"Stop it, Ronny, I told you she's not like that," Avantika half snapped and pleaded.

"Do shut up Avantika," Ronobir coldly commanded. His eyes are still trained on Mishti. "Your history proves your ability to read people is lacking." She bristles at the claim letting out an annoyed whine. Avish looked on with unconcealed glee.

Mishti clears her throat feeling wobbly with sudden confidence, "Like I said right place at the right time. Avantika and I are friends. I haven't asked for anything nor will I. I apologize if you find that hard to believe." She noticed that they'd garnered a small audience. Ratan looks on in curiosity as do a few other guests.

"Friends?" He looks amused. "How sweet. How do you find time to entertain my sister with your quaint travel agency job? She tells me you used to work as an interpreter. Step-down honey."

Mishti ground her teeth together. All previous feelings of anxiety are not replaced with barely concealed rage. The grip on her wine glass tightened. "Is that supposed to be an insult, Mr. Chatterjee? I don't see how working like a normal person classifies as quaint. I guess living in a golden bubble will do that to you."

For a moment he looks surprised. Like he didn't think she would retort. Now Mishti feels nothing but sympathy for Avantika. The poor girl tries so hard to stave off loneliness with no help from a controlling brother and gold-digging opportunists. The look goes as quickly as it comes and Ronobir covers it with a smirk instead. "You'll have to do better than that honey."

"Don't call me honey," She rebuked sharply. "I didn't come here to be insulted. I came here because Avantika asked me to."

Ronobir feigned a look of shock, "And here I thought you were trying to sniff around for a wealthy bachelor."

It doesn't occur to Mishti what she'd done until she hears Avantika's shocked gasp, sees Avish's murderous look, and the wine dripping from Ronobir's shirt. Everyone at the party joins in being flabbergasted. Ronobir though had an unreadable expression. Mishti decided not to try to decipher it. She'd had her fill of socializing for the day.

Without stopping to think, she turns to Avantika, handing her the empty glass. "Thanks for the invite. I'll call you later, Avu." Then whooshed out of the garden without giving anyone else a single look behind.

It was only after she'd gotten into an Uber and sent Avantika a reassuring text that the magnitude of her actions comes into full force. That certainly was not a good impression to make. Ruhaan was going to be furious. An understatement. She cringed and clawed herself. Throwing wine in his face, how Julia Roberts of her.

Avantika certainly didn't agree with her.

"That was hilarious!" She shrieked over the phone. "I love my brother but it is so good to see him being brought down a peg."

Mishti laughed depreciatingly laying on her bed. "I'm pretty sure he'll tell you to never see me again."

Avantika scoffs, "As if. He didn't say anything after you left. I'm pretty sure he was a bit impressed. He's used to everyone kissing his arse. You are a breath of fresh air."

If only that would help my mission, she thought. That night she sleeps fitfully. Mallishka appears once more this time crying tears of blood, asking Mishti why she didn't save her. She woke up the next morning with tears of her own and a bed soaked with sweat. After brushing her teeth and taking a long shower in which she contemplated how to tell Ruhaan about the events of the party, there was a knock on her door.

It certainly wasn't Avantika as she would always text before her arrival. Ruhaan and the others would never risk coming to her flat. Quickly toweling off and wearing the first thing she could find, she tiptoed to the door warily looking into the peephole.

It's Ronobir. She didn't expect that. How did he get her address?

Carefully, she unlocked the door but kept the chain lock in place. "What are you doing here?"

"Good morning Miss Khanna," He greeted cheerfully. It was 8 am on a Sunday. What kind of person is cheerful then? Oh right, a murderous sociopath.

"Again I ask, what are you doing here?" Her tone was more forceful.

"Unless you would like your neighbors to witness our encounter then perhaps it would be better to let me inside," Ronobir said breezily. She frowned knowing he had a point and reluctantly let him inside. He strolled into her flat looking around. It seemed so small suddenly with him inside.

"If you're here to tell me how quaint my place is, then don't bother," Her tone was acerbic.

He laughed it off. "Nothing of the sort. I am here to apologize to you."

Mishti narrowed her eyes, "What?"

