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On the top of the mountain, Wu Yun and Xiao Diao looked at the growing Xuanling fruit tree.

Xiao Diao: "One Shengsheng Xuanling tree can condense nine Shengsheng Xuanling fruits, and only when the ninth fruit appears, it is considered to be truly mature. There are only six now, and it may take some time before it matures."

" It will mature soon." Wu Yun smiled slightly, and then removed the Great Desolation Monument from his chest.

Immediately after he communicated with the barrenness, a green branch extended from the ancient monument.

The branches of the world tree are connected to the living mysterious spirit tree.

After a while, the Shengsheng Xuanling Tree condensed light again, and three Shengsheng Xuanling Fruits were born.

And at the moment when these three new fruits were born, all the fruits bloomed with light, forming bright and crystal-clear plump fruits, and began to fall from the tree.

With one roll of Wu Yun's spiritual power, he pulled the nine Profound Spiritual Fruits into his hand.

"Now you guys have a try by merging this living Xuanling fruit tree." Wu Yun said to Huang Lu and Huang Yun.

At the beginning, the world tree directly fused with the ancient immortal tree, so that the world tree could directly condense the immortal spirit fruit.

The green light reflected in the lake, and a strong breath of life emanated out. The plants around the lake felt this powerful vitality, and they grew crazily close to it.

Soon more and more World Tree branches will completely envelop the Mysterious Spirit Fruit Tree.

After a while, the whole fruit tree directly became a part of the world tree, was completely fused, and disappeared.

"It's done!"

Huang Yun sent a voice transmission to Wu Yun.

Then he saw that on the fruit tree, there appeared one after another Mysterious Spirit Fruits exuding the power of life.

The World Tree also successfully grew the Mysterious Spirit Fruit, which meant that they had more fruits than they could eat.

The Shengsheng Xuanling fruit tree was completely absorbed into the space of the ancient monument.

At this time, the three-headed demon dragon also completed the task and brought back the younger brothers.

"Boss, where is the Shengsheng Xuanling fruit tree?"

As soon as it came, it saw that the lake was empty, and couldn't help asking.

Xiao Diao: "It's been put away for Big Brother."

" But don't worry, you will be indispensable to the benefits I promised you."

It can be crushed to death easily, so although the three-headed dragon was a little disappointed because he didn't get the Xuanling fruit, he still didn't dare to show it.

At this time, Xiao Diao shot out a ray of light, which fell into the head of the three-headed dragon.

"This is a body-training martial art of the Dragon Clan. After you practice it, it is not a problem to grow to the perfection of the Life Profound Realm. Maybe you can break through to the Death Profound Realm." "Thank you boss, thank you boss!" The three-headed dragon felt it

. After looking at the martial arts information he had just received, he immediately knelt down in surprise and shouted thank you.

For a miscellaneous dragon like it, the Dragon Clan's physical training martial arts can purify and strengthen the dragon's blood in his body.

"Brother, these guys are pretty good. If we don't take them into the ancient stele space, it happens that the demon hall I just built lacks some competent people."

Xiao Diao laughed.

He also established a branch hall in the Great Desolation Sect, mainly to manage those talented monsters under unified management.

This is what Wu Yun meant.

With the expansion of the Great Desolation Monument, the monsters inside are also a very strong force. In a space with a better environment, those monsters are not weaker than humans in the slightest.

Building a demon hall is very important.

"Yeah, it's pretty good."

Wu Yun nodded. Now the strongest monsters in it are Wu Yun, Bai Yun, Xiao Diao, Xiao Yan, and there are not many of them at the top level of Nirvana.

If the three-headed demon dragon and its eight half-step Profound Realm younger brothers enter the demon hall, they will become the backbone of the demon hall.

"Hehe, these beasts have really stepped into the way of demon cultivation."

Xiao Diao smiled and looked at the three-headed dragon and its eight younger brothers and said,

"Hurry up and meet the suzerain!"

The nine monsters were stunned, Although I still don't understand what it means, Master Tianyao Diao didn't dare to disobey the order, and immediately knelt down towards Wu Yun,

"Meet the suzerain!"

"Well, yes, this fruit is to reward you."

Wu Yun took out nine living fruit Xuanling fruit was given to the three-headed dragon and its eight younger brothers.

"Mature Shengsheng Xuanling Fruit, nine pieces?" The three-headed dragon who got the fruit was amazed.

How could it not know the Shengsheng Xuanling fruit tree that it was guarding, that fruit tree had only received six fruits, and it would take several years to wait until it matured to receive nine fruits.

