Four Kings Palace

Tian Yuanzi and Ren Yuanzi's souls were directly annihilated by Wu Yun after they were questioned to no avail.

  This kind of spies cannot be kept.

  Let them live for an extra minute.

  Outside, the world of the Sabbat was completely formed, and the power of the two reincarnation realms could not break the seal, but with the absorption of the World Tree, the magic energy was rapidly weakening, and the World Tree was directly rooted into the crack in the earth, absorbing it from the root. Demon Qi.

  After five days like this, the world of the Sabbat finally broke down.


  At the moment when the world of the Devil's Banquet was broken, Wu Yun and the others froze, and their gazes looked in one direction at the same time, towards a mountain not far away.

  There, a black shadow with his hands behind his back, he stood there like a stone sculpture, without any breath, unable to sense it at all, but it was a real existence, this kind of strange sense made Wu Yun, Qingzhi They all became cautious.

  "Hehe, it's a pity that the chess pieces that have been designed for so many years have been destroyed by you."

  The black shadow looked at Wu Yun and the others with a smile, and then his gaze seemed to rest on Ying Huanhuan, slightly With a smile, he said, "Ice Lord, I haven't seen you for a long time, so don't come here without any problems.

" The black shadow's faint laughter spread in the sky, and it sounded like a slight sound, but at this moment it overwhelmed all the surrounding people. movement.

  A series of suspicious eyes shifted, and then looked at the black shadow on the mountain peak. Many strong men already had energy in their bodies, and their eyes were full of vigilance.

  "Who are you?" Ying Xuanzi said in a deep voice, his eyes focused on the mountain peak.

  One can see Ying Huanhuan's reincarnation of the ice master at a glance. This person is not simple, and judging from his tone, he is also a strange monster. He dared to come alone, and his status in the magic prison is probably not low.

  Ying Huanhuan's icy blue pupils looked at the other person with a hint of doubt, apparently she still couldn't remember the other person's identity.

  The black shadow smiled, and then he slowly raised his head. Under the sunlight, it seemed to be an exceptionally pale young face, but the face was extraordinarily feminine. Inside the long and narrow eyes, there was pitch black, as if The bottom of the dark abyss.

  Between the eyebrows of this young face, there is a brown magic pattern, which extends to the corner of his eyes, which looks like a ghost.

  "I forgot, you don't seem to know me now, hehe, then let me introduce my current identity, the Palace of the Four Kings of the Demon Prison." The man said with a slight smile.

  "Four Kings Hall?"

  Everyone was startled, Qingzhi's face changed slightly.

  "I didn't expect it to be the Zunwang Palace. It seems that this Yuanmen is controlled by you."

  Wu Yun's pupils shrank, and his face suddenly became serious.

  The strength of the Ten Kings Hall of the Demon Prison is above the peak of the second-level reincarnation realm, and they have the Demon Emperor Armor, so they are not afraid of even facing the strong men of the third-level reincarnation realm.

  Wu Yun had solved a palace of kings before, it was the strange demon king who was suppressed in the ancient stele of the wilderness, and it was also one of the ten palaces of kings.

  Ranked ninth!

  However, the Palace of Nine Kings was suppressed, and was completely killed by Wu Yun after being absorbed by World Tree.

  Otherwise, it would be very difficult to solve a royal palace.

  The Palace of Nine Kings possesses the strength of the double reincarnation realm, plus the Demon Emperor Armor. After Wu Yun refined it, it became the strongest puppet in his hands, possessing half-step reincarnation realm power, and faced The strong can also have the power to fight, and it is difficult for him to break through the general reincarnation state.

  The Nine Kings Palace is so powerful, one can imagine how difficult it would be to deal with the Four Kings Palace, which ranks higher than him.

  The other party is probably not far from the triple reincarnation state.

  Such a strong person is really stressful.

  Wu Yun pulled Ying Huanhuan behind him, and fixed his eyes on the black shadow.

  "Hehe, I originally thought that Tian Yuanzi and the others would be able to get rid of you, but I didn't expect, alas, waste is always waste, it's a pity that I, the Demon Prison, spent so much effort on them." Four Kings Palace sighed.

  Yuanmen is considered to be a force that he has managed for many years. He thought it would be of great help to him, but he never expected that it would be abolished so easily.

  "It was you who ruined my plan again. You were the ones who ambush the King of the Underworld and the King of the Underworld in the Chaos Demon Sea before. Damn it, I will kill you all today." "Especially you, it's really stressful

  . At such a young age, you have the strength to kill the king-level saints, and the talisman ancestors back then, when you were young, are probably not as good as you."

"Your threat to our saints is very great!"

  A pair of four kings hall His eyes fixed on Wu Yun, full of murderous intent.

