Awesome hang-up plug-in

Han Zhu was staring straight ahead, if he didn't know, he thought he was a fool! In fact, he was watching the progress bar go up little by little, and at the same time, there were countless words in his mind.

After more than ten minutes, ding... the hang-up is complete, the book has reached its peak, and it cannot be upgraded anymore. Han Zhu quickly picked up the basic education encyclopedia and flipped through it. As he flipped through the pages, the smile on his face became wider and wider.

Han Zhu secretly yelled in his heart: "Niubi... It took him only ten minutes to learn something that others might have spent several months. This is the horror of Goldfinger. By the time he was learning to walk, he was already running very fast."

Han Zhu quickly suppressed his excitement, and glanced left and right like a thief, focusing on the one above. I saw that old man Wu was still snoring there, and the sharp-eyed Han Zhu saw a thin stream of saliva dripping from his mouth.

Han Zhu quickly withdrew all his thoughts. The problem now is to find Han Li earlier and get the cultivation technique from him. Han Zhu couldn't hold it anymore. Whoever has such a golden finger can't help it. lure. After all, that is cultivating immortals, something that he never dared to think about in his previous life.

Time passed like this for two or three days. During these two or three days, Han Zhu and his newcomers only had to take half a day of class every day, and the rest of the time was freely arranged. In fact, the class was just flipping through books by themselves. Old man Wu only talked for half an hour in the past three days. As for how much Han Zhu can be learned by everyone, I don't know.

In the past three days, Han Zhu has already inquired clearly from the senior brothers that old man Mo lives in the back mountain of the sect, a valley called Shenshou Valley. He also stepped on it in the past, and indeed saw Han Li and Zhang Tie . It's a pity that old man Mo has been staying in the valley, basically not going out.

Han Zhu is now considering whether to self-mutilate or not, otherwise he has no reason to go there. After all, except for the injured disciple, no one else can go to that place without the elder's permission. At this time, Han Zhu was holding a stone in his hand and pointing it at his arm, he sighed a long time later, and threw the stone out. It seems that I am not cruel enough!

Han Zhu would run to God's Hand Valley whenever he had time, and of course he only dared to walk around the periphery. If old man Mo found him, he might destroy his body and wipe out all traces. Finally, on the seventh day, Han Zhu just wanted to step on the spot as usual, when he saw a disciple limping out of the Valley of Divine Hands.

Han Zhu hurried over to support the senior brother and asked, "Senior brother, I see that your foot is injured, did Dr. Mo not treat you?" The brother glanced at him and sighed, "Doctor Mo and one of his disciples went out to collect medicine, leaving only one disciple of Han Li at home. His medical skills are not good enough, I can only wait until tomorrow."

When Han Zhu heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly said to the senior brother: "Senior brother, you should do your work first, I'll go to the back, and after I finished speaking, I quickly ran to the valley of gods", the senior brother was surprised. Glancing at him, he finally limped away.

Han Zhu ran to the back mountain without stopping. He tidied up his clothes and walked towards the valley with big strides. As soon as we came to the gate of the valley, we saw a young man busy in a medicine field. This person is not our old devil Han, who else? Han Zhu shouted excitedly: "Fourth brother!"

Han Li, who was watering the medicinal herbs, heard the sound, his whole body was shocked and he turned his head to see the second brother standing at the door quietly looking at him. His kind smile moved him instantly. Han Li Immediately throwing away the water ladle in his hand, he quickly ran over.

Han Zhu caught Han Li who was running over, touched his little head as if he was at home, looked him up and down and said, "I haven't seen you in half a month, "Xiao Li", how do I feel that you have grown taller?" Han Li Nodding excitedly, second brother, how are you doing in the sect these days?

Han Zhu looked at this face that cared about him. He originally wanted to ask about the exercises immediately, but changed his words to "it's okay." Then the two brothers sat under the eaves, talking about the experience of the past half month. Han Zhu's experience is relatively simple, and he has been studying so there is nothing to talk about.

Han Li had a wonderful life in the past half month. He was first brought back to God's Hand Valley by old man Mo, and underwent a series of inspections. Han Zhu guessed that he was checking whether he had spiritual roots and whether he could practice exercises. , the next step is to give him various pills.

Han Zhu looked at this poor baby, but he was still a little anxious. After all, they had been together for a month or two, and they already had feelings, and they were connected by blood. Han Zhu really wanted to take him away from Qixuanmen, but he quickly threw this idea out of his mind. It is impossible to leave, and it is possible to leave forever.

Both he and Han Li had to embark on this road of cultivating immortals, otherwise what would be the point of his crossing, and what would be the point of his golden finger. The world of cultivating immortals is so wonderful. He wants to see it, but he doesn't want to grow old slowly like a mortal. Longevity is his dream, and he can't stop him, not even himself.

Han Zhu quickly firmed up his mind. He pretended to be casual and asked: "Xiao Li, I just heard you say that Doctor Mo passed on a kung fu to you. How about you, have you cultivated anything famous?"

Han Li was stunned for a moment, didn't he just chat about the family life? Why did he jump so quickly, and soon he stopped thinking about this issue.

He quickly smiled and said: "I didn't feel much in the first few days, but after taking a lot of pills, I felt a sense of qi yesterday. I feel that my body's strength has also increased, and I feel very refreshed when I come together this morning."

Han Zhu's eyes flickered. It seemed that Han Li had already reached the first level of the Qi Refining Stage. Han Li asked curiously, "Second brother, why are you asking this! Don't you know the martial arts of the sect?"

Han Zhu hurriedly said with a bitter face: "Second brother has been learning to read and write for half a month, so how can he learn any exercises?"

Han Li nodded and said, "Dr. Mo also taught us how to read every day when I first came here, and now I probably know all of them."

Only then did Han Li look up at his second brother, and seeing his hesitation to speak, he hurriedly asked, "Second brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Hey...Han Zhu pretended to let out a long sigh, the second brother Xiao Li has been beaten every day these days." Then he turned up his shirt, and there were a few bruises on his chest. He made this for himself on the way here, Han Li asked angrily: "Second brother, who beat this?"

Han Zhu glanced at the angry Han Li out of the corner of his eye, and said with a sigh, "Do you still remember those rich kids in the carriage?"

Han Li nodded. They were the ones who moved their hands. Because they already knew the characters, they could learn martial arts directly. They saw that I was still learning how to recognize characters, so they often made trouble for me.

Han Li said angrily: "Could it be that the elders in the sect don't care?" Han Zhu pretended to smile wryly and said: "They all recognize Wu Yan as the boss, and his brother-in-law is the deputy sect master, no one dares to offend him."

Han Li fell silent when he heard this, and Han Zhu quickly persuaded him: "Forget it! Anyway, Xiao Li, we are all from the countryside, and we can't beat them. At most, we can't die after being beaten a few times by them. What a pity! I am now You can't practice martial arts yet, otherwise you can at least resist the beating a few more times."