"For my conduct yesterday," He explains further. "My dear sister pointed out how...unfair I was being."

"That's a nice way of putting it," Mishti said dryly. She managed to appear nonchalant but the apprehension still covers her like a thin coat. It doesn't escape her that she's alone with a dangerous man. "How did you find my place?"

"I employ Avantika's driver," He pointed out.

"Apology accepted. Now you can leave," Mishti said with a fake smile. It occurred to her that for a man deeply suspicious of everyone who wants to come around him then the best measure is to act as though she couldn't desire to be farther from him. Men like him always want to grasp what seems to elude them. Even now she can see him calculating, wondering what her catch will be. He's getting his hook ready to sink.

She used this to her advantage.

Ronobir ran a hand through his perfectly trimmed curls, "Now that's not very nice. Where's all that northeastern hospitality I've heard so much about?"

"We're not in the northeast," She answered flatly. Mishti leaned against the wall facing him. "I've accepted your apology. What else do you want from me?"

He walked closer to her deliberately encroaching on her personal space. Fear clouded her expression. His remained unchanged. Their noses were nearly touching when he said, "I'd like to offer you a job."

That was not what she expected. Mishti blinked, "A job?"

"Yes," Ronobir appeared thoughtful, "As a translator. You see my work requires plenty of travel abroad and I would find it beneficial if I'm able to communicate more effectively with my associates."

"You don't even know what languages I speak," She pointed out.

"Well, what languages do you speak?" He asked, amused. Mishti rolled her eyes and listed off French, German, Dutch, Spanish, and Swedish. Ronobir makes Individual impressed noises.

"Someone like you in my repertoire would be an asset. The pay is generous and the benefits are numerous, so what do you say honey?" his eyes gleam with unending promise. For a moment she forgets once again who she is and why she's doing this. The tendrils of her dream still grip the edges of her mind. Mishti wonders if this is how it feels to make a Faustian bargain. The charming seduction that promises everything your mind could ever conjure up for just a tiny taste of your soul.

"You don't even know me," Mishti tries as a last resort. He cocks an eyebrow, "Think of this as an opportunity then. I generally have good instincts and they are telling me you would very much be an asset, Miss Khanna."

"I'll think about it," She replied finally. The corners of his mouth twitch. They both knew that by tomorrow she would be calling to say yes.

Ruhaan listens to her recount with grim acceptance. He wants to feel happy that Mishti is getting closer than he's ever gotten but the worry about how close she's drifting to the lions' den remains. Viraj makes sure to remind him how important what she's doing is. In the end, he reminds her to take her emergency phone with him.

Their first stop is in Barcelona. The private jet impresses Mishti very much even though she tries not to show it. Avantika made sure to take her shopping the previous week for work-appropriate clothing. They're accompanied by Ratan who is his COO and Avish whose position is the head bodyguard and a mediator of some sort.

They don't tell her much but stick to only what is completely necessary. It is understandable, she's still on probation. Ratan passed the time by politely asking her questions about herself. She sticks to her half-truths once again telling him about growing up in Kolkata and her wanderlust. Avish glowered at her the entire time. For some reason, he didn't like her much even though she'd tried her best to be inclusive and polite. Avantika said he was suspicious of anyone around Ronobir.

"If I didn't know any better I'd think he was completely in love with Ronny," She had said during their shopping trip.

Ronobir doesn't say much. He watched Mishti and Ratan as they conversed, taking periodic sips of bourbon and glancing at the documents on his lap. He was still trying to unravel her. With how intensely he stared she almost thought he knew about what she was doing but rationality pushes the thought aside.

If he did she would not be alive.

Once the plane arrived in Barcelona they went off to the hotel. Mishti had only a second to marvel at her suit before changing her clothes and heading down to the car for the meeting. Two cars were waiting once she arrived. She moved to the one Ratan is already seated in before Ronobir grabbed her elbow. "I'm afraid you're riding with me."

"Ok," She said, playing at being unaffected.

There was plenty of space in the black SUV but his knee still brushed against hers. "Is this your first time in Barcelona?"

Mishti nodded, "Been dreaming about coming here for a while. It's beautiful."

He studied her. "Indeed."

