One month later

Mumbai, India

"No matter what, we've got your back," Viraj assured her for the millionth time. Mishti wanted to say that she was fine but the multiple knots in her stomach said otherwise. Nerves were good. It meant her instincts were sharp enough to recognize danger. Now all she needed to do was ensure it didn't overwhelm her.

Viraj was SG and an ally of Ruhaan's. True to his word Mishti called a week after her proposal and he found a way to make it possible. Since the other residents of the Chatterjee were in the UK, they needed someone on the ground to help. Viraj Shehgal and Ruhaan had worked together on operations in the past and were now heading a joint venture to infiltrate the Chatterjee s. Viraj's superiors were even less helpful than the RAW when it came to going after Ronobir but they were able to create a trans-Atlantic team with some support. All they told their bosses was that they'd gotten an asset to infiltrate a potential threat. They didn't add that the asset happened to be a civilian.

Mishti arrived in Mumbai a few days ago after Ruhaan. The official story they came up with was that she had come back to the city to restart once again and perhaps get her old job back. Mumbai was where Avantika preferred to stay and was currently residing so it would be easier to make their preferred contact in her primary residence.

"Looking good Mishti," commented Vikrant on her attire. He was their analyst handling everything technical support and their fancy software. With him was Manju, a petite but intelligent SG analyst on loan who worked with Viraj. She was more focused on her computer but glanced upwards to give Mishti an encouraging look.

She smiled despite herself, "Thanks."

She was in a short and tight red dress that made her far too uncomfortable to even stand. Her heels were higher than anything she'd ever worn in her life and her cleavage was spilling like Victoria Falls. All in all, it was the perfect club outfit. According to Instagram Avantika had planned to visit a nightclub in Bandra called Vortex that evening. The plan was that Mishti would visit and observe her for now. Nothing more yet.

Ruhaan was adamant that they would need to make every move with careful consideration.

"Not a single mistake can be made." He had said.

The very same man entered the dining area of the flat they'd set up as their base of operations carrying a small box. He did a double take at the sight of Mishti with his eyes widening in admiration.

"Not bad," He tried for nonchalance but Vikrant gave him a knowing look. It earned him a swat on the head.

"Ow," the analyst whined, rubbing his head and making everyone laugh.

Ruhaan opened the box and brought out a phone, "This phone and only this phone will you Indiae if you need to make contact with India. It'll also work as a tracking device in case we have to find you so don't lose it. It's also untraceable and the nerds here have made it so that no one can tap your calls."

"I won't," Mishti assured. She clutched it tightly before putting it into her purse with her other civilian phone.

"Viraj and I will be parked outside the club at a safe distance so you won't be alone," He assured her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She smiled. During all the preparation and planning for her mission when she went to DC they'd gotten a bit close. It had evolved into a sort of friendship. Unfortunately due to the nature of the assignment, they would have to maintain minimal contact which meant the phone was most likely the only source of communication they would have for a while.

He had promised he would do everything in his power to make sure nothing happened to her and she believed him. Now was the time they'd put everything into practice.

"I trust you," She said confidently.

The last time someone had trusted him she ended up with her throat slit open. History would not repeat itself. He would protect Mishti.

Mishti didn't tell the others but this would be her first time in a nightclub. In college, she'd had the opportunity once when some study buddies dragged her one night. Entry was barred when her fake ID didn't hold up. After that, there was never much interest in visiting one again. Now it was oblivious she wasn't missing much. Loud thumping music made her teeth grind, suspicious looks, and itchy fingers ready to grab any bit of her watered-down drinks. Madonna shrieked away.

The entirety of club culture had greatly exaggerated its allure.

At least the drinks came free.

Ruhaan and Viraj were parked about a mile away. She sent a text once she got into Vortex reassuring them of her position. She was seated on the bar nursing a club soda eyes darting towards the entrance while simultaneously turning down the attentions of a few drunken suitors.

Finally, an attractive girl around the same age as Mishti arrived at the club. Avantika Chatterjee . She was wearing a silver backless dress that stopped around her thighs. Two men in black shirts followed discreetly. Those were the bodyguards. They all made their way to the VIP area passing by Mishti to climb into the velvet area. She typed a quick message.

