Heaven-Defying Seven Demon Swords, Explosive, Killing Tian Yuanzi

Above the sky, Tian Yuanzi's palm prints of life and death were suppressed, and the strong sense of oppression made everyone below sweat secretly.

Everyone in the Taoist sect looked worried, Ying Xiaoxiao supported Ying Xuanzi, both father and daughter looked at Ying Huanhuan with pity in their eyes.

Ying Huanhuan's state obviously wouldn't be Tian Yuanzi's opponent, she was trying to hold on.


Just when they were worried, they saw the man under the sky who was protected by Ying Huanhuan suddenly stretched out his hand and embraced Ying Huanhuan.

At this moment, Wu Yun was holding Ying Huanhuan in his left hand, and a long knife flashing with lightning in his right hand. There was a looming threat from his body, and the red blood light leaked out of his body.

The two stood shoulder to shoulder in the space, one blue and one red, they looked like an incomparable match.

And Tian Yuanzi, who was opposite them, looked like a great villain who beat mandarin ducks.

"Buzz buzz..."

Wu Yun's sword blared loudly, and the sound spread throughout the sky of Strange Demon City, and everyone could clearly hear the screech of the knife.

At this time, people were surprised to find that the transparent Thunder Knife, which was originally mainly silver and supplemented by purple, was now stained with blood, turning into a bright red blood-colored magic knife.

This is no ordinary blood, this is heaven's blood!

The power of domineering blood, and the billions of strengthened body particles in Wu Yun's body.

At this moment, this kind of power has been extracted and used in the saber technique he wants to perform.

The moment the magic knife turned red, Wu Yun's aura suddenly soared, but the blood-colored light of the knife radiated out was actually chopping into pieces the big palm print of life and death laid by Tian Yuanzi.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they couldn't believe that Wu Yun could exude such a terrifying aura at this moment.

As if a demon god descended, Wu Yun's aura soared to the sky, and blood burst from his body. The long knife in his hand had completely turned into a blood knife, and the blade was completely coagulated with blood.

Tian Yuanzi also had a bad premonition, and his broken soul trembled as a warning.


He swallowed, he didn't hit the big palm print of life and death, but mobilized his whole body to prepare for defense. He didn't know what powerful attack this kid would make again. take away.

Facing Wu Yun at this moment, he dared not be careless.

I was worried that Wu Yun was bluffing, but also worried that he really had terrible means.

However, no matter what Tian Yuanzi's reaction was, it couldn't affect Wu Yun's heart to go against the sky.

Wu Yun has entered an incomparably mysterious state, an unrestrained, unrestricted state where he burns his blood, extracts life, and breaks through all shackles and obstacles

The driving force behind Wu Yun's sacrifice was Ying Huanhuan.

So holding the cold girl in his arms, his fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high. Although his vitality was constantly transforming, his aura soared wildly.

Ying Huanhuan in her arms looked at Wu Yun from zero distance, saw his skin aging, watched his beard and hair turn gray, and felt his body temperature drop just like hers.

There was endless pity in her eyes.

Although she didn't know what kind of saber technique Wu Yun was using, she could tell from his rapidly weakening vitality that this saber technique was at the cost of life.

No one can feel Wu Yun's state better than Ying Huanhuan at this moment.

The stronger the knife in his hand, the weaker his body.

The extremely bright red on the knife is Wu Yun's blood, it is Wu Yun's vitality,

the clear sound from the knife body is Wu Yun's roar, it is Wu Yun's roar,

The rising strength of the blade was Wu Yun's life and soul,

and everything was sacrificed to the blade.


Ying Huanhuan lost her voice but couldn't speak, and shouted forcefully in Wu Yun's ear, but only the hot breath from her breath hit Wu Yun's cochlea.

She hugged Wu Yun's body tightly, as if trying to blend in, filling Wu Yun with her own life.

The man she wanted to protect with her life was also protecting her with her life at this moment.

The people below watched this scene with sore eyes and tears. This couple was explaining to them what love is.

"Brother, sister-in-law is about to wake up?"

Xiao Diao murmured, he always thought that Wu Yun and Ying Huanhuan were old friends before reincarnation, and they came together again in reincarnation.

It was still speculation before, but now, from the return of the ice lord, protecting each other with his body, to the sudden outbreak of the eldest brother, defending each other with his life.

There is no doubt that the eldest brother borrowed the power of his previous life.

He has concluded that the two of them have awakened their past life memories and remembered each other.

"I also want to fight with Brother Wu Yun."

Qingtan squeezed her small fist and made up her mind. At this moment, she didn't have any jealousy at all, but felt uncomfortable because she couldn't stand with Brother Wu Yun.

