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Knowing that the man in black came from the Xiefeng Cave, Gu Yan and the others were shocked.

To them, Xiefengdongtian is a colossal monster.

And the worshipers of the Evil Wind Cave Heaven are at least at the Death Profound Realm level.

This is a bit difficult to handle!

The strongest member of their ancient family is only at the Death Profound Realm.

Getting into trouble with such a boss, for a while, Gu Yan and the others didn't know what to do.

"But you killed this person?" Gu Ying murmured in a low voice, as if she wanted to split her relationship with Wu Yun.

Wu Yun looked at this relatively plump woman in surprise, and was a little speechless.

Before Wu Yun could refute.


A crisp sound came out.

"The other party is an Immortal Talisman Master. If Wu Yun wasn't there, all of us would surely die tonight. How dare you say such a thing."

Gu Yan reprimanded Gu Ying.

Even if he is afraid of the other party, it is impossible to catch him without a fight. If he kneels down to be killed by others, the other party will kill them, so there is nothing to talk about. Wu Yun can't blame this kind of thing.

On the contrary, it was Wu Yun who saved them, and it was too late to thank the other party.

What Gu Ying said was too selfish, and it meant crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

Gu Yan: "Gu Ying is used to arrogance. Don't blame Mr. Wu Yun. This matter has nothing to do with you. Even if the evil wind cave wants to investigate, it must first be investigated on our Gu family." "Besides, this is Wei Jiahe

. For the grievances of our Gu family, this person is just a scapegoat being used, and the Wei family should be the first to get revenge." "It doesn't matter who

I offend, the main thing is to remind you, so that you don't know who you offended." Wu Yun said coldly.

He left after speaking.

After a while, Gu Yan came to Wu Yun's tent.

"Mr. Wu Yun, I'm really sorry just now, Gu Ying is not sensible..." She also wanted to apologize to Wu Yun for Gu Ying's behavior just now.

"She's not sensible, you can just be sensible." Wu Yun interrupted her, "It's not because of her that I shot, so it doesn't matter what she says, because I don't pay attention to her, if I really get angry I just need to teach you a lesson, and I don't have to hold back."

"I made the move entirely because I took your 30,000 Xuan Yuan Pill and promised to cooperate with you, so during the cooperation period, it is necessary for me to help you."

Gu In his eyes, Ying is a big brainless person, and it is not worth him to take a second look at it. Apart from his own purpose, the protection of the Gu family team is also because he took a second look at Gu Yan's spring, and felt that he should make up for it and give himself A comfort in my heart.

In comparison, Gu Yan is much more outstanding, not only in terms of cultivation, but also in terms of beauty, knowledge, and conduct in the world.

The Gu family's team respected her very much.

Wu Yun also appreciates this girl's ability to handle affairs well, she is a talent.

"Thank you Mr. Wu Yun for your understanding!" Gu Yan said gratefully.

"Master, rest early, we will be able to reach Xuanling tomorrow."



In the early hours of the morning, Xiao Diao quietly appeared in Wu Yun's tent.

"I have found out the general situation of this island. The location of the Xuanling fruit tree is on the Xuanling Mountain in the center..."

Xiao Diao told Wu Yun one by one what he knew.

One person and one mink are discussing what to do next.

It is mainly aimed at those who come to snatch the Mysterious Spirit Fruit.


Xuanling Mountain, the largest and most majestic mountain peak in Xuanling Island, is as high as a thousand feet, piercing into the sky, and the clouds and mist are lingering around the mountainside, blocking all eyes that try to look up.

But at this time, at the foot of the Xuanling Mountain, there were many figures darting out of the forest one after another, and finally gathered here, looking at the top of the mountain with fiery eyes.

And when more and more powerhouses gathered at the foot of the mountain, some extremely ferocious animal roars could be faintly heard from this Xuanling Mountain. In the roar, there was actually an indistinguishable warning meaning. Obviously, those powerful monsters on Xuanling Mountain also sensed these uninvited guests.

Gu Yan led the Gu family's team and finally arrived at the bottom of Xuanling Mountain.

There are quite a few people around, and most of them are not weak.

After coming here, they kept a certain distance from each other and feared each other.

Gu Yan was by Wu Yun's side, and quietly introduced the situation of these forces to him, "The young man in blue is called Lu Jian, the young master of Jianxin Island, and he is quite famous among the younger generation in the Tianfeng Sea Area. He once pursued me before."

