Finally Here Comes

Han Zhu and the others have gathered all the foundation-building pills to be refined, and are now heading to a very important place, especially for Han Li.

The place Han Zhu and the others are going to is located in a small basin of the crater, surrounded by tall and strange-shaped rocks, making it impenetrable. In the middle of the basin, there is a simple and huge bluestone hall. It is huge, but the palace gate is pitifully small, only allowing two people to pass through side by side.

This gave Han Zhu and his group of people standing on the rock and looking at it a sense of incongruity and weirdness. Han Li frowned, jumped off the rock, and then walked slowly to the gate of the temple, looking up at the stone hall.

Looking at it, the suspicion on Han Li's face grew stronger. I don't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that there was occasionally a faint blue light flowing on the surface of the stone hall, but when he wanted to take a closer look, he couldn't see the slightest difference.

Han Zhu came up from the side and said, "There is a powerful formation here. Your cultivation is too low, so it's normal if you can't see it. You step aside, and I'll break the formation."

Han Li nodded hastily. Han Zhu activated the Celestial Eye Technique and scanned around here in conjunction with his spiritual consciousness. A formation instantly appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness. Appeared in front of him in disguise.

He can't break the ancient formations outside, and this small formation with only a few thousand eyes is still no problem. Following the operation of Han Zhu's spiritual consciousness, the streamer flashed out immediately, and as he played out one by one, the stone door slowly opened.

Han Li ran up excitedly, looking at his second brother with adoring eyes, Han Zhu just showed a faint smile, "Go!" Maybe there is something precious in it! "

Han Li looked at the second brother suspiciously. Hearing the tone of the second brother, don't you plan to go in with him?

Han Zhu pretended to put on a serious expression and said: "Xiao Li! The formations here are very complete. I plan to learn and observe here. Go in first!"

"With the things I gave you, even if you hit the late stage of the foundation building period, it can last for an hour or two. When the time comes, you only need to crush the jade slip, and I will rush over immediately. This is also a chance for you to practice ".

Han Li thought of his second brother's hard work for him, nodded vigorously, and strode towards the door. Han Zhu looked at Han Li who had disappeared into the door, with a mysterious smile on his lips, which even made him less worried about the magic door.

Han Zhu, who was standing quietly on a hillside, watched a group of Moon Sect disciples suddenly appear. The leader is Nan Gongwan, who looks young but is actually the ancestor of the Master of the Moon Sect.

At this time, Nangong Wan looked suspiciously, she seemed to sense that someone was here, but now she saw that there was no one there.

Did she feel wrong? The girl stood still in disbelief, and lightly closed her eyes. Let go of the huge spiritual consciousness at once. As a result, in the vicinity of the basin, except for their group, they did not sense the existence of other immortal cultivators.

But when the divine consciousness swept across the stone palace, it was repelled outside by some kind of force, which surprised the girl, but then she became overjoyed, with a smile on her face.

At the first glance just now, she found that the stone palace was restricted, which didn't surprise her. Because of the dozen or so monster lairs that have been raided before, several of them have also been banned by spellcasting.

This is nothing! But even her spiritual sense couldn't pass through the restriction here, this was the first time she encountered it. It is by no means comparable to the superficial prohibition laws in the previous places.

Nangong Wan was excited for a while, and she didn't want to pursue what happened just now. She believed that even if there were one or two of his disciples peeping nearby, it would never affect so many people in the Moon Sect! So he took the lead to lead people to the stone palace.

Looking at the group of people who disappeared at the door, Han Zhu showed a strange smile again. He also strode towards the door. The two middle-aged monks also wanted to follow. Unfortunately, their bodies seemed to be fixed by something. .

No matter how I moved, I couldn't move. I ran the spiritual power in my body, but unfortunately I couldn't mobilize it. Han Zhu glanced at them blandly and said, "Just wait for me here!"

At this moment, Han Li was standing in the main hall of the Stone Palace. Enduring the excitement in his heart, he observed carefully first. Seeing that there was no danger, he heaved a long sigh of relief.

He turned around in the entire stone palace, but unfortunately there was nothing, the construction of this stone palace is too simple! After entering the gate of the temple and walking through a winding corridor, there is nothing else.

Han Li looked in front of him, at the center of the hall, there was a dark tunnel surrounded by jade railings. There is a row of steps at the entrance of the tunnel. From the entrance, it goes straight into the ground, and the hot humid wind keeps blowing outside. It is really hard to imagine where it leads.

But Han Li didn't need to think about it, he could guess that the tunnel leading to it was definitely not a good place, and the inside must be extremely dangerous, so he hesitated and didn't go down here.

Just when he was hesitating, a burst of chaotic footsteps came from the entrance of the hall, instantly jumping him down, but this was normal, as for the second brother outside, he wasn't worried at all.