If she is strong enough, she doesn't have to stand below and watch helplessly, but can face powerful enemies with Brother Wu Yun.

She walked out of the Yan Dynasty and went to the Temple of Darkness just to become stronger and keep up with Wu Yunge's footsteps, but now it seems that she is not strong enough to help Wu Yunge.

She envied Ying Huanhuan, but at the same time, she felt relieved that Brother Wu Yun had Ying Huanhuan by his side. At least Ying Huanhuan could help him share the pressure, stand in front of him, and die for him.

"When I return to the Temple of Darkness, I will enter the Dark Tribunal. If Brother Wu Yun and Huanhuan have an accident, I will let the entire Yuanmen Gate be buried with them."

Qingtan said with firm eyes. At this moment, her desire to become stronger in martial arts became stronger.

Just as Wu Yun and Ying Huanhuan can sacrifice for each other, she is also willing to make sacrifices for Wu Yunge.

In the team of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, Ling Qingzhu and Su Rou looked at the two hugging each other in the sky with dull eyes.

Su Rou had tears in her eyes.

"I'm not as good as her!"

Ling Qingzhu murmured bitterly in her heart, whispering, compared to Ying Huanhuan's purity, Ying Huanhuan's persistence, Ying Huanhuan's recklessness, her worries, she couldn't let go of too much, In terms of loving Wu Yun, she is far inferior to Ying Huanhuan.

Indeed, such a woman is worth Wu Yun's hard work.

If it was her, presumably Wu Yun would do the same, right?

But she, Ling Qingzhu was touched.

She can disregard herself, but she can't disregard her teacher's

sect... "Om..."

The saber blared violently, resounding through the sky.

Just as Wu Yun was accumulating energy, a huge black and white light beam gathered in Tian Yuanzi's hand.

"Little Wu Yun, I want to see what you can do to me!"

He shouted angrily, and the terrifying black and white beams shot at Wu Yun.






Wu Yun paused every word in his heart, and finally the knife in his hand was cut out.

As each word appeared in his mind, the knife in his hand waved along with it, and huge lights of the knife rippled away,

The first knife, the pole-breaking blade, bloody light suddenly appeared, and the huge knife light reflected the entire sky red, and the huge black and white beam that shot over was split into two by the knife light, dissipating invisible.

Tian Yuanzi's eyes were horrified, but the second knife had already followed.

The second knife, the sky-shattering blade, was blazing brightly, cutting Tian Yuanzi's barrier of life and death to pieces.

The third knife, the fourth knife... Tian Yuanzi slapped both hands, and both arms were broken.

The fifth knife, the sixth knife... Tian Yuanzi blocked it with both feet, and the lower half of his body was directly annihilated.

Everyone's eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief.

The saber was very fast, one after another, it chopped off Tian Yuanzi's limbs in a blink of an eye.

But it doesn't seem to be over yet.

Wu Yun continued to swing the knife in his hand. At this time, the bloody brilliance on the knife was already very dim, and cracks appeared on the blade, as if it couldn't bear Wu Yun's strength.

However, Wu Yun is not feeling well at the moment, it is hard to feel vitality in his body, his beard and hair have changed from pale to yellow, his body has cracked, and his whole body is full of cracks.

Only his eyes are still so firm.

He waved the thunder knife in his hand with difficulty, and he must cut out the last knife.

Heaven-Defying Seven Devil Swords, seven swords in one body, if you cut it out, you will go against the sky, if you can't cut it out, you will go to the west.

"I don't want you to die..."

Ying Huanhuan hugged Wu Yun affectionately, constantly sending life into his body, and whispered persistently in his ear.

Hearing Ying Huanhuan's voice, Wu Yun's eyes rolled, and he saw her beautiful face, the icy blue pupils were full of pity for him, and a drop of crystal blue tears remained in her eyes. The corners of his eyes had already condensed into ice crystals.

At this moment, Ying Huanhuan had completely turned into an ice lord, but Wu Yun could still feel her fiery heart.

"I don't want you to die..."

"I don't want you to die..."

Ying Huanhuan said weakly, the vitality she sent had already frozen Wu Yun's body, but it had no effect on Wu Yun.

"I love you, Huanhuan!"

He said with difficulty, but his head drooped powerlessly, his dry lips were reflected on Ying Huanhuan's forehead, and a trace of warmth was conveyed from his lips.

Familiar body fragrance, entering from the nose!

It is this aura, this girl he wants to protect, this shot of him using the Heaven Defying Seven Demon Swords.

Bloodshots suddenly surged in Wu Yun's eyes.