"This person has a very thick skin. I rejected him several times and harassed him many times. Later, because of this, he became jealous and joined forces with the Wei family, secretly tripping our Gu family."

" He may cooperate with Wei Song later." "

There is also a person from Haiyunzong, and the leader, named Han Tao, is the best of the younger generation of Haiyunzong, and his strength is also at the level of Half a step into the Shengxuan Realm."

"The one-armed man in gray clothes, Mo Zhan, has not joined any forces, but in this Tianfeng Sea Region, he has a lot of fame, even though he is only half a step into the Shengxuan Realm. level, but he has wounded a strong man with a small achievement in the Profound Realm." "

Those four with black dragon patterns on their bodies are black dragon bandits rampant in the Tianfeng Sea Territory, and they are all at the peak of the Nine-Yuan Nirvana Realm."


Gu Yan introduced the general situation to Wu Yun, thanking him for his strength, if placed in Dongxuan Domain, they would all be able to reach the top three on the sect's most wanted list.

Chaos Demon Sea is much stronger than Dongxuan Domain.

At this time, Wei Song also noticed Wu Yun and the others, looking at Wu Yun and the others with extremely gloomy eyes.

Xu Yun, the immortal talisman teacher he sent out to attack the Gu family last night, did not return overnight, so he is probably dead.

He knew Gu Yan's strength, and the most likely person who could kill Xu Yun was Wu Yun, who had just been added to the Gu family's team.

But now Wei Song didn't dare to speak out, this time Xu Yun was his greatest help, but even Xu Yun fell into the opponent's hands, the group of their Wei family must not be enough.

Wu Yun just sneered secretly, this Wei Song was secretly murderous towards him, and he would definitely not be able to keep him later.

"There is a poisonous miasma on the Xuanling Mountain, so we have to wait until noon to enter... and once we enter the Xuanling Mountain, the competition for the birth of the Xuanling Fruit will officially begin." Gu Yan looked at the majestic mountain peak, dignified the way.

Wu Yun also looked up, but the mountain was completely hidden in the poisonous miasma, so he couldn't see clearly.

However, at this moment, he could sense the little mink in the mountains.

Just before they came, the little mink had already entered the mountain ahead of time.

These poisonous miasmas are nothing to Xiao Diao.

"Brother, I have already occupied this Xuanling Mountain. The one guarding this mountain is a three-headed dragon. It's not bad. It has obediently recognized me as the boss."

Xiao Diao Yuanshen transmitted the voice.

"Well, you did a good job. When the Wei family's team enters, kill them all. As for the others, just scare them away." Wu Yun replied via voice transmission.

Faced with this poisonous miasma, everyone could only wait. As the time came to noon, the scorching sun reached its peak, and the scorching sun poured into Xuanling Mountain. Immediately, the poisonous miasma permeating it also began to dissipate quickly. .

The moment the poisonous miasma in the entire mountain was completely dissipated, the quiet foot of the mountain suddenly rioted, and the sound of breaking wind resounded instantly, and figures rushed into this huge mysterious place like locusts. In Lingshan.

"In Xuanling Mountain, there are an extremely large number of monsters. According to the information we have obtained, there are no fewer than eight of them whose strength has reached the half-step of the Raw Profound Realm, and on the top of the mountain, there is another one whose strength has reached the Raw Profound Realm. The completed three-headed dragon is guarding it." Gu Yan looked into the depths of Xuanling Mountain, and said with a serious face.

"Those who are in the eight-element nirvana state, come into the mountain with me, and the others will wait in place."

At this time, the others had already entered the mountain.

"You don't need to rush so fast. Since there are so many powerful monsters guarding them, we must face those monsters first when we charge up first. Let the others fight for a while." Wu Yun persuaded Gu Yan and the others to let them slow down.

"But... the Shengsheng Xuanling Fruit may be snatched by the first to reach the top of the mountain?" Gu Yan thought for a while.

"Well, that's true, then I'll go up first, your speed is too slow, so just meet me from behind."

Wu Yun nodded, "As long as there is a Xuansheng Xuanling Fruit, I will definitely grab one for you."

After speaking, he flew towards the top of the mountain first.

Following the guidance of Xiao Diao's spiritual power, Wu Yun arrived at the top of the mountain smoothly. Unlike the poisonous miasma below, the top of the mountain is full of lush greenery, and in the lush greenery is an unusually huge lake. The lake is about a thousand feet huge. , it was shimmering, and the breeze was blowing, making some ripples on the calm lake.