She's here.

Ruhaan replied instantly. Be careful and watch.

Inhaling deeply Mishti took another sip of her club soda. She wished she could get something stronger but she needed all her senses sharp. A few people joined Avantika in the VIP area. A man in a red shirt and another girl who seemed vaguely familiar. A mid-tier model or something. The bodyguards stood behind them scanning the area for any suspicious threats. Avantika herself seemed to be having the time of her life laughing loudly and taking sips of champagne. The man, who Mishti assumed was her date, whispered something in her ear interlocking his hands with hers. She then turned to her bodyguards and said something before walking off to the dance floor with her partner where they enthusiastically ground each other. Mishti had been focused on watching them that she'd almost missed seeing the girl in the booth skillfully drop something into the glass of champagne Avantika had been drinking.

At first, Mishti was not sure she'd seen it – the loud music and neon lights could be altering her senses – but the drink was still bubbling suspiciously despite the calm look on the girls' faces. The bodyguards didn't seem to notice as their eyes were focused on Avantika and her date dancing. Now Mishti was torn. She wanted to text Ruhaan but she knew he would tell her not to interfere. On one hand, it seemed logical to let the situation play out as it would if she wasn't there. But on the other hand, she couldn't exactly turn a blind eye to a woman being roofied even by another woman.

Before she could make up her mind, Avantika was dragging the man from the dance floor back to the VIP section. Without thinking, Mishti grabbed her arm as they passed in front of her earning the attention of a very confused and irate girl.

"Excuse me?" Avantika questioned.

Mishti stuttered letting go immediately, "I-I-I'm sorry but I couldn't live with myself if I don't say anything."

"Say what?" Avantika seemed less confused and more threatening now. The bodyguards were now making their way toward them. Oh gosh. She hoped she'd made the right choice.

"The girl you were sitting with. I think she put something in your drink," Mishti stated nervously as the bodyguards had now arrived. The woman in the booth looked over at them confused at the commotion.

"What? Are you sure?" Avantika probed. "Be very sure." The threat was underlying but very present. Mishti swallowed and nodded her head, "I saw her do it." Her date looked uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"Paolo, Fabio, get me, Beverly, please. I'd like to speak with her outside," her tone was icy. Mishti hoped it wouldn't be directed at her. They both compiled and went to grab the woman, Beverly, who was less than agreeable.

Avantika addressed her, "You will come with me. I'm going to find out who's lying." Mishti didn't seem to have much of a choice as Avantika grabbed her. They went into the alleyway where Beverly was struggling against the hold of Paolo and Fabio.

"What the fuck is going on Avantika ?" She snapped still trying to pull away.

Avantika was the picture of stoic, "You tell me, Beverly. This lady saw you putting something in my drink." Her attention turned to Mishti and if looks could kill she would have been ash.

"She's lying! Why would I do that?" Beverly denied the accusation vehemently.

"You tell me," Avantika walked closer assessing her. Mishti remained stuck in her spot wondering if Ruhaan and Viraj could see her although she doubted it. They'd gone through the backdoor into the alley. "Why would you roofie me?"

"I didn't," Beverly pleaded. "This psycho is lying for some reason, maybe to get your attention."

"Alright I'll just have one of the boys here bring the drink and if you can take a sip then we'll put this whole thing behind us," Avantika proposed. Beverly didn't look so enthusiastic about that idea which everyone caught immediately.

"You stupid bitch," Mishti was taken aback by the pure anger radiating from Avantika. "You thought you could drug me? What was your plan?" there was no answer so she backhandedly slapped her. The imagined sting made Mishti wince and she wasn't even the one who was slapped. It seemed violence did run in the family to an extent.

"Marco was supposed to sleep with you and then record it," Beverly tearfully blathered quite quickly after that. "Then we were going to blackmail you for money." Not a bad plan in the grand scheme of things. If Mishti hadn't been there to foil it they might have succeeded.

"Entrapment of course," Avantika said bitterly. She motioned to one of the men, "Go grab the other idiot. We're going to the police station to report this mess." She then turned to Mishti, "It seems I owe you plenty of thanks, stranger."

"Oh no, it's fine. We girls have to watch each other's back," Mishti played off.