There was silence until they arrived at their destination.

The meeting went well; Mishti translated flawlessly and the associates took to her very well. She couldn't help but marvel at how Ronobir worked. Even with the difficulty of a language barrier, the man was able to effortlessly negotiate and charm his way into a favorable deal on his end. She could see why he seemed to win every time.

The conversation was very mundane all things considered. They spoke about acquiring land to build and making payments. There was no mention of guns or weapons though. She noted it all anyway.

"You're very beautiful," One of the men told her. "Would you like to accompany me later tonight?"

"T-thank you but I have to decline," Her cheeks burned red. Ronobir noticed but said nothing until they were on their way back to the hotel. "What did he say to you?"

"What?" She asked.

He eyed her sharply, "What did he say to make you blush?"

"Oh," Mishti looked down embarrassed. "He asked me out. I declined." His jaw clenched and he remained silent. She wondered why there was such a reaction.

The next day breakfast is wheeled into her suite before she can even order it. "Courtesy of Mr. Chatterjee," the room service waiter told her in a thick accent. She thanked him and tipped him before opening the tray. Pancakes, cinnamon buns, and sweetened coffee. It was food fit for a queen.

"Thank you for this morning," She said quietly once they were on the jet back to India. He looked up from the phone he was furiously typing in to regard her. She was sitting opposite him. Ratan was making a call some seats away while Avish had gone to the bathroom.

"That was nothing," He played off.

"Well, no one's ever done that for me." Mishti continued, fumbling with her hands. She felt jittery admitting this to him of all people.

"Then it was my pleasure honey," Ronobir gave her a brief and rare smile before returning to his phone.

Back in her flat, she regaled everything to Ruhaan over the phone. She left out his reaction to her Spanish suitor and the breakfast in her room. Ruhaan promised to go over the details of the meeting for any potential flags.

"Thank you again, Mishti," He said sincerely. You're welcome was stuck in her throat. She wasn't sure why.

For the next few weeks, Mishti becomes more involved in the business of Ronobir Chatterjee. They didn't always travel; sometimes he met with people in his gigantic office. Sometimes he just wanted her there whether or not he was meeting anyone. She has her own little office in the same building. Mishti thinks it's to keep an eye on her. Ratan was always gracious and cordial towards her. Avish remained as cold as ever. She'd officially been listed as an employee on the roster and earned more than she'd ever gotten in her life.

"You can move out of your flat now," Avantika suggested during their spa outing one time. Every time she wasn't working or reporting back to the team seemed to be spent with the blonde. Mishti didn't mind it. It was nice to have a friend. Even if a said friend was a sibling of the man she was meant to be undercover to expose.

Mishti suppressed a moan from the enjoyable massage she was receiving, "Are you dissing my flat Avu?"

She laughed removing the cucumbers from her eyes, "No I'm not. I'm just saying that it would be nice for you to get something more spacious. Even you have to admit it's cramped." Avantika was right but Mishti still didn't budge. It was still too early to give in to all their whims now. She needed to bide her time.

"Sorry to disappoint but I like my cramped flat."

Avantika sighed sitting up with her hand firm to keep the towel, "I'll be honest. Ronny asked me to convince you."

Mishti stiffened. "Why would he do that?"

Avantika shrugged. "Said something about how it reflects on him as an employer. It was more of a suggestion." The conversation swiftly changed course but it still prodded at the back of her mind.

Her next meeting is a week later at a museum. There's an exhibit on Hellenistic Art at Project 88 and Ronobir asks, well more accurately, demands her presence. He doesn't give her any details annoyingly. The only clue she gets is when he sends a dress to her apartment. It was a fitted long green silk thing with a halter that leaves her entire back bare. She'd never seen anything more lovely in her life. She almost forgets to wear it with how much time she spends admiring it. The dress fits her like a glove hugging all her curves and blending wonderfully with her golden brown complexion.

To Mishti's surprise, he was waiting in the car that picked her up. Upon seeing her, Ronobir took her hand and kissed it gently. Goosebumps overwhelmed her. "I knew that dress would be decadent on you."

She blushed, "Even I can admit you have good taste."

