Resurrecting the Ancients, Fighting Strange Demons Again

At the bottom of the strange magic thunder lake, a group of figures sit cross-legged.

  This scene is actually a bit scary.

  Fortunately, Wu Yun was also a person who had seen big scenes, so he quickly calmed down. He observed these figures carefully, and he could no longer feel any vitality from them.

  Entering the Thunder Rock, watching these figures at a close distance, they are as thin as bones, their bodies are filled with the light of thunder and lightning, ancient vicissitudes, full of traces of time.

  In their bodies, Wu Yun detected streams of pure thunder power compressed to the extreme.

  "The Heart of Thunder appeared from them!"

  Wu Yun murmured.

  These ancient corpses sat under the Thunder Lake for a long time, every inch of their skin was permeated by the power of thunder, coupled with the strong water pressure, these corpses turned into bodies completely covered by the power of thunder. Condensed into a mummy.

  "There is also strange devil energy." Wu Yun's eyes immediately noticed the abdomen position of these people, and there was still a faint strange devil energy in their dantian.

  "The power of thunder has suppressed these strange demon energy!" Wu Yun saw the key again.

  The thunder corpses here are actually the same as the demon corpses above, they are both strong men who were corrupted by strange demons in ancient times.

  The evil strange energy can erode their sanity and turn them into machines that can only kill.

  And these ancient strongmen obviously didn't want to be eroded and lost by the strange devil energy, so this Thunder Lake became their last hope.

  Wu Yun had already seen the truth, and a feeling of admiration spontaneously arose in his heart.

  These ancient predecessors would rather endure the pain of thunder quenching their bodies than suppress the strange devil energy in their bodies. At the end of their lives, they were sitting in pain under the game of the power of thunder and strange devil energy.

  Hum... A subtle and muffled sound of thunder came from the thunder.

  Wu Yun quickly walked towards the direction of the sound. It was a silver corpse sitting cross-legged in a stone cave, suddenly erupting bright thunder lights. , like a small thunderball.


  The thunder light became more and more intense, the silver corpse exploded with a bang, the corpse was shattered, and a silver light ball gradually rose up, within that light ball was a silver heart, still beating slowly.

  "So that's how Thunder Heart came about!"

  Wu Yun was deeply shocked.

  Each Thunder Heart represents a senior from the ancient times.

  Wu Yun called the Thunder Heart into his hands, and couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

  They are all seniors who sacrificed their lives against strange demons.

  "Seniors, please rest assured that I will take over your tasks, and the power you finally transformed will also be used to deal with strange demons."

  Wu Yun looked at the many silver corpses and said with sincere awe in his eyes.

  "Fortunately no other people came down, otherwise these people only have treasures in their eyes, and they will only desecrate the seniors and disturb your peace." It is conceivable that

  if those people above all come down, what kind of chaos will be at the bottom of the lake, they don't know The strange demons also don't think about why these people are at the bottom of the lake, they just want to take away the pure heart of thunder from them.

  In this Leiyan ravine, there are many such silver corpses. One can imagine the scene when these strong men were eroded by strange devil energy and jumped into the lake resolutely.

  Wu Yun used the power of devouring to suck away all the remaining strange energy from their bodies, and the liberated silver corpses would automatically condense into the Heart of Thunder.

  He purified them one by one at the bottom of the lake and took them away.

  With the complete devouring runes and life and death runes, plus one-tenth of the thunder runes, Wu Yun can move freely under the Thunder Lake, and collect the strange devil energy on the silver corpses more quickly.

  The deeper you go, the heavier the strange demon energy above some corpses, and they can attack like those demon corpses before, and their strength is not weak.

  But with a little more time, Wu Yun can easily suppress it.

  When he reached the bottom of the Thunder Rock Ravine, the thunder water pressure was even stronger, and Wu Yun saw an extraordinarily huge cave.

  In the cave, sitting cross-legged was a tall silver figure about several feet tall. On the surface of his body, there were strange and evil black magic patterns climbing up one after another.

  "He has been eroded by strange demons so badly that he has condensed into strange demon dao patterns and clings to his body." Wu Yun lamented that the other silver corpses are just strange devil energy that gathers but does not disperse, and this one, the strange devil energy has already It has become a maggot attached to the bone.

  "Not only that, these strange demons seem to have gotten used to the power of thunder, and they can also absorb the power of thunder to strengthen themselves." Wu Yun was secretly stunned. It can be said that the strange demon that killed this senior was too strong.

  "I'm afraid it's already a strange monster of the general rank."

  Wu Yun thought about it.

