Occupy Thunder Palace, Thunder Emperor Scepter

"Will you fight against the strange demons again?"

  The eyes of the silver demon corpse suddenly flashed, and Wu Yun's words undoubtedly moved him.

  The strange demon destroyed their Leifu, and the strange demon general who killed him tortured his remnant soul for thousands of years.

  He looked at Wu Yun again in amazement. This young man seemed to be really different.

  Even though he only had the perfect strength of the Shengxuan Realm, he was able to suppress him, and through a method he had never seen before, all the magic patterns in his body were cleared and refined.

  In the green branches, he felt a strong vitality, and that kind of vitality was not different from raw profound strength, but a kind of power that even his remnant soul state yearned for.

  "Yes, senior, as long as you still have the heart to fight, I have a way to bring you back to the top and even become stronger." Wu Yun said with a smile.

  The strength of this senior is at least at the peak of the Profound Death Realm, and he has even half-stepped into the Revolving Realm. After thousands of years of tempering at the bottom of the lake, the spiritual realm must have reached a super strong level. This kind of precipitation and accumulation, Getting through the wheel is not a problem.

  Chi Xin was just a wisp of obsession. At that time, his strength was only around the Nirvana Realm, but after reshaping his physical body with the help of the World Tree, his strength improved by leaps and bounds. Now he has also reached the Great Accomplishment of the Profound Death Realm. There is almost no bottleneck in his breakthrough.

  Desolation once said that within three years, Chixin can enter the realm of reincarnation.

  "You have the power of life and death and the power of devouring, do you have these two ancestral symbols?" asked the silver demon corpse.

  "These two ancestral symbols are indeed by my side, and I also possess their power." Wu Yun nodded sincerely.

  "I still don't know what to call senior?"

  "My name is Zuo Fei!" He said, "Then you came here for the Thunder Ancestral Talisman, I guess." "

  Yes, yes." Wu Yun nodded.

  "Thunder Ancestral Talisman." Hearing these words, Zuo Fei was startled, and then his eyes showed nostalgia, and he said softly: "It was because of the Thunder Ancestral Talisman that Lord Lei Di established the Thunder Mansion back then. Because of this, my Thunder Mansion will be targeted by those strange monsters, and then aggressively attack." "

  Become the Thunder Ancestral Talisman, and lose the Thunder Ancestral Talisman."

  He sighed.

  "The ancestral talisman has great power, and it is the most powerful fetish to restrain the strange demons. These strange demons will inevitably target those who obtain the ancestral talisman. They are opposed to the world itself, and it is precisely because seniors like Lei Di suppressed it. Only when the strange demons are eliminated, will the world be peaceful." Wu Yun said.

  No matter who obtains the ancestral talisman, they will be targeted by strange demons. If they want to gain power, they must bear the risk.

  "I really want to eradicate these strange beasts as soon as possible." Zuo Fei said angrily.

  Everything about him was destroyed by strange demons.

  "There will be such a day, and it won't be too far away." Wu Yun nodded solemnly, "Senior Zuo Fei, do you know the location of the Thunder Ancestral Talisman?"

  Zuo Fei nodded and said, "If I don't expect If it is worse, the Thunder Ancestral Talisman should be in the Thunder Realm."


  "That is a space opened up by Lord Lei Di, and no one can enter it except himself." "Can no one enter?"

  "That's not true. After Master Lei Di opened it, he also gave the method to open it. There are three spiritual treasures. I sensed that you have two of them. If you find the third one, you can open it." Zuo Fei laughed.

  "I understand!" Wu Yun nodded.

  "Senior Zuo, your soul is weak now, go to my world of ancient monuments to rest first, and you will recover quickly there." Wu Yun opened the door of space, and let Huang Yunlai bring

Zuo Fei away. go in.

  "En!" Zuo Fei nodded, and explained, "The center of the cave is the Thunder Hall, which is the most central place of the cave, and the entrance to the Thunder Realm is also in it, but you have to be careful, then There may still be strange demons left in this space." "

  Besides, if my prediction is correct, there should be three Thunder Kings guarding the Thunder Hall.

  " They are the Four Great Thunder Kings, named after the south, east, and northwest, and I am the Eastern Thunder King among them." "

  The other three are probably the same as I was before now, and even completely lost their sanity."

  Zuo Fei said here , looks a little complicated.

  Those were his former brothers.

  After Zuo Fei reminded, he stepped into the white space door and entered the world of ancient monuments. He was dragged by the barren cloud and came directly to the center of the World Tree.

  Surrounded by emerald green brilliance, endless vitality frantically poured into his body.

  Here, there are desolation, barren cloud, sealing cloud, rock, burning sky old ghost, prehistoric lord, etc., all of which existed in ancient times.

  Zuo Fei looked at them curiously, and after being introduced by Huang Yun, he was amazed to know these people and fetishes. Here, he turned out to be the most compelling one.



