Evil Wind Cave, Wuxuan

"Plane Crack?!"

  Wu Yun was a little shocked, this plane crack is a bit like the door of space opened by the world of ancient monuments, but the crack is much more terrifying than the door of space , in comparison, the gate of space is a miniature version.

  The picture continues, when the crack appears.

  Phew... In the distance, suddenly there was a sound of breaking wind, and a figure wrapped in black light stepped into the air. This figure seemed to be filled with black holes, and swirls of black light formed and then dispersed, far away. From the looks of it, he looks like the creator of a black hole.

  The shadow of the black light, looking at the indescribably huge black crack, seemed to have a deep voice slowly spreading.

  Wu Yun looked at the shadow of the black light from the perspective of God.

  On his body, a monstrous devouring force emanates.

  There is no doubt that the identity of this person is ready to be revealed with such a vast devouring power as me.

  He is... the Lord of Devouring!

  "I want to see what you guys are."

  The Lord of Devourer stared at the crack in the plane with dark eyes. When he moved, he turned into a black light and rushed straight into the crack. , and behind him, a devouring corpse followed closely.

  Wu Yun swallowed. After the crack in the plane, it must be the plane where the strange demon is located.

  The Lord of Devourer dared to go through so blatantly and alone, Wu Yun's blood burst into blood.

  Two words, domineering!

  After rushing into the rift in the plane, a shocking wave swept out instantly, and the terrifying and evil monstrous black air spread out, as if even the starry sky dimmed at this moment.

  Boom boom boom!

  There was a violent vibration in the crack of the plane, which lasted for a long time, and it seemed that a war had taken place.

  Roar... A thunderous roar resounded through the sky. Wu Yun saw a gigantic palm that was tens of thousands of feet flashing through the crack in the plane. Terrible waves came, and the Lord of Devouring also followed the wave from the crack. shot out.

  He stabilized his figure, looked into the crack in that person's face with a pair of black eyes, the expression on his face became more serious, then he turned around and left without saying much.

  But just as he was about to leave, a thousand-foot giant finger stuck out from the rift in the plane, a little in the air, and the evil black light beam tore through the space, blasting towards the Lord of Devourer like lightning.

  The Lord of Devouring flew quickly, and when the black light beam was about to approach, the Devouring Heaven Corpse rushed out suddenly, and endured the dark beam of light with his body.

The corpse was covered in black light and dimmed, then fell powerlessly, and finally fell into a deep sea.

  That's the end of the picture!

  "So that's how the wound on its body came about."

  Wu Yun's mind withdrew from Devouring Heaven's corpse. It seemed that the damage on its body was unexpectedly caused by strange demons.

  If the Lord of Devourer can escape with one blow, the opponent must not be as simple as the Palace of the Different Demon King, but probably the top Different Demon King.

  "The Demon Emperor is too strong. Even if I have the world of ancient monuments, I'm afraid I can't stop that kind of attack." Wu Yun murmured.

  They will have no problem dealing with ordinary strange demons now, and it is not a big problem to deal with those strange demon kings who have been suppressed since ancient times. Even if they are facing the peak strange demon kings, relying on the world tree, it is not impossible to fight.

  But the Demon Emperor is very powerless.

  The attack that attacked the Lord of Devourer in the picture just now crossed the plane directly, and the embryonic form of the newly born world like the world of ancient monuments could not be stopped at all.

  "It seems that we should be more insignificant in the future, so as not to be noticed by the strange demon emperor." Wu Yun was a little palpitating.

  He injured Sanyuanzi of Yuanmen, and Sanyuanzi of Yuanmen was the second or fifth child of the strange demon, so he must have leaked all the information about Wu Yun to the strange demon.

  In the dark, I am afraid that there are already strange demons chasing Wu Yun again.

  Have to guard against!

  After the historical screen was triggered, the Devouring Corpse returned to a normal dead thing, and Wu Yun successfully planted the Devouring brand.

  Then control the Devouring Corpse.

  "The damage is serious."

  Wu Yun sensed the situation in the devouring corpse. Not only was his body mutilated, but even the formation was destroyed by two-thirds.

  The formation of the puppet is equivalent to a person's meridians and blood holes.

  "This formation should take some time to complete. It's just that it's hard to find the materials to fill up the celestial corpse." Wu Yun said with emotion.

  On the one hand, the Lord of Devouring is a strong man at the peak of the reincarnation realm. He spent a lot of time collecting and searching for these rare materials in this realm, and only then did he create three devouring corpses.

  One can imagine how precious and hard to find these materials.

  Wu Yun wants to continue to create more powerful puppets based on devouring the corpse.

