Taste Of You


The selfsame Keary had already tucked himself back in bed by the time Cardin stormed into the room, incensed. As the golden-haired, red-faced boy slammed the door open to sputter a long string of barely-intelligible profanities at him, the dark-haired boy merely gazed up at the wrathful angel from his burrito of blankets with wide silver eyes, the epitome of guilelessness under judgement.

When at length the furious tirade ended and all that echoed off the walls was the sound of Cardin's heaving breath, Keary stated, calmly and simply:

"You're dripping."

It was unfortunately true. He had done such a thorough job earlier that the saliva from his licking had dribbled down Cardin's slim legs as the blonde had stomped upstairs. Above the bottom hem of his shirt, there bloomed wet spots of pre-cum.

This was not helpful.

Ce salaud…!!! 'Innocent'?? 'INNOCENT'??? Did I really think of Keary as INNOCENT just now?????

Cardin lunged forward and snatched the quilt, hurling it onto the floor. But when he spun back to the bed, he froze.

A broad smile broke across Keary's face; he had been lying stark naked underneath the covers the whole time.

"Surprise*!" Taking advantage of Cardin's astonishment at his nudity and somewhat poor French elocution, Keary grabbed the smaller boy and flipped him effortlessly onto the bed.

Gazing up at the mischievous face hovering above him, Cardin couldn't help but notice that the other boy looked very proud of himself; a far cry from the other expressions he had made in the time he had been uncertain of Cardin, apprehensive that he was going to disappear as quickly as he had arrived. The contrast, which rose unprompted in Cardin's mind, almost quelled his anger.


"Your accent is atrocious," he sniped.

Keary shrugged, unconcerned. "It's not my fault you don't speak enough French to me, beyond cursing. If the student doesn't perform well, the teacher is likely to blame." Stretching his magnificently bare, lean body over Cardin's, he asked, "So, Cardin Rasheville. I thought you were eager to be going. Why are you up here again, in this bed, with me?"

Despite the issued reminder, Keary's wide grin spoke of absolute delight that his latest snare for Cardin had succeeded so flawlessly. The blonde had once again walked—no, raced—right into it.

Torn between the urge to laugh and the fierce desire to bite Keary's handsome nose off, Cardin grit his teeth. "Don't pretend you don't know, after you riled me up like that!"

He shoved Keary's shoulder so that he fell sideways onto the mattress, but the dark-haired boy only snickered as he let Cardin pin him down. "And?"

The smirk on the mouth that issued the challenge rekindled Cardin's irritation. He was irked by how Keary seemed so perfectly in command: over this entire situation, which was utterly nonsensical; over himself, even with Cardin's forearm pressed across his chest; and, most of all, over Cardin's own body and how it reacted to him. The moisture trickling down and tickling his inner thighs made Cardin determined to wipe the smug look off that annoying, provocative face.

One dark eyebrow, then both, arched when the blonde raised himself up and padded backward on all fours. As he crouched between Keary's legs, the dark-haired boy remarked, "Excuse me, what do you think you're doing? You're going to be la— haaaaah…!"

Triumph filled Cardin as he heard the teasing voice die on a harsh, shaky exhale as he abruptly used his mouth to cover as much as he could of Keary's erection, which instantly went rock hard against his lips. He peered up in time to catch the last of the infuriatingly cheeky expression slide off Keary's face, giving way to a look of dazed shock at being swallowed so suddenly.

Speak French to him indeed, Cardin thought with satisfaction. I'll show him just how. He had noticed that the other boy was always a little less mouthy, his arousal a little more swollen, his moans a little more raw whenever Cardin went down on him.

Keary wasn't the only one who had been discovering weak spots.

Cardin lifted his head, trailing his tongue up along Keary's shaft as he moved. He paused at the top to lap delicately at the sensitive spot on the underside of the tip, and was rewarded with the sound of Keary's breath hitching and turning shallow. The beautifully sculpted body under him stiffened even more as Cardin sucked in his cheeks to increase the pressure, then began to take him in again, slowly this time, as he stared straight into the twin pools of darkening silver.

Because he was watching Keary so closely, he was ready for the white hands that flashed towards him, and it was easy for him to catch them and slam them to the mattress without missing a beat on his excruciatingly unhurried descent. Keeping Keary's wrists pinned, he pulled back up midway, pretending not to hear his growl of frustration, and continued on at the same pace, knowing that it was just a matter of time before the other boy's self-possession splintered.

As anticipated, barely a few moments later, Keary's patience shattered. With a snarl, he swung one leg behind Cardin's shoulders to lock him in place and bucked sharply upward, lodging himself deeply and fully inside the wet, hot mouth that had been torturing him so exquisitely.

It was what Cardin had been waiting for; he had also recently learned that the feeling of his throat constricting around Keary's cock when he gagged and choked on it was just about enough to drive the other boy mad. As saliva rushed into his mouth, he savoured, through narrowed blue eyes, the tear-blurred sight of Keary with his hips arching off the bed, knuckles white on the sheets, dark head flung back against the pillows, lips parted wide in a silent groan.

Victory. And now it was time for the next part.