Ying Huanhuan Willing to Be a Little Woman

In the world of ancient monuments, because the two previous strange demon kings had been killed by Wu Yun, they were sacrificed and turned into puppets. Now the only king-level strange demon that is suppressed is Earth Pluto.

  Except for the king rank strange demons, other strange demons could not bring pressure to Huang Yun and them at all.

  It is not a big problem to add one more Tianyuanzi now. The larger World Tree and the Fengtian Formation, which gradually evolved into the ancestor talisman, can suppress the king-level strange demons more easily.

  Unless it is a true king of the third level of reincarnation, it is just an ordinary king-level strange monster, and the world of ancient monuments can suppress a few more.

  "There's also Ren Yuanzi puppy!"

  Wu Yun's gaze immediately turned to the other side of the battlefield, Qingzhi and Ren Yuanzi were fighting fiercely.

  Normally, without the intervention of gods and objects, it is difficult to tell the winner in the same realm in a short time.

  Wu Yun's cheating is not counted, not to mention his instant kills at the same level, killing enemies beyond the realm is already commonplace.

  He who owns the secret word of the owner can recover all injuries and consumption in an instant.

  Runner Zimi quickly made up for the consumption of fighting Tian Yuanzi just now.

  Without the strongest boss, Wu Yun is no longer so worried.

  He distractedly manipulated the two demon corpses at the peak of the revolving realm, and joined the crowd to help them reduce their pressure. Those demon corpses that kept getting up were a big blow to many disciples of Yanshen Temple and Daozong .

  Casualties are being claimed every minute.

  After finishing, Wu Yun was ready to help Qingzhi and fight Ren Yuanzi.

  Qing Pheasant is the Qinglong King, and the Qingtianhualongjue created by himself can be said to be the top-level martial arts, and the strongest body-training martial arts at the moment.

  His strength is outstanding in the reincarnation realm.

  Facing Ren Yuanzi, it was basically a crushing situation.

  It is not difficult for him to defeat the opponent, but Ren Yuanzi has been avoiding him, just wanting to hold him back and not confront him head-on, which makes it difficult for Qingzhi to severely injure Ren Yuanzi.

  In addition, the demonic energy here is overwhelming, and Yuanzi, who owns the demonic species, can also use the power of the demonic energy to recover, and the continuous battle is very strong.

  Ren Yuanzi's position is very clear, he knows that he is not the opponent of the Qinglong King, so he just wants to hold Qingzhi, wait for Tian Yuanzi to use the big demon to take Wu Yun down, break the balance, and then come to deal with Qingzhi with him, and finally Annihilate all enemies.

  However, with the shattering of the Great Heaven Demon and the suppression of Tian Yuanzi's Yuanshen, Ren Yuanzi was in despair, and he lost any desire to fight on.

  The Great Heaven Demon is their strongest method, even this can't stop Wu Yun, he is definitely not an opponent.

  In desperation, he could only choose to escape.

  Ren Yuanzi suddenly flew from the sky to the ground, he wanted to enter the cracked magic seam in the ground, and transfer out of this place through the power of the world of the Sabbat.

  "If you want to run, do you think you can escape in the hands of me?"

  Qingzhi sneered, and turned into a huge green dragon with a thousand feet. With a dragon cry, the huge dragon body appeared on the ground, covering the crack in the demonic energy, blocking Ren Yuanzi.


  The green pheasant let out a green dragon cry, and the terrifying blue sound waves vibrated out, and the whole space seemed to be broken, collapsing and falling.

  Ren Yuanzi's body also appeared deformed, the eardrum was ruptured, and the seven orifices were bleeding.

  "The ancient formation of the universe, fusion!"

  Wu Yun fused the various forces in his body and gathered them into an incomparably powerful fusion force.

  "The Spear of the Underworld God!"

  In an instant, the God Elephant's Prison Suppressing Power was running, and it cast the strongest attack technique of this method.

  The majestic energy gushed out, condensing into a huge chaotic spear, and the destructive energy swept over, as if hell had descended.


  Wu Yun shouted angrily, and the chaotic-colored Underworld Spear pierced through the void and pierced towards the man Yuanzi.

  Cooperating with Aokiji's sonic control, the chaotic spear of Hades pierced Ren Yuanzi's chest from behind.


  Ren Yuanzi screamed, with a huge wound on his chest, which was constantly destroying the vitality in his body. After being hit by Wu Yun's fusion force, his body was basically useless. .

  Wu Yun: "Puppy Ren Yuanzi, when you three old dogs from Yuanmen wanted to kill me in Yimo City, you really put a lot of pressure on me that time, so I had no choice but to exile you tactically. "

  But now, you are not so lucky. I will send you to accompany your two big dogs, and let you meet each other in hell."

