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Han Li looked at the eight small golden flags floating in the air at last, they didn't look like magic weapons either! He looked at Han Zhu with puzzled eyes.

Han Zhu looked at the eight small golden flags floating in the air, with a smug smile on his lips. Introduced to Han Li who looked puzzled: "This set of formation flags was created by your second brother myself, and its name is "Qiankun Eight Diagrams Formation", which is the strongest formation technique I have mastered so far.

Han Li excitedly looked at the eight golden banners. This was created by the second brother himself, so it must be very strong! Otherwise, others wouldn't call him the Master of Formation.

Looking at Han Li's adoring eyes, Han Zhu felt a little proud in his heart, and waved to the little girl next to him and said, "Xingyue, come and listen, if you encounter a battle in the future, you won't even know how to fight with the formation flag." use".

The little girl nodded obediently, and hurried over to sit down. Han Zhu looked at the two students who were listening carefully, nodded in satisfaction, and began to introduce the "Qian Kun Bagua Formation" to them.

"This set of Qiankun gossip formation is the strongest gossip formation that I have created by summarizing thousands of ordinary formations and hundreds of ancient formations. It consists of eight formations in total, namely the defense formation and the sleepiness formation. , Illusion Array, Hidden Array, Detention Array, Fire Array, Sword Array and the most powerful Thunder Array."

Han Zhu took a look at the two who listened seriously and continued to explain: "The entire formation is divided into eight levels. With Xingyue's current cultivation base, he can only use the defense formation at most." The little girl heard that she could only use the lowest level. The defense formation, couldn't help but smirked.

Glancing at Han Li again, "Little Li, with your cultivation base, you can only use two formations at the same time, and you can't last too long." Han Li quickly asked, "Why?"

Han Zhu smiled and explained: "Because your cultivation base is too low, your spiritual power can't support it. Han Li then asked: "What if I build a foundation?

Han Zhu stretched out three fingers, Han Li's face was full of disappointment, but he still couldn't help asking: "What realm does Second Brother have to reach to use all the formations?

"In your case, at least you have to reach the Nascent Soul stage before you can barely use all the formations, but I will continue to upgrade, and I can't guess what will happen in the end.

Both Han Li and the little girl looked at Han Zhu speechlessly, and the little girl couldn't help but ask, "Second brother, what about you?"

"As for the fact that I can use all of them now, it is still more difficult to use the next few formations, especially the strongest thunder formation."

The two were completely speechless by him, Han Zhu looked at the depressed two, smiled and said: "Actually, you are very lucky, such a powerful formation, now only the three of us can use it in the entire world of cultivating immortals. You must know that as long as you have completed the layout of the formation, it is normal to kill the enemy by leapfrogging."

The eyes of both of them lit up when they heard this, especially Han Li. He is no longer a rookie in cultivating immortals. Gongfa or the cultivator was seriously injured.

Otherwise, other people's spiritual consciousness can crush you to death. Han Zhu then taught them how to operate the formation. He also used many mathematical formulas from his previous life. If he didn't teach them himself, others would basically not be able to learn them.

Unless it is those old monsters, such as the old monster Xiang who is currently staying in Huangfeng Valley. At the same time, an old man was standing on a hill not far from Feiliu Valley. This person was Shang Zhili, the strongest man in the human world.

At this time, he was frowning. Even if he had reached the stage of transformation, if he did not forcefully break the formation, he would not be able to see through the situation in Feiliu Valley. At this time, there was no old anger on his face, but it was still full of excitement and joy.

He has been in the human world for thousands of years, and he has never seen a formation master with such a means. "No..." Those masters before cannot be called formation masters at all. You must know that Han Zhu is only a Qi Refining Master now. Nine layers of low-level monks.

If he had reached the Nascent Soul Stage or the Transformation Stage, every time Xiang Zhili thought of this, his whole body would feel a little excited. He secretly vowed in his heart that he must protect Han Zhu well and help him grow quickly.

Having made this determination in his heart, Xiang Zhili glanced at Feiliu Valley again, his whole body slowly became murky, and disappeared there in an instant.

Han Zhu, who was explaining the Qiankun Bagua formation to Han Li and Han Xingyue, was suddenly taken aback, and then a big cold sweat flowed from his forehead. The two who were listening carefully looked at the second brother's face and changed their faces instantly, all anxious Looking at him, Han Li just wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Han Zhu stretching out his hand. The two quickly held their breath and looked at Han Zhu anxiously.

Han Zhu had already connected Feiliugu's formation to his own consciousness, and just now Xiang Zhili's consciousness touched the formation lightly. Although he quickly took it back, it was still blocked by Han Zhu. Captured, there is no way that powerful sea-like consciousness is too frightening.

It was so difficult for Han Zhu not to pay attention, maybe Xiang Zhili himself could not have imagined that he could be captured by Han Zhu just by touching him lightly.

Han Zhu was frightened into cold sweat in an instant, he didn't need to guess, he also knew that this must be a gift from the thousand-year-old monster. As for whether it was the old monster Linghu of Huangfenggu, Han Zhu directly ruled him out, although he had never seen it before. The real Nascent Soul stage, but he has sensed the consciousness of the Jindan stage, which is not at the same level at all.

Han Zhu hurriedly controlled the formation to operate a secret monitoring formation, and happened to see the scene of Xiang Zhili's figure in the model lake, but unfortunately he didn't see it clearly, it seemed 100% sure that it was Xiang Zhili.

Even if he is as stable as an old dog, he is still terrified now, you must know that this is the most powerful stage in the human world, maybe if someone spits on him, he will be ashamed directly.

It wasn't until the figure of the old monster disappeared for a long time that Han Zhu worriedly checked the radius for a few miles with the formation again, and then he was relieved and glanced at the worried two people opposite.

He showed a smile uglier than crying, "Okay! It's all right", Han Li just wanted to ask something, Han Zhu quickly said: "Don't ask, I won't answer if you ask."

Han Li looked at his second brother with doubtful eyes, Han Zhu sighed and said old-fashionedly: "Your cultivation base is still too low, and you can't help me now, telling you will only add trouble to you, and it will not be good for your cultivation base. unfavorable".

The two fell silent after hearing the second brother's answer. Han Li clenched his fists, "Am I still too weak?" I made up my mind that I must work harder to practice, so that I can help my second brother sooner.

The little girl also looked at her two brothers sitting there silently. She looked weak on the outside, but was very strong on the inside. She knows that everything she has now is given to her by her second and fourth brothers, and they have been protecting her from the wind and rain. She must work harder.

Han Zhu quickly put this matter out of his mind. After all, the old monster Xiang Zhili is still a good person, so he shouldn't be killed for no reason! As for why he paid attention to him, now he has two guesses, one is because of Han Li, and the other is because of his formation.

Now he believes that it may be because of his formation. After all, the space channel leading to the spirit world should be much easier if he has the blessing of his formation. He is even confident that with the ancient formation and the There are more and more formations, and it is easy to open the passage to the spirit world.

If the passage is opened before the time, I will sit there and collect the tickets. Han Zhu quickly threw away these messy thoughts, and began to seriously teach Han Li and the others how to use the "Qian Kun Eight Diagrams Formation". The two of them worked harder than what they had just learned.