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Han Zhu was fooled by his words again, and complained crazily in his heart: "Brother, shouldn't you first ask me where I come from, which Xiuxian family? Can you play the cards according to the routine?" I am full of words and I can find someone to talk to.

Han Zhu is also very helpless! According to the development of the plot of the novel, it is generally necessary to ask where you are from first, and try it out first. It seems that I was deceived by the novel in this regard.

Han Zhu quickly stabilized his mood and said: "If you can find what you need in one house, I don't want to ask for trouble and go to two more houses!

I hope the things in your building are really good. " Han Zhu seemed to be dubious and said. "Ha ha! Daoist Han please rest assured on this point, the reputation of this store is definitely one of the best in this street, if this store fails to satisfy Xiongtai, then there is no need to visit other stores!

"The shopkeeper said unhurriedly, with a look of confidence. Shopkeeper Tian, ​​let's get down to business first!" "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist to be impatient!

Well, please wait a moment, go down and come! "Tian shopkeeper stood up with a little regret, bowed his hands to Han Li, and left the two of them, one of them went downstairs first.

After about a cup of tea, shopkeeper Tian appeared in front of the two of them again, but there were a few brocade boxes of different sizes in his arms.

"I heard from the boy below that Fellow Daoist Han wanted the best instruments and talismans, so I went to the storage room below on purpose, and brought a few long-preserved treasures for my brother to have a look at, hoping that I can still enter them. Got the Dharma Eye of Fellow Daoist Han!

"Tian shopkeeper patted the brocade box and said confidently. Han Zhu also nodded with a smile. He became curious about the things in these brocade boxes. He wondered what kind of rare thing it would be to be called a treasure by the other party. , whether it will be above his expectations.

Shopkeeper Tian has placed brocade boxes on the table one by one, and opened them for him to come forward to watch. But Han Zhu noticed that with the opening of the brocade box, two spiritual pressures with mana powers absolutely superior to his emerged out of nowhere, tightly locking his every move.

Han Zhu was startled at first, and secretly thought that this must be a foundation cultivator! Turning his head to look at Han Xingyue, he saw that she was looking at the contents of several boxes curiously like a normal person.

Han Zhu was speechless for a while, this is too discriminatory! Although he knew that Wanbao Building's security measures were for the sake of these treasures, he would see if he could restrain himself a little, but those who didn't know thought I was here to rob.

Han Zhulai glanced at Shopkeeper Tian and said, "Shopkeeper Tian, ​​do I look like a bad guy?" The middle-aged monk was stunned by his words. He didn't expect Fellow Daoist Han to be so straightforward. He smiled awkwardly and said, "Friend Daoist Han misunderstood, this is a normal process."

Han Zhu almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, so he could only say helplessly: "Then can you restrain yourself a little bit, I feel very insecure like this." The little girl looked at her second brother suspiciously, with question marks all over her head?

Han Zhu glanced enviously at the ignorant little girl, low cultivation also has the benefits of low cultivation! At least people don't even look at you, "Forget it! This kind of pain, let my brother bear it"!

Shopkeeper Tian quickly smiled at him embarrassedly, his mouth squirmed a few times, and the originally powerful coercion instantly dropped by 80 percent. Although there was still a faint sense of consciousness locked on him, it was at least not as exaggerated as before.

Han Zhu also knew that this was a kind of prestige given to him by Wanbaolou. He had killed several casual cultivators, but he felt that his strength was in the Qi refining stage, so he should be considered a master. A fight, after all, the spiritual power that will never be exhausted is his greatest guarantee.

Unexpectedly, the slap in the face came so quickly today, and even the spiritual consciousness that could hold the foundation couldn't bear it. What's the use of only spiritual power. It seems that the so-called jumping to kill the enemy is definitely the kind of super genius who cultivates top skills.

Han Zhu felt that his state of mind had once again been improved. He shook his head speechlessly. Could it be that this is also the benefit of the traverser, that the state of mind can be improved so easily? This should have something to do with his previous life. After all, it was a peaceful age. In his twenties, he hadn't even fought a fight. He came to this cruel world of cultivating immortals, so it was so easy to improve his mood.

For other monks, raising their state of mind once can increase their cultivation base by at least one or two levels. Unfortunately, that sentence is of no use to him. At most, when facing things, their hearts are under pressure. .

Han Zhu quickly ignored these two divine senses, and had a better understanding of the strength of Wanbaolou. With two foundation-building stage monks sitting in the town, at least he was not afraid of the big shop bullying the owner.

Shopkeeper Tian glanced at Han Zhu, who was suddenly relaxed, and didn't say anything. He began to introduce the contents of the brocade box to Han Zhu, "A set of golden clam blades, one female blade and eight female blades, made of refined iron and fine gold, refined by masters in the foundation period for three days and three nights. As long as you hold the mother blade, you can control eight sub-blades to attack the enemy at the same time, making the opponent hard to defend and extremely sharp.

"He pointed to a set of pale golden strange blades in a certain box and introduced." Han Zhu didn't speak, but his eyes flickered. If he remembered correctly, Han Li would buy these items two years later. It's really destined!

He reached out and picked up a sub-blade and looked at it carefully for a while, then nodded and put it down again. Shopkeeper Tian continued to introduce: "The black iron shield, a very rare defensive magic weapon, is refined from a large piece of black iron from the cold and yin land. Automatic defense.

"Tian shopkeeper picked up a miniature iron shield the size of a palm and said. Then he handed it to Han Zhu and asked him to look at it. Han Zhu took the shield in his hand, stroked the pattern on it, nodded, and nodded. It's something familiar!

Shopkeeper Tian picked up another blue ball the size of a ball and introduced: "Tianleizi, hundreds of years ago, a mysterious monk accidentally intercepted the thunder and lightning from heaven and earth and condensed them. Each bead has great power. It is said that Even if the monks in the foundation building period resisted the thunder head-on, they would be wiped out. There were originally seventy-three grains, but there are very few left until now, and this building has spent a lot of effort to get it."

Han Zhu still couldn't help asking: "Master Tian, ​​these things should have been kept by you for many years." Shopkeeper Tian, ​​who was looking smug, smiled awkwardly when he heard this.

"Fellow Daoist Han is right." Shopkeeper Tian said with a wry smile, "The so-called opening every three years, and three years after opening, refers to those of us who sell high-end magic weapons." Han Zhu nodded in understanding.

Han Zhu thought about it carefully, and finally decided to buy them and leave them to Han Li. He didn't want something to happen and someone else would buy them.

Han Zhu pretended to ponder for a while, and wiped the storage bag with his hand, and three jade boxes appeared on the table. Now he is not a rookie who just entered the world of cultivating immortals, and he packed them in wooden boxes.

Shopkeeper Tian looked at the three jade boxes suspiciously, "Does Fellow Daoist Han want to exchange the elixir?" Han Zhu just nodded lightly, and shopkeeper Tian couldn't help frowning. You must know that his three treasures are worth one or two thousand spirit stones, and they can't be exchanged for two or three spirit medicines, unless they are built The main medicine or those more than 500 years old.

Shopkeeper Tian glanced at Han Zhu who was sitting there indifferently, resisting the urge to drive them out, what if! Shopkeeper Tian reluctantly picked up a jade box and gently opened it, then his eyes widened sharply.

Looking at Han Zhu with disbelieving eyes, he opened the jade box with trembling hands again, and when he saw the elixir, he said with a trembling mouth, "Thousand-year ginseng".