Get My Sweet Relief

Cardin extricated himself from the bind, climbing back up to grab the bottle of lube from the bedside table before perching atop Keary.

Although still panting, the dark-haired boy had apparently managed to gather enough composure to ask, "Didn't you have somewhere you needed to be, Cardin Rasheville?"

The gibe was clearly meant in jest, but Cardin couldn't miss how the low voice was ragged with desire. Slathering the lube over Keary and positioning himself over the slick length, he muttered, "Of course! Why don't I just flounce right into school in front of everyone with a raging boner? Pas moyen!" he snapped. "I'm not leaving until you give me my release, bon Dieu!"

A slight smile flickered across Keary's face as he ran his hands lightly up Cardin's bare thighs. "Come and get it then," he whispered.

The bedroom filled with the sounds of their moans as Cardin lowered himself onto Keary, one pressing down while the other pushed in, until they were both gasping at the sensation of Keary seated completely inside Cardin's heat, stretching him to an aching fullness. As he started to ride him, Cardin felt Keary's grip tighten on his hips, body bracing to meet him on every bounce, rubbing Cardin's insides in exactly the way he needed him to, until Cardin's pre-cum was smeared all over Keary's stomach.

But this position was still relatively unfamiliar to him, and the nagging thought that he had to hurry was skulking at the back of his mind. Acutely aware of the searing silver that watched him as he touched himself, he teetered on the edge of the release he sought, but couldn't tip over.

"Kear… Keary, I can't…" He cast a pleading look at his partner as the whimper of desperation escaped him.

Immediately, the dark-haired boy rose, pulling Cardin close to kiss him softly. The blonde, covered in sweat, whined as the movement drove Keary even further into him.

"You're thinking too much," Keary murmured, caressing Cardin's flushed cheeks. "Focus on me, and the feeling of me inside of you." He nudged the boy gently, pushing him to lie back on the bed as he switched their positions. Hooking his arms under Cardin's knees, he paused. "Ready?"

Cardin nodded, reaching out for him. Keary obligingly bent down to kiss him again, allowing the boy to wrap his arms around his neck.

"Hold on tight."

He began moving with long, smooth strokes, gradually picking up speed and force as Cardin twisted and panted and strained under him. Soon, he heard Cardin cry out, and felt the boy clench deliciously tight around him as the slender body stiffened and shuddered, streaking viscous pearls across their chests.

"You come so beautifully, did you know?" He lavished light kisses all over Cardin's face and neck as the boy clung to him, trembling as the remnants of the orgasm continued to thrill through him. "And that expression you make, mmmm… You better not show it to anybody else at school."

Cardin's fingernails dug into his skin in response, signalling that he was back. "What is it exactly that you think I'm going to school to do?" he grumbled, but there was no real sting in his breathless words.

The exchange brought to mind where he had to be, and Cardin glanced at the clock, then cursed. The meeting with the principal was essentially foregone, and he was going to be late for class. He would have to say he had gotten lost, or something, even though he had been to the school before, and knew the way perfectly.

Then he looked down at his shirt, only to swear again in dismay when he found the uniform splattered with semen. "Oh, merde! This is the only one I ironed!" He extracted himself hastily and rolled off the bed, so intent on changing into clean clothes that he was caught totally by surprise when Keary snagged him around the waist and threw him back onto the mattress, pressing him firmly down once more, this time with his face to the pillows.

"Keary?! What— GAH!!" His bemusement was arrested when his hips were dragged upwards, and he went rigid as the dark-haired boy plunged into him again.

"Where do you think you're going? I'm not done yet." Keary growled. He thrust a second time, and a loud moan ripped from Cardin.

"But— UNGHH!! We c– we came already!"

"'We'?" A snigger. "Nah, that was all you. You're not going anywhere till I get my turn. Only fair, don't you think?"

"F-f-fair…?" Fingers scrabbling frantically on the fabric in front of him, Cardin badly wanted to point out the irony, but was having difficulty focusing his vision, let alone form words, and could only wail helplessly as Keary plowed into him, moving mercilessly against parts of him that were still far too sensitive.

"You started this," the roguish baritone continued from behind him. "You could have easily released yourself, but you chose to come up here, and take me inside you. Now, you have to take responsibility for it." He bent to bite down hard on Cardin's shoulder, and the blonde choked.


"Don't worry," the dark voice whispered in his ear as he writhed. "I'm definitely going to make you late for school."


Of course, Cardin couldn't very well disclose this to his chaste young schoolmates, whose eyes were all watching him expectantly now. He couldn't complain about how he had set off his delinquent lover's lust in a chain of lewd events, and how that was the true cause of his tardiness that morning.

Nor could he gripe to them about how Keary had taken his own sweet time, deliberately holding back his pleasure long enough that Cardin climaxed again, and again, until his shirt and tie had been thoroughly ruined with cum by the end.

And he certainly couldn't tell them how he had been this close to just forgoing school altogether and leaping right back into Keary's arms, so that they could do it all again with abandon.

All he could do was shoot the other students a sheepish smile.

"... and then I took a wrong turn and got a bit lost, that's all," he said.