He chuckled and she was taken aback for a moment. If he looked handsome regularly wearing cashmere sweaters and suits, then in a tux he was something else entirely. "Good taste is what I'm known for."

"It makes your arrogance more bearable," She quipped.

He raised an eyebrow, "Have you been speaking with my ex-wife?" The insinuation made them both chuckle. There wasn't much she knew about his ex-wife. Even Avantika was tight-lipped about her saying that the divorce was sufficiently earned. She wondered if Mallishka had somehow fit in there too.

They arrive at the museum and Ronobir places his hand on her bare lower back to guide her up the stairs. His hand remains there as he leads her through various introductions. She graced them all with appropriate nods, shakes, and smiles.

Mishti was sipping a glass of champagne when a tall dark-skinned man approached them. "Mr. Chatterjee, wonderful to see you."

"Arunoday," Ronobir simply greeted. "I assume your client is here."

"We're waiting to congregate," Arunoday answered. His eyes flit over Mishti. "And your associate?"

"Miss. Khanna will be joining us. She's my translator," Ronobir said firmly. The hand on her back tightened for a moment. Arunoday led them to a room far away from the party. This was the real meeting. Inside were two men also wearing tuxedos sitting behind a large circular table.

"Gentlemen," Ronobir greeted shaking their hands. One of them speaks rapid-fire French and he looks at Mishti expectantly. She translates that he's eager to begin the meeting. This one goes about as similar to the previous meeting but instead, they talk about agricultural equipment. Ronobir was buying some to sell to a company in India. Her ears perked up at that detail remembering all about Trident. FrIndiatratingly enough, he doesn't mention the name of the company. Arunoday appears to be the middleman.

"We shall convene again one week from now," Ronobir stated and Mishti translated. The men seemed to agree to the terms. They all shook hands before leaving. Arunoday and Ronobir whispered something to each other before he once again led her back to the main exhibit.

"You did wonderfully back there. I'll admit those two have always been a pain in my arse," Ronobir complimented.

"Glad to be of help Mr. Chatterjee," Mishti smiled.

"And here I thought we'd moved past the need for such formalities," He muttered. She didn't even realize how close he'd gotten until she felt his lips near her ear.

"You called Miss Khanna earlier," Mishti breathed out. His hand dangerously moved lower, stopping just at the curve of her bottom. She held onto her clutch for her dear life.

"That was to Arunoday. I'd hardly consider him a friend," Ronobir scoffed. "I suppose we should be leaving now that our business is over."

It only occurred to her to ask once they were inside the car and driving off to ask what he meant. "Would you consider us friends then?"

He gave her a long look. One that penetrated somewhere deep inside her. Mishti swallowed feeling parched all of a sudden. "Mishti," her name rolls off his tongue, as smooth as butter "We're not going to be friends."

She forced herself to nod feeling stupid all of a sudden, "because you're my boss. I'm sorry for asking that -,"

"We both know that's not it," He interrupted with a knowing look. His thumb brushed against the silk of her thigh. She knew.

Mishti wasn't stupid. There was a light tension between them. Subtle looks and oh-so-innocent brushes. Their talk on the jet, just the two of them whenever Ratan and Avish were indisposed. A part of her knew it might come to head soon. In what way, she was unaware. The other part of her felt mutual shame and excitement at the prospect.

The car stopped at her flat and she hesitated for only a moment before asking, "Would you like to come up for some tea?" It was a bold move. Very uncharacteristic of her. But a flame had been lit and it was only going to get fanned from now.

Ronobir seemed to truly contemplate. It felt like the longest paIndiae in her life. Mishti was ready to jump out of the car and run away when he gave her a foreign look, "Of course."

She felt his eyes on her from the elevator to the front door where her shaky hands nearly dropped the keys twice. Finally, she unlocked the door and they both entered inside. Mishti tossed her purse on the couch heading to the kitchen, "Make yourself comfortable." This was the second time he'd been in her flat.

She was filling a kettle with water when a hand on her waist made her jump in surprise. Ronobir stood behind her unperturbed by her reaction.

"Jeez, you scared me," Mishti laughed nervously.