Avantika gave the sobbing Beverly a hard look, "Clearly not all. I'm sorry but you might have to accompany me to the police station to make a report. We can't let this go unpunished." She tried not to panic seeing as this was an absolute deviation from the plan and Ruhaan would flip.

"Uh sure, lead the way," Mishti smiled shakily. She managed to quickly shoot Ruhaan a vague message hoping that he wouldn't jeopardize everything by doing something rash.

"By the way, I'm Avantika Chatterjee. What's your name?" Avantika introduced stretching her hand forward.

Mishti complied, taken aback by the powerful grip and handshake, "Mishti. Nice to meet you, Avantika ."

"That wasn't the plan," Ruhaan angrily hissed over the phone.

Mishti huffed running her fingers through her curly locks, "Well things changed and I had to adapt." She was back in her flat after a rather uneventful time at the police station where she gave her statement narrating the events. Avantika had insisted on dropping her off as a show of gratitude. She also made sure to get Mishti's phone number.

Ruhaan had called merely a few seconds after she closed the door and peeked down her window to make sure the Chatterjee girl and her bodyguards had indeed gone.

"Anything could have gone wrong," He insisted.

"But it didn't. Everything went right. She's grateful to me and that's a step in building a friendship," She unzipped her dress and let it fall to her ankles. Ruhaan couldn't exactly argue with that. But he hoped there would be no other surprises.

"It'll be ok," Mishti stressed with a softer tone. "I know what I'm doing." They both knew that was a lie. But she had done well so far and hopefully it would continue that way. After the call, Mishti fell into bed vaguely noting the clock on her nightstand shone at 3 am. She wasn't sure how long she'd slept but woke up to the sound of her main phone buzzing loudly.

Groaning at the disturbance, she dragged it off the charger, answering without looking at the ID, "Hello?"

"This is Avantika ."

Alertness seeped in making Mishti sit up. The curtains were closed but some light peeked in. "Oh hi Avantika. Didn't think I'd hear from you so soon." She cursed how hoarse her voice sounded.

"Well, why wait? If you're free this afternoon I have reservations at Candies for lunch, on me of course. I thought it was the least I could do after you saved me from being a tabloid laughingstock. Again." The woman sounded incredibly put together for someone who'd been drinking all night.

There wasn't much she was supposed to do today. Maybe pretend to look for jobs. But this was more productive and an opportunity falling right into her lap.

"Uh sure. I'm not super busy right now. What time do you have in mind?" Mishti hopped off the bed.

"In about an hour. I'll send a car to come to get you." the line cut before she could even object. She checked the time. It was already noon. At least she got a heads-up. Mishti performed her ablutions and did a quick Google search on Candies before picking an outfit. No surprise it was as high-end as it could get. The dining options did say semi-formal for lunch so she hoped the grey short-sleeved jumper and white strappy sandals she picked would suffice.

A black Range Rover appeared right on time. The driver uttered nothing to her for the entire drive only wishing her a good afternoon once she arrived. Candies were gorgeous; the sort of place she'd only have been able to afford if she saved for a year and eaten only ramen. The hostess led her to a private room. A different bodyguard was standing outside. Avantika was already inside looking like she'd stepped off a Vogue photo shoot. She wore a billowy white blouse, shapely jeans, and nude toe-covered heels.

Semi-formal had been a good dress choice.

"Mishti!" She cheerfully greeted standing up to give her two air kisses on the cheeks as though they were already close friends.

"Thank you for lunch," Mishti smiled, taking a seat.

Avantika waved her off, "It truly is the least I can do. Lord knows what those two had planned." She shuddered at the thought. "Unfortunately it means I'll be partying less in the meantime."

"At least you're safe," Mishti offered to fiddle with the tablecloth. Avantika opened the menu glancing through, "Feel free to order whatever you'd like. They do a wonderful Kale Salad with mint vinaigrette here."

Mishti opened her own and was not surprised to see the prices absent. It was probably for the best. She didn't need a heart attack. In the end, she ordered a grilled salmon with dill butter and chunky vegetables. Avantika had something called a chateaubriand.

