Thunder Ancestral Talisman, Different Demon King

Emperor Scepter of the Different Demon King , exudes a tyrannical aura, and in front of it, the floating treasures in the hall are all overshadowed.

  "This spiritual treasure is no worse than the Fen Tian Ding." Wu Yun said with emotion.

  There are quite a few treasures of pure essence in his hand, there are all kinds of grades, and he can clearly judge the strength of these spiritual treasures.

  The Burning Heaven Cauldron and the Thunder Emperor Scepter belonged to the top pure Yuan treasures.

  "Second brother, put away these treasures."

  Wu Yun pointed to these treasures in the main hall, and then walked towards the Thunder Emperor's scepter by himself.

  He stretched out his palm, and the moment he caught the silver scepter, a deafening thunderous sound resounded in the hall suddenly. On the silver scepter, there were suddenly thousands of flashes of lightning. Suddenly, an extremely violent thunder force radiated out.


  The violent thunder light hit Wu Yun's hand.

  However, Wu Yun still firmly grasped the scepter and let it thunder, and I stood still.

  The blue dragon light patterns flickered on the arm, and in the blink of an eye, the entire arm turned into a blue light.

  Thunder struck on it, but there was no response.

  The silver scepter vibrated violently, as if it had been awakened from a deep sleep, strangled the throat of fate, thunder spread, and the silver scepter suddenly broke free from the hand of the stone statue, transformed into a It turned into a giant thunderbolt, like an angry thunder dragon.

  However, it still didn't escape Wu Yun's palm, and he firmly grasped its handle.

  "What a violent Lingbao, it's rare to see such a violent temper." Wu Yun smiled. He was not afraid of the Sceptermaniac, but he was afraid that it would not be strong enough.

  Now it seems that the Thunder Emperor Scepter has a very strong power.

  This kind of power is not even able to withstand the powerhouses of the general Death Profound Realm.

  You know, this is just the power it exudes.

  If someone controls it, its power will increase exponentially.

  This kind of top-level pure Yuan treasure has spirits. In the hands of strangers, it must be crazy resistance. It is not so easy to surrender, at least it needs to be suppressed in terms of strength.

  "Be good!"

  Wu Yun said to the scepter, and then his mental power poured directly into the Thunder Emperor's scepter.


  The violent thunder crazily attacked Wu Yun's mental power, trying to destroy it and prevent it from entering.

  However, Wu Yun's spiritual power itself has one-tenth of the power of the thunder rune, and has a very strong immunity to the power of thunder. Although the power of the Thunder Emperor Scepter is strong, to Wu Yun, it is just a tickle .

  Strongly entering the scepter, Wu Yun branded his spiritual imprint.

  "Don't be naughty!"

  Wu Yun said to Lei Di's scepter.

  Seeing that he was still trying to erase his spiritual imprint, Wu Yun himself summoned the Thunder Spirit Sword in his dantian.


  The blade was drawn down, and slapped on the thunder dragon transformed from the Thunder Emperor's scepter.

  The Thunder Spirit Heaven Knife is transformed by real thunder, its thunder power is much purer than that of the Thunder Emperor's Scepter, and with Wu Yun's power, when it is slapped, it immediately dissipates the thunder power of the Thunder Emperor's Scepter .


  After slapping several times in a row, the Thunder Emperor's scepter finally became obedient. The Thunderbolt, which looked like a thunder dragon, shrunk rapidly at this moment, and the light of the thunder converged, and finally turned into a ten-foot stick again. A long silver scepter.

  Wu Yun held it in his hand and felt it carefully. I don't know what kind of material this Thunder Emperor Scepter was made of. Only thunder eyes filled with coercion.

  On the top of the scepter, there are eight thunder dragons roaring upwards, and in the center surrounded by the thunder dragons, there is a palm-sized silver thunderbolt. A trace of thunder arcs flash from above, and finally pour down along the eight thunder dragons , covering the entire scepter.

  An unspeakable majesty emanates from the scepter, as if whoever controls the scepter controls the heaven, earth and thunder.

  In comparison, the Thunder on the Lei Ling Tian Knife is much more restrained.

  "Ling Yun, this will be your little brother from now on, let's call him Leiyun." Wu Yun immediately arranged for Leidi Scepter as Lingbao's younger brother.

  Lin Dong and the others also put away the floating treasures, the most precious of which were two low-grade Pure Yuan Treasures and one high-grade Heavenly Martial Arts.

  After putting away these treasures, Wu Yun took out three silver pagodas.