  "It's just to solve some small ones. The real big fish didn't kill a few, that is, the Palace of Nine Kings, and it's still possible!"

  Wu Yun manipulated the Palace of Nine Kings who had been refined into a puppet beside him. To the front, said leisurely.

  "Ninth Brother?!"

  Hall of Four Kings shouted when he saw the puppet of Hall of Nine Kings.

  "How is it possible, just based on how you can kill the ninth brother?"

  His eyes were full of shock, the Nine Kings Palace disappeared for a long time, but his soul lamp has not been extinguished, they were not too worried, until not long ago, The soul lamp of the Nine Kings Hall went out, and they only paid attention to it.

  Want to find out and kill the person who killed the Nine Kings Hall.

  In the absence of the ancient eight masters, basically no one would be their opponents, but the death of the Nine Kings Palace meant that a strong man comparable to the ancient eight masters was born in this world.

  Therefore, during this period of time, the Demon Prison's frequent actions are intended to eliminate this threat in advance.

  Now, Wu Yun unexpectedly revealed the truth, he was the one who beheaded the Palace of Nine Kings.

  "Today, I will avenge my ninth brother."

  "There's nowhere to go if you walk through the iron shoes. It's easy to find the murderer who killed the ninth brother. Since you have shown up, I will get rid of you in advance." Four Kings Palace stared at

  Wu Yunhe solemnly . Ying Huanhuan.

  These two are the people who will pose the greatest threat to their Devil Prison in the future.

  It's just that he was a little apprehensive, because even the Nine Kings Palace had been murdered by the opponent, and he might not be the opponent.

  "That depends on you, do you have that ability?" The cold voice came out, and Wu Yun felt the temperature around him drop suddenly.

  Ying Huanhuan's eyes suddenly turned ice blue, and her beautiful long black hair also turned ice blue at this moment, extremely beautiful.

  "Hehe, to be able to meet the reincarnation of the Ice Lord here, I can only say that I am lucky. If I kill you here, there is no need to start the second world war, right?" Four Kings Looking at Ying Huanhuan, the palace said in a gloomy way.

  "Then you have a try." Ying Huanhuan's pretty face was as cold as ice, and there was a bit of murderous intent in her ice-blue eyes.

  "If you are really the Ice Lord, then I'm afraid I would really run away now, but unfortunately, you are not now." The Palace of Four Kings shook his head, seemingly regretting.

  "Don't worry, let me do it!"

  Wu Yun suddenly grabbed Ying Huanhuan's hand, and the warmth of his palm melted the ice on her body.

  Wu Yun took a deep breath. He wanted to sacrifice the puppet body of the Hall of Nine Kings to make the Hall of Four Kings afraid, but he didn't expect that the other party's killing intent was even stronger.

  "He's not real!" Desolate's voice sounded in Wu Yun's mind.

  Wu Yun's eyes lit up, and he said with a sneer,

  "Hehe, a clone, the Palace of Four Kings, you dare to be so arrogant."

  He could see it through the power of the ancestor talisman on the chaotic talisman body.

  The Palace of Four Kings in front of him is not the real body.

  However, this guy was able to condense such an equally powerful clone from an unknown distance. This strength is indeed somewhat terrifying.

  Even if it is a clone, it is stronger than Tian Yuanzi who is in control of the great demon, and probably has the strength of the second level of reincarnation.


  Aokiji, Mo Luo and the others were startled. Only one clone is so powerful, so how terrifying is his real body.

  But they were also thankful in their hearts. Fortunately, it was the avatar who came. If the main body came, they really had to consider dispersing and running away.

  "Even if it's just a demon body clone, it should be enough to deal with you."

  Four Kings Palace said confidently.

  Wu Yun looked at the Hall of Four Kings with a sneer, and said, "You don't need to bluff, you strange monsters are obviously afraid of hiding in this world, otherwise, with your temperament, I'm afraid you would have killed it long ago and wiped out this piece of land. Occupied by heaven and earth."

  "You don't dare to show your real body right now, so you must be afraid of something? I guess, you are afraid of other ancient masters?" The Four Kings Palace's face darkened,

  obviously because Wu Yun said Hit where it hurts.

  These royal palaces have been unable to hide because the ancient eight masters are there. Although the ancient eight masters, reincarnation of reincarnation, and deep sleep, as long as they are there, it will be a deterrent to these strange demons.

  Siwangdian sneered and said, "You are quite smart, but even if you know this, so what? It's not difficult for me to kill you now, those guys are still sleeping, who can know What's going on here?"

  "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, you know too much and grow too fast, so I'll kill you first today."

The Four Kings Palace appeared in front of Wu Yun in a flash.

  "Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist!"

