Between Wind And Water

"Hang on." Keary's arm slipped around his waist, pulling him in. "What the hell was that?"

Raising his eyebrows, Cardin put on an angelic expression. "Why? Was it not an appropriate farewell for an 'associate'? Or would you prefer a handshake?"

Something sparked within the argent gaze as it fell to Cardin's lips. "Sure, we can do that. Just not with hands."

Cardin opened his mouth to give a playful retort, but his intended comeback evaporated as Keary tipped the blonde's chin up to himself, and the cerulean eyes drifted shut as the taller boy gave him a slow, sensuous kiss. The warm hand at his chin moved to gently cup his face, tracing a fingertip along his ear, while Keary's other arm snaked across Cardin's back to hold him close. Cardin felt himself melting into the embrace, and threw his arms around Keary's shoulders to make sure he didn't end up becoming a puddle on the floor.

He felt Keary smile and whisper, "That's better," before repossessing Cardin's mouth. But as the kiss deepened and their tongues tangled, Cardin remembered that he had somewhere to be, and time was ticking on.

He pushed half-heartedly against Keary's chest to mutter breathlessly, "You're going to make me late."

"According to your schedule, there's plenty of time until lessons begin."

"Yes, but I have to meet the principal before that, and I want to be early, plus there's the walk there."

"Principal?" Arms still wrapped around Cardin's waist, Keary frowned. "Madam Monkey?"

"MONICA." Although, now that Keary had said it, Cardin's mind inadvertently matched some simian similarities. He clapped his hands over his eyes and groaned. "Bon sang, Keary! I can't unsee that now!"

"Was she the one who told you that you needed to cut your hair?"

"Yeah…" Cardin lowered his hands to peer up at him with anxious cerulean eyes. "Is it that bad? You seem to really hate it."

"I don't… hate it." Keary's brow furrowed briefly, but his expression shifted as he ran his fingers through the soft waves of gold. "It doesn't have to be long. Just long enough."

"Long enough for?" Cardin asked, but promptly regretted it when Keary smiled; the smile of a hunter whose prey had just walked straight into his trap.

He had a bad feeling about this.

Not giving him any time to escape, the hand in his hair suddenly fisted, and Cardin let out a gasp as his head was tugged backward.

"Long enough for me to do this," Keary murmured against the white throat, before proceeding to plant unhurried, burning kisses along what felt like every inch of skin on Cardin's bared neck. Cardin's hands flew up to latch on to Keary's shoulders and hair as his body arched off balance, held in place by the strong arms that tightly encircled him.

He was in trouble now. Ever since he had first pulled Keary to bed with him, that early morning after the confrontation with Kaesar, the dark-haired boy had been insatiable. They had ended up rolling around with each other almost every day, often more than once. There had even been one ridiculous night when they had both happened to wake in the graveyard darkness at the same time, and ended up having sex before falling back into a dreamless slumber, all without a single word uttered between them except the breath of each other's names.

But he didn't have time to tumble around like that right now. Determined not to give Keary any encouragement, Cardin clamped down on the noises that rose up inside him. His lover, however, seemed to sense the resistance, and unleashed his next offensive.

When the ministrations of Keary's mouth trailed leisurely upward to his ear, Cardin began to squirm. "Kear wait, not ther— nghh…" The protest withered on his lips as the other boy's warm, wet tongue lapped softly at his earlobe.

Feeling the blonde sag slightly in his arms, Keary chuckled. "I've been wondering about this," he murmured. "Your ears are always especially sensitive… Seems I've found your weak spot."

The low voice sent shivers running all over Cardin's body, but still he fought, even though he already knew it was a forsaken battle. "You… You don't… play fair…" he accused, but his voice, like his limbs, had no strength.

"Fair?" Another laugh, another gust of air in Cardin's ear that made him shudder. "What's that? Something to eat?" Keary teased Cardin's ear again, nibbling lightly with his teeth, and this time Cardin didn't manage to suppress the trembling moan that escaped him.

The sound made the dark-haired boy pause, tensing, and for one misguided moment, Cardin thought he might still be able to plead for mercy. That hope was immediately stillborn when, in the next instant, Cardin found himself on his back on the couch, his shoes, jacket, belt and pants vanishing under Keary's brand of dark magic.

When those magical hands slid against his semi-erect arousal above his underwear, Cardin jerked, groaning, "Kear, I'm going to be late…!"

The older boy only pressed closer, stroking slowly from the base to the head of Cardin's shaft with his palm, before travelling back again. "There's still time. I just want to touch you a little, before you leave me all alone all day." The corners of his mouth crooked upward as the member under the fabric stiffened further.

Cardin bucked again, straining into his touch. "Oh fuck, Keary…!"

Again, Keary stilled. "Actually, no." A villainous gleam in his eyes, he released Cardin, only to hook the waist of Cardin's underwear and smoothly strip off the garment. Carelessly, he tossed it into the air over his shoulder. "I think I'd rather continue tasting you instead."

When he shifted downward, hands under Cardin's knees to fold them to the blonde's chest, Cardin abruptly realised what Keary was planning to do, and suddenly found his voice. "KEARY, DON'T!" he shrieked.

But Keary simply reached one hand up to cover the smaller boy's mouth.

"Shhh, be good. It's not often I'm awake early enough to have breakfast."

Then the dark head dipped between the fair legs, licking and kissing and sucking Cardin's most intimate places with his tongue and mouth, eventually slipping his fingers into the mix, until he had steadily unravelled the golden-haired boy into a writhing mess that choked muffled profanities into Keary's hand. But just as Cardin was on the brink of giving himself over, Keary stopped and sat up.

"Oops, look at the time." Not bothering to hide his wicked smirk, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "You're going to be late." Ignoring Cardin's bewildered stare, he rose, stretched languidly, and turned to go back upstairs. "Have fun at school!"

A long silence passed before Cardin returned to his senses. When he realised what had just happened, he let out a screech.