  As the three silver pagodas appeared at the same time, suddenly there was a thunder light spreading from the pagodas. Immediately afterwards, the silver pagodas flew out, and finally touched in the midair of the main hall. The lightning flashed and gradually merged.

  Phew... After the Silver Pagoda merged, a beam of thunder shot out and irradiated on the stone statue of the Thunder Emperor.


  The stone statue of Thunder Emperor suddenly shone with silver light, and then the space on the chest of the stone statue slowly distorted, as if there was a vortex in space gradually taking shape.

  "It's really strange that the Thunder Realm is hidden in the stone statue." Lin Dong said with emotion.

  A space vortex slowly formed at the chest of the stone statue. If you look carefully, you can see the lightning arc jumping in the space vortex.

  An indescribably ancient and vast aura emanated from it faintly. Under that aura, it was as if the might of the sky descended, and the soul fell into the thunder of heaven.

  At this time, the three silver towers fused together turned into a peculiar silver rune, above which was covered with thunder patterns, and arcs of thunder jumped on it.

  Wu Yun grabbed the silver rune in his hand.

  call out!

  At this time, a red shadow flashed and came to the main hall. He looked at the space vortex, and then looked at Wu Yun and the three of them.

  "It's really surprising that a young man can monopolize the entire Thunder Hall." The man in red looked at Wu Yun with great interest, and said in surprise.

  "You can't say it's monopoly. Didn't you come in?" Wu Yun said with a smile.

  "No, I didn't come to compete with you for treasures." The red-robed man shook his head, and he said as if he had something serious, "Now you have got the treasure you want, young man, let's stop here, next It's out of your control.

  "It's come to this point, do you think I will retreat? "Wu Yun looked at him indifferently, not giving an inch, "And I don't think I will be unable to grasp it. If I can't grasp it, I'm afraid your Excellency will be even more miserable. "

  "Hehe, young! "

  The red-robed man seemed to smile, and then he stretched out his palm and slowly took off the red cloak. A face appeared in front of Wu Yun and the three of them.

  That face was quite rough, with thick eyebrows , with a domineering aura that could burn the world, and at the center of his eyebrows, a flame rune shone with a strange light.

  "A flame ancestor symbol is probably not enough to make us retreat. " Wu Yun said to

  Lin Dong: "Brother, he seems to be the master of the Yanshen Temple, Mo Luo. "

  " Don't you know what the ancestor symbol represents? Mo Luo felt that he was facing two Xiaobai.

  "Of course I know!" "Wu Yun had a smile on his face.

  "Second brother, show him your ancestral amulet." "

  Lin Dong chuckled, and summoned the Devouring Ancestral Talisman.

  "The Devouring Ancestral Talisman!" Mo Luo's face changed, and he said in surprise.

  "Master Mo Luo, look here again!" "

  Wu Yun shouted, and then manifested the life-death talisman on his chaotic talisman body.

  "Life-death ancestral talisman?" ! ' He opened his eyes again.

  "No, it's not the real ancestral talisman of life and death, but it also has nearly half the power of the ancestral talisman." "

  So I underestimated you two.

  " On the guy."

  "Don't sigh, Lord Moro, age does not represent strength, although our realm is not as high as yours, but in a real fight, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose, but now is not the time to talk about these things, I know you We came here to kill the strange demon king who was suppressed here, and our purpose is also the same." "

  Otherwise, I would not allow you to come in."

  Wu Yun said straightforwardly.

  "Good boy, do you think that the sky demon mink and that demon tiger outside can stop me?" Moro smiled. He had never seen such a crazy person, and he still knew his After identity, there are even crazier people.

  "I said yes, of course I can, why lie to you, let's go, now that you are here, let's go and meet the strange demon king inside."

  Wu Yun smiled mysteriously.

  Ying Xuanzi, Elder Han Taishang, and Wu Yun's three runners, plus Wu Yun's five, even if Mo Luo had the flame ancestral talisman, it would not be difficult to suppress it.

  However, Mo Luo was a natural ally, and Wu Yun thought he was the vanguard general in attacking strange demons, so there was no need to fight with him.

  Looking at Wu Yun's confident smile, Mo Luo was really not sure about this young man for a while.

  "How do you know that the strange demon king is being suppressed here? From your appearance, it doesn't seem like the first time you have dealt with different demons?" Moro became more curious.

  "Master Moro, tell me something you don't like to hear, I probably killed more strange demons than you have ever seen."


  After speaking, Wu Yun rushed into the vortex first.

  Lin Dong and Bai Yun followed immediately.

  Moro froze for a moment.