Seeing this, Han Li sighed bitterly in his heart, gritted his teeth, and flitted over the railing into the tunnel. After entering the tunnel, Han Li's eyes were pitch black. He touched the storage bag with his hand and took out the moonstone, only then did the surroundings become brighter.

The whole passage was not too big, it was made of blue stones, and only one person could barely pass through it. He didn't dare to delay at all, fearing that the people behind would catch up to him, he walked down carefully.

After walking hundreds of steps along the stone steps at the foot, the originally narrow passage gradually widened, and the two of them could walk side by side without any problem. But the tidal wind blowing in front of him became even hotter, making Han Li sweat profusely in a short time, and his whole body was already drenched.

After walking down nearly a hundred steps, Han Li estimated that he was more than a hundred times below the surface, and the bluestone passage finally disappeared. When he walked out of the passage, what appeared in front of him was a strange swamp world.

This underground world is only over thirty feet high, but its radius is several miles wide. At a glance, there are muddy places with black blisters everywhere.

And that scorching hot tidal wind was generated out of thin air above the swamp, and flowed out rapidly along the passage behind Han Li, and then brought in relatively fresh air from outside the passage, forming a convective balance.

There are tall black mounds all around the swamp, and on the other side of the edge, there are dozens of strange flowers and spiritual grasses of different colors. The several kinds of heaven and earth elixir that Han Li needs are also among them, and the number is not large. few.

But none of these things attracted Han Li's attention more than a small white jade pavilion located in the middle of the swamp. Because this huge golden box is suspended out of thin air in the pavilion. The box is one foot two long, half a foot wide, and the lid is tightly closed.

Han Li only took a few glances, and then immediately looked away. It's not that Han Li is indifferent to the treasures in the gold box, and he doesn't know what kind of people are coming behind. If they are from the Demon Sect, it will be troublesome .

Or find a hiding place quickly, that's what really matters! Otherwise, my life is gone, what's the use of treasures!

Han Li swayed a few times, and he jumped behind a certain mound far from the entrance of the passage, and then he held his breath and used the invisibility technique in one go, and then lay on the mound without moving, invisible The later Han Li has merged with the nearby black soil, and it is impossible to easily find his trace from a distance.

Not long after Han Li finished all this, Nangong Wan's figure appeared on the steps at the entrance of the passage. As soon as she appeared, she took a casual look at the situation here, and when she saw the huge golden box in the Baiyu Pavilion, her originally calm face finally moved, and her eyes gradually showed fiery eyes.

Although she heard disciples describe the golden box here, she was far from being so shocked by seeing it up close.

Nangong Wan walked down the steps in a few steps, and made a charming stop in front of the swamp, followed by the other male and female disciples of the Moon Sect, all rushed out with a whoosh, and stood in a row behind the girl.

Han Li was not far away, seeing all this clearly, he couldn't help but secretly startled, "It's her" At the same time, he became very curious about the identity of the young woman in the lead.

"Is that Black Lin python hidden here?" The girl's delicate voice sounded, but it was full of indescribable majesty.

"Master, that giant python was hidden in the swamp, and it devoured more than a dozen disciples from different sects who wanted to get the treasure chest. .

However, this monster is indeed far stronger than ordinary top-level monsters, so please be careful! "A female disciple bowed her head and replied respectfully.

"Hmph! Do you think I can't even deal with a first-level monster?" The girl's white and tender face sank, and she put on an old-fashioned and ridiculous look, but the woman in white who answered was very pale. Change, repeatedly said "dare not"!

"Go down! Everyone, follow the original plan. No matter how powerful this black lin python is, he will never be an opponent of the "Yin Yang Traction Technique"! No matter how powerful it is, it is still a first-class monster!" Said in an unquestionable tone, which lifted the spirits of the disciples behind him.

Han Li, who was hiding there, heaved a long sigh of relief when he saw that he was not from Spirit Beast Mountain.

After the girl finished giving instructions to all her disciples, she turned her head and looked at the swamp in front of her. The voice murmured to herself: "It seems that the thing should be in this box! The first few places are considered to be in vain, and everything you get is worthless." It's rubbish!"

The girl's voice was so low that no other disciples could hear it except herself, and everyone else was still excited about the upcoming battle.

Immediately after the girl's order was handed down, the male and female disciples of the Masking Moon Sect stood side by side with her cultivating Taoist companion, and stretched out a hand to hold each other very skillfully.

The two palms that overlapped immediately gave off a strange light of blue and red respectively, and then along their arms, it spread to the whole body of these disciples, making the three pairs of dual cultivation disciples of the Moon Sect, all the men The body is covered with red light, while the woman is covered with blue light, forming a strange scene of blue and red interlacing.

Only the remaining three disciples, two women and one man, have lost their Taoist companions, so they can only take out a few magic weapons from their bodies, and only make some ordinary preparations.


PS: I hope you liked today's chapters, see you tomorrow with more.