  Wu Yun said, his figure flashed, and he appeared in Renyuan Above the sky, the ancient stele once again turned into a gigantic mass, suppressing it down.

  A look of despair appeared on Ren Yuanzi's face, and he sternly said, "Son Wu Yun, don't be too happy, even if you kill us, the devilish energy has made this world of the Devil's Banquet completely formed, haha, From now on, this is the world of demonic energy, don't even think about going out, just wait to be eroded by the demonic energy one by one!"

  Qingzhi and the others heard the words, raised their heads hurriedly, and suddenly saw that in the sky, A mask of devilish energy that was so thick that it was impossible to see through spread, and then completely enveloped the world where Yuanmen was located.

  On the magic mask, you can still see countless strange magic patterns wriggling. This mask seems to isolate any connection between this place and the outside world.

  The thick mask of magic energy covered the sky, and then hung down in that extremely distant place, like a big upside-down bowl, covering everyone in it.

  But at this time, as Tian Yuanzi and Ren Yuanzi were suppressed into the world of ancient monuments, the demon corpses that emerged from the ground decomposed one after another, turning into wisps of demonic energy, filling this so-called world of the Devil's Banquet.

  The originally chaotic battle became extremely quiet at this moment. Those demon corpses that had been extremely bloodthirsty before had all dissipated. Looking at the magic mask in the sky with worry in his eyes, his heart was shocked, a look of horror appeared on his face, and the crowd panicked slightly.

  Everyone looked at the fluctuations of the demonic energy contained in the light mask, and their complexions turned pale under careful sensing. They could feel that this demonic world seemed to have become a small area of ​​demonic energy because of the decomposition of countless demonic corpses. The world is completely isolated from the outside world.

  This is very terrifying, which means that this space no longer has the vitality of heaven and earth, and the devilish energy that fills this small world will continue to erode them.

  "The demonic energy here is too heavy. With our strength, it's not a problem, but if some ordinary strong people stay for a long time, they may be eroded by the demonic energy." Ying Xuanzi said in a deep voice.

  Qingzhi's eyes became sharper, the whole body was full of blue light, the dragon's chant resounded through the room, tens of thousands of blue dragon light patterns galloped, and then it turned into a huge green dragon whizzing out with a low shout, and finally slammed Bombarded on the magic gas mask.


  A circle of cyan light spread, and a ripple appeared on the light curtain, and then gradually subsided. Liu Qing's tyrannical offensive did not bring the slightest effect.

  Seeing this, everyone's eyes were fixed, and even the attack of the Azure Dragon King couldn't open the mask.

  "Oh my god, even the attacks from the reincarnation realm can't break through this barrier." "There

  's magic energy all around me, I can't absorb the energy of heaven and earth to recover." "

  No way, are we really going to be trapped to death here?"

  "Yuanmen's method is too vicious, it's going to die with us."

  Everyone panicked, mainly because Qingzhi and other strong people can't shake the barrier, so who can break it.

  Their eyes subconsciously focused on Wu Yun. Here, Wu Yun is probably the only one who can try it.

  However, at this moment, Wu Yun didn't show any panic at all, instead there was a smug smile on his face.

  "Brother Wu Yun, what are you laughing at?" Tang Xinlian asked in confusion.

  "Let's take everyone into the world of ancient monuments first. I have my own way to break through this world of the Devil's Banquet."

  Wu Yun said to them, and then he let Huang Wu open a door of space that was hundreds of feet in size.

  Ying Xuanzi and others led many disciples into the world of ancient monuments.

  Most of them were injured in the battle just now, and the loss was not small. Now they urgently need the energy of the world to recover, and the environment of the ancient monument space is the best recovery place for them.

  When only Moro and Aokiji were left on the battlefield, they were several powerhouses at the wheel level.

  "How do you break it?" Moro asked.

  Wu Yun smiled and said, "Absorb all the devilish energy here, and the barrier will naturally break without attack." "I'm afraid Tian Yuanzi and Ren Yuanzi will never understand that they are doing this to marry me. Clothes."

  The World Tree can absorb the power of strange demons to grow and develop, and the power of strange demons is essentially these demonic energy.

  This devilish energy is in the plane of strange demons, just like the vitality in their world. This kind of devilish energy is the easiest to absorb, and it is the basis of strange devils' cultivation.

  Although to the people of Profound Sky Continent, this kind of devilish energy is like poison, untouchable.

  But for World Tree, these magic qi, like vitality, are the easiest energy to absorb.

  If Tian Yuanzi and the others don't let those huge number of demon corpses decompose into demon energy, Wu Yun will have to spend all his energy to suppress them, and then make it difficult for World Tree to extract energy from them.