  Only general-level strange demons comparable to those in the wheel-running realm can touch the Dao.


  Wu Yun's pupils shrank suddenly, the senior seemed to sense his presence, and his eyes, which had been closed for thousands of years, also trembled slightly, like a demon about to wake up.

  "His strength may have reached the perfection of the Death Profound Realm before he was alive, or even half a step into the Wheel-Running Realm, but now he can at least display the strength of the Great Accomplishment of the Death Profound Realm." Desolation sounded in Wu Yun's mind, reminding him.

  At this time, this senior also got up from the depths of the ravine. His figure was several times larger than that of ordinary people, like a small giant, and his body also showed a bright silver color.

  However, the difference is that there are extremely evil black magic patterns on Yinguang's body. These patterns are wrapped around every corner of his body. From a distance, it looks like countless black bugs crawling on his body. Scalp tingling.

  And his eyes are completely pure black, without any fluctuations, they look like dead objects.

  With a movement of his black pupils, he stared at Wu Yun suddenly, and then evil energy radiated from those pupils, his palms turned into claws, and he grabbed Wu Yun directly.

  "It's such a strong strange devil energy. It seems that the strange devils in it are not completely dead." Wu Yun was surprised, and he also attacked with both hands. On the two arms, hundreds of blue dragon light patterns flashed, and two powerful forces were at the bottom of the lake. hit.

  Buzzing... The colliding forces below the bottom of the lake spread to the surface of the lake, causing Thunder Lake to roll up into a stormy wave. The silver lightning surged to the sky, and the bright light shone on the faces of everyone in front of Thunder Lake.

  "This power is fought against by those at the Dacheng level of the Profound Death Realm." said the black-clothed elder in Xuantian Palace.

  His expression was horrified, his strength was only a small achievement in the Profound Death Realm, and this power made him feel dangerous.

  Similarly, the elders of Jiuyoumen who came from behind were also horrified, thankfully they didn't go down.

  "There is a terrifying existence under Thunder Lake."

  "This reincarnation cave is too dangerous. It has been so many years, and there are such things guarding it." "

  Then Wu Yun entered the lake, I am afraid that there are many lucky people."

  "Let's go explore other places. I'm afraid it will be difficult to gain anything here."

  The people around Thunder Lake saw the scene in Thunder Lake, sighed one after another, and had the heart to retreat.

  When they came here just now, they were blocked by the twenty puppets brought by Xuantian Temple and Baiyun, and they were not allowed to enter the lake. These people still didn't give up, especially Jiuyoumen, and mobilized the masses to force them with force.

  However, after Bai Yun and Liu Xiangxuan repelled the first wave of attacks together, these people calmed down a lot, and wanted to see what treasure Wu Yun could get from Thunder Lake.

  But now, it was obvious that a fierce battle had taken place under Thunder Lake, and this battle was at the level of a master of the Profound Death Realm.

  Liu Xiangxuan's face was a little worried, mainly because she was afraid that Wu Yun would not gain anything from the bottom, and they would stay up there for nothing.

  As for Bai Yun, she wasn't too worried. She knew the master's methods. Back then, the three Yuanmen disciples had survived. How could it be difficult for Wu Yun to fight at this level.

  Buzzing... The lake water was turbulent, and the thunderbolt exploded.

  Under the bottom of the sea, Wu Yun quickly occupied the top, relying on the strength of Qinglong Arm and Shenyue Body, he controlled the opponent.

  After suppressing the demon corpse, Wu Yun released the power of devouring, sucking the strange demon energy permeating his body into the ancient monument.

  At the same time, the power of life and death in black and white also gushed out, suppressing the magic lines on his body.

  "Swallow... swallow... ancestral talisman, life... death... ancestral talisman..." A

  hoarse voice came from the mouth of the demon corpse, and the pair of dark as ink pupils actually had emotional fluctuations.

  "Senior, do you still have sanity?" Wu Yun asked in surprise, staring closely at the black light figure in front of him surrounded by evil and strange energy.

  "" He said with great effort, with longing in his eyes, hoping that Wu Yun could help him get rid of these evil spirits.

  "Desolate, barren cloud!" Wu Yun shouted in his mind.

  From the ancient tablet on his chest, two streaks of emerald green brilliance shot out immediately.

  Desolation and Desolation respectively controlled a branch of the world tree and inserted it into the body of the demon corpse, and they frantically absorbed the strange energy from it.

  "Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

  A strange voice suddenly came from the mouth of the demon corpse.

  "Be careful, the magic lines in my body are about to resist." The demon corpse made another struggling sound.