"Did I?" His voice was husky as he completely eradicated all distance between them by pressing his chest to hers. Her breath hitched as his lips found their way to her collarbone pressing a slow and long kiss before he looked up at her. "We can't have that now, can we?"

"No we can't," She breathed. Her hands of their own accord slowly wrapped around his neck bringing him closer. Their lips hovered inches away. "Are we doing this?" Ronobir chuckled, the sound vibrating through her body. An unnecessary question. This was going to happen.

I'm doing this because I have to, she told herself over and over again. Mishti needed to believe it. She had no choice. It would be easier to explain that she was giving herself to his desire for the sole purpose of bringing him down. That it had nothing to do with how her body ached for more when she felt his touch earlier. She could live with that.

A moan escaped Mishti once his lips finally pressed against hers. Ronobir wasted no time diving into her mouth, taking all he wanted without asking for permission. A hand caressed the nape of her neck pushing her closer and tilting her head back to expose her neck. Pulling away he attacked her neck with kisses, teeth pressing into some places that made her shiver with pleasure. His groin was pressed against her front eager to escape its fabric prison and into her.

"Bedroom," Mishti managed to get out before Ronobir whisked her away,

He found it without asking. Removing his jacket and tie, he set them in her chair. The look in his brown eyes promised some primal that no longer laid dormant. She wanted it to consume her with every inch of her being. "Take off that dress before I rip it off you," He commanded roughly.

With shaky hands, Mishti's arms reached for the zipper along the back of her dress. She fumbled with it for a few moments.

Ronobir noticed her restless behavior and came up behind her.

He placed his hands on top of hers and slowly slid them back down to her side. He placed a kiss on her shoulder as he unzipped the back of her dress.

Her breathing was becoming erratic.

Her dress fell to the floor. She stepped out of it. She was braless with a pair of black pantyhose and a set of black high heels. She felt self-conscious just standing in her underwear but the way Ronobir stared at her was enough to abate any feelings of low esteem. His lips covered a nipple much to her delight. Mishti could feel herself getting wet as Ronobir gave her other nipple the same attention.

She gasped when he bit gently, looking up so his eyes met hers. His hands massaged her bottom feeling the lace material of her underwear. Ronobir set her down on the bed pulling down her underwear before tossing it off into some part of the room.

"You're so beautiful," He groaned pushing apart her legs. Two fingers entered her folds caIndiaing her hips to snap immediately. Ronobir brushed his thumb against her numb setting every ending in her on fire.

"Fuck," Mishti cried out. His fingers pistoned in and out of her. He watched her, drinking in every show of pleasure from her lovely face. A sheen of sweat covered the valley of her breasts so he leaned closer to lick it up. He removed his fingers much to her displeasure sucking them with his eyes closed like he was trying to burn the memory of her taste in his skull forever.

"You make me feel beautiful," She sat up pulling him closer until he knelt in between her legs. He was still clothed and did not attempt yet to rectify that. It was a show of power to remind her of her place. To remind her that he held all the power. Instead, Ronobir unzipped his trousers, releasing his cock into her view. Mishti whimpered, feeling the head of his impressive length at her entrance. He pressed into her without warning causing a shout to escape from her lips.

There was nothing soft about it; it was pure animalistic fucking. Ronobir ravaged her pussy without mercy leaving Mishti a screaming sobbing mess of a woman. The pain and pleasure melded as one but it made no difference. She craved them both. She said his name over and over again, fingers buried in his hair. Her orgasm came fast and hot, nearly blinding her in the process. Her legs shook and she cried out as the hot white pleasure enveloped her.

"That's a girl," Ronobir praised feeling her tighten around him. Close to his finish, he pulled out furioUsly jerking himself over her until he painted her belly with ropes of cum. They both painted lightly saying nothing, just watching each other.

Mishti broke first, closing her eyes and releasing a sigh. She didn't know what was next. All she was sure of was that she'd reached a point of no return. The worst part was that she wasn't sure if she did want to return. She was more tired than she'd thought because sleep took her almost immediately. She was unaware of Ronobir cleaning her up before stripping himself and lying beside her. Not sleeping, just watching her. He stroked the side of her face admiring the view.

Yes, what a good beginning, he thought.