  Wu Yun punched out, and the majestic punching intent swept out. The vision of Six Paths of Reincarnation appeared in the sky, and the attack that took away the power of reincarnation sent the Palace of Four Kings flying.

  "You stay away first, the four of us will deal with him."

  Wu Yun hurriedly ordered.

  He only left Aokiji, Mo Luo, and Lin Dong to fight against the enemy with him.

  Others stepped back.

  This kind of battle at the reincarnation level would be superfluous for the powerhouses at the reincarnation level. They simply couldn't withstand the attack of the reincarnation level, let alone a real king level powerhouse like the Palace of Four Kings.

  Wu Yun's Heavenly Disk for Exterminating Kings has just been used, and it has dimmed, and cannot be used for a short time, so multiple people need to deal with the Four Kings Palace together.

  "The Great Desolation Sutra!"

  Lin Dong drank in a low voice, and stomped the sole of his foot fiercely on the ground. A mysterious wave spread out, and the ground trembled suddenly. The vast energy surged in, and finally poured into Lin Dong's body continuously.

  "Ancient Qiankun Formation!" Lin Dong absorbed the power of the earth while sacrificing the Ancient Universe Formation, which transformed into an extremely large and complex formation in the air.

  At this time, the absorbed vast energy and spiritual power swept out of Lin Dong's body, and finally poured all of them into the ancient universe formation. After the formation was activated, a black beam of light suddenly whizzed down and went straight to the ancient formation. Go to the Four Kings Hall.

  "The blue sky transforms into a dragon, the green dragon sings!"


  The green pheasant turned into a mighty green dragon, bursting with blue light all over his body, and the terrifying sound waves formed a green dragon gun, shooting towards the Hall of Four Kings.

  "Flame Ancestral Talisman, Phoenix Shadow Flame Spear!"

  Mo Luo sacrificed the Flame Ancestral Talisman, turned into a huge flame phoenix, condensed into a fiery red spear and shot it out.

  All three launched their most powerful attacks, and they were not prepared to hold back at all.

  Seeing their fierce attack, the Hall of Four Kings also let out a cold snort, and lightly closed their hands together, then pulled them apart abruptly, and a huge and incomparably black light shield was instantly condensed.

  Three powerful impacts hit the black light shield, which quickly dimmed and finally shattered into slag.

  Boom boom boom!

  The violent attack hit the Four Kings Hall.

  His figure immediately turned into black mist, defusing the attacks of the three.

  A black light and shadow flashed, avoiding the three of Lin Dong and heading straight for Wu Yun.

  "Fighting them is not as important as solving you."

  Four Kings Hall sneered, and a black spear appeared in his hand, aiming at Wu Yun.

  "Seven Demon Knives Against Heaven!"


  Wu Yun was already prepared, and he swung seven knives in an instant. Huge sword lights were shot out one after another, one after another, the seventh of which triggered Jiezimi, and instantly strengthened ten times more powerful.


  The black spear in the hands of the Four Kings Palace was shattered little by little, and the last knife arrived, the black spear in his hand had dissipated, and the brilliant knife was chopped on his arm.

  One arm was cut off directly.


  The Hall of Four Kings screamed terribly, even if it was a clone, it would hurt.

  His eyes were a little confused, obviously the first six attacks were just mediocre, why the last one was suddenly so much stronger.

  Even if he himself came to receive the knife, he would still be injured.

  This Wu Yun is too much of a threat.

  The current situation is very unfavorable to him.

  Among the other three, Qingzhi has the strength of the reincarnation realm, and the other two have ancestor talismans, which are comparable to the reincarnation realm, and this Wu Yun is able to burst out attacks at the level of a true king.

  I'm afraid he won't be able to completely destroy it.

  "You are really surprising, but your threats are too many, even surpassing the Ice Lord. Today, I will kill you." Crazy color appeared in the eyes of the Palace of Four Kings.

  He is just a doppelgänger, if he can replace Wu Yun, it will be no loss.

  A strong demonic energy gushed out from his body, instantly turning the entire sky into darkness.

  "Be careful, he might explode himself."

  Desolate's voice appeared in Wu Yun's mind, very anxious.

  "Want to blow yourself up?"

  Wu Yun snorted coldly. He was currently running the secret code to instantly recover from the consumption he had just had.

  Then he went in the opposite direction and flew towards the Palace of Four Kings, which was about to explode with demonic energy.

  "You all back off, he will be handed over to me."

  Wu Yun said to the others, and at the same time released a powerful force to push them away.

  The Hall of Four Kings is too strong. Once his self-destruct is successful, even a few people in the distance will be injured or even fall.

  Of course, he did not mean to die.

  He wanted to try to prevent the Palace of Four Kings from exploding.

  After all, even if it is a clone, it is also a large power bank, it is a pity that it blew itself up.