The slow right hand turned, the seventh knife!

"Blade against the sky!"

The brilliant brilliance pierced the sky, and under the astonished eyes of everyone, Wu Yun slashed out again.

Unlike the previous six knives, this one has no color and seems to have nothing, but the invisible light of the knife has already shattered the space.

With broken limbs, Tian Yuanzi's pupils widened, and he could only see the void crumbling inch by inch, and soon it was in front of his eyes.

Then, he felt that an irresistible force had entered his body, and his crippled body was cracking...


With his scream, his whole body, including his head, was completely reduced to nothing. Broken foam.

Only a pale ray of primordial spirit remained, leaving the body at the last moment.

"Di Yuanzi, let's go!"

Tian Yuanzi's primordial spirit shouted, and it was too late to wait for Di Yuanzi, so his primordial spirit escaped into the space crack and escaped.

At this moment, Di Yuanzi is being burned by Wu Yun and the old ghost Fen Tian. There is not a piece of good meat in his whole body, and he is about to turn into a roasted sweet potato.

However, neither responded.

Now she suddenly responded to him, but told him to leave quickly.

But how can he retreat now.

Trapped by the old ghost Fentian's Fentian Formation, it was already very difficult for him to break free.

At the last moment, seeing that Tian Yuanzi had chosen to keep the Yuanshen and escape, he no longer hesitated, and gave up his physical body, and the Yuanshen fled quickly.

If you don't leave, you won't be able to keep your body.

As his primordial spirit came out of his body and escaped into the cracks in space, his charred body had no strength to sustain it, and was completely burned by the dark cloud's true sun flames in a blink of an eye, turning into ashes.

So far, Strange Demon City has quieted down!

The headmasters of the three great Yuan sects, one of them walked away and two of them died.

The one with the best ending was Ren Yuanzi who was sent away by Wu Yun's tactics at the beginning.

Tian Yuanzi and Di Yuanzi both escaped with their primordial spirits, and Tian Yuanzi's primordial spirit was severely injured by Wu Yun, and it had been split open. Even if they seized the house, there would be sequelae.

At least, within a hundred years, it is absolutely impossible for him to improve himself.

In this wave, Yuanmen lost too badly!

However, at the moment Wu Yun is not feeling well.

Or it doesn't look good on the surface.

After struggling with his will and finishing using the Heaven-Defying Seven Demon Swords at the last moment, Wu Yun's consciousness fell into a coma.

The vitality of the body is almost exhausted!

This saber technique put too much burden on him.

Fortunately, it was successfully performed, and the energy of life flowed back under the effect of the exercises.

Only when one is on the brink of death can one regain one's life, this is the strength of the Heaven Defying Seven Demon Swords.

This knife technique has already involved the time rule and the true meaning of reincarnation.

A ray of life slowly emerged in Wu Yun's body.

But he won't be able to fully recover for a while.

Fortunately, there is the word secret, this ancient secret technique, which can quickly help recover from injuries.

The main reason is that Wu Yun has not fully mastered Zhezimi, and his proficiency is not enough. Otherwise, as long as he is not dead, Zhezimi can instantly recover his injuries.

But this time, Wu Yun's consciousness was on the verge of dissipating, and he couldn't take the initiative to use the secret word. He had to rely on his body to recover slowly, and to a certain extent, he could recover quickly.

Fortunately, the crisis has been resolved, and Wu Yun is lying quietly in Ying Huanhuan's arms, so there is no need to worry.

Ying Huanhuan had already returned to her normal form, with the seal of reincarnation in her body, but this awakening allowed her to further merge with the power of the Ice Lord. In her normal form, her pupils still had a light ice blue color.

However, even though her eyes were stained with dust and frost, the way she looked at Wu Yun was full of love, and there was tenderness hidden deep in her eyes.

She carried Wu Yun to the bottom and joined the Daozong people.

Qing Tan, Lin Dong and others quickly gathered around to check Wu Yun's situation.

Ling Qingzhu and Su Rou couldn't help but surround her.

At this time, they could already sense the faint vitality that Wu Yun heard.

Not dead yet!

This is the best news.

"Ice Lord, leave it to me!"

The Great Desolation Monument floated over, the huge body of the monument shrank to the height of an adult, and an old man appeared on the body of the monument, correspondingly said Huanhuan.

As he spoke, a dark green branch protruded from the ancient stele, and that branch wrapped around Wu Yun, strands of green life energy continuously merged into Wu Yun's body.

In this tense atmosphere.

Wu Yun put away the flames and flew over suddenly, looking at Wu Yun with tears in his eyes.


"Mom, mom, mom..."

Everyone:? ? ?