Why does it go out for a trip, even if the tree is gone, it still produces more fruits.

What kind of supernatural power is this?

"Don't be stupid, you will know what's going on in the future, just hang out with my big brother, this is a rare opportunity for you." Xiao Diao said to the eight younger brothers, "Eat this fruit, you should all be able to Break through to the Shengxuan Realm, and Master Diao will teach you some powerful martial arts."

"Thank you Master Diao."

The eight younger brothers couldn't help but laugh.

The three-headed dragon looked at the fruit in his hand, thought of the martial arts in his mind, and felt that it would definitely not be wrong to hang out with this big brother's big brother.

So, it pointed to the waterway of the lake, "Boss, suzerain, the biggest treasure on this Xuanling island is not the living Xuanling fruit, but core life essence deep in the bottom of the lake." "Oh?"

Xiao Diao looked at the three-headed dragon with some surprises, but he didn't expect this little three to be so good-for-nothing.

"However, the bottom of the lake is a bit weird, and I can't take the psychic essence of the earth's heart." It said without concealing it.

"I have already noticed that the bottom of the lake is unusual. Even if you don't tell me, I will go down and check it out. However, since you took the initiative to say it, it also surprised me. It's very good. Keep this awareness, follow me, and let me know in the future. You have become a dragon!"

Wu Yun patted the shoulder of the three-headed dragon, affirming.

The psychic pulp from the center of the earth is extremely rare. To the strong in the Profound Realm, it is like a fetish. It contains the pure vitality of the world. If it can be absorbed and refined, even some people in the Profound Realm will be able to absorb it. Dacheng and even consummate powerhouses can benefit greatly.

The effect of this thing is more attractive to Wu Yun than the Shengsheng Xuanling Fruit.

Of course, Wu Yun also knew what was under the lake.

"I'll go down and say hello to the people waiting for me, and then I'll explore the bottom of the lake."

Wu Yun flew down and quickly found Gu Yan and the others.

At this moment, Gu Yan and the others had been forced to retreat to the foot of the mountain.

"Mr. Wu Yun, it's great that you're fine."

Seeing Wu Yun, Gu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said apologetically, "I'm sorry, just now we encountered three monsters with half-steps to the Profound Realm, I escaped down the mountain as a last resort."

"Oh, it's okay, didn't I come back alive?" Wu Yun said with a smile.

Gu Yan: "I don't know why, why there are so many monsters this time, we are lucky that there are no casualties, the whole army of the Wei family was wiped out, and people from other forces also lost a lot."

"It seems This time the Xuansheng Xuanling Fruit cannot be contested, let's go back, Mr. Wu Yun, what are your plans, why don't you go to our Gu family for a while?" "I... have one more thing, I want to ask you for help."

She looked forward to it looked at Wu Yun.

"Well, I still have something to do, I need to go back to Xuanling Mountain, this is for you first." Wu Yun took out a living Xuanling fruit and handed it to Gu Yan.

"Is there anything I need to help with? I'll talk about it later when I come down. You can use the Shengsheng Xuanling Fruit to break through first." "


Gu Yan was shocked as she held the fruit.

Everyone was repelled, and Wu Yun was able to obtain the Shengsheng Xuanling Fruit.

However, before she could ask her doubts, Wu Yun had already darted up the mountain again.

Only a group of people from the Gu family were left in a daze.


The three-headed dragon said: "The magma in the center of the earth is in the deepest part of Xuanling Island. There is a piece of magma in the center of the earth. I can't get in. Boss, you should be fine."

It took Wu Yun and Xiao Diao to dive to the lake.

Yuan force wrapped around Wu Yun's body, and the powerful force made Wu Yun swim like a fish, causing ripples, and they swam toward the bottom of the lake at an extremely fast speed.

From the outside, the area of ​​this lake is very large, but after going deep into it, you will find that the area above is only the tip of the iceberg. When you are in it, look into the depths, the deep darkness is like The devil's big mouth is generally creepy.

And as he gradually went deeper into the bottom of the lake, Xiao Diao realized that there was no life in this lake.

Xiao Diao: "Strange, there are no monsters in this place?"

The vitality here is extremely strong, but the strange thing is that in such a huge lake, you can't even see a small fish. What came back was just a strange dead silence.

"Don't use your mental strength to investigate casually, just follow me." Wu Yun said to Xiao Diao.

"Hmm!" Xiao Diao nodded obediently.

