Fire Meet Gasoline

Keary swallowed hard, fighting back the dark urge to pin Cardin down, spread him wide, and take him there and then. Softly, he explained, "There's no lube, and you're still very tight." He caressed the marks Kaesar had left on the smaller boy's neck. "I'll probably hurt you."

Although the argent gaze was fixed on the bruising on Cardin's neck, the blonde could see the ferocious lust inside them struggling to break loose. He shook his head again and climbed lightly off the bed to kneel before Keary, wrapping his arms around the dark-haired boy's waist to nuzzle against his crotch, wringing out another loud groan.

"When will you learn?" he murmured, peering up with large blue eyes, their innocence belying the sensuality of his actions. "I can take it."

Hit by a wave of giddy surrealism, Keary let Cardin fumble to undo his pants, eventually freeing Keary from the clothing. As the dark-haired boy stepped out of them, Cardin sat back to take in the sight of him, a sight that made his breath catch.

He had seen Keary topless many times before, but this was the first time he was able to appreciate the sight of his entirety. In spite of the bruises and bandages, Keary exuded strength, every inch of his toned body ready for war. Cardin found himself filled with a wicked, burning desire to render this powerful being helpless before him, to peel through the layers to discover the heart of him. It was this desire that propelled him forward to take hold of Keary's arousal and bring his mouth to its tip, for the rewarding sound of his name being gasped.

Keary reeled as he felt Cardin's mouth cover the head of his manhood, and for a moment his vision lost focus with pleasure. Releasing a heavy, shaking exhale, he screwed his eyes tightly shut. It had been awhile for him, and he knew the sight of Cardin kneeling before him would likely be his undoing. It was a testament to his supreme levels of self-restraint that he managed to stop himself from simply grabbing the bright hair and thrusting hard into the deliciously wet, warm mouth until he found release.

Feeling Keary's grip on his shoulders tighten almost painfully, Cardin opened his jaw wider, attempting to take in more. But Keary was too big, and Cardin too inexperienced, and a second later he found himself sputtering on the ground, his gag reflex triggered.

"S-sorry–" he coughed, blinking back the tears that had sprung to his eyes. "I'm sor–"

His apology was interrupted by a rough kiss that claimed his mouth, long fingers bunching in the golden hair. When they broke apart, Keary gave a growl that resonated through Cardin's entire body and made his toes curl:

"Get on the bed."

Knowing that the raging beast was close to the surface, Cardin quickly pushed himself back onto the mattress, then reached up to pull Keary in for another kiss, sliding his tongue past the other boy's lips to stroke and tease. Almost snarling, Keary scooped him up in one strong arm and yanked him higher on the bed, ravaging Cardin's mouth like a starving wolf. Sliding first one leg and then the other between Cardin's legs, he pressed his hips down on Cardin's, rubbing his shaft against the blonde's.

Cardin moaned. "N-no!" he protested. "Put it in… inside…"

With the last thread of his self-control, Keary paused, panting. "Are you sure?"

Cardin nodded, holding the molten argent gaze as he reached down to poise the other boy's erection against his entrance. "Yes. I want you inside–"

The thread snapped.

"--of… me-e-e… Ah! Ahh, Keary! Aaahnn!!" Cardin arched and went rigid as Keary plunged into him before he even finished his sentence, stretching him much, much wider than two fingers. Blue eyes large, Cardin gaped unseeingly up at the bedroom ceiling as he momentarily forgot how to breathe.

He… he's inside me… so deep… so full…

"Cardin. Try to relax." The low murmur which sounded in his ear was strained, but the kisses on his face which coaxed him back into focus were gentle. "Breathe."

The golden-haired boy gulped for air, then realised with horror that he was gripping Keary's arm and shoulder, the fingers of one hand digging right into one of the bandages. He jerked back as though burnt, stuttering, "S-sorry– I– ahh…"

"It's fine. It doesn't hurt." Keary caught the boy's hand and guided it back to his shoulder. "You can hold on to me. Just, try to relax a little. You're so tight, you're going to kill me." He planted a light kiss on Cardin's fair cheek as the blonde struggled to release the tension in his body. "Just like that… Good. Good boy."