  But now, in order to trap Wu Yun and the others, they did not hesitate to destroy them all to increase the concentration of demon energy in this world of the Sabbat.

  To Wu Yun, this was simply squeezing the fruit into juice and crushing the meat into a puree for him to absorb, which saved him a lot of process and increased the amount of magic energy.

  "Desolation, barren cloud, absorb the demonic energy here with all your strength."

  Wu Yun inserted the ancient tablet on the ground, and the ancient tablet instantly expanded to a height of ten thousand feet, like a towering giant tree, running through the entire world of the Devil's Banquet.

  The world tree manifested directly from the ancient monument, its thick roots inserted into the ground, each branch, thousands of branches stretched out, and countless green leaves breathed out, breathing out the magic of this world. Qi is absorbed crazily.

  Following the absorption of magic energy, crystal clear, full and fragrant fruits grew on those green branches.

  Wu Yun picked one at random and ate it.

  "This is the spiritual fruit of the world tree. It has a great effect on your recovery and can also help you realize the Tao. If you eat some spiritual fruit, you can practice on the world tree and wait for it to absorb all the magic energy in this space. , the barrier here will be broken by itself."

  "Looking at the speed, we should be able to go out in a few days."

  Wu Yun said leisurely while eating the fruit, sitting on the branch of the world tree.

  After hearing Wu Yun's words, several people wanted to try it.

  They are also full of curiosity about the World Tree.

  "Now that Yuanmen is destroyed, what are your plans?"

  Ying Huanhuan came to Wu Yun's side and asked.

  Wu Yun looked at her, his pure eyes were moving, and there was a faint ice blue in the depths of his eyes, which gave off a slight coldness.

  Before she knew it, Ying Huanhuan already had many characteristics of an ice master.

  Although she was no different from the usual Ying Huanhuan when she was with Wu Yun, the change in temperament made it difficult for Wu Yun to ignore the existence of the Ice Lord.

  A new soul has intervened between them.

  What Wu Yun didn't understand was whether Ying Huanhuan's soul was affected by the Ice Lord's soul. Even though he had the characteristic temperament of the Ice Lord, Huanhuan still loved him.

  During this period of time, Wu Yun was just observing in secret, and didn't get in touch with Ying Huanhuan too deeply, because he was afraid that the ice master would suddenly appear.

  "What are you looking at, am I any different?" Ying Huanhuan took the opportunity to sit next to Wu Yun.

  "Yes, you haven't played the piano for a long time. I taught you how to play Xiao, but you don't seem to be interested." Wu Yun put his hand on Ying Huanhuan's waist and said softly.

  "Now that the devil's prison is back, the situation is getting more and more serious. I have to work hard to cultivate, and I can't fall too far behind you, otherwise I won't be able to help you."

  Ying Huanhuan said without hiding anything.

  "As long as you are still Huanhuan, you are helping me, don't worry, even if the Yimo Emperor comes, I can handle it." Wu Yun took her into his arms.

  "If that's the case, I'll be the little woman in your arms." Ying Huanhuan whispered.

  She was originally an innocent girl, if it wasn't for the great responsibility of heaven and earth, it would be impossible to awaken the power of the ice master.

  This power is only touched because of need.

  The ice lord's soul is indeed deep in her body, but the ice lord doesn't seem to take the initiative to occupy her thoughts, and only communicates with her when she urgently needs power.

  Therefore, if Wu Yun could really stand in front of her all the time, she could always be Ying Huanhuan.


  While absorbing the magic energy, several people gathered together to discuss the next plan.

  Wu Yun: "With the Yuanmen gone, a major hidden danger in the Dongxuan Domain will be eliminated. The next step is to clean up all the major dynasties attached to the Yuanmen and find out the remaining strange demons.

  " The demons are coming back, and the Xixuan domain next to them has to be guarded. I feel that there is the biggest gathering place for strange demons. If they don't hide anymore, once they break out, the Dongxuan domain may become the first place to be attacked. "

  So, I am going to integrate the power of Dongxuan Region and form an alliance to unite all the super sects of Dongxuan Region to deal with the attacks of strange demons at any time."

  Aokiji: "Think very comprehensively. Although the Devil Prison has not made it clear now, they must be planning something secretly. It is estimated that many forces have been eroded by them. We cannot passively fight. We should indeed form an alliance in advance, at least not Give the Devil Prison a chance to defeat them one by one."

  Mo Luo: "After going back this time, I will also discuss with the major forces in the Chaos Demon Sea. After this battle, they have also seen the horror of the strange demons, and the chaos The alliance should be established soon."