"So what do you do when you're not saving girls in nightclubs Mishti?" Avantika asked casually. Her knife cut into a thick part of her beef. It oozed red and stained the potatoes. She'd never been a fan of rare meat. "I assume you recently moved here."

Mishti shrugged, "Nowadays I'm not really up to much. I used to live here about a year ago but I moved back to Kolkata. Now I'm back in Mumbai once more hoping to restart my life again."

The best lies held a modicum of truth, Ruhaan had said. Constructing a whole new personality was complicated and left room for mistakes. Adding parts of the life you already lived made it more authentic for them to believe and by extension you.

"Ah, what drove you away from your old life then?" Avantika took a sip of her wine watching Mishti intently.

"A bad breakup," Mishti answered morosely. Sometimes clichés exist for a reason. It was certainly something Avantika could relate to because her expression softened afterward. The disastrous ending of a relationship was a universal experience that would never be questioned.

"Well only a man to make you leave an entire state behind," Avantika piped out making both women chuckle. The conversation from then on took a lighter quality with both women bonding over mutual interests in movies, books, and everything else that intersected. Not the worst lunch Mishti had ever had in her life.

"Do you normally go clubbing?" the blonde inquired.

Mishti shook her head, "Last night was a rare occurrence. Didn't have much going on so I decided to hit the club."

"I have to ask; did you know who I was when you helped me last night?" Her voice was quiet. A hint of vulnerability escaped. Mishti held the stem of her glass wondering exactly what to say. The peppered truth then.

"Not really. I mean your name sounded familiar when we introduced ourselves but it wasn't until I got home that it hit," Mishti took a careful bite of her salmon. Avantika looked contemplative.

"I wish I could say last night was an odd occurrence but it isn't really," She confessed with a sad smile. "Most people who come around me feel that there mIndiat be something to get from me one way or another. Makes it hard to make a genuine connection." It was a language Mishti knew well. Perhaps not in the same way. Avantika had grown up in opulence and wealth. She'd surely had her fair share of gold diggers vying for a piece. But the gnawing loneliness was all the same. Sure Mishti liked her own company but how much of it was a preference and how much was a skill borne of adaptation?

"If it makes a difference I think I'd have enjoyed your company all the same," Mishti tried reassuringly.

Avantika grinned, "You too Mishti."

At that moment she knew she had her in.

Avantika and Mishti's friendship grew gently over a month. She checked in with Ruhaan once a week. The team had arranged for her to get a cover job at a travel agency which gave her good breathing time away. Avantika was funny and interesting. Certainly more intelligent than the Times made her out to be. She did have a degree in Russian Literature from her family's alma mater after all. Her company was so pleased that most days Mishti forgot she was doing a job. The distinction had to be reminded several times. She was doing this to get justice, to avenge Mallishka. A woman she'd known for all of 32 hours.

She had yet to come into contact with any other Chatterjee apart from her.

Until one afternoon.

"My brother Ronny asked me to invite you to a party on Saturday," Avantika nonchalantly informed her one evening. They were in her flat eating takeout and watching The Office. Her bodyguard was parked downstairs. Mishti froze with her spoonful of moo-shoo pork halfway into her mouth.

"A-a party?"

Avantika peeked at her bemused, "You know a fete, celebration that sort of thing."

Mishti shoved her playfully, "I meant why would he invite me?"

Avantika shrugged, turning back to the TV, "I've been spending a lot of time with you and my family would like to meet you. They know I don't have a lot of friends." And find out exactly who you are, went unsaid.

A wave of apprehension washed over her. This was what she wanted but struck with the reality of having it so close turned her stomach. Avantika mistook this solely as nerves and gave her an encouraging side hug. The girl loved to hug. "It'll be alright. Ronny can act intimidating sometimes but he'll ease up for me."

"Sure," Mishti agreed with a tight smile before shoving a forkful of rice into her mouth. The very next day she arranged a meeting with Ruhaan at Cococart. She topped up her subscription card and then waited until he stood next to her pretending to contemplate which dark chocolate to buy.

"This is good. This means we're getting closer," Ruhaan spoke with a hint of annoyance. "So what's the problem?" Nowadays he seemed more impatient. He'd been pushing her to get closer to Avantika by any means possible.

