Swear Like You Mean It

White… the blanket of snow baptising my world.

Cardin's breath frosted in the chilly air as he contemplated the ivory-coloured field stretching out in front of him. It reminded him of the landscape in his nightmares, where he was always sprinting in broken desperation, running endlessly from faceless pursuers towards an unknown destination.

The scene before him now was familiar, but his fear was gone: the mid-morning sun cast a luminous glow on the snow, and he was no longer fleeing; he knew exactly where he was meant to go.

The dry winter wind stung his eyes, but he could still make out the five figures on the field, dressed in traditional robes and twirling in a dance before a small pavilion. Gripping the long sleeves of his own robe, he took in another deep breath, clenched his jaw in determination, then set out into the snow.

White… the purity of unwavering will that led me here.

Drawing closer to the figures, pace by pace, he was able to make out the colours of their robes as they flashed by: rust-red, sea green, smoke grey, dusty lavender, and fuchsia. All five were masked, faces shrouded under the intricate patterns running across the emotionless concealments, but he could feel their excitement almost palpably under their guises.

He entered their circle, and was immediately surrounded by a flurry of sleeves and fabric. As they swept around him, they darted in to grab at him, tugging his clothes and shoving at him. Unperturbed, he pushed them aside, careful not to use any more force that was necessary. This was all just part of the plan, choreography that was simply a precursor to the real ritual that lay ahead.

Smiling wordlessly, he moved past them, resolute and focused. But when he'd managed to extract himself beyond their grasp, he found that there was nothing but the empty pavilion waiting for him.

White… the blank space where I write my destiny.

He was suddenly aware of a presence behind him, and spun around to see a sixth figure, cloaked in black robes and a commanding air. Silver eyes flashing, he stepped toward Cardin, and instantly a hush fell. From behind the dark mask, a quiet question issued forth.

"Who dares enter?"

Just as we've rehearsed. Dropping down on one knee, Cardin bravely announced, "My name is Ciel, and I have come to claim my place among the Daggers!"

Amusement flickered in the argent gaze. Ciel… How apt, Keary thought, as he considered the clear blue eyes that stared into his own with determination, their cerulean shades accentuated by the sky hues of his robes. The sun glinted brightly on his long golden hair, even though it was tied back in a ponytail.

"The right to stand among us must be earned."

Cardin lifted his chin. "I have fought for it, and won."

Keary's lips curved into a smile under the black mask. "Indeed, you have," he murmured, resisting the urge to reach out and brush a stray lock of honey blonde hair from the boy's beautiful face. Louder, he continued, "Once a Dagger, you can never be otherwise. Are you prepared to bind yourself to us forever?"

"I am," Cardin answered with confidence. Stretching out his right hand, he pulled the long sleeve of his robe back to expose his forearm, offering it up to Keary even as he lowered his head in deference.

White… the warm hands that reach for me with grace.

Eyes narrowed, Keary drew the dagger from his side. Baring his own right arm and holding it beside Cardin's, he drew a swift, light slash across their skin. He had made sure that the knife was as sharp as possible for a clean, shallow cut that would heal easily. But as the incisive edge of the blade slid over their forearms, the sunlit surroundings were abruptly eclipsed in a thick darkness, as if somebody had flipped a switch.

A deafening boom and crackle exploded behind him as he knelt on the ground, body numb even as the winter chill bit into his skin. There was a limp weight in his arms. In the flashes of coloured light, he was able to make out a tumble of long, fair hair, stained with dark splatters as it spread out over a floor littered with debris and filthy slush. A hollowness ached in his chest, the emptiness smothering him, and as he struggled to breathe, the icy air sliced through his lungs, carrying on it the sickening scent of–


The dark-haired boy jolted back into the present at the sound of his name, suddenly aware of the warm blood trickling down his elbow. Although it was not serious enough to warrant any urgency, he had cut too deep, and crimson droplets now fell onto the pale ground beneath them.

