Meeting Pan Yi Ting (3)

Ji Wu Shuang thought about it and it seemed to be the case.

In the past few days, the two of them had taken turns to stay up and rest. If they wanted to sleep well, they had to sacrifice a portion of their daytime activities.

She couldn't help but look at Zhao Yu, as if she wanted to know what he was thinking.

Zhao Yu had some ideas about entering the camp. He had the ability to fuse and upgrade marital art techniques. He needed a large number of Yellow level martial art techniques.

Thinking of this, he nodded slightly towards Ji Wu Shuang

"How can I be sure that you are telling the truth? Also, even if we really enter the camp, will Hao Yu Wei and the others allow us to enter?!"

Pan Yi Ting didn't think too much about it. "I swear, if I lie to you, I'll die a horrible death…"

"If you're worried, I can go discuss with Hao Yu Wei first…"

Ji Wu Shuang pulled Zhao Yu to the side and whispered a few words to express her worries.