It took every ounce of discipline in Keary's being for him to stay still, giving Cardin some time to adjust to the sensation of being breached and filled. The effort made him shake, and he grew harder and harder with the postponement of his need, even as he bowed his head to meet Cardin's lips again.

Oblivious to the battle of will over desire hovering just above him, Cardin's cerulean eyes drifted softly closed as he lost himself in Keary's kisses. He wanted to stay here forever, enveloped in Keary's scent and warmth all around and within him, being slightly crushed against the soft mattress under the taller boy's sculpted body. He tightened his embrace around Keary to pull him closer, tasted his sigh, and felt him shift to pull out midway, only to slowly push into him again, and again, and again, penetrating further and further into his depths each time. Gradually, Keary's movements picked up speed as his patience eroded.

"Let me know if it hurts," he whispered, before sitting back to start moving in earnest.

How could it hurt? He would never hurt me, Cardin thought as he twisted aside to muffle his rising moans into the pillow under his head. He was suddenly hit by an irrational apprehension that this was just another of his fantasies, into which he had fallen too far. But the fear was quickly dispelled: this was beyond anything he could have imagined. With Keary stroking that mysterious spot inside him with each thrust, his pleasure grew, swelling up within him until he was on the brink of bursting apart.

"Keary, slow– haa…! Slow down! I, I think I'm- nngh!" he gasped. "I'm gonna–"

But the silver-eyed boy didn't ease his pace. Instead, he moved against him more urgently, taking Cardin's shaft in hand to fondle him and causing the golden-haired boy to grab frenziedly at the pillow in a futile attempt to repress his loud, desperate cries. As the warm, knowing hand led him towards a more familiar release, he heard Keary's voice beside his ear.

"Let go. I'll catch you," he murmured. "I'll keep you safe, Cardin." The arms around him tightened as kisses rained down on his tensed face and neck. And then, a whispered claim:

"You're mine now."

At the words, Cardin's heart leapt, and with a cry he spilled, hot and slick, into Keary's hands. As he surrendered himself to the orgasm, he was barely conscious of his body jerking and clenching in the flow of ecstasy; Keary swearing his name in a broken groan as he drove in wild and deep; the bandaged body under his clutching fingers shuddering violently; a heat blooming through his core; the drumbeat of a heart, racing together with his; the burning breath gusting over his sweat-chilled skin, in time with his own.

It was some time before the pleasure throbbing through his limbs subsided enough for Cardin to turn to look at Keary, who was half-slumped over him as he tried to catch his breath. As cerulean met silver, Cardin gave a laugh of delight mixed with disbelief.

"Je ñ'en reviens pas," he breathed, relishing his victory. "That was… amazing." The bright blue eyes gazed wonderingly on the other boy. "You're incredible."

"Mmm… And you're the best thing that's happened to me in a very long time," Keary returned huskily, nuzzling close to plant a chaste kiss on Cardin's cheek. "Well, I guess you're in for good now."

Cardin met the tender argent gaze and grinned. "Who's in where again?" he asked innocently, tensing the muscles in his abdomen.

Keary flinched, startled by the unexpected squeeze, but laughed too as he pulled out to stretch beside Cardin before gathering the giggling boy into his arms. "Getting cheeky, are we?" he growled, nipping at Cardin's ear as the boy squirmed before burying his face into the bright hair. Filling his lungs with Cardin's smell, he felt him snuggle still closer, pressing his back flush against Keary's stomach and chest. This was real. His angel was here, in his arms, every single radiant inch of him.

"I hope you're ready, Cardin Rasheville, because there's no way I'm letting you go now."

Hearing this, Cardin sighed in contentment, body relaxing into Keary's warmth. "Took you long enough, dummy," he mumbled, his lips curved in a soft smile as he drifted off into cosy, satisfied slumber. Outside the window, dawn was breaking, the first rays of the day declaring an end to the icy night.