  "This time the treasury of the Tianshang Pavilion was almost emptied. I'll go see if there are any useful treasures."

  Wu Yun came to the sect's treasury and spread his mental power, looking for materials similar to the body of the devouring corpse.

  The mental power has reached the level of a fairy talisman master, and he has been able to explore the microscopic world, which is easier to use than a microscope, and can easily perceive the properties of materials.

  "There really are!" After a while, Wu Yun found some similar materials and was overjoyed.

  "It seems that Tianshang Pavilion is not bad."

  "Deep sea cold iron, volcanic rock gold, unknown black metal..." There are about a dozen pieces of these materials, enough to repair the swallowing corpse, and there are still some leftovers.

  Wu Yun separated a clone, and was alone in a small dark room to study and repair the devouring corpse and the formation within it.

  The avatars trained in one breath and three cleanses have no distinction between primary and secondary, and they all have full consciousness.

  The matter of research is temporarily handed over to a body.

  The other body went to Heyan, and they studied the Silver Pagoda together.

  In the room, Xiao Diao, Lin Dong and the others stared at the small silver pagoda with burning eyes, which was related to the Thunder Ancestral Talisman.

  The Devouring Ancestral Talisman they got now has already felt its benefits.

  If you want to come to Thunder Ancestral Talisman, it won't be bad!

  Wu Yun stretched out his fingers and lightly touched the ice-cold body of the pagoda. At the same time, a trace of spiritual power followed his fingertips, trying to get into the silver pagoda.

  As Wu Yun's spiritual power penetrated, the small tower suddenly vibrated, and a thunderclap resounded, and the power of the thunder inside was preventing Wu Yun from investigating.

  "There is still a seal, ha ha!"

  Wu Yun sneered, and the chaotic talisman in Niwan Palace flickered, and a black devouring force erupted.

  The flashing lightning grid on the silver pagoda was directly swallowed by the devouring force, and soon dimmed until finally dissipated completely.

  Wu Yun's mental power penetrated into it, and he saw the picture left in it again.

  It was so dark that the end of the black clouds could not be seen at all. The thunder rolled in the clouds, and booming sounds erupted from time to time. The thunder spread far and wide in the sky, echoing endlessly.

  Wu Yun looked down, and there was a vast ocean below, the sea was boundless, and the sea was pitch-black, which looked exactly like the black clouds in the sky. From a distance, the thunderclouds and the sea seemed to be connected into one piece, pure The black is palpitating.

  Wu Yun's mental body was suspended in this thundercloud world, and whenever the thunder sounded, he felt a tremor of mental power.

  Ever since he practiced the thunder rune on the chaotic talisman body, Wu Yun hadn't felt this kind of palpitation in the face of thunder for a long time.

  And this is just the leftover picture!

  Wu Yun's chaotic talisman flickered, and it would soon be unaffected.

  His gaze continued to survey the black sea.

  Under the pouring thunder and the intertwining of thunder and light in the sky, Wu Yun seemed to have seen an extremely huge cave.

  "This should be the Thunder Lord's cave!"

  The cave is covered with lightning, and the silver light is extremely dazzling. At the same time, a violent and vast wave is also emitted in waves, setting off huge waves in this sea area.

  Sweeping across the cave inch by inch, Wu Yun's eyes suddenly froze on the deepest part of the cave, where there was an extremely bright thunder light, and in that thunder light, he saw a stream of thunder liquid slowly flowing, This thunder liquid has no fixed shape, sometimes it turns into a sword, sometimes it turns into thunder, and sometimes it turns into an extremely ancient rune.

  "Thunder Ancestral Talisman!"

  Without a doubt, it was the Thunder Ancestral Talisman. Wu Yun, who had seen more than one Ancestral Talisman and the complete Thunder Rune, could easily recognize it.

  The picture kept repeating, Wu Yun's mental strength exited the small tower, and a thunder light followed and shot into his forehead. In an instant, a large amount of information flooded in like a tide.

  Wu Yun quickly digested the information.

  It is mainly a map of the sea area, the sea area centered on Dongfu.

  Wu Yun immediately compared it with the map obtained in Yancheng, and he found that the two basically coincided, and the location was in an unknown sea area in the southwest of the Chaos Sea.

  "I got the information about the Thunder Ancestor Talisman!" Wu Yun shared the information just now with Xiao Diao Lindong and the others.

  "Next, we'll head southwest."

  Xiao Diao said, "The Chaotic Demon Sea is so big, I'm afraid we'll need a powerful sea beast if we want to travel in it."

On the rough sea, sailing a boat is not easy. In reality, only powerful sea beasts are the best tools for traveling.