  Wu Yun came out of Thunder Lake and landed on the shore. At this time, Bai Yun and Liu Xiangxuan were still guarding here with their team, and there were some scattered people hiding in the dark watch.

  As for the majority of people, they have already left this place to look for opportunities elsewhere.

  After all, the cave world is huge, so it would be unwise to stay here and compete with Wu Yun.

  "Brother Wu Yun, are you okay?" Liu Xiangxuan asked with concern.

  The power of Zuo Fei and the general-level strange demon just now made them, the people on the lake, feel strong pressure.

  If their team from Xuantian Temple faced each other, it would be more or less ominous.

  "No problem, the harvest is good."

  "These ten Thunder Hearts are your reward."

  Wu Yun said as he took out ten Thunder Hearts and gave them to Liu Xiangxuan.

  Under Thunder Lake just now, he harvested about three hundred Thunder Hearts.

  "Thank you Brother Wu Yun." Liu Xiangxuan solemnly cupped her hands.

  It would be nice to get one, and now I just helped Wu Yun take a look on the lake, and I got ten, which is already a great surprise.

  "Now let's go directly to the deepest part of the cave. There are many dangers along the way. Let's go there together." Wu Yun invited.

  He also needs the silver pagoda on Liu Xiangxuan's body to help open the Thunder Realm.

  The Lei Mansion is very big, but apart from Lei Lake, there are not many valuable places, so I left it to Xiao Diao and the others to search, and Wu Yun led Liu Xiangxuan and Bai Yun to the deepest point.

  As it went deeper, the sky in this area became faintly darker, and some black thunderclouds were entrenched in the sky. In the faint, there was a sound of thunder, rumbling reverberating on this vast land.

  "Where is the Thunder Palace?"

  Liu Xiangxuan was puzzled, all she saw along the way were ruins, but she couldn't see the Thunder Palace.


  Wu Yun pointed to the sky.

  He slowly raised his head and looked at the sky above the land, where thick thunderclouds were suspended, and there was a faintly vast wave emanating from there.

  "Thunder Palace, hidden in the thunder cloud."

  Wu Yun's figure rushed straight to the sky, appeared outside the thunder cloud, and then cast his gaze, only to see a magnificent tower above the thunder cloud. The indescribable Temple of Thunder stands quietly, and the vicissitudes of life are majestic and shocking.

  "Here it is!"


  As they arrived at the Thunder Palace, many figures who followed them also appeared, and many people who had already penetrated here rushed to the thunder clouds one after another. They looked at the majestic Thunder Palace and exclaimed endlessly.

  "There are quite a few people, all of whom are at the Shengxuan Realm!" Wu Yun secretly sighed, many of them had hidden their strength before, just to sneak in.

  "There is a layer of thunder gang guarding outside the Thunder Palace, it is difficult to penetrate."

  "What should I do?"

  "The thunder gang is dissipating, so I have to wait."


  Everyone looked at the Thunder Palace with fiery eyes, but the Thunder Palace Protected by Lei Gang, even a strong person in the Profound Death Realm would find it difficult to break through.

  However, Lei Gang is rapidly dissipating. The opening of this cave has connected the outside world, and a lot of energy inside is rapidly dissipating.

  After a while, Lei Gang disappeared.

  Those people have long been ready to go, cut through the sky, and rushed towards the Thunder Palace at an astonishing speed, and in just a few breaths, they reached the giant gate of the Thunder Palace.

  Especially the people from Jiuyoumen, they were the first to charge from another direction.

  The majestic energy turned into hundreds of horses, tearing the air, and then overwhelmingly fell on the giant gate of the silver thunder palace, and the sound of rumbling suddenly resounded through the sky.

  Facing so many powerful men attacking with all their strength, the giant silver door exploded in an instant, and an ancient smell also permeated from the broken Thunder Palace. It's seeing the light of day again.


  Treasure hunting adventures will always touch people's hearts.

  The adrenaline was soaring, and people with fiery eyes rushed towards the portal.

  Boom boom boom!

  Suddenly, a thunderous sound came out, and three thunderbolts full of destructive power shot from the Thunder Palace.

  Those strong men who rushed to the gate were directly reduced to nothingness in the bursting thunder.

  Three streaks of silver light rushed out, charged into the crowd, and killed hundreds of strong people at the Vibrant Profound Realm in an instant.

  Wu Yun could see clearly that they were three silver figures with a whole body, and their bodies were covered with the same magic lines as Zuo Fei's, and evil and powerful black energy flowed continuously from them. Emanating out, the temperature of the sky and the earth has dropped a lot.

  Obviously, these three people are the other three Thunder Kings that Zuo Fei mentioned earlier.

  The strength is also similar to Zuo Fei.

  They all have powers comparable to those at the Death Profound Realm.

  It's impossible for people here to stop them.

