Preparations Before Leaving

Both Han Zhu and Han Li flew quickly in the air, looking at the Dachuan river passing by, Han Zhu suddenly felt happy, even if he was as steady as an old dog, he couldn't help but yelled: "Freedom!" It tastes really good!"

You have to know that sitting on someone else's magic weapon or spirit beast, and flying with your own flying sword are not at the same level at all. From time to time, Han Zhu held the flying sword and charged into the deep mountains and great swamps.

It was like a runaway wild horse. Han Li just smiled and followed the second brother. He broke through to the foundation establishment stage, and when he flew with the flying sword for the first time, he was the same as the second brother.

Suddenly Han Zhu stopped the flying sword and looked ahead quietly. Han Li also stopped in doubt, and looked where the second brother was looking. I saw a small village below, which was burning with raging fire, and there were constant wailing and laughter.

As a veteran driver, Han Li could tell at a glance that this was the burning, killing and looting of the Demon Sect. Such things happened everywhere in the Yue Kingdom, and he was already used to it.

Han Zhu glanced at the expressionless Han Li. It seemed that he must have seen this kind of thing a lot these years and had become accustomed to it.

Han Zhu disappeared in a blink of an eye. He has reached the foundation building stage. Whether it is mana or body, he has reached an extremely terrifying level. Now he doesn't know if he can surpass Jindan, but if it becomes true If you are yourself, there should be no problem.

The moment Han Zhu disappeared, there was a series of screams from below. When Han Li fled, the whole village had no more laughter except for the cries of children and the cries of women.

Everyone looked at Han Zhu and Han Li who suddenly appeared in front of them, "Immortal, it's an immortal...Thank you, my lord, for saving my life."

Han Zhu walked quietly in this dilapidated small village, Han Li followed him unhurriedly, and a hoarse voice suddenly came from the front.

"Little Li, do you think mortals are Lou Ants?" Han Li was silent for a while, then slowly said: "In the eyes of powerful immortal cultivators, they are Lou Ants."

Han Li instantly felt that the second brother who was walking in front suddenly seemed to be much older. Han Li hurriedly said again: "Second brother, most of the cultivators will not torture and kill mortals, they will even help them and protect them."

Han Zhu stopped moving forward, patted Han Li on the shoulder and said, "Your thinking is right. In this cruel world of cultivating immortals, power is king. If you become the strongest in this world, you can decide the fate of all people."

"However! Xiaoli, you have to remember that next time you encounter such a thing, if you can help them, try to help them. It is not easy for everyone, but you must ensure your own safety."

Han Li nodded vigorously, "Let's go! After all, the world is so big and there are so many injustices. If you see it, please help! Just don't go against your own heart."

It seems that he is also a qualified immortal cultivator now, but he still retains Blue Star's conscience and the final bottom line.

Five days later, Han Zhu and the two came to the vicinity of Huangfeng Valley again. The distance from here to Huangfeng Valley is less than a hundred miles. Even if Han Li now goes back and forth, it only takes half an hour.

Han Zhu put on his black robe again and stood here quietly. He was waiting for Han Li to bring Uncle Hongfu and Han Xingyue over.

Along the way, they encountered several massacres by the Demon Sect, all of which were easily killed by Han Zhu. There was even an early stage of foundation establishment, and they did not survive three breaths.

Han Li didn't show the slightest surprise that his second brother could easily kill a demon cultivator in the early stage of the foundation establishment stage. Even if he had reached the middle stage of the foundation establishment stage, he should not be the opponent of the second brother.

Half a quarter of an hour later, three figures flew towards this side quickly. A girl of seventeen or eighteen years old ran over and hugged Han Zhu first. At this time, her face was full of tears, and she hugged Han Zhu tightly. If she doesn't let go, she is afraid that if she lets go, her second brother will be lost again.

"Second brother Xingyue misses you so much, I knew you would come back, I've been waiting here for you." Han Zhu looked at Han Xingyue who was crying into a little cat, stretched out a hand, and gently rubbed her little head.

With a kind smile, he said: "The little girl is so big, and she loves to cry so much, Master Hongfu is watching there!" The little girl quickly broke free from his arms, and gave him a big Rolling eyes.

Han Zhu also just smiled, lifted the hood that covered him, and said to Fairy Hongfu behind him: "Uncle Hongfu has not seen you for more than ten years, and you are still as beautiful as before."

Fairy Hongfu still couldn't believe it at this time. At first Han Li found her and said that Han Zhu wanted to see her, but thought he was talking nonsense, and wanted to kick him out of the cave.

But she still had a hint of luck in her heart, what if? This could bring her a chance to conceive a baby, mainly for her daughter Dong Xuan'er.

She was the one who knew her daughter best. When Han Li came back to tell them that Han Zhu was not dead, but was trapped in the secret realm of blood refinement and would come out one day.

She wouldn't believe it, after all, Senior Uncle Linghu and Senior Brother Lei had checked it personally, and the Blood Refining Secret Realm had completely collapsed, and had already been swallowed by the turbulent flow of space.

But her silly daughter firmly believed that Han Zhu must still be alive. She believed that with the passage of time, her silly daughter would definitely forget about Han Zhu, after all, there are not many monks but time.

It's a pity that ten years have passed, and her silly daughter is still waiting for Han Zhu. Fortunately, she was taken away by her father two years ago. She was still thinking, this is good, at least she went to the new environment, maybe she will meet a new genius, and she will forget Han Zhu.

Fairy Hongfu looked at the face that was exactly the same as back then, her eyes sparkled a little, "Unexpectedly, boy Han, you can really come out of the secret realm of blood refinement".