  His remaining sanity is competing with the strange demon in his body.

  "Human, you can't kill me."

  The magic pattern on the demon corpse squirmed crazily, like black worms, suddenly sprang out from the demon corpse, and then the black light frantically gathered, and within a few breaths, In time, it turned into a huge dark creature of hundreds of feet.

  The whole body of this dark creature is black, black flames are rising from its body, and the pair of black pupils are filled with evil black energy and killing.

  As soon as the dark creature appeared, its black eyes were filled with murderous intent. It locked on Wu Yun, and a deep roar came out, "It's such a strong life force. It should be able to revive me after sucking you.

  " The flames condensed and directly turned into a black flame spear, which separated the thunder pulp and blasted towards Wu Yun as fast as lightning.

  "It's great that you still dare to come out."

  Wu Yun grinned. If the strange demon had been hiding in the demon's corpse, Wu Yun wanted to completely erase it, but he was a little slow. After all, he didn't want to hurt the demon's corpse senior.

  However, in order to attack Wu Yun, it took the initiative to get out of the corpse's body, which gave Wu Yun the best chance to make a move.

  The ancient stele on his chest immediately grew bigger, blocking him and blocking the black flame spear.

  "Sword of Calming Chaos!"

  The chaotic talisman in his mind flickered, and the surging power of the primordial spirit was condensed into a black primordial spirit sword embryo.

  The primordial god sword fetus ignored the space, and directly turned into a black light, shooting into the head of the dark monster.

  Primordial God Sword Embryo, specialized in killing divine consciousness, no matter how weird this strange demon general is, his divine consciousness is the same.


  the monster screamed, its movements slow and stiff.

  The two crystal green branches manipulated by Desolation and Desolation immediately entangled and restrained it, and dragged it into the ancient monument.

  "I got another medium-sized power bank, not bad." Wu Yun said with satisfaction.

  General-level strange demons have a lot of energy, even if they have been suppressed for a long time and have been incomplete, they can still make the World Tree produce more than a thousand high-quality Mysterious Spirit Fruits.

  "Senior!" Wu Yun looked at the demon corpse, which had no magic patterns and had a pure silver glow.

  The expression of the silver demon corpse was stiff, and his eyes were dazed for a while, and then there was a relief on his face, and he was extremely excited, and Wu Yun could feel his excitement at this moment.

  The demon that has been entangled for thousands of years has finally been wiped out.

  "Thank you!" he said in a low voice.

  A big gift was made to Wu Yun.

  "It's good if we can help seniors. It's our responsibility to purify these strange demons." Wu Yun said lightly.

  "The magic pattern in my body has been erased, and my mind, which has been sealed for thousands of years, is also freed, but it may not exist for too long, or it will disappear." The silver figure sighed.

  Wu Yun frowned and said, "Do you still want to dissipate?"

  "There is no way, my current sanity is just a wisp of remnant soul, sealed for a thousand years, it is the limit, if not for the obsession in my heart, I may have lost it long ago Under the erosion of that strange devil energy." The silver figure smiled, and his voice was unusually free and easy, and he was extremely satisfied to be able to escape from that erosion state.

  "I'll give it a try, maybe I can bring senior back to life." Wu Yun thought for a while and decided.

  The desolation of the Great Desolation Sect everywhere has only a ray of obsession, and it has regained its life because of the World Tree.

  This demon corpse still has a trace of remnant soul, which is much better than obsession. The World Tree can accommodate the soul and keep it intact.

  "No, it's very difficult. Even Lord Lei Di might not be able to do it, and those brothers from back then are all dead, and I have no intention of surviving." The silver demon corpse said indifferently, "When it dissipates, you can see Now that the demon has disappeared, I am already satisfied."

  Being able to stand in a stalemate with the strange demon for thousands of years, the other party's mood and will are extremely strong, and he can face death calmly.

  Wu Yun admired such a senior very much.

  "Senior, the strange demons haven't been eradicated yet, so why are you willing to leave? Your brothers and you were all killed by the strange demons. If you don't wipe out the strange demons, how can you be worthy of your heavy past."

  "I have a way to revive senior, and I have helped more than one person like you, senior, please believe me."

  Wu Yun said sincerely.

  He really wants to help them. These people who are fighting against the strange demons are all heroes who carry forward with heavy burdens.

  These are the people like them who hold up the entire Profound Sky Continent.

  Wu Yun had an idea, he wanted to take these seniors from ancient times to fight against strange demons again.

  But this time, the strange demon must pay a heavy price.