Han Li Appears

"When" the sound of metal impact resounded throughout the audience, the big man felt the palm of the knife holding the knife go numb, and the steel knife almost flew out. As an old bird who had wandered around the world, he hurriedly retreated back more than a dozen meters, and just as he stood firm, he took a defensive posture and held the steel knife horizontally in front of him.

After the big man finished this series of numb movements, he had time to see what happened just now. Looking at the scene in front of him, the big man took a sharp breath, and the hand holding the knife trembled a little.

At a distance of more than ten meters away from him, the little dwarf stood there without moving a muscle, but there was a layer of golden light about an inch long from all over his body. This golden light was like a thick armor, covering the little dwarf. Covered in it, it is weathertight for protection.

It seems that the knife just hit the gold cover, but didn't really hit the dwarf.

As a person from the rivers and lakes, he has fought hundreds of times, big and small, and has never seen such a strange situation. He suddenly felt panicked, after all, the unknown is the most terrifying.

Don't say that he felt weird. Apart from Han Zhu and Han Li, there were also several high-level officials from the Wild Wolf Gang and Qixuanmen.

Han Zhu, who was standing outside, looked at his flowing movements, and couldn't help secretly applauding in his heart, this is the real old driver! He was considering whether to send Han Li to the system for training.

Wang Juechu's face turned extremely ugly at this time. Although they knew that there were mysterious people like immortal masters in this world, they had never fought against them. After all, legends were just legends, and they only saw the power of immortal cultivators today.

Master Jin Guang's arrogant and weird laughter broke out again, he threw his head back in the laughter, his nostrils shot up into the sky, and then shouted domineeringly: "I am standing still, let you attack at will. If someone can break If you have mastered my Immortal Master's Vajra Immortality Kung Fu, then it's okay for the Master to spare your life. After speaking, he laughed arrogantly.

Standing in front of the crowd, Han Zhu looked at Venerable Jin Guang who was pretending to be aggressive, and almost blurted out a sentence of "bad mother criticism", a dignified high-ranking immortal cultivator, pretending to be aggressive in front of a group of mortal warriors, he couldn't refuse to accept it This smell is shameless.

From the fluctuations in the spiritual power of the talisman cast by Master Jin Guang just now, he can be 100% sure that Master Jin Guang is only a seventh-level monk in the Qi refining period. Immediately, most of his heart was relieved, the only thing he was worried about now was how many pieces of his flying sword and talisman were left, one or two must be there.

Han Li was looking at Han Zhu at this time, and the meaning in his eyes was asking if he should make a move. Han Zhu looked at Master Jin Guang standing in the middle of the field with his nostrils upturned.

Looking at the circle of golden light on his body, he finally sighed helplessly. It seems that these innate warriors are impossible to break the talisman. No matter how many people go up, it's useless, it's just delivering food to others.

Thinking of this, he nodded at Han Li, made another sneak attack look, and then made a gesture of using a sword at him. After all, Han Li's current "fire bomb technique" has only reached the stage of Xiaocheng. It takes at least three seconds to get up, and it definitely won't work for a sneak attack.

The "Three Swords of Slaying Immortals" is different. As long as you input spiritual power, you can immediately display its power. Moreover, Han Li has been practicing hard for more than two years, and he has reached the level of mastery of swordsmanship. According to the principle, it can break through the defense of the magic talisman.

Han Zhu originally wanted to launch a sneak attack with Han Li. After all, his "Fire Bomb Technique" has reached a perfect level and can exert 200% power. It should be able to kill him in one blow. Even if he can't kill him in a second, he will have to be seriously injured.

Han Zhu finally gave up on this idea. He was not afraid that he would not be able to beat Master Jin Guang, but mainly because he was afraid that he would not be killed in one blow, what if the little man ran away.

After all, he and Han Li didn't have any pursuit spirit skills. If Master Jin Guang wanted to run, the two of them should be unable to stop him, let alone if he had a walking talisman. To be on the safe side, he still asked Han Li to go up first, and wait for the right time for him to launch a sneak attack. This is the safest way.

Master Jin Guang's words completely enraged the disciples of the Seven Profound Sect who were still somewhat afraid of the golden light mask. Immediately, several people with strong martial arts wanted to run out of the crowd and rushed towards the dwarf. , but was stopped by the head of the king.

With a wave of Wang Juechu's hand, he called back the guardian who was still on the field, and then whispered a few words to an old man among the three beside him. Walking forward, before taking two steps, he was stopped by a young voice next to him.

You are not his opponent, let me do it! Everyone, including Master Jin Guang, was attracted by these words, and saw our protagonist Han Lizheng walking towards the opposite of Master Jin Guang step by step, quickly passed the old man who was in a daze, and was kind to him. smiled.

The old man looked at Han Li, and then turned his head to look at Wang Juechu. At this time, the head of the king was also in a daze. He was about to say something, but he finally closed his mouth and shook his head at the old man. Only then did the old man heave a long sigh of relief, and returned to the crowd of Qixuanmen.

Han Li stood in front of Venerable Jin Guang expressionless, and pulled out the long sword with a "choke". Venerable Jin Guang looked at this with playful eyes, seeing his true ability, he dared to stand out in a daze.

He smiled and said: "Little baby, you should go back and eat milk for two more years!" Don't learn the kung fu of a three-legged cat, just imitate others to be a hero.

When Han Li heard Master Jin Guang's taunt, his complexion didn't change in any way, he just circulated his spiritual power crazily in his body. Han Zhu looked at Han Li standing there with a calm face, and secretly praised: "As long as you are worthy of being the protagonist, you are really good at heart."

Master Jin Guang, who was in the taunting mode, suddenly changed his entire expression. Just as he was about to back away suddenly, he heard a sword cry... Then there was a bang, his powerful tortoise shell instantly shattered, and Han Li looked at it. Seeing that his "Three Swords of Slaying Immortals" instantly shattered the tortoise shell, he was overjoyed and wanted to use the second move.

It's a pity that Master Jin Guang reacted and quickly pasted two talismans on himself, one was the Vajra Talisman just now, and the other talisman erupted with a burst of light, and then rushed towards the bottom of his feet. As soon as he mentioned it, he quickly retreated tens of meters. He looked at Han Li in shock, and slowly spit out the word "Cultivator".

The crowd watching didn't react until Master Jinguang uttered these two words. People from Qixuanmen looked at Han Li with surprised and unbelievable eyes, and Li Feiyu's expression became extremely bright. He never dreamed that the friend he had been with for several years was actually a "fairy teacher".