He jerked his head to find Cardin staring askance at him, waiting. The initiation ritual required him to recite an oath, to which the younger boy was to state his agreement. They had practised this together several times in preparation, but at that moment Keary's mind could only draw a blank as he reeled from the dark vision. He could have sworn that he had been holding Cardin's battered body just a second ago.

Disoriented, he began to pull away, only for a slender arm to quickly hook around his, such that the twin gashes met.

"Wait–" he started desperately.

"With this blood, drawn by the same blade, I swear my allegiance to you." Cardin's voice was quiet but firm as he declared the vow he had committed to memory, adapting the words to himself. "Cut by the same stroke, I am united with you."

"Cardin, stop–"

"Our deeds of the dark will never be told in the light," Cardin continued steadily, not missing a beat. "As blood calls to blood and many become one, I will never turn my back or betray us." He paused, smiling up at Keary before completing softly, "So it shall be till the end."

As soon as Cardin had finished his pledge, a squealing force barrelled into him, sending him sprawling on the powdery ground. Stunned, he shook snow from his face to find Mikka perched on top of him.

"HOOOMYGOD CONGRATULATIONS BOIYA!" she screeched, flinging her fuchsia mask aside with abandon. "WEL-FUCKING-COME!" Her peals of exuberant laughter filled the air as she crushed him in a bear hug, winding him.

"I bet he's having immediate regrets right now," another mirthful voice chimed in, just as Nigel's rust-red hair came into view. "Move it, Mikka," he ordered, nudging her away with his foot. Cardin gratefully took the hand Nigel offered to him, and was lifted off the ground into another warm embrace. "Welcome to the family, kid," Nigel grinned.

"Thanks, Nigel." Cardin returned the smile, a cosy sensation spreading from his chest to his cheeks. "Really. I can't thank you enough."

Nigel's eyes twinkled as he ruffled the golden hair. "Not at all."

They crowded around him, Shun, Kumiko and Finneas offering their congratulations one by one, chattering excitedly as they all took their turn to welcome him… All but one, whose presence among the group was starkly missing.


You've sealed his death sentence. His days are numbered now.

Deaf to everything save for the damning accusations in his mind, Keary stood apart, eyes fixed on the darkening scarlet that smudged his arm, dripping down to mar the perfect snow. The black mask lay silently on the ground at his feet where it had fallen, unheeded.

Keep him safe? What a fucking joke.

Protect him? You only know how to fuck things up.


You're nothing but a worthless piece of–


A hand caught his shoulder, and Cardin appeared before him, his lovely face flushed with exhilaration, eyes sparkling in the light. Right at that moment, his brightness was too much to bear, and Keary turned away to avoid his soul-searing gaze.

But Cardin had caught the look of stifling distress on his face. "Keary?" he asked, voice dipping in concern. "What's wrong?"

Keary took an agitated breath. "I… I just…" He couldn't shake the dread that gripped him, the conviction that he had just handed Cardin over to a terrible, terrible fate… that sometime in the future, he would live to regret letting him stay. He opened his mouth to try and speak again, but was stopped short by gentle hands that came up to clasp his face as Cardin leaned in close.

"Don't worry about me," the blue-eyed boy murmured. "Whatever it is, I'll take it. I'm not leaving."

Then, sliding a hand through the dark hair, Cardin pulled him down into a kiss, noting with satisfaction how the other boy's arms automatically curled around his back and waist to hold him close. At the taste of Cardin's unspoken reassurance, Keary felt his fear melt away, its tendrils retreating into the far corners of his mind. The future might be a blank unknown, but as long as Keary was still breathing, he would protect his angel with his life.

Eyes lingering shut, he drew back slightly, his touch gentle as it traced the smaller boy's face. "I'll keep you safe. I promise," he whispered, and felt Cardin smile in reply, his soft mouth curving against Keary's lips.

White… a fresh start, a new life that awaits.

"Oh. My. God. You don't say."

Startled, Keary and Cardin snapped up to find four pairs of wide, astonished eyes observing them. Aside, Nigel clapped a hand over his mouth, amber eyes dancing as he stifled a snigger.

Oh, fuck.