She asked again suspiciously: "Isn't the blood refining secret realm completely collapsed and swallowed by the turbulence of space? How did you come out alive?" Suddenly he thought of Han Zhu's identity, showing a dazed look.

Han Zhu didn't explain how he survived in the secret realm of blood refinement, but just looked at her with a faint smile. Fairy Hongfu glanced at Han Zhu with a faint smile and said, "It looks like you don't intend to Back to Yellow Maple Valley."

Han Zhu just nodded flatly, "After all, the Yue country is too dangerous, I plan to take Xingyue and the others to other places."

"Then about you and Xuan'er", Fairy Hongfu didn't finish, but Han Zhu already understood the meaning. I asked Master Uncle to come here for this matter, as long as Xuan'er is willing to follow me, I will wait for her.

Fairy Hongfu's eyes flashed a hint of praise, she hated those ungrateful men the most, she hesitated and said: "Xuan'er has gone to his father's side now, I think Han Li will tell you too! It may take a while to get her back."

Han Zhu shook his head at her, "Uncle, please ask Xuan'er to stay with her father first! After all, she is a Nascent Soul, and can guarantee her safety. My cultivation is still too low, so I can't take care of her for the time being." ".

Fairy Hongfu also nodded in approval, and Han Zhu then handed her a token. Fairy Hongfu took it over and looked at it, and said suspiciously: "It should be the Great Teleportation Order!"

Uncle Master is really knowledgeable, this is indeed a great teleportation order, "Xiao Li found an ancient teleportation formation, I will repair it, and then we will leave this place by the ancient large formation, as for where we will teleport, that is I don't know, it should be another cultivation domain."

"Wait for me to stabilize for a period of time, and then bring Xuan'er over with me. At that time, I will prepare a formation for the uncle to hone your will, and there should be no problem with another Yingying Pill."

A flash of excitement flashed in Xiangu Hongfu's eyes, and she took a jade slip handed over by Han Zhu, "Uncle Master, this is the location of the teleportation certificate, I will hide it well, even in the Nascent Soul Stage, it may not be possible Discover".

Looking at the three distant lights, Fairy Hongfu felt a burst of emotion in her heart, she thought that there was no chance, God really knew how to joke.

There was a smile on her face, "With the help of Han Xiaozi, she has at least an 80% chance of breaking through the Nascent Soul. Before the war breaks out, first raise her cultivation to the peak of Jindan, and then bring Xuan I'm going to find Han boy."

She guessed that there were at least a few decades. After all, the battles of immortal cultivators are usually calculated in hundreds of years.

After traveling for more than half a month, the three finally came to the small village where they were born. Han Zhu stood at the entrance of the village and looked at the stream in front of him. He once again recalled the past.

This is also the second time he has stood here and thought about it, and it may be the last time. He still vaguely remembers that time when he and Han Li were fishing in the creek, and the younger sister ran over quickly and said, "Second brother, fourth brother, go back quickly." , The third uncle is here! He brought us a lot of delicious food.

The three brothers and sisters all looked at each other, with deep reluctance and nostalgia for the past in their eyes.

Han Li suddenly said, "Second Brother used to have such a carefree life. If we hadn't followed Third Uncle to Qixuanmen that time, then we would have looked at the villagers working nearby like them."

With a faint smile, Han Zhu touched the heads of the two little guys, "Actually, it's not bad to walk on this road, we can see different scenery, even if we fall on this road in the end, at least we more than they've seen."

Han Li smiled and nodded, "That's right! Compared with them, we do have a lot of experience." The three of Han Zhu were blessed with invisibility, and they walked quietly along the loess road.

Finally, Han Xingyue couldn't help but asked, "Second Brother, is it true that you won't see your parents?"

Han Zhu didn't stop his steps, and finally saw the very familiar house from a distance. The low mud walls, the rows of straw piles, and the potholed path all made Han Zhu so familiar.

Then he replied in a sad tone, "Don't disturb their peaceful life, our presence is not a good thing for them, Xianfan is really something else."

Han Xingyue suddenly fell silent. Although she hadn't been out of the Yellow Maple Valley in these years, she heard that mortal families possessed spiritual stones, and there were not a few people who were wiped out in the end.

The three of them stood there quietly. They had already locked on the two elderly people in the family with their spiritual sense. More than ten years had passed, and some parents in their fifties had already turned gray-haired.

The two old people looked at the two children running around the house with kind smiles. Looking at all this, Han Zhu showed a faint smile.

Han Zhu looked at a fairly luxurious house next to him, and saw his third uncle sitting in the yard, and beside him were two eight or nine-year-old boys circling around him. It seemed that he had taken care of his third uncle when he came back last time. This should be his child!

Han Zhu looked at the smile on his face, so he felt relieved. Han Zhu wiped the storage ring, and instantly a series of flags flew out, covering the two houses quickly, and then piece by piece of high-grade The Lingshi was thrown out by him, and a clear light flashed and disappeared in an instant.

Regarding his current formation skills, none of the villagers saw anything unusual here, so Han Zhu glanced at his parents again, "Let's go!".

Han Li and the two didn't ask what kind of formation the second brother had arranged. They believed in the formation of the second brother, and they would definitely not harm their parents.

The two also looked at their father and mother with nostalgia, and followed the second brother out. After all, they are not from the same world as their parents. If they stay by their side, they will only be harmed.

The three of them came a long way outside the village before they set up a light and disappeared into the distance. The old man who was smiling at home suddenly felt something. The two looked at each other and smiled more.