Refining and Devouring Heavenly Corpse|

After the Tianshang Pavilion completed the transaction, Wu Yun turned his attention to the team of Xiefengdongtian.

  The silver pagodas related to the Devouring Corpse and Thunder Ancestral Talisman are all on them, and Wu Yun will definitely not let them go.

  However, there are quite a few forces secretly eyeing Xie Fengdongtian Xie Yan and others now.

  Of course, there are also several not weak forces staring at Wu Yun and the others.

  At the auction, Wu Yun almost took over all the auction items. Nothing could show his financial power better than this. With so many treasures on Wu Yun's body at the auction, it was inevitable that he would attract coveting eyes.

  Wu Yun didn't care too much about these peeping eyes, as long as the other party didn't jump out to rob him, that's fine. If he couldn't help but attack him, then don't blame him for looting him.

  Wu Yun, Xiao Diao, Lin Dong, Bai Yun, and Xiao Yan stood on the towering roof of Tianshang Pavilion and surveyed the entire Tianshang City.

  "The people in Xiefengdongtian have moved. It seems that they are also in a hurry. They know that many people are staring at them." Wu Yun's spiritual power spread throughout the inner city where Tianshang Pavilion is located, monitoring all the top forces' people.

  In all directions of the city, those big forces from all sides who had been staring at the Xiefengdongtian also began to move out along with the Xiefengdongtian.

  "They separated!"

  Xiao Mink frowned.

  Xiefengdongtian obviously understood the current situation, so their team was divided into three, and they left Tianmao City in three directions.

  "Don't panic, Huang Wu and I have grasped the fluctuation information of the treasure." Wu Yun smiled.

  "In the team in the south of the city, there is Devouring Corpse. Second brother, third brother, and fifth brother, you two go after them. Second brother, you can use the induction of the Devouring Ancestral Talisman to know Devouring Corpse.

  " I have gone to the north of the city." Desolate's voice also sounded at this moment.

  "Bai Yun and I are going to chase the Silver Pagoda!"

  Wu Yun grinned. Xie Yan probably never would have guessed that they had locked onto the fluctuations of the Silver Pagoda during the auction. No effect.

  Others staring at Xiefengdongtian had no choice but to choose a direction to chase.

  Wu Yun took Bai Yun's hand and flew into the air, with teasing eyes, following the men and horses in the evil wind cave.


  Outside the Tianshang City, several figures passed by at low altitude. Their speed was not fast, but they were silent. Wherever they passed, even the flow of air was shaken away, like ghosts.

  The routes they walked were all extremely remote, all of them were wearing black robes, and they walked out of Tianshang City for more than ten miles quietly.

  Wu Yun and Bai Yun were hidden in the clouds, and his mental power had precisely locked onto the black-robed figure below, one of them was the Little Pluto Xie Yan, and the few people who followed him were all Xiaocheng and Dacheng strong in the Profound Realm. However, the two strong men who had completed the Vitality Profound Realm that he had been following before were not by his side, apparently he had brought two other teams with him as a cover.

  However, after arriving outside the city, there was one more person, and that person's strength was very strong, and he had already reached the Death Profound Realm.

  "This should be Xiefengdongtian's confidence in this operation." Wu Yun said with a faint smile in the air.

  If you don't have any strength, even if you successfully photograph the treasure, you won't be able to take it away.

  Xiefengdongtian obviously came prepared.

  Apart from Wu Yun, there were quite a few who followed Xie Yan and the others, two of whom Wu Yun had paid special attention to at the auction before.

  Zhou Qian of the Heavenly Cave!

  Chen Ying of the Illusory Demon Sect.

  "Praying mantis catching cicadas, let's just be orioles." Wu Yun and Bai Yun watched unhurriedly in the clouds. There was a concealment formation arranged by boundary runes, and no one could discover their existence.

  A ray of primordial light projected into Xie Yan's team.

  "Young Cave Master, Liu Hufa and the others have been entangled." A subordinate beside Xie Yan checked the Yuanshen's message and said in a deep voice.

  "Yeah." Xie Yan nodded slightly, looking at the back with gloom in his eyes, and said solemnly, "These guys dare to plot against me, ignore them now, and wait until we leave Tianshangyu , someone will take care of us, so there is no need to worry about it."

  However, as soon as Xie Yan finished speaking, more than a dozen big men jumped out of the forest.

  "Hehe, brother Xie Yan, although your deception is good, but it seems that the effect is not as good as you imagined!"

A laugh came, and Zhou Qian, who was in the universe, appeared first, blocking the way of Xie Yan and others.

  "You can detect my traces, but you shouldn't come alone. Do you think you can take what I have in my hand?" Xie Yan sneered.

