The Abused Han Li

Venerable Jin Guang looked at Han Li with a gloomy expression, who was pointing his long sword at him. What he never expected was that in this backward mortal world, there was actually a cultivator, and it was still in the late stage of the Qi refining period.

Venerable Jin Guang felt that he was very unlucky. He just came out to earn some extra money. He never expected to meet a monk of the same rank. Before he understood the opponent's strength, he could only smile reluctantly and asked: "This fellow Taoist! Is there any misunderstanding between them?"

While speaking, Master Jin Guang took out a golden talisman from his body. The moment he took out the talisman, as monks Han Zhu and Han Li, they immediately felt a powerful sword energy from above.

Han Li looked at the golden talisman, his eyes flickered and he thought: "This should be the flying sword talisman "Second Brother" said!"

Han Zhu looked at the little sword on the talisman paper, it was portrayed lifelike, as if it was real, and without mana, the little sword emitted a faint streamer by itself, as if it was really a peerless sword, and the cold air was overwhelming .

Venerable Jin Guang stared at Han Li intently, waiting for him to take out his magic weapon or talisman. Han Li looked away from the talisman, and said calmly, "I feel that those talismans and everything on your body are destined for me. As long as you give them all to me, I can let you go."

Master Jin Guang's complexion became worse the more he listened to Han Li's words, and then he said angrily, "You are looking for death, spiritual power poured into the talisman crazily, and the talisman that was emitting golden light suddenly turned into a The little gray sword quietly floated in his hand."

Han Li was frantically running the "Eternal Spring Art" in his body, and the long sword in his hand was wrapped in a layer of spiritual power. Venerable Jin Guang asked with the last sliver of luck: Do you really want to fight with me, Fellow Daoist?

Han Li smiled faintly and said: "Since you are not willing to give up your own money, then I can only get it myself."

Venerable Jin Guang looked suspiciously at Han Li who was pointing at him with a long sword, and thought to himself, "What's going on?" Why didn't he take out the magic talisman or magic weapon yet, he still asked worriedly: "Since this is the case, fellow Taoist, then show your magic weapon"!

Han Li was stunned for a moment, then looked at the long sword in his hand, this is my weapon, I'm ready to "come on". Venerable Jin Guang stared blankly at Han Li who was holding a mortal soldier, and couldn't help asking: "Fellow Daoist, do you have any magic weapon or magic talisman?"

Han Zhu stood at the front of the crowd in embarrassment. He felt that his face was burning badly now, especially when he looked at Han Li's expression of course, hey...the ignorant is really fearless!

It took a while for Venerable Jin Guang to react, and suddenly he laughed loudly and said, " seems like a wild cultivator, so I'll just say it"! How could there be monks in such a backward place! That being the case, then you are going to die for me!

Han Li suddenly felt a huge pressure on him. The flying sword that was still in Master Jin Guang's hand appeared in front of him in an instant. It was the flying sword in his hand.

Although the eyes couldn't see the speed of the flying sword clearly, his spiritual sense could see clearly. Han Li hurriedly circulated the spiritual energy in his body, and the spiritual power that was originally condensed in the long sword in his hand became more intense, and he slammed the long sword across In front of him, there was only a "clang".

Han Li was thrown into the air violently. The huge impact sent him flying for more than ten meters before he stopped. He who had just stood still suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Before he could catch his breath, the gray flying sword flew towards him like lightning again. Han Li's expression changed, and he quickly circulated the spiritual power that had just been shaken away in his body, and injected it into the long sword again. There was a "clang" sound in front of him.

Han Li was knocked into the air again by more than ten meters. Now the people watching this fight from the sidelines, looking at this scene, just feel that an adult is bullying a child.

Venerable Jin Guang flew Han Lizhen twice in a row before he stopped. Now he is finally 100% sure that this kid is definitely a wild cultivator.

A wild monk refers to someone who picks up a book of cultivation methods in the wild or in a cave, and becomes an immortal cultivator through cultivation. This kind of monk generally doesn't know any spells, and even if he does, he can only know one or two of the most basic ones.

It is worse than the worst casual cultivator in the world of cultivating immortals, even if it is the worst casual cultivator in the world of cultivating immortals, there are at least a few magic talismans on him.

Because they don't know anything about the common sense of cultivating immortals, they are called wild cultivators. They can only be called casual cultivators after they have been in the world of cultivating immortals for a period of time.

Han Zhu looked at Han Li who was squatting there and kept vomiting blood, and he still felt a little sorry. He really wanted to make a move now, but he held back in the end.

At the same time, he was also thankful that he didn't make a sneak attack with Han Li just now. If he did, he believed that the ending would be similar to the current Han Li, but now there is only one more person lying on the ground.

At the same time, he also understood how important it is for a cultivator to truly possess magic tools and talismans. It is like a heaven and an underground, and an eighth-level Qi-refining period, who is actually a dog who is one level lower than himself. No wonder there is such a big gap between those with equipment and those without equipment in the game.

Now he can only seize the opportunity and give Master Jin Guang a fatal blow, otherwise the two of them will have to finish the game today. As for whether Han Li's protagonist Halo can survive, he dare not hold any hope. In the face of absolute strength, Everything is fake.

He can't even imagine now how Han Li defeated the Venerable Golden Light who was wearing a magic talisman in the original work. It should be impossible in principle. After all, he has been in the world of cultivating immortals for so long, how could he lose? To a rookie too! It can only be said that the aura of the protagonist is too strong.

Venerable Jin Guang looked at Han Li who was squatting there and kept vomiting blood, and said in a mocking tone: "Boy, do you know the gap between you and me now!"

Even if your cultivation level is one level higher than mine, in the world of cultivating immortals, besides those special skills, the most important thing is magic treasures and talismans. Unless you are a body training cultivator, you are rubbish if you have nothing, and dare to dance When I came out, I really didn't know how to write the word dead.

Master Jin Guang looked at the young Han Li, his eyes flickered and he said: Don't say I won't give you a chance, kid. Now this immortal master will give you a chance. As long as you swear with your Dao heart, you will be my slave forever, and I will I can spare your life.

Although Han Li doesn't know what Dao Xin is, he knows it without thinking about it. He had been disappointed before, and he believed it would be the same this time.

Han Li supported the long sword that was missing two gaps with his hands. If he hadn't used spiritual power to maintain it, the sword would have been broken long ago. He stood up slowly, and spat "saliva" sharply at Venerable Jin Guang who was standing three feet away from him, bah... you are dreaming, little dwarf!

Master Jin Guang originally had a joking expression on his face, but suddenly he became ferocious, and said in a sinister voice: "I hate people calling me a dwarf the most in my life. I think you have some talent, so I want to let you go." Ma, since you are looking for death yourself, you can't blame others."

Then he controlled the flying sword to shoot back at Han Li's forehead, it seemed that he didn't intend to keep alive. Looking at this scene, Han Zhu clenched his hands tightly, just about to use his spiritual power to perform the "fire bomb technique".

The scene that happened next made him relax immediately, and he thought to himself: "As expected of the protagonist, he discovered the loophole so quickly. He has been paying attention to Master Jin Guang just now, and he didn't think about it."