  "Go to the little girl from the Undead Holy Whale Clan. She should know where there are fast sea beasts. Let's catch one." Desolation reminded.

  "That's right, the Tianluo fairy bed I bought for her hasn't been given to them yet."

  Wu Yun immediately went to Jiang's house and stood at Jiang Yinyin's door.

  The spiritual power penetrated into it, and directly sent a voice transmission to Mu Lingshan, "Get up quickly, get the courier, the Tianluo fairy bed I bought for you has arrived." "

  Big brother!"

  Mu Lingshan woke up in a daze when she heard the voice .

  She got up sleepily and opened the door, "Where is my bed?"

  "Come on, wake up by eating some grass, I have something to ask you." Wu Yun took out the Neptune Spirit Grass that he had obtained at the previous auction.

  "Wow, big brother, how did you know that I need the sea king spirit grass?"

  Mu Lingshan woke up instantly when she smelled the sea king spirit grass. lick.

  Because she was integrated with the ancestral talisman of life and death, there was a strong wave of the ancestral talisman of life and death on her body, so the strong of the undead holy whale clan sealed her, mainly to prevent the fluctuation of the ancestral talisman from being noticed by others.

  However, this also sealed her strength.

  Now with this Neptune Spirit Grass, she can break the seal and restore her strength.

  Wu Yun: "Now I need to find a fast sea beast to drive on my way. Help me think about what kind of sea beast is fast. Let's catch one." "That's it!"

  Mu Lingshan bit her finger, "Go, take me to the surface of the sea."

  She was hanging on Wu Yun's arm.

  After leaving the world of ancient monuments, Mu Lingshan immediately landed on the surface of the sea, with her small hand pressed against the surface of the sea, a strange sound wave came out quickly from her hand.

  About half an hour later, a huge shadow seemed to appear on the bottom of the sea, and then, monstrous waves rushed up, and the sound of a whale whistling resounded, a giant blue whale with hundreds of feet in size was Break out of the sea.

  Mu Lingshan: "This is the Zhenhai Black Whale. They are sea beasts that are fast enough to rank among the top five in the Chaotic Demon Sea. No storm can stop their progress. Hehe, it should be enough to drive them instead."

  Mu Lingshan landed on the giant blue whale and got very close to it.

  "Well, it's not bad!"

  Wu Yun nodded. The strength of this blue whale had reached its peak in the Profound Realm, and the speed at which it exploded at full strength in the sea was faster than that on land.

  "Big Whale, follow me for a while."

  Wu Yun said through voice transmission with his mental power.

  "Come on, I'll give you a meeting gift first." After speaking, Wu Yun let it open its mouth, then took out a universe bag, and gave it a lot of spiritual fruits and spiritual pills, all of which were useful to the Profound Realm.


  Zhenhai Xuanjing called happily, thanking Wu Yun.

  "Now, head southwest and advance at full speed."

  Wu Yun directed.

  At the same time, his spiritual power outlined the runes, and added two rune buffs, the two runes of wind and water, to Zhenhai Xuanjing, which directly doubled the speed of Zhenhai Xuanjing.

  Wu Yun took Mu Lingshan into the world of ancient monuments, while he practiced on the back of the mysterious whale.

  After obtaining the complete runes of life and death, Wu Yun's control over the life and death profound powers was immediately maxed out.

  Now he is cultivating these two kinds of power at an incomparably fast speed.

  "It can reach the completion of the Shengxuan Realm!"

  Wu Yun directly began to break through.

  In the Niwan Palace, the life and death runes shone brightly, and the continuous source power was transformed into the power of life and death. The black and white power of life and death formed a substance, lingering around Wu Yun.

  Even though he was still in the Life Profound Realm, Wu Yun was already able to use the Death Profound Power.


  The Zhenhai mysterious whale yelled.

  "Someone is here?"

  Wu Yun's expression changed, waking up from his cultivation.

  At this time, space distortion appeared in the sky ahead.

  A space passage was formed soon, and then, Wu Yun saw a man in dark clothes walking out of the space passage slowly.

  The man's long hair fluttered, and there were some skull patterns on his clothes. A pair of hands stretched out of the sleeves looked extraordinarily slender and slender, but faintly, there was a black and white air lingering and rising.

  "Turning Wheel Realm?!"

  Wu Yun's eyes froze, and he encountered a strong man of this level.

  "You are Wu Yun, right? You ran fast enough. You snatched away the silver pagoda of our evil wind cave. Xie Yan, what about Mo Xie and the others, were you killed?" The long-haired man stared at him with sharp eyes. Looking at Wu Yun, he said in a soft voice.

  "I am the master of the evil wind cave, Wuxuan."