Excited Han Li

Han Zhu looked at Han Li who was running over to hug him, patted his head as he did when he was a child, looked him up and down, and said, "I've grown taller and stronger, but my personality is not stable enough!"

Han Li smiled embarrassingly, quickly wiped away his tears and said, "The main thing is that I just came in, and the aura is too strong and my eyes hurt a bit."

Han Zhu just smiled faintly. In fact, he is also a little excited now, but as their second brother, he must remain calm. "How has Xiaoli been in Huangfeng Valley for more than a year?"

Han Li had regained his composure. Han Zhu led them to the attic. Han Li began to talk about his experiences over the past year. In fact, it was very simple. He followed Han Zhu's advice and found a remote The medicine garden specializes in growing elixir, and it has been relatively safe for more than a year.

Han Li briefly talked about his experience, and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Second brother, I still can't believe that the master Han that the brothers and sisters mentioned is actually you, why haven't I seen you for a year? You will become a formation master."

In fact, he also heard about this when he came out a few days ago, but he didn't think about Han Zhu at all. The second elder brother taught them to keep a low profile, so he denied this idea. The main thing is that they have only been separated for more than a year, so it is impossible.

Looking at Han Li with an unbelievable and unbelievable expression, Han Zhu could only shake his head helplessly. He also wanted to keep a low profile! Sometimes strength just doesn't allow it.

Han Zhu sighed for a long time, and gave Han Li a cup of high-grade spiritual tea from the warehouse of Huangfenggu. The little girl also brought a lot of spiritual fruits at this time.

After all, his special token can call up resources on the two floors of the warehouse. As long as he doesn't take too much, those foundation building managers won't say anything. There's no way to call someone on top of them!

Now all the management can see that Han Zhu was completely recruited by Uncle Hongfu and Uncle Li. Any one of them, stomping their feet in Huangfeng Valley is a shocking figure, let alone the two who are trying to protect him. of.

As long as he didn't do too much, the others wouldn't dare to say anything. As a modern person, Han Zhu would not be polite to them. As long as he was helpful to his cultivation, he took a little. When he left, At that time, the manager's face was ashen.

If he hadn't been afraid of his formation and the two uncles behind him, he might have been killed with a single slap. This shameless person who embezzled public funds was more greedy than himself.

"Xiao Li, it was actually an accident for us to join Huangfeng Valley."

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened in the end. For Han Li's safety, he still agreed to join Huangfeng Valley. The most important thing was that Han Li was no longer the Han Li in the original book. If there is an opportunity, he can rest assured only by watching it by himself.

Han Zhu briefly talked about what they experienced in Fangshi, and the little girl nodded frantically beside him. Han Li quietly listened to their experience in the past year, and looked at the two with helpless eyes.

Unexpectedly, the second brother's talent in formation is so good, "no" in fact, the second brother's talent in alchemy is also very good, but he will not practice alchemy in the future, it is he who is practicing. Every time Han Li would think, if "Zhang Tian Ping" recognizes the second brother, maybe the second brother is also a master of alchemy now!

For the next time, the three of them stared at each other, Han Zhu was thinking about how the next few people should go, and Han Li was also thinking about the same thing, but he was thinking about Zhu Jidan, and the little girl was just watching. With two brothers.

Han Li glanced at his second brother, and said hesitantly: "Second brother, I plan to participate in the blood refining secret realm in half a year." After speaking, he quickly lowered his head, fearing that his second brother would teach him that he was too impulsive.

After a while, the second brother did not speak. Thinking to himself, "The second brother must be angry." Han Li couldn't help but look up at Han Zhu, and saw the second brother looking at him with gratified eyes. What's the matter? Question marks all over his face.

Han Zhu smiled and said: "Even if you don't mention it, Xiaoli, I will let you go, and I will go with you."

Ah...Han Li looked at the second brother with a confused face, and it took a while to realize, "Is the second brother because of the foundation pill?" Han Zhu nodded, and Han Li nodded seriously, with a serious look on his face. It looks like I understand.

It seems that the second brother is also worried about the establishment of the foundation. He has already found out that all the refining foundation-building pills and elixir are available in the blood refinement secret realm. He was still a little worried when he went in, but now that his second brother joined him, he was completely relieved.

The worry on his face was gone. Han Zhu looked at Han Li who was smiling, and smiled wryly in his heart. He could only endure the pain by himself.

You must know that Nangong Wan is Han Li's real wife. If Han Li loses her, the plot will definitely change drastically. He must ensure that the plot develops in the general direction, so that he can lead Han Li and the others along the original track.

Now he feels that he is a director, and he has been running around for Han Li's affairs. Han Zhu looked at Han Li who was talking and laughing with the little girl, and felt speechless for a while.

never mind! never mind! Anyway, this path is chosen by myself, no matter how hard it is, I have to go on. Han Zhu suddenly thought of the magical artifacts he bought in Wanbao Building, and asked Han Li quickly, "Xiao Li has entered the secret realm of blood refinement, have you prepared the magical artifacts?"

Han Li shook his head first, and then said: "I also plan to go to Fangshi to find you in two months, and buy a few high-level magic weapons along the way. I didn't expect you to join Huangfeng Valley."

Han Zhu said with a smile: "Then you don't have to go, the second brother already bought it for you." Han Zhu wiped it on his storage belt, and instantly three things floated among them.

Han Li stared wide-eyed at the three objects floating in the air. Han Zhu smiled and explained: "This is the last time I went to the Wanbao Building. I happened to see these high-level artifacts. I felt that you could use them, so I bought them by the way."

Han Li gave his second brother a grateful glance, and excitedly grabbed the golden scorpion mother blade, held it in his hand and lightened it carefully, the more he looked at it, the happier he was, it was something his second brother gave him, and he You're not welcome!

Han Zhu smiled and introduced next to him, "A high-grade magic weapon, the golden clam, a set of mother blades, one mother blade and eight daughter blades, are made of refined iron and fine gold, and are refined by masters in the foundation period for three days and three nights. As long as you hold the mother blade, you can control the eight sub-blades to attack the enemy at the same time, making the opponent hard to defend and extremely sharp."

Han Li excitedly took it in his hand and danced it twice, feeling very smooth, excitedly said to Han Zhu: "Thank you, second brother, I like it very much."

Han Zhu waved the black iron shield, and it flew into Han Li's hand in an instant, and continued to explain to him: "The black iron shield is a high-grade defensive magic weapon, refined from a large piece of black iron from the cold and yin land, not only It is extremely strong and unbreakable, and once it is driven by a spell, it can automatically defend around the surrounding area. I have tried it for you and the defense is extremely strong. Even in the ordinary foundation building stage, it takes two hits to break through.