  "Of course I'm not alone." Zhou Gan smiled, and then turned his eyes to the forest in the north, "Brother Chen Ying, since you're here, why don't you show up together?" "Haha, I really can't hide it from Brother Zhou." Zhou Gan said As soon as they landed, there was loud laughter in the jungle, and then several figures rushed out, and the leader was Chen Ying from the Illusory Demon Sect.

  Xie Yan looked at Chen Ying who appeared with gloomy eyes, and sneered, "When did the Illusory Demon Sect get together with Qiankun Dongtian?" "There is only one treasure, so even if I give it to you, how can I distribute it?"

  "Brother Xie Yan doesn't need to use this provocative trick. No matter what, we have to take the silver pagoda from you first, and then discuss the distribution issue." Zhou Qian said with a smile, as if he had eaten Xie Yan to death.

  The two strong men who came with Xie Yan who had reached the Consummation Profound Realm were already entangled by their people. It was just the people around Xie Yan who were not their opponents.

  "Brother Zhou, don't talk nonsense, let's deal with them first."

  Chen Ying shot directly, and hit Xie Yan and the others with a sharp punch.


  Zhou Gan is also straightforward, directly leading his men to surround.

  "Hmph, you are the ones waiting." A ruthless look flashed in Xie Yan's eyes.

  Facing the attack of the crowd, he did not panic at all.

  At this time, a figure wrapped in a black robe behind him suddenly walked out slowly, a withered palm protruded, and a black light lingered on the fingertips, and he grabbed it out.

  Black light swept across, and the attacks coming from around were actually crushed by him.

  Immediately after the figure's sleeve robe waved, a circle of black light waves burst out, sweeping toward the two of Zhou Gan like lightning.

  "Death Qi? A strong person in the Profound Death Realm?!"

  The sudden change made Zhou Gan suddenly, the complexions of Chen Ying and the two changed violently, their toes were connected to the void, their figures retreated violently, and their tyrannical martial arts immediately unleashed, fierce He blasted towards the spreading black light wave.

  As the black light wave passed, the powerful offensive launched by the two collapsed every inch.


  The two retreated from the attack range, breathed a sigh of relief, and landed on a giant tree in a little embarrassment, looking at the shadow man solemnly.

  "I don't know your Excellency, which elder is Xiefengdongtian?" Zhou Qian said in a deep voice.

  "You people, if you don't get a chance, you just want to play tricks. We Xiefengdongtian obtained it by formal means, but you want to grab it directly. Do you think we are easy to bully?"

  The black shadow man slowly He looked up, revealing an old face, on which there was a black scorpion pattern, which was extremely terrifying.

  "Boss Scorpion!"

  Zhou Qian and Chen Ying's complexion changed and they recognized him.

  The Elder Demon Scorpion of the Evil Wind Cave, the strength of Xiaocheng in the Profound Death Realm.

  "Since you know the old man, why not get out of here quickly." The devil scorpion said coldly.

  "Let's go!"

  Zhou Gan and Chen Ying did not hesitate, and prepared to flee with their men.

  "Oh, it's boring, why don't you fight!"

  Suddenly a voice descended from the sky.

  Wu Yun and Bai Yun floated down like a couple of immortals.

  He also planned to wait for the two sides to fight almost, and then come down to clean up.

  "Wu Yun, you dare to chase after him!"

  Xie Yan laughed out of anger, thinking it was an opportunity.

  "You, do you think that if I chase after me, you can eat me just because of this elder with a small achievement in the Profound Death Realm?" Wu Yun looked at the old monster Demon Scorpion with a small achievement in the Profound Death Realm with a smile on his face, No matter where he is, he is already considered a top powerhouse.

  "Elder Demon Scorpion, this guy killed Old Man Xiegu, help me get rid of him." Xie Yan pointed at Wu Yun and said.

  "Don't fight and kill all the time. What's the point? We want to build a beautiful world together. How about it? You all come to work with me." Wu Yun looked

  at Xie Yan, then pointed to him and said he didn't want to leave yet. Lively Zhou Gan and Chen Ying.

  "What nonsense is this kid talking about? Don't you understand your own situation? He's just a master of the Profound Realm, where does he have the courage to speak here?" Xie Yan taunted with some confusion.

  He didn't understand why Wu Yun was so confident.

  But soon he understood.

  Wu Yun took down the mini tablet on his chest and put it on the ground, a huge force immediately swept away.

  At the same time, Wu Yun activated his Dushenyue body, and the powerful gravity field unfolded. Matching the field of the ancient monument, Xie Yan, the old monster Scorpion, Zhou Gan and others knelt down on the ground in an instant, as if they were carrying a mountain on their backs, unable to raise their heads at all.