  To curse secretly is to enter the vortex.

  Dazzling bright silver light suddenly emerged from the field of vision, and then, the continuous sound of thunder, with an unspeakable coercion, resounded in Wu Yun's ears.

  He looked around and saw that this was a vast space with no end in sight, only the element of thunder.

  Countless huge thunderbolts, like ancient thunder dragons, roared and flickered in this space, and the sound of thunder exploded. This kind of scenery is so spectacular that it is indescribable.

  This piece of thunder world is very large, without ground, it is the sea area of ​​thunder plasma, vast and endless, above the sea area, the thunder is raging, and above it, there are overwhelming silver thunder. The human soul trembles.

  After Mo Luo came in, Wu Yun and the others went deep together.

  Soon they stopped in mid-air in the Leijiang sea area, and saw a silver altar in the air, with ten thousand thunder ladders on the altar, and on the top of the altar was a throne.

  Around the throne, thousands of thunders are falling, the space is distorted, and there is a figure sitting on the throne.

  The outline of that figure was the same as the stone statue outside before, it was obviously Lei Di himself.

  However, this figure has a more terrifying aura.

  "There is no life left!" Lin Dong sighed, feeling sorry for this generation of powerhouses.

  Mo Luo also looked at Lei Di with complicated eyes, and then he looked at the sky above the altar.


  Wu Yun and the others also raised their heads at the same time.

  In the sky above, a thousand-foot thunderball floated in the distant sky. It looked like a sun formed by the condensed thunder.

  It floats in the sky, the bright thunder light jumps on it, and the loud thunder spreads, the terrifying power contained in it.

  In that day of thunder, Wu Yun felt an extremely terrifying, yet extremely familiar fluctuation.

  Thunder Ancestral Talisman!

  "Let's get rid of the demons first, Lord Moro."

  Wu Yun's gaze turned to the endless sea of ​​thunderous liquid below.

  The corner of his mouth curled up, and he punched into the lightning sea area below.


  Following the fall of the Zijin Fist Seal, some roaring sounds erupted in the thunderstorm, and a gigantic vortex void suddenly appeared in the thunderstorm sea area.

  Roar... An extremely evil roar resounded violently from the depths, and the monstrous black air rushed out violently.

  The different demon king is out!

  Both Lin Dong and Bai Yun held their breath, staring at the sea area below with full concentration.

  When the monstrous black air rushed out, the thunder sun above the sky also made a loud noise, and the space above the sea area was distorted, and huge thunder chains of thousands of feet slowly emerged.

  The thunder chains are like thunder dragons, one end is connected to the thunder sun in the sky, while the other end penetrates into the deepest part of the vortex cavity.

  Between the entwined thunder chains, there was a hundred-foot black shadow. He exuded a monstrous evil aura, trying to erode the thunder chains that bound him, and constantly competed with them.

  "What an energetic strange demon king!" Wu Yun's eyes lit up.

  This strange demon is much more energetic than the two they suppressed before.

  It took a long time to suppress those two ends.

  And this end, obviously hasn't been poked to the fullest.

  "This is a charging treasure with sufficient power." I thought happily that as long as this is detained in the ancient monument space, World Tree can usher in another wave of accelerated growth.


  The strange demon with a hundred feet of black shadow also raised his head, looked at Wu Yun and the others, and shot over with a pair of gloomy and ferocious black pupils.

  "Don't look at him."

  Wu Yun pulled Bai Yun behind him, and then met his eyes like lightning.

  In an instant, the chaotic talisman in Wu Yun's mind spun crazily, and mental power gushed out rapidly, which was a sign of danger.

  Lin Dong was holding his head, and without warning, a wave of ferocity surged from the depths of his heart, wanting to replace his rationality.

  However, Lin Dong's willpower was firm and he recovered in a short while.

  "Be careful, these strange demons are the best at corrupting people's hearts." Mo Luo reminded.

  However, when he saw Wu Yun and Lin Dong, he was unaffected for a moment, and the two looked calm. It really wasn't the first time they faced the strange demon king.

  "Humans, you damned humans."

  The strange demon roared and roared.

  "My holy clan, sooner or later I will conquer this plane of yours."

  "Wishful thinking!" Mo Luo said.

  "Jie Jie, don't think that you have won this war. In this plane, the number of my saints is beyond what you can imagine. When the cracks in the plane are torn apart next time, this plane will definitely be destroyed. Enslaved by our clan!" Baizhang Black Shadow screamed.

  "Are there still many of you?" Wu Yun asked excitedly, his eyes lit up.