Han Zhu's Conspiracy

Han Li was lying on the mound of dirt. Although he didn't hear the girl's muttering to herself, he could really hear the words of the female disciple calling her "Master Patriarch" in front of him, which immediately surprised him , almost bit my tongue!

What is the concept of "Master Patriarch Concealing the Moon"? Han Li is no longer a rookie who has just entered the world of cultivating immortals, and he knows this clearly in his heart. That's a master of alchemy stage just like Master Liu of our sect!

Thinking of this, he suddenly became worried about Han Zhu outside, and soon he didn't care about these things, the big battle ahead was imminent.

At this time, the elf girl saw that all the disciples under her sect were ready. Then act with satisfaction! I saw the girl's mouth slightly opened, and sprayed out her magic weapon, the Suzaku Ring.

After the thing blurted out, it immediately flew over the swamp, spun around, and became as huge as a house, on the ring.

In an instant, the color of the ring changed sharply, from pink to fiery red. In the inner circle of the ring, dots of sparks emerged, gathering more and more, getting brighter and brighter. Not long after, hundreds of fist-sized high-temperature fireballs formed in the big circle, causing the temperature of the underground world to suddenly drop. It rose a few more points.

Han Li stood on the mound, dumbfounded. Such momentum, such power. If it is said that this is not a magic weapon, he will not believe it even if he is killed.

Since the elf girl can drive the magic weapon, it seems that she is a monk in the alchemy stage. It's just how she was able to sneak into the forbidden area, and why her mana was only at the peak of the Qi refining period. This series of questions rolled in Han Li's mind several times, but he still couldn't answer them.

He thought to himself, "If the second brother is here, he will know about it!" He squeezed the jade slip in his hand, but in the end he still didn't crush it, mainly because he was afraid that the second brother might hit him. But this girl is troublesome, he doesn't want his second brother to be in any danger.

Han Zhu came here with a group of people. He first arranged a formation in the entrance of the cave, and stood quietly at the entrance to watch all this.

As for why he stood alone at the door and no one paid attention to him, it was because he had arranged a high-level formation under his feet, and it was impossible for Nangong Wan to find it now. As for her in her heyday, she didn't know up.

Before Nangong Wan took the next step, the swamp below started to move. Centering on a certain swamp, the mud flow near it began to tumbling.

And the scope is getting bigger and bigger, the surging is getting higher and higher, and gradually formed a tall bulge, and the momentum looks very astonishing. Seeing this, Nangong Wan had a look of doubt on her face. In her memory, the Black Lin Python didn't seem to have such a great momentum!

However, seeing that the monster was about to appear, Nangong Wan didn't dare to hesitate, and pinched the orchid law with both hands, the huge Suzaku ring connected to the mind.

It began to spin in mid-air, and in a moment it became blurred due to the high-speed rotation. Hundreds of fireballs in the interior also turned into a red sea of ​​flames in a blink of an eye, melting into one body.

"Go" Nangong Wanjiao yelled, the magic art in her hand was suddenly determined, and she said in her mouth. In an instant, the rotation of the circle stopped abruptly, and the sea of ​​fire inside the circle suddenly turned into a thick whirlwind pillar of fire, which shot out from top to bottom in a threatening manner, and sprayed straight to the high protrusions on the swamp. place.

But before the pillar of fire got close to the swamp, there was a "Puchi", and a jet of jet-black water the size of a bowl sprayed out from the raised mud, just in time to withstand the jet of flames.

Immediately, the sound of "Zi La" and "Zi La" erupted between the two, and large groups of water mist were immediately formed in pieces, making the surrounding area steamy and everything became a blur.

"This is not the Black Lin Python!" Nangong Wan said with a slightly puzzled expression, but immediately changed her face after seeing the jet-black jet of water.

As if in response to Nangong Wan's words, there was an "ow" from the white mist, and an extremely weird scream sounded soaring into the sky, followed by a "hula", a gust of fanaticism blew out of thin air, blowing the nearby The white air was swept away, revealing the true face of the monster.

A black snake-shaped monster covered in huge scales appeared in front of everyone. This monster, which looks like a snake but not a snake, is not big in size, only three or four feet long, but it is covered by a thin layer of black mist, which looks extremely strange.

And its outer head to tail is no different from an ordinary black python, of course, its huge shiny black scales are an exception.

"Mo Jiao!" Nangong Wan saw the face of this monster, and immediately cried out, with a look of worry and joy on her face. But the dozen or so disciples standing behind him were a little puzzled. Isn't this a "Black Lin Python", why did they become some kind of "Mo Jiao"?

Nangong Wan didn't bother to explain clearly to the disciples, because the monster floating several feet above the ground had already found the culprit who disturbed its rest. The small green eyes on both sides of its head flashed fiercely, and when it opened its mouth, it opened its mouth again. A jet of black water rushed straight towards the people covering Yuezong.

"Bastard! Court death!" Nangong Wanke knew the power of Mo Jiao. Although this monster seemed to be very young, she didn't dare to neglect it at all! He hurriedly pointed to the Suzaku ring in the air, and the ring suddenly glowed red, and suddenly blocked Nangong Wan's body in a flash, and then a series of fireballs flew out from the ring, blocking the black water halfway.

