no title

Now the entire country of Yue is extremely chaotic, two superpowers are fighting in it, although most of the six local sects are on the decent side, it is a pity that the Demon Sect seems sure to win the country this time, and the countries neighbors.

Constantly dispatching people from other branches of the Demon Sect, it can be said that the two sides fought fiercely. Several of the Jin Danqi from the six sects died, and the number of righteous practitioners who died is much higher.

If the fighting continues like this, it is normal for the entire Yue Kingdom to be wiped out. What reassures him is that there are no immortal cultivators on his parents' side, so he doesn't have to worry about his parents' safety.

Three years ago, Han Li brought his younger sister back once. He originally wanted to give the second elder an elixir to increase life, but unfortunately his parents refused them. Han Zhu was silent for a moment when he heard this, and finally just nodded. .

For mortals of this age, living long is not necessarily a good thing. Since it is the choice of their elders, then respect them!

Han Li stood behind his second brother, looking at Han Zhu who was meditating there. He suddenly felt his whole body relaxed, and he no longer had to worry about his future, because the second brother would take care of everything.

Han Zhu looked at Han Li with a relaxed expression. It seems this kid has a salty fish personality in his bones. In the original plot, he is to be forced to do nothing, so he can just go into the darkness.

Han Zhu sighed in his heart, it seems that he should carry the great banner of the ancient Han family from him! In fact, he also wants to be a salty fish.

It's a pity that the current Han Li is no longer the original Han Li. This is all because of his existence, Han Zhu helplessly shook his head as he thought of this. Since I caused the problem myself, I have to bear it myself!

At this time, Han Li suddenly asked from behind: "Second brother, will we continue to stay in Yue or go to other places?"

Han Zhu didn't even think about it and said directly: "Leaving Yue, this place is too chaotic and not suitable for us to grow. Our current cultivation level is too low, even if we stay here, it won't be of much use."

Han Li also nodded in approval, he had the same idea as his second brother. As for the hatred towards the Demon Sect, the second brother actually returned, so let them go for now.

"Second brother, are you still going back to Huangfeng Valley?" Han Zhu shook his head again and said: "I will not return to Huangfeng Valley, just think that they think that I am dead! After all, what I have done is worthy of their care for you all these years."

Han Li hesitated for a moment and said: "What about Big Sister Dong?" Han Zhu fell silent when he heard the name.

Sure enough, Dong Xuan'er continued on her way and went to his father's side. Han Zhu thought about it, but still shook his head. After all, they had just gone to Chaos Xinghai and the foundation had not been laid yet, so bringing one more person would be an added risk.

Let's wait until they settle there! After all, this girl's life is long, but she still has to meet Fairy Hongfu and tell Dong Xuan'er about her plan. As for whether he will go looking for her in the future, it depends on her own choice!

Han Zhu and Han Li walked silently in this desolate place. Han Zhu looked at Han Li, who was calmly following them. I thought to myself: "The first layers of the Dayan Jue should have been obtained!"

Han Zhu inadvertently pretended to ask: "Xiao Li, what kind of exercises did you practice after establishing your base? Is there any special kind of exercise? For example, what did you say to increase your spiritual awareness?"

Han Li was stunned for a moment, and then said excitedly: "Second Brother, I really have cultivated a powerful technique called "Qingyuan Sword Art", and it is a complete set of skills from the first floor to the thirteenth floor. Even The slightest incompleteness can be practiced up to the legendary stage of transforming into gods."

Han Li was there, and you introduced him enthusiastically: "By the way! The second brother also has a set of amazing auxiliary skills called "Three-turn Chongyuan Kungfu, which has an amazing effect in avoiding the bottleneck of the alchemy period!" .

"With this exercise, the three of us can increase the success rate of the formation of golden pills." After Han Li finished speaking, he looked at Han Zhu excitedly.

Waiting for the compliment, Han Zhu couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth and madly complained in his heart: "My brother! I'm so clear, didn't you hear clearly? I'm asking you about exercise to increase spiritual awareness."

"You actually said to increase the chances of forming a pill in front of a person who has a super trick and has no bottlenecks, aren't you slapping me?"

Han Zhu could only praise his conscience: "Wow! That's really amazing." Han Li nodded enthusiastically.

Seeing the enthusiasm from him, Han Zhu could only remind him again: "Is there anything else?" Han Li seemed to suddenly think of something and nodded enthusiastically. Han Zhu looked at him expectantly.

"Second brother, I also obtained a powerful sword technique and a set of methods for refining a flying sword magic weapon called the "Qingxiu Fengyun Sword".

This kind of wooden flying sword is actually very similar to the magic weapon Han Zhu gave him, the "Golden Fuzi Mother Sword". But this one is much more impressive, it takes at least twelve flying swords with wooden attributes to form a set, which is very strange. Of course, if you can collect enough materials and have enough mana, it is theoretically feasible to refine a set of thirty-six or even seventy-two."

Han Li quickly introduced this set of sword arts and magic weapons. He looked at his second brother with excited eyes, as if to say, "I'm fine!"

As soon as Han Zhu heard it, he knew that this was the magical weapon and sword art that followed Han Li to Feisheng, and could be considered as one of his trump cards!

However, it is not very useful to him. After all, as long as he hangs those high-level spells to the perfect level, the power is no worse than the so-called sword array of him, and he can even easily abuse it.

Han Zhu continued to look at him, hoping that he would introduce "Da Yanjue", but unfortunately, Han Li didn't say anything else, just looked at him with big eyes.

Seeing that the second brother was still looking at him, Han Li asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with the second brother? Is there something else?"