Xiao Diao shouted happily when he saw Wu Yun approaching on the lake.

He is now in charge of the overall situation, and he is commanding the eight monsters in the half step of the Mysterious Realm in the mountain to stop the people who rushed into the mountain!

"These people are quite troublesome, and it seems that these eight guys can't stop them." Xiao Diao laughed.

"Boss, do you want me to drive them away?"

Suddenly, a huge dragon's head protruded from the lake and asked cautiously.

"Don't be timid, come out and talk, come and meet our big brother!"

Xiao Diao said to the creatures in the lake.

"Big brother's big brother?"

The magic dragon froze for a moment, then quickly came out of the lake.

Its huge body breaks through the water, and there are three big heads on the left and right sides of the big head.

The shadow instantly enveloped the area of ​​hundreds of meters nearby. Although it was already restraining, the monstrous ferocious aura also permeated.

Wu Yun looked at this giant monster with three huge heads indifferently. It was the overlord of Xuanling Mountain, the three-headed dragon.

"It seems that he is slightly stronger than the original Yuan Cangshang." Wu Yun commented lightly.

"Little San, speak in human form." Xiao Diao scolded.

This guy came out with a huge body, and there was no room for him and his big brother.

The three-headed dragon quickly shrank, and after a flash of light, it turned into a burly man with scarlet scales covering his chest and two pairs of ears on his head.

"Come here and meet big brother!"

"Big... big brother!"

the three-headed dragon shouted.

It looked at Wu Yun strangely, and didn't feel any strength from this big brother's big brother.

"Little San, your name is not domineering."

Wu Yun complained.

"I'll send a few more monsters and ask Xiaosan to take them down. They should be able to scare these people away. You only need to kill the Wei family members, and you don't need to kill the others." Wu Yun immediately summoned from the ancient monument space

. Out of five monsters.

The strength of these monsters are all at the half-step of the Life Profound Realm, which is enough.

After handing the monster to Xiaosan, it took the monster down the mountain.

Wu Yun and Xiao Diao stayed on the top of the mountain.

"Where is the Shengsheng Xuanling fruit tree?"

"The Shengsheng Xuanling fruit is at the bottom of the lake. It will only appear on the lake surface when the sun and the moon meet, and it will come out to absorb the power of the sun and the moon. It seems that the time will come soon." Xiao Diao looked at it

. With a glance at the scorching sun that was gradually setting, he said.

This kind of fruit tree already has a certain amount of spiritual consciousness, just like the ancient Xianyuan tree back then, the way of appearance is quite special.


There were beast roars one after another in the mountain.

Under the leadership of the three-headed dragon, those who rushed to the top of the mountain ran away in fright.

No matter which direction they rushed, there were powerful monsters blocking them.

"How could there be so many powerful monsters all of a sudden,

and the three-headed demon dragon killed them directly, what the hell !" Die!"



the crowd descended the mountain cursing.

In this case, definitely don't think about the Shengsheng Xuanling Fruit, it would be good if you can save your life.

The others were able to escape, but Wei Song and the others were not so lucky. Under Xiao Diao's order, the three-headed dragon led many monsters to surround them and kill them!

On the top of the mountain, the sun and the moon have already ushered in the intersection.

The energy of heaven and earth on Xuanling Mountain suddenly fluctuated violently, the ground trembled slightly, and there were ripples in the calm lake, and patches of brilliance continuously emanated from the small island in the center of the lake.

The trembling of the island in the center of the lake became more and more intense, and the light emanating from the ground also became stronger and stronger. Finally, there were suddenly cracks spreading from the island, and then, an emerald-green emerald-like The big tree suddenly broke out from the ground slowly.

The emerald green tree, like a newborn baby, grows from the ground, its branches and leaves stretch out, and circles of green light patterns radiate out, permeating the power of vitality.

These light streaks condense on the tree body at an astonishing speed, among them, there are six rays of light, the most brilliant.

And with the intensity of this kind of radiance, the radiance gradually became substantive in the end, and the six condensed points of light condensed into six emerald green fruits out of thin air!

The fruit hangs under the branches and leaves, and circles of light patterns surround the surroundings. The bold vitality makes the heaven and earth energy in the air seem to have vitality.

"This is the Shengsheng Xuanling Fruit." Wu Yun looked at the fruit condensed on the tree, feeling extremely miraculous.

It was not on the tree all the time, but condensed from the energy in its body.

This is even cooler than the Xianyuan fruit tree!