  Seeing the three thunder king demon corpses killing indiscriminately in the crowd, everyone retreated frantically.

  Wu Yun didn't act immediately, he needed these things to taste the pain first.


  Xiao Diao, Lin Dong and Xiao Yan also came here, they came here as soon as they saw Wu Yun.

  "How to do it?"

  Lin Dong asked looking at the three tyrannical Thunder King demon corpses.

  "Later, we will suppress these three demon corpses together, and then you guard the entrance of the Thunder Hall, and don't let these people in." Wu Yun thought for a while.

  This is the core of Lei Mansion, where the real inheritance and treasures are, Wu Yun is naturally unwilling to share them with these passers-by.

  "Let's do it." Wu Yun said.

  Xiao Diao and three people rushed out directly, and each of them dealt with a demon corpse.

  "Everyone back off, this demon corpse is not something you can deal with." Wu Yun shouted loudly.

  At the same time, he followed Xiao Diao and the others.

  After all, they are demon corpses who have achieved great success in the Profound Death Realm, and the three of them are not so easy to suppress.

  "Heavy prison Yanshan!"

  "Sealing the sky map!"

  "Burning the sky!"

  Wu Yun sacrificed three treasures of pure essence, instantly covering the three demon corpses.

  The tyrannical Lingbao fluctuations sent those passers-by in the sky flying away, and the Fengtian Formation directly sealed off the space around Leidian, isolating all the people who had nothing to do with Wu Yun and the others to the outside.

  This time, apart from Wu Yun and Liu Xiangxuan, there was no one else before Lei Dian.

  It is quite now!

  "Miss Liu, give me the silver pagoda." Wu Yun stretched out his hand directly to Liu Xiangxuan.

  Liu Xiangxuan swallowed, hesitated a little, and obediently took out the silver pagoda from the Qiankun bag to Wu Yun.

  The Xuantian Palace team had already been isolated and eliminated by Wu Yun. Even though she still carried a treasure of pure essence in her hand, she was by no means a match for Wu Yun and the others.

  Wu Yun sacrificed three pure Yuan treasures just now, and they were all very tyrannical, even the elders of the Death Profound Realm had no power to resist.

  Where did these five people come to hunt for treasures, they simply came to pick them up.

  These dangers in the cave mansion cannot trouble them at all.

  "Xiao Diao, Xiao Yan, I will leave this place to you." "

  If a powerful man in red robe comes over, don't fight him, just let him in." Wu Yun instructed Xiao Diao.

  "Oh, the man in the red robe?" Xiao Diao was a little puzzled.

  "Just do as I say, you can't beat him." Wu Yun said.

  For the time being, hand over the three pure Yuan treasures to Xiao Diao and the others, and then bring Bai Yun and Lin Dong into the Thunder Hall.

  Phew... enter the palace! An extremely ancient smell hits the face, that feeling is like going back to a thousand years ago.

  The Hall of Thunder is very large. At first glance, it is a maze-like giant passageway that criss-crosses. On both sides of those passageways, there are many closed stone chambers. No one knows what is inside.

  Most of the ancient buildings are very similar, and the structure here is similar to the ancient tomb when he first met Ling Qingzhu.

  Wu Yun didn't explore one by one, but went straight inside.

  This Thunder Palace is definitely going to be included in the world of ancient monuments, and he will investigate slowly at that time. Now get the Thunder Ancestral Talisman and control this Thunder Palace.

  Soon in front of them, a stone staircase with ten thousand steps appeared, and at the end of the stone staircase, a silver hall stood safely, majestic and majestic.

  "This should be the main hall."

  The three of Wu Yun looked at the furnishings in the hall.

  In the main hall, there are huge stone pillars. On the top of the stone pillars, there are some light clusters shining with thunder. In the light clusters, some scrolls, weapons, etc. can be vaguely seen, and those fluctuations are not weak.

  "These treasures all have strong auras, including martial arts, spirit treasures, and pure essence treasures." Lin Dong said pleasantly.

  "Then it should be Lei Di, right?!"

  Wu Yun's eyes turned to the deepest part of the hall, where there was a stone statue about a hundred feet long.

  The stone statue sat on the throne, wearing a battle robe, with a majestic face, and faintly, there was an extremely astonishing aura emanating from the stone statue. That kind of aura was not real, but carried by the stone statue itself.

  Moreover, the pair of eyes of the stone statue are as bright as silver, and it seems that there is a world of thunder hidden in it, and there is a faint sound of thunder.

  A stone statue has this kind of aura, obviously it was infected by Lei Di's aura back then.

  Wu Yun's eyes suddenly turned to the right hand of the stone statue. At this time, in his right hand, he was holding a silver scepter. On the scepter, there was continuous thunder light flowing down, which was extremely gorgeous. However, from the silver scepter On the stick, Wu Yun felt a wave that was so strong that it moved his face.

  "Thunder Emperor Scepter!"