She sighed, "It's just that I'm not sure what to expect. I don't want anything to go wrong."

"And nothing will," He assured. She tucked his reassurances deep inside her when she went to bed that night. The next day saw Mishti rifling through her closet to find something appropriate for a fancy garden party. In the end, she settled on a knee-length polka dot blue sundress and white wedge heels. She combed her curls until they bounced and wore pink lip gloss. As was her style, Avantika sent a car to pick her up for the party.

The Chatterjee's home was a sprawling estate that stood majestic. It took a full minute for Mishti to remember how her legs worked before woodenly making her way to the entrance of the house where a woman in a starched suit led her through the foyer and past the gigantic staircase to the garden where everyone was congregated.

The garden was beautiful and surrounded by equally beautiful people all laughing and chattering away. Mishti fidgeted with the gold bracelet on her wrist and bit her lip desperately looking around to see Avantika. She recognized a few people from their pictures online; Ratan Chatterjee, the older brother, in a trim-fitted suit was conversing with a tall beautiful woman in a white sari. He looks approachable enough but carries himself rigidly.

The oldest brother Anirudh was seated next to a lady while they whispered with each other seemingly unaware of everyone else. He is the recluse of the bunch content to remain sealed from the public eye. The only information she'd gotten on him was that he was a lawyer for the Chatterjee Foundation.


She could have cried in relief as the blonde made her way to her, hugging the daylights out of her. it's never good to be the lone wolf at a party. "So happy you could make it!"

Mishtis' smile was bright, "Well I did tell you I was coming."

"Still though," Avantika grabbed two glasses of white wine from a passing waiter and handed her one, "The best way to get through this is to get drunk." Mishti chuckled in agreement. She took a sip of the wine moaning at the cool massage on her tongue.

"You don't like these kinds of parties?"

Avantika made a face of disgust, "Not at all. They're just excuses for my brothers to suck up their business partners. Speaking of which, here comes the most annoying one now."

"Now who do we have here?"

Mishti was sorely mistaken in thinking she was prepared for this. Nothing could prepare her for seeing him up close.

There he was.

Ronobir Chatterjee sauntered up to them, one hand in the pocket of his pants, the two top buttons of his dress shirt open, a lazy smirk gracing his lips. His brown eyes were just as sharp as they'd been all those months ago in Berlin. Everything about him overwhelmed her. Her knees wobbled. It was a mystery she hasn't toppled over. Behind him was another tall man with what seemed to be a permanent frown.

"This is Mishti Khanna," Avantika introduced proudly.

"She's my friend so you better play nice. Mishti, this is my brother Ronobir and his assistant Avish." The grimace on the man – Avish's – face clued her to the fact that he didn't like the title. Avantika just smiled sweetly.

"Nice to meet you," Mishti reached for a handshake trying to play off the shakiness in her voice. Ronobir grabbed her hand and kissed it instead. Her skin tingled from the feel of his red lips and the slight graze of his beard. She wondered if he recognized her but understands that he must not have. In his world staff and employees are nothing but faceless bodies with no purpose but to fulfill his demands.

"Not sure if the feeling is mutual for now. My sister tells me you saved her from some vultures in a nightclub," He stated dropping her hand. His lips curl to one side. Her breathing pauses for a mere second.

She forces herself to gather her wits before answering, "Yes. Lucky I was in the right place then."

He hums, "The right place for who I wonder." His sister shot him a warning look. Avish could barely hide his smirk. Ronobir paid attention to none of them. "Tell me, Miss Mishti, what exactly brought you over to this side of the pond?"

"Oh uh, I used to live and work here. I went to Kolkata for a bit and then decided to come back." She explained.

"Mumbai does have a certain draw," His eyes raked over her body. She squirmed. He smiled as though that was the outcome he wanted. "I much prefer Kolkata myself. Much grittier in my opinion."

"I find that it can be just as gritty here," Mishti crossed her arms.

He took a swig of his bourbon. "I find myself an unbeliever in coincidence."

"How so?" She questioned.

"What an absolute coincidence the girl you saved from being drugged happens to be from one of the richest families in the world. Were you expecting to receive your due by wire transfer or check?" His smile was sardonic.