The Millennium Elixir

Shopkeeper Tian seemed to have thought of something suddenly, staring at the other two jade boxes with sharp eyes, and slowly touched one of the jade boxes with trembling hands.

Shopkeeper Tian carefully opened a corner of the jade box, took a breath suddenly, stood up from the chair excitedly, and took the box to the place with the most light in the room, looking over and over again, mouth Li also murmured to himself: "Impossible, is this also more than a thousand years old? Or does it just look similar"?

Han Zhu had a smiley expression on his face, and at some point, those two divine senses had been withdrawn. After checking for a while, shopkeeper Tian suddenly realized that he had lost his composure and showed the other party a lot of falsehoods, and it would be difficult to bargain at that time.

At this time, he couldn't care about these things anymore. The thing in front of him had already attracted his mind. As long as this thing was really the kind of thousand-year-old elixir he had imagined, then he would have to keep the thousand-year-old elixir in it no matter how much he paid. Wanbao Building.

This will bring countless benefits to him and Wanbaolou, and it will also have infinite benefits to himself. But now the only thing that makes him embarrassed is that he is only famous for the millennium elixir Huang Jingzhi, but he has never seen the real thing, so he cannot be absolutely sure of the exact year of the contents in the box.

But even if the drug in front of him is not really more than a thousand years old, it is definitely more than seven or eight hundred years old, and it is extremely precious, and he can be sure of this.

He looked at the last jade box again, and just about to reach out to open it, Han Zhu pressed the jade box down first, and said with a smile: "Shopkeeper Tian, ​​I think the two elixir plants in front should be enough to cover these All the things have been replaced, and there are more, as for the rest, forget it!"

Seeing that Han Zhu was putting the jade box into the storage bag, shopkeeper Tian hurriedly shouted: "Friend Daoist Han, please slow down." Han Zhu looked at him pretending to be puzzled, and shopkeeper Tian also knew that his expression had completely exposed these elixirs just now. the value of.

He didn't even try to hide it and said, "Fellow Daoist Han, I won't lie to you anymore. Your elixirs are very valuable. If you are willing to sell Wanbaolou to us, as long as the request is not excessive, we can agree."

Han Zhu stopped his hand that was about to be retracted, and after thinking for a while, he said, "I need high-level exercises, high-level spells, and high-level formations. If you are all satisfied, these elixirs can be traded to you."

Shopkeeper Tian fell silent after listening to Han Zhu's request, his eyes kept scanning the three jade boxes, this was an opportunity for him.

If he can take back the three thousand-year-old elixir, he can be promoted to the headquarters. You must know that the Wanbao Building here is just a branch, and only after entering the headquarters can he have the opportunity to spread to the foundation-building stage. He has been at the peak of the ninth level in the qi training period for ten years. Although he looks middle-aged now, he is already in his eighties.

In the end, it seemed that a certain decision had been made. Looking at Han Zhu, he said slowly, "I can agree to your request, but I have to test these elixirs first."

Han Zhu breathed a sigh of relief, and made a casual gesture to shopkeeper Tian. "Come on!" Shopkeeper Tian still shouted, and called a servant from downstairs. "Go and invite Mr. Ding here, and say that there is a treasure here that needs to be appraised by him." He solemnly ordered.

Then, taking advantage of this gap, shopkeeper Tian chatted with Han Zhu, this time the topic finally turned to the right point, the meaning in the conversation was to ask which family he came from, there is no big Han family in Yue, He is now guessing whether Han Zhu is a monk from Yuanwu Kingdom. As far as he knows, there are several Great Cultivation Clans named Han in Yuanwu Kingdom.

He guessed that Han Zhu stole these elixirs from his home. After some testing, he can now be sure that Han Zhu must have come from Yuanwu Kingdom. Of course, Han Zhu wanted him to know all this. No matter how he tried, Han Zhu just smiled.

Shopkeeper Tian didn't talk about this topic any more, and it didn't have much to do with him. As long as the elixir entered their Wanbao Building, even if it was a Jindan stage monk, they wouldn't want to take it back.

Just as the two were chatting about unnutritious topics, an old man with gray hair slowly went upstairs under the guidance of a servant.

When shopkeeper Tian saw it, he immediately greeted him respectfully, and gave up his seat to this old man, but he was standing beside him. It seemed that this old man Ding was really respected.

However, Han Zhu has also seen that this is just an eighth-floor old monk in the Qi training period, "Master Tian, ​​you have called me, an old man who is about to die, is there anything else that you can't sign?" Anything else?" The old man gasped for a few breaths, then said tremblingly, Han Zhu was really afraid that he would die before he took a breath.

"Mr. Ding, may I trouble you to take a look at this thing? Although this junior thinks it is a thousand-year-old elixir, I am not very sure. I hope that Mr. Ding will identify the year." Shopkeeper Tian said in a humble tone, Then handed over the brocade box.

"Thousand-year elixir?" Hearing the words, Mr. Ding couldn't believe it. He quickly reached out and took the jade box. Han Zhu next to him was stunned by that vigorous skill. Han Zhu thought emotionally, the potential of human beings Sure enough, it is infinite.

"Please take a closer look! Is it really the thousand-year-old Huang Jingzhi and the thousand-year ginseng?" Shopkeeper Tian asked in a hurry, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

The old man didn't say anything, but squinted his eyes, looking intently at the shape, color and even texture of the contents in the jade box, and put the jade box under his nose from time to time, and sniffed it a few times.

This elixir was created by Han Li alone, so he knew whether it was a millennium elixir or not, so he sat on the side with a calm expression all the time, turning a blind eye to the old man's actions.

Shopkeeper Tian watched the old man's every move without blinking, and the demeanor of calmness when he met Han Zhugang was completely gone. At this moment, his face was full of complex expressions of anticipation, anxiety and so on.

Finally, Mr. Ding gently put the jade box on the table, then twirled his beard and closed his eyes for a moment of contemplation, then opened his eyes, and calmly said in a very sure tone: Congratulations shopkeeper, this is indeed a thousand-year-old elixir The top-quality millennium elixir, which is true, has been preserved very well, and its medicinal properties have not been damaged in the slightest. This old man can guarantee that, with these millennium elixir, the shopkeeper should have no problem being promoted to the headquarters! "

Shopkeeper Tian was overjoyed when he heard that, and then he sent the old man down the stairs, then happily picked up the jade box containing the elixir, and looked at it several times.

He fixed his eyes on the last jade box again, and couldn't help swallowing. If this plant is also a thousand-year-old elixir, then his Foundation Establishment Pill must be stable, and there is at least a 30% to 40% chance of becoming the Foundation Establishment Stage. For monks, if they can build a foundation before the age of 60, at least 50% or more, they can increase their lifespan by one or two hundred years.


note: I hope you liked today's chapters, tomorrow there will be more!!