Han Zhu couldn't take it anymore, after all, now he has extra space to hang out and he's already hungry and thirsty.

He first showed a big smiling face to Han Li. When Han Li saw this smiling face, his entire body trembled. After all, it was too familiar. He reminded her of the ideological education class back then.

Although twelve years have passed, I still feel a little scared when I think about it. After all, the great truths of the second brother will make people who can hear them feel like shaking their heads.

Han Zhu said with a smile: "Xiao Li, haven't you gotten any exercises to increase your spiritual awareness?" Han Li was stunned for a moment before suddenly nodding.

He let out a long sigh of relief: "Second Brother, so you wanted to ask this! If you don't clarify it before, it will scare me."

"I got it because I got a skill called "Da Yanjue", but it's not very good, I didn't think about it, at most it has a miraculous effect on puppet control, but I don't think you like it, after all, you are the master deformation".

As soon as Han Zhu heard about "Da Yan Jue", he felt a little excited. "Brother? I just want this." In the blood refining secret realm, it was because his spiritual sense was farther away than those people that he could control the flying sword to kill in all directions.

Han Li wiped the storage ring, and a piece of cyan jade appeared in his hand. He handed it over to Han Zhu and said: "It's a pity that I only got the first four levels of the exercises, and it is very difficult to practice. Da, I have been practicing for eight years and have only reached the second level of the exercises, and my spiritual awareness has only increased by one fifth."

"However, it has miraculous effects on puppet control. As long as the first level is practiced, the primordial spirit will not be a problem. At the second level, hundreds of them can be separated, and at the third level, hundreds of them can be distracted. As for the fourth floor, he doesn't understand."

Han Zhu pretended to be calm and nodded, quickly reaching out to take the jade slip, quickly checking it with his spiritual sense, and quickly reading the fourth floor.

The long-lost voice of the system reappeared in his mind: "Ding... I discovered the Great Evolution of Kung Fu, yes/no to hang," Han Zhu almost jumped in excitement when he saw this scene.

I quickly shouted in my heart: "Yes" ding... Hanging up successfully, the exercises require energy, and now they are connecting...

Ding... Free energy is detected, the concentration is 1 degree, and the cultivation speed is ⅹ1 times.

At the moment when the suspension was successful, in the sea of ​​consciousness, there was a refreshing current of air that swept across the entire sea of ​​consciousness, and I immediately felt a hundred times more energetic, "incredible."

Han Zhu excitedly thought in his heart: "This" Da Yanjue "is very good, and then when he goes to the spirit world, wouldn't the" practice of the gods "even more against heaven?"

Han Zhu hurriedly and excitedly opened the properties panel to check:

Name: Hanzhu

Kingdom: foundation construction period [initial stage]

Root Spirit: Fire, Wood and Earth

Cultivation method: "Xiao Wuzang Yuan Yuan Gong" "0% in the last stage of the second layer [a total of five layers on top] "Star Body Training Formula" The number of star points is 2 [every 1 star is added * body strengthening speed +1] "big The first floor of Yan Jue 0% [Fourth floor of the residual]

Spells: [Elemental Elemental Spells: "Fire Bomb 100%", "Water Polo 100%", "Wind Control 100%", "Eye of Heaven 100%", "Concealment 100%", "Wind Wall 100%" , "Intermediate Ground Stab Technique 100%"] [Mid-level spells: "Fire Serpent Primary Technique 100%", "Stealth Primary Technique 100%", "Yujianjue Intermediate 100%", "Guiyuan Spirit Armor advanced 100%"]

Sub-occupation: Hidden Branch 1: Array Master "Spirit Gathering Array 100%", "Five Upside Down Array 100%", "Stone Falling Array 100%", "Four Elephant Array 100% ", "Heavenly Wind Fierce Array 100%", "Sky Ghostwalker" Luo Formation 100%" "Beidou Liangyi Formation 80%" Qiankun Eight Diagram Formation 100%" "Wuyuan Life Continuation Formation 100%"" The formations low level are hidden

The first hanging position: "Xiao Wuzang Forging Yuan Gong" 0% on the second floor [increases 1% each time you run a large loop]

The second hanging slot: 2/14% of the astrology points of "Star Body Training Thu" [1% increase for each cycle]

The third hanging position: 0% on the first floor of "Da Yan Jue" [1% increase for each small week]

Available Slots: 0 [You can hang any ability and spell throughout the day, without any bottleneck]

Seeing the speed at which the kung fu was running, Han Zhu was immediately relieved, and the speed of hanging would be much faster. A large Zhou would take at least a few tens of days, and a small Zhou would only take a dozen.

From this point, it can also be seen that "Da Yan Jue" is not on the same level as "Star Body Refining Art" and "Xiao Wu Zang Yuan Yuan Gong".

Han Zhu finally figured out the spiritual consciousness cultivation method, was relieved for a long time, and said to Han Li, who was silently following him by his side: "Xiao Li, take out little sister, and by the way, do an appointment with Master Hongfu.

Han Li didn't say anything, but nodded solemnly. The two took out the flying sword from the storage ring, quickly flew towards the Huangfeng Valley, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

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I am taking longer to upload the chapters since I am paying more attention to the translation since many people are having problems with it, so how long would it take to do this every day with 10 chapters with all the fanfics that I am uploading, I found 2 solutions:

1) Upload a chapter of all the fanfics per day.

2) upload 10 chapters of a fanfic every day, that is, you should wait between 6 or 7 days to be able to read another 10 chapters again.

Waiting for your opinions, I say goodbye.