Meeting Pan Yi Ting (2)

According to the Super Brain's hint, Pan Yi Ting in front of him has already reached the first-tier.

However, her evolution progress is only 1%, which should mean she has just advanced recently.

The only thing that puzzled Zhao Yu was why this woman, who was fancied by the camp owner, was outside alone here.

Could it be that she had escaped?!

Pan Yi Ting was venting her emotions, he did not want to disturb her, so he could only use the Super Brain to scan the surroundings and provide a guard for the two of them.

After a long while, Pan Yi Ting gradually calmed down.

"Ting Ting, didn't you enter the camp? How did you here?!"

Ji Wu Shuang was puzzled. In her opinion, once Pan Yi Ting entered the camp, she would definitely be dominated by men and should not have any reason to act alone outside.

Pan Yi Ting broke into a smile through her tears, "Sister, do you still think the camp owner is a man?!"