"Collect, speed, detain, ban, lock!" Nangong Wan folded her hands halfway into a full moon shape, and spit out the five-character sentence from her mouth with a solemn expression.

As soon as the five words were uttered, the huge Suzaku ring shook rapidly in mid-air, and then let out a low cry before disappearing into the air, causing Mo Jiao, who had just opened his mind, to blink his eyes. , I was taken aback.

But the next moment, the ring appeared directly above the head of the monster with a buzzing sound. Before the monster could react, it sank suddenly, and then rapidly became smaller.

In the blink of an eye, the Suzaku ring was placed in the middle of Mo Jiao's body forcibly, and then the ring burst into flames, immediately wrapping half of the monster's body in the raging fire.

"Hurry up! I won't be able to trap Mo Jiao for long." Although Suzaku Huan held the monster tightly, Nangong Wan didn't look relaxed, but ordered backwards with a little anxiety.

Although the disciples of the Moon Sect behind him didn't know why the black lin python in front of them had suddenly become the black dragon that the master called, but this did not prevent them from their long-awaited offensive.

"Attack" was led by an older woman in white clothes. A dozen red and blue beams of light intertwined with each other made a terrifying sound of "chi chi" breaking through the air, and they hit the male and female disciples without any mistake. On the monster that cannot move.

"Boom boom" came a series of loud noises, and as soon as these beams of light reached the side of the monster beast, they were blocked by the faint black mist on its body, making a fierce bursting sound.

"Keep attacking, Mo Yun, Mo Jiao's protective body, won't last long!" Nangong Wan hurriedly ordered with sharp eyes. At the same time, she continued to urge the red flame technique on Suzaku's ring, making the flames enveloping the monster explode more violently.

Under Nangong Wan's series of orders, the disciples of the Moon Sect kept hitting the red and blue beams of light into the air, hitting the monsters.

Although the black mist has not yet been broken, it has already driven the monster into a frenzy. It kept baring its teeth and swinging its movable head and tail, desperately trying to break free from the ring.

But to no avail, under Nangong Wan's full restraint, the ring remained motionless in mid-air, locking its body tightly.

Han Li watched in horror. He had never seen such a scene of a large group of immortal cultivators attacking the enemy together, especially the appearance of a magic weapon, and the fact that they were facing a powerful monster. It opened his eyes even more.

As for Han Zhu at the door, there was no expression on his face. The Mo Jiao's strength is indeed not bad, but he still has the confidence to kill it. He estimated in his heart that his strength should be in Nangong Wanzhi's superior.

If he is given the chance to use the formation, even a Jindan stage monk, he will dare to fight. This is the confidence of the formation master.

Han Zhu stood there looking at all this indifferently. If he had just come to the world of cultivating immortals, he might still feel pity for these people. As for now! Although he doesn't say he has a heart of stone, as long as he has no connection with him, he will not make a move.

He didn't kill anyone casually, which is already good. With his current strength, killing an ordinary Qi Refining Stage peak is almost like killing chickens and dogs.

Han Zhu glanced at Han Li who was hiding next to him. This kid is shaking a little now. It seems that he was frightened by the strength of this Mo Jiao. It may also be that he was too excited to see such a battle, but it should be the former one. .

"Woo..." Just as Han Zhu was thinking wildly, Mo Jiao suddenly let out a long cry, the sound was several times louder, and at the same time, the neighing was full of pain.

Han Zhu looked suspiciously, and saw that the black mist on Mo Jiao's body had dissipated completely, and a blood hole with the size of a bowl appeared on his body covered with black scales, which was obviously injured by the red and blue beam of light .

This also made the Mo Jiao's struggle with pain even crazier! "It seems that Mo Jiao is going to show off his power! Sure enough, before he finished thinking, Nangong Wan's anxious voice came over.

"No, be careful! I can't trap Mo Jiao anymore!" But at this moment, Nangong Wan's voice came. He was watching the Moon Sect gain the upper hand, and Han Li was relieved. , I was slightly taken aback when I heard the girl's words, it seems that it's hard to say who will win.

Han Li squeezed the jade slip again, and finally let go of it. Let's see the situation again! If it doesn't work, the only option is to call the second brother.

As soon as Nangong Wan said this, the disciples of the Moon Sect were obviously taken aback. According to their experience in the past two days, as long as the top-level monsters are trapped by a master, they will not be able to break free from the ring magic weapon for a while. Forbidden, the monster got out of trouble so quickly this time?

Although they were full of doubts, they did not dare to ignore Master Zu's warning, and immediately became extremely careful. Of course, the red and blue beams of light in their hands attacked more fiercely, and in a blink of an eye, Mo Jiao's body had more than 10 points. There were several blood holes, and the bright red flood blood stained a large swamp below.

Of course, this also enraged the dragon even more. It opened its mouth and screamed continuously, shaking the whole underground world to buzz and spin.

"Hiss", a strange tearing sound resounded in the air! When everyone regained consciousness and looked at it intently, their faces changed drastically.