Old Man Mo is Coming

When everyone passed by a dense forest, an old man slowly walked out of the forest. This man was over sixty years old, tall and thin, with a brownish complexion, but he had white hair that grew to his shawl. The old man walked He kept bowing his body and coughing, seeing how hard he was coughing, it seemed that he might collapse at any time, which was very worrying.

Han Zhu's eyes lit up when he saw someone coming, the old treasure treasure man finally came out to snatch someone, and I was finally about to get my immortal cultivation technique, Han Zhu looked at Han Li and showed a knowing smile.

When Zhang Jun and Zhang Jun saw this person, they didn't look worried at all. Instead, they hurried forward, respectfully bowed to the old man and asked: "Doctor Mo, you are good old man. I have to tell my disciples to do things." "?

Oh! The doctor just replied indifferently, and then asked: "Is this a new student who just came up the mountain?" The old man finally stopped coughing and asked slowly in a hoarse voice.

The two quickly and respectfully replied: "Yes! Among these people are 11 official disciples and two registered disciples." Zhang Jun replied carefully.

Old Man Mo pretended to glance at the crowd, pointed at Han Li and Zhang Tie and said, "I'm short of manpower now, and I still need a boy who refines medicine and a disciple who collects medicine. Come with me." .

Old Man Mo's words were full of unquestionable tone, and the two quickly and respectfully replied: "Of order."

One of the disciples also said with a smile on his face, "These two are named disciples, and it's their blessing to be favored by you, Doctor Mo. If you don't come here to show respect to Mr. Mo, if you can learn a thing or two from him Medical skills are the good fortune of the two of you!"

The two senior brothers didn't have the slightest intention of objecting, and Wu Mingrui, who had a long thin face, even flattered the old man. Seeing that the two senior brothers had no objection, Han Li and Zhang Tie naturally had no right to object, so they followed the old man into the woods.

When Han Li was about to enter the forest, he looked back at Han Zhu. Han Zhu smiled at him and gave him a reassuring look. Old Mo also turned his head to look at Han Zhu, then ignored him, and walked slowly along the path in the woods.

Han Zhu looked at the backs of the three people who disappeared into the woods, his eyes flickered. It seemed that he had to contact Han Li as soon as possible, so that he could get his hands on the Immortal Cultivation Technique as soon as possible, so that he could hang up the phone. Martial arts is impossible, and it is impossible to practice martial arts in this lifetime.

Waiting for the three of them to disappear completely, the two disciples led them to the Baijian Hall, and said as they walked: "The one just now was Doctor Mo. In the same way, when you see him in the future, you have to be respectful, and a dozen people quickly responded "yes"

The two quickly brought them to a huge square, where they saw more than a hundred disciples practicing all kinds of swords, guns, swords and sticks. At the front there was a muscular middle-aged man, standing there quietly, watching them practice there.

The two hurried up, bowed to the man and said, "Deputy Hall Master Gu" These eleven people are the new disciples who joined the sect today. The two waved their hands, and the two quickly disappeared in front of their eyes.

Deputy Hall Master Gu glanced at the eleven people, and asked in a hollow and forceful voice: "Have you ever practiced martial arts and reading?"

Among them, three well-dressed people stood up and said, "My lord, we can read but have never studied martial arts."

Vice-Hall Master Gu glanced at them and said: "Don't call me your lord here, call me Deputy Hall Master from now on." Everyone quickly answered "Yes"

Deputy Hall Master Gu recruited a disciple from the side and said: "These three can read, take them down to practice basic skills."

Then he said to the remaining eight people: "Come with me!" Han Zhu looked at all this speechlessly. At first, he thought he had entered the sect, so he issued two books of exercises to practice by himself. Now it seems that even if he knows how to read, he has to start practicing from the basic skills. As for those muddy legs, he must go Learned to read.

Vice Hall Master Gu took Han Zhu and the others to a school-like room, and said to the old man who was sitting and dozing on it: "Old man Wu, these new disciples don't know how to read yet, so I'll hand them over to you." is you".

Old man Wu, who was dozing off, woke up abruptly, quickly looked up, rolled his eyes at Deputy Hall Master Gu and said, "Boy Gu! Are you trying to scare the old man to death?"

Vice Hall Master Gu showed some embarrassing smiles on his face, the old man waved at him and said, "Let's go! Let's go! Leave it to me."

Vice Hall Master Gu just nodded, and said to the eight people: "You learn to read and write here first, and whoever learns can practice martial arts, and then walked out without hesitation."

Han Zhu took a look at the classroom, and there were already twenty or thirty children sitting in it. It seemed that they should have started earlier than Han Zhu. The old man Wu glanced at the eight people, took out eight books from the table and threw them to them, saying: "This is the encyclopedia of basic education, take it and read it, and ask others if you don't understand anything." Then he closed his eyes again and snored a little.

Han Zhu looked at the teacher speechlessly, you are too perfunctory! Are you sure we can learn to read like this? He looked back at the thirty or so children sitting in the classroom, and saw that they were all reading with their own books. For a moment, I didn't dare to speak loudly.

Looking at the situation, Han Zhu knew that this teacher should be a great person, and even Vice-Hall Master Gu seemed to be very respectful to him just now.

Han Zhu picked up his basic education encyclopedia, went to a seat behind and sat down. It has been more than a month since I came to this world, and I finally saw a complete book. I don't know if this book can hang up.

Han Zhu opened the property panel a little excitedly:

Name: Han Zhu

Realm: Mortal

Spirit Root: Fire, Wood and Earth

Skills: None

Spells: none

Sub-occupation: None

Available slots: 2 [You can hang up any skills and spells throughout the day without any bottleneck]

Han Zhu looked right and left, but there was no change in the attribute panel. what's the situation! Can't this hang up? Then he seemed to think of something, and quickly patted his little head. Picking up the basic education encyclopedia, I flipped through it page by page.

In less than three minutes, he finally finished flipping through the entire book. Han Zhu counted the entire book to have 58 pages in total, and at least three to four thousand words. There was a ding sound: ding...I found a book that can be hung up, yes/no to hang up.

Han Zhu hurriedly shouted in his heart: "Yes" ding...Hooking up successfully, on the way...1%, 2%, 3%

Han Zhu looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, is it so fast? At this speed, it will take less than ten minutes to reach 100%. As the numbers kept beating, countless words appeared in his mind.