"I can feel the aura of Lord Yan!" Huang Lu suddenly sent a voice transmission to Wu Yun.

"The Lord of Flame?"

Wu Yun asked lightly.

He had known for a long time that this was the place where Lord Yan suppressed strange demons.

Regarding the situation of the ancient eight masters, Huang Wu had already told Wu Yun and the others before.

The ancient eight masters are the holders of the eight ancestor talismans in ancient times, and they are also the eight disciples of the ancestor talisman.

And the Flame Lord is the former owner of the Flame Ancestral Talisman.

Desolation: "It seems that the Lord of Fire is sleeping here!"

Wu Yun dived again, and ten minutes later, in the endless darkness, some crimson rays of light suddenly emerged, and at the same time, the temperature of the surrounding lake water was also getting higher and higher. scorching hot.

As it goes deeper, the crimson light below is getting more and more intense, and the warmth is getting higher and higher.

"Magma!" Xiao Diao said in surprise.

Under the lake, there was a piece of magma that spread to the end of the line of sight.

The fiery red magma spread out on the bottom of the lake, like a carpet of flames. The magma bubbled up, and at the same time, it burned the surrounding cold lake water hot.

Wu Yun continued to dive and entered the magma.

He had to use his physique to resist the scorching hot magma.

As it dived, the temperature of the magma was already somewhat unbearable for the three-headed dragon.

Behind the magma, there is an empty square without any magma or lake water. The fiery red rocks are laid neatly on it, and there is a hint of antiquity in the simplicity.

"Someone created it!" Xiao Diao was shocked, this kind of skill is not something ordinary people can do.

The three-headed dragon said: "I have already felt the aura of the living spirit in the center of the earth, which is just below."

Wu Yun nodded, and there was indeed an extremely strong wave of vitality radiating from below.

"I can only go here, if I go any further, my body will be burned." The three-headed dragon stopped. "The place where the living soul essence is located is guarded by formations, so be careful." "

Go back and wait for us up there," Wu Yun said.

Then he and Xiao Diao accelerated their speed. They came to the very center of the square, and saw a stone pool about tens of feet in size. In the stone pool, fiery red magma was surging, and in the center of the magma, On the other hand, there are emerald green light spots emerging continuously.

While the emerald green light spots emerged, they also condensed a few feet above the magma. There, there was already a ball of emerald green slurry the size of a palm, suspended out of thin air, and an indescribably rich vitality waved out. , as if even the surrounding space became full of vitality because of this.

"This is the life essence of the earth's core!"

"Such a rich vitality, no wonder people who can reach the perfection of the Profound Realm also wish for it."

Wu Yun's eyes scanned the surroundings of the magma stone pool. There are extremely dim red rays of light extending from it.

"Be careful, the formation here is very strong." Wu Yun reminded Xiao Diao.

He has roughly seen the formation on the square, and the entire square is an invisible formation.

"This is the formation formed by the Yan Lord, and the Yan Lord should be right below." Huang Wu reminded.

"Let's take away the spiritual essence of the earth's core first." Wu Yun used his mental power to condense flame runes one after another, wrapping himself, forming a shield of flame runes.

He didn't try to break the formation, because this formation is used to control strange demons.

The life magma in the center of the earth is nothing more than the life force condensed by this large magma formation over the years, and it will not affect it if it is taken away.

As Wu Yun approached slowly, the flame rune on the ground lit up, and three red lines of fire shot at him.

At this time, the flame runes on Wu Yun's body formed three vortexes, combined with the power of the devouring runes, they swallowed the three red fire lines.

On the chaotic rune, as Wu Yun devoured the three lines of fire, three more flame runes appeared on it.

The formation continued to flicker, and one after another full of destructive lines of fire attacked Wu Yun.

For Wu Yun, this line of fire attack is similar to his crossing the wind and thunder. With his control over the runes and the powerful absorption ability of the chaotic rune, he can transform these attacks into his own power.

Soon, Wu Yun got close to the emerald green core of the earth's living liquid, and his mental power gushed out to suck it in.

After successfully obtaining it, Wu Yun did not retreat in a hurry, and the surrounding fire attacks were directly swallowed by him.

For him, the powerful flame formation is already immune to it.

It seemed that he also realized that it was useless to Wu Yun. The formation stopped strangely and did not attack Wu Yun.


The magma pool below suddenly trembled.

Wu Yun saw the world under the stone pond.

It was a vast and endless dark space. This space was like a deep night sky. At first glance, the darkness penetrated into the bone marrow, making it daunting.