  Wu Yun came this time only to take away the Silver Pagoda, and he was not going to have any experience with these people.

  Now, he is the master of the world anyway, there is no need to kill for such a trivial matter.

  The strong must have the demeanor and tolerance of the strong, and their eyes should not be limited to these small battles.

  And these people didn't know his strength, so they offended him.

  Now, seeing Wu Yun's display of strength, these people were dripping with cold sweat.

  Zhou Qian: "Senior, spare your life!"

  Chen Ying: "Senior, spare your life!"

  Xie Yan: "Senior, spare your life!"

  The devil scorpion: "Senior, spare your life!"

  Everyone knelt down and begged for mercy. The suppression of the strong in the wheel-running realm, this kind of strength, is a dimensionality reduction blow to them.

  There is no need to resist at all!

  At this moment, in their hearts, they were already guessing Wu Yun's identity.

  The superficial strength of the Great Achievement in the Profound Realm must be fake.

  Wu Yun didn't respond to them in a hurry, but grabbed the Qiankun bag on Xie Yan's body, easily broke his spiritual brand, and got the silver pagoda from it.

  "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

  Wu Yun said lightly.

  Cultivation is not easy, cultivating a Life Profound Realm and a Death Profound Realm consumes a lot of resources.

  These people are all above the Shengxuan Realm, among them Xie Yan, Zhou Gan, and Chen Ying are even more good seedlings. If there is no need to kill them, it would be a pity to let them go. He is going to take these people away directly. Go to the world of ancient monuments to shine and participate in the construction.

  After slowly subduing them to their hearts, the army of strange demons will come in the future, so it's okay to help catch some strange magic charging treasures.

  A door of space appeared, and Desolation manipulated a branch of the world tree, directly involving several people.

  "Shut them up at the bottom of the Heart Flame Tower first, and train them, and we'll talk about it later."

  Wu Yun said to Huang Wu.

  The Xinyan Pagoda is a cultivation pagoda built by Wu Yun using the fallen Xinyan as the energy foundation.

  Falling Heart Flame itself has the effect of accelerating the cultivation of Yuanli, but it also has the effect of refining the heart.

  Being imprisoned in such an ignorant situation, Xie Yan and the others will definitely not be able to calm down. For them, it is a kind of torture.

  However, it is not without benefits.

  Not crazy, not live!

  Wait two days before telling them the truth. After going through a lot of torture, the xinxing of the few people will definitely become stronger, and their cultivation will also improve.

  Under the ups and downs, coupled with the fear of Wu Yun and the situation where he thought he would die, he still got benefits, and he would be grateful to Wu Yun.

  However, Wu Yun didn't care whether he was grateful or not. He was just using a few people as thugs.

  After cleaning up here, Lin Dong and Xiao Diao also finished their work and successfully obtained the Devouring Corpse.

  After finding a quiet and remote place, Wu Yun and the others entered the world of ancient monuments.

  When he came to the world of ancient monuments, Wu Yun immediately began to study the devouring corpse.

  According to the information provided by Desolation and Yan, it is not difficult to control the Devouring Corpse. You only need to use the devouring power unique to the Devouring Ancestral Talisman, integrate your own spiritual power, and then condense the devouring brand in the devouring corpse's head.

  Wu Yun took out the Devouring Corpse from the crystal coffin.

  Scanning the mummy carefully, its dark and withered body was covered with claw-like marks, especially on the back, where there was a deep hole about the size of a fist. It could be seen that a long time ago, It has experienced quite a tragic war.

  Wu Yun stretched out his palm, black light condensed on his palm, and then turned into a circle of light, then pointed out with his finger, and lightly touched the mummy's chest.

  When his fingers touched the body of the Devouring Corpse, there were black light streaks spreading out from the Corpse's body, in which there was the power of Devouring that could devour him.

  However, this bit of devouring power did not pose any threat to Wu Yun. His devouring power easily broke through the black lines of light and rushed into Tian's corpse.

  The moment he rushed in, Wu Yun's vision suddenly changed, and then he realized that he seemed to be deep in a vast starry sky.

  "This is the mental image left in the corpse of Devouring Heaven." Wu Yun quickly came to his senses. On such an ancient corpse, it is easy to trigger mental fluctuations and see the historical pictures of the past.

  This is not the first time he has met.

  In the mental image, Wu Yun stepped on a starry sky, and suddenly felt something. He raised his head suddenly, and his pupils shrank suddenly. He could only see a distance near his head, at the end of that plane, as if a nearly hundred The huge black crack is like a ravine in the sky. At the end of the darkness, there is an indescribable evil spirit permeating out.