuan will definitely be a strong person in the reincarnation realm in the future."


Everyone looked at the girl floating slowly in the sky in amazement.

Under the gathering of countless gazes, the girl floated in the sky, blocking Wu Yun's front.

"Reincarnation, since you came out ahead of time, I can't keep you."

Tian Yuanzi was full of murderous intent, and he had already pulled Ying Huanhuan into his must-kill list.

Ying Huanhuan stared at Tian Yuanzi in the distance with icy blue eyes without the slightest emotion. Immediately, he raised his bare hands, and a gust of cold air roared out. Wherever the cold air passed, even the space was frozen.

"Don't even think about hurting him!"

She drank coldly and domineeringly, and immediately shook her jade hand. The space Yuanzi was in that day suddenly permeated with astonishing cold air, and countless huge blue ice thorns of hundreds of feet came directly from the void space. It pierced through, and then stabbed at Tian Yuanzi as fast as lightning.

The black and white energy of life and death quickly gushed out from Tian Yuanzi's body, and turned into a black and white mask, protecting it within.

Bang, bang, bang... The ice thorns bombarded the light shield heavily. Even though it made the light shield tremble constantly, it was still unable to break through.

There is no way, even if Ying Huanhuan is a reincarnation, she has not fully awakened and is not completely an ice master.

Although relying on a brief burst of strength, it is obviously impossible to truly defeat Tian Yuanzi. After all, the latter is also a powerful figure who has half stepped into the realm of reincarnation.

"Reincarnators are terrifying, but with your level of awakening, you can't threaten me."

Tian Yuanzi's face was ferocious, even if his soul was injured, his combat power still surpassed the opponent.

I saw the power of life and death surging around him, and after a while, it condensed into a huge palm print, blasting towards Ying Huanhuan.

Ying Huanhuan raised her head, her icy blue eyes looked at the black and white handprints that came from the suppression, and countless ice flakes and snowflakes suddenly appeared out of thin air around her. of the emergence.

No one could see the face of that figure clearly, but when she appeared, the world seemed to have entered the severe winter, and snowflakes fell overwhelmingly, causing the Strange Demon City below to be quickly covered with a thick layer of snow. white snow.

The woman's figure seemed to raise her jade hand, and then gently pressed it against the black and white handprint.

As the white and flawless jade hand pointed out, the frost spread out at an astonishing speed, and the black and white big handprint was covered by the frost in just an instant, and the vast power of life and death in it was also covered by that cold air. It froze for a long time, and then there was a cracking sound, and it shattered all over the place.

"I see how many times you can block?!"

Tian Yuanzi's eyes were slightly cold, and he continued to blast out powerful palm prints, wanting to kill Ying Huanhuan directly.

But Ying Huanhuan still stood firmly in front of Wu Yun, ice and snow floated all over her body, and the endless cold spread around her.

Wu Yun, who was behind her, could feel the chill the most, but it was his body that was cold, and Wu Yun's heart was filled with warmth.

He looked at the blue figure in front of him, and was touched from the bottom of his heart.

This silly girl is still so pure, she can sacrifice everything for love regardless of herself.

Wu Yun didn't know whether Ying Huanhuan was under the influence of the Ice Lord at this moment, nor who's soul was in the lead, but he knew a little bit that no matter whether the woman in front of him was the Ice Lord or Ying Huanhuan, it didn't matter to him. The desire to protect is extremely strong and unshakable.

Among the many women, the one who impressed Wu Yun the most was Ying Huanhuan, because she was the woman who protected her husband the most.

At this moment, Ying Huanhuan is using his past and present lives to protect Wu Yun.

Facing Tian Yuanzi's lore attack, she did not take a step back.

She didn't know if Wu Yun had any means to save his life.

But if there is danger, she will stand in front of Wu Yun without hesitation.

Cute and innocent Huanhuan, for love, will never change until death!

"The person I love the most, how could I have the heart to let you be hurt?"

Wu Yun murmured in his heart. At this moment, a determination broke out from the depths of his bones, and his state of mind suddenly sublimated. Man, even if he burns himself, he has no regrets.

In this resolute state of mind, Wu Yun entered a strange state. He held the Lei Lingtian Knife in his right hand. The blade trembled slightly and made a buzzing sound, as if he had sensed his fighting spirit. .

In his mind, the Heaven-Defying Seven Demon Knives, which he felt obscure before, seemed to become clear all of a sudden, a feeling of breaking free from all shackles erupted, and his whole body was boiling with energy and blood.

He finally found the feeling of using the Heaven Defying Seven Demon Swords.

Wu Yun stepped forward and embraced Ying Huanhuan who was covered in frost with his free left hand.

"I'll take you to fight!" Wu Yun whispered in her ear.

Holding a sister in his arms doubles the damage.

Wu Yun is going against the sky! ! !