Entry Assessment

In the early morning of the next day, Han Zhu and the others were woken up by that disciple, and they were brought directly to a large slope full of bamboos at the foot of the mountain.

There, the hall master surnamed Yue whom I met yesterday and several other young people I didn't know were already waiting there.

Seeing that everyone has arrived, Hall Master Yue coughed lightly, walked up to everyone and said loudly: "Listen everyone, I will tell you about the content of the assessment now, you have to listen carefully, if anyone goes the wrong way , don't blame me for not telling you in advance."

Then he glanced at the crowd again, and then said slowly: "Going forward from the path in the bamboo forest, you can reach the bone refining cliff of Qixuanmen. The first section of the road is the bamboo forest area, then the rock wall area, and finally A cliff, only those who can reach the top of the cliff can enter the Qixuanmen, if they can't reach before noon, although they can't be formal disciples, but if their performance is remarkable, they can be accepted as registered disciples."

Han Zhu also stood in the crowd and listened quietly. He had already made an agreement with Han Li when he woke up this morning.

During today's test and assessment, the two had to leave separately. The reason he gave was that those rich kids didn't like him very much, and it would be bad if they bothered him.

At first, Han Li still disagreed, but under Han Zhu's principles, he finally gave in. Following what Hall Master Yue said, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Hall Master Yue looked at the rising sun and said: "It's almost time, get ready to go! Don't be afraid, everyone, there will be disciples behind you to protect you, and you won't be put in danger."

Han Zhu looked back at the young people behind him. It turned out that these people were here to protect them. That's true. After all, this is an entrance examination, not a life-and-death battle. Seeing that everyone was ready, Han Zhu turned his head and nodded to Han Li.

The rest of the children had already rushed into the bamboo forest, seeing this, he hurriedly followed. The bamboo forest is very wide, and a group of children scattered immediately after rushing into the bamboo forest.

Han Zhu turned his head to look at Han Li who was following behind, and ran to the left as soon as the direction was passed, and looked back at Han Li again, only to see a small black man with black behind him.

No need to guess, this should be that unlucky boy Zhang Tie, sure enough! Even with his own appearance, it cannot change this fact.

Han Zhu shook his head helplessly, and stopped caring about the two of them. After all, he didn't want to spoil the plot now, at least Han Li had to get the Sky Palm Vase.

Originally, Han Zhu thought that those children from rich families would make trouble for him, but in the end, no one ignored him. Thinking about it, everyone ran to the top of the mountain desperately for the assessment, so there was no time to mess with him.

It seems that he was thinking too much, and he couldn't help but read too many time-travel novels in his previous life, in which there were people who came to trouble the time-travelers.

Han Zhu easily climbed the bone training cliff. After all, for this moment, he practiced at home for more than a month.

He soon climbed to the top of the cliff, saw that seven or eight people had already climbed up the top of the cliff, looked with his eyes, and there was no Han Li inside, he was relieved for a long time, he didn't want to change the plot now.

Hall Master Yue, who was waiting here, nodded in satisfaction and said, "Sit over there and rest for a while! The assessment will end soon."

Han Zhu nodded obediently, and looked back at the cliff. After watching for a long time, he finally saw the figures of Han Li and Zhang Tie in the middle of the cliff. These two poor children seemed to fail the examination, so he was relieved.

Just as Han Zhu sat down beside the stone, a figure appeared in the corner of his eyes. I saw an old man standing quietly on another small hill, looking at the people who were climbing the cliff.

The first time Han Zhu saw him, he was sure that this must be our little boss, Doctor Mo. He is commonly known as the treasure old man, but he is the one who can change the fate of him and Han Li.

At this moment, he was staring at Han Li and Zhang Tie with cheetah-like eyes. It seems that he has observed everyone here for a long time, and finally confirmed the two.

After a while, the figures of Han Li and Zhang Tie slowly appeared on the top of the mountain. Han Zhu looked up at the sun hanging high in the sky in the middle. Shaking his head pretending to be helpless, he looked at Han Li with a disappointed expression.

Han Li was still very disappointed at first, but when he saw his second brother among the passing crowd, he suddenly showed a reluctant smile. Fortunately, there was another one in his family. Seeing Han Li looking at him, Han Zhu gave him a reassuring look.

At this time, Hall Master Yue took a step forward, solemnly facing the boys and said: There are twelve people who have passed the test this time, and eleven of them will enter the Baijian Hall of this hall and officially become inner disciples of this sect.

Then he said slowly: "The other person, Wuyan, performed the best. He was the first to reach the cliff, and he was sent directly to Qijuetang to learn his unique skills." Hall Master Yue glanced back at the old man in the robe, the old man twisted his beard with his hands, and nodded to him in satisfaction.

As for the others... Hall Master Yue looked at the other boys a few times, touched his chin lightly with his right hand, pondered for a while and said, "Zhang Tie and Han Li, although they didn't reach the top of the cliff on time, they behaved well. Outstanding, it seems that you can endure the hardships of martial arts, the two of you first lay a foundation with a few instructors in this sect, and then you will be assessed after half a year. If you pass the test, you will officially become an inner sect disciple, and if you fail, you will be sent to the outer sect to become an outer sect disciple".

Han Li, who was originally disappointed, had a gleam in his eyes here, and looked back at Zhang Tie, who shared weal and woe with him, and the two smiled knowingly.

Han Li turned his head and looked in the direction of his second brother. Seeing that he was looking at him with a smile and nodded at him at the same time, Han Li also nodded happily.

Hall Master Yue then said to Protector Wang: "The remaining people will each receive some silver and send them back home." obey! Wang Hufa stepped out, respectfully accepted the order, and led the boy who had not passed the pass down the cliff.

Hall Master Yue then instructed the two disciples: Zhang Jun, Wu Mingrui, you two, bring these passers-by to the main hall, and hand them over to Vice Hall Master Gu and Teacher Li respectively.

The two quickly agreed, led Han Zhu and the others to come out, separated Han Li and Zhang Tie, and walked down the cliff. When he was about to go down the cliff, Han Zhu couldn't help but glanced at Wuyan, and found that he was still talking to the blue-robed old man, and he didn't seem to move at all.

This second generation is good! .asxs. is much taller than us. Fortunately, my brother is also a man with golden fingers. One of the disciples saw him looking at the top of the mountain, and said in a teasing tone: "He is different from you. He is a core disciple sent to Qijue Hall. Once he has completed his studies, he will at least be a Dharma protector."

Another disciple said disdainfully: "It's not because of his cousin's husband who is the deputy head of the sect. If he had a cousin who married the deputy head of the Ma and became Mrs. Xuxian, otherwise he would never be able to enter the Qijue Hall." ".

The disciple in front was startled by him, and quickly whispered: "Zhang Jun! You don't want to die, the deputy sect master is also someone we can talk about carelessly? If other fellow sects hear it, you and I can't escape the wall and repent punishment"! The famous disciple also shut his mouth after hearing what he said.

The disciple explaining in front glanced at Han Zhu, and Han Zhu pretended to dig his ear with his hand and said, "What's wrong with this ear today? I can't even hear clearly." The disciple nodded in satisfaction. Fortunately, there were only three of them behind.

During the rest of the journey, the two senior brothers didn't speak any more. They must have thought of some frustrating things in the door, but they just led them forward silently, and Han Li and the others didn't dare to speak in private. Han Zhu didn't dare to say anything.