Climbing to the Immortal Pavilion

The young man glanced at Han Xingyue. Although she was also at the Foundation Establishment stage, he didn't respect her at all. After all, he knew she was a vase at a glance. He had seen this kind of person a lot on the island.

Both Han Zhu and Han Li saw the contempt in the young man's eyes, and looked at each other helplessly. This is also helpless, after all Han Xingyue's innocent face, without any murderous look on her body, anyone can see that she is a little white cultivator.

Han Li smiled awkwardly, and pretended to show a little interest in knowing, and then the young man began to say: "Of course. The highest Tianzhu Peak is the place of spiritual eyes on this island. The cultivation site of the island owner, Master Mulong, is not allowed for other monks to enter."

"I heard that Island Master Mu is in the mid-stage of alchemy, and his supernatural powers are very powerful. Tianmen Peak and Tianxiao Peak are the caves of the two deputy island masters, Yuan Jun Zhenren and Kanqin Zhenren, although they are worse than Tianzhu Peak. A little bit, but the aura is also several times better than other places."

When Han Li heard that he was only a mid-Golden Core cultivator, he couldn't help curling his lips. If he hadn't seen his second brother with his own eyes and easily killed two Golden Core Demonic Cultivators, he still felt that the Golden Core Stage was very strong.

The scene of those two Jindanqi begging for mercy like dogs is still vivid in my memory. Although he hid it well, Han Zhu could see it at a glance.

Han Zhu shook his head secretly in his heart, "It seems that this kid is drifting, and he doesn't pay attention to Jin Danqi. This is not good, it seems that he doesn't know enough about the word "gou".

Han Li, who was full of disdain in his heart, suddenly remembered the words of his second brother: "Xiao Li, we must be in awe of the strong. Do you think you are capable of surpassing Jindan now?".

Han Li quickly put away those messy thoughts, and smiled awkwardly at Han Zhu. He quickly changed the subject and asked, "Are the two deputy island masters of Xiaoyou Wen also seniors of the Dan Qi?".

The young man didn't notice the change in Han Li's face, and excitedly introduced: "The two deputy island masters are not only monks in the early stage of alchemy, but also a pair of Taoist couples who are dual cultivators."

As soon as Han Li heard the pair of cultivators, two beautiful figures flashed in front of his eyes. There was a bitter and sweet smile on the corner of his mouth. The two expressions appeared on his face, and he didn't feel peacekeeping.

Han Zhu noticed the change on his face, and also remembered a tall and beautiful figure, "She should be fine! Will she come here to find me?".

Along the way, Han Li seldom spoke, and most of the time it was the young man who introduced him. The little girl also noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and looked at the two brothers suspiciously, but also remained silent.

Soon everyone flew into Qingyun Mountain, and occasionally met a few monks who also flew with imperial weapons. But they just glanced at a few people indifferently, and then flew away on their own.

After half a quarter of an hour. Han Zhu and the others finally flew into a higher mountain under the leadership of the young man. There is a small two-story attic on the top of the peak. I don't know how long it took to build this attic.

Not only was it dilapidated but extremely old on the outside, there was also a door plaque with a corner missing on the door, with three crooked black characters "Dengxian Pavilion" written on it.

Seeing this, even Han Zhu, who was as steady as an old dog, was frightened by this dilapidated house. There is actually such a house in the world of cultivating immortals, and this is the first time they have seen such a thing.

Han Xingyue asked in disbelief: "This is the "Dengxian Pavilion". The young man also looked embarrassed, showing helplessness, and said with his hands spread out: "Although I don't want to admit it, this is indeed the Dengxian Pavilion."

Han Zhu looked at it for a long time, and even used the Celestial Eye Technique. He didn't see any formations on the outside, but there were fluctuations in the formations inside, which is also normal.

Unwilling to give up, he scanned it carefully again. It's a pity that it's still the same result, no different from other places. In the end, he could only helplessly admit that the world is big and full of wonders.

The young man glanced at Han Li and said, "Senior Han doesn't need me to use my master's relationship to find you a good cave?". After all, his master, as a Dzogchen monk in the Foundation Establishment period, still has some face in "Kuixing Island".

Han Li quickly shook his head, "Thank you for your kindness, little friend. I don't need to bother your master. For us, it's the same wherever we practice." Even in the world of cultivating immortals, favors are not so easy to repay.

A hint of disappointment flashed across the young man's face. He thought that Han Li didn't want to owe his master any favors, so he could only smile reluctantly and say, "If that's the case, then I won't bother Senior Han."

Han Li smiled and nodded. He doesn't care what the young man thinks, with his second brother around, even a barren land can be turned into a geomantic treasure.

The young man who had just walked two steps seemed to have thought of something, then turned around and said, "Besides, the senior who is in charge of ascending the fairy pavilion has a weird temper! Senior Han, please pay more attention!".

Han Zhu looked at the young man going away, and said to Han Li: "Now you know the benefits of being so worldly! If this young man didn't bring us here, we would have to trouble others."

Han Li nodded in approval, he is indeed lacking in this aspect. Han Zhu went on to say: "When you go in and choose a place, just look at my eyes to choose."

Han Li nodded hastily. It is the same for him to choose any place. As long as the second brother is there, there is no need to worry about not having a strong spiritual energy for cultivation.

The three walked over slowly. They had just walked to the door when there were flat voices in their ears.

"Come in! The door is closed." There was a hint of coercion in his voice. After hearing this, Han Li's face was expressionless, and Han Zhu quickly made a respectful expression. The little girl was taken aback.

Han Xingyue glanced at the two older brothers. The fourth brother looked calm, but the second brother was pretending. He quickly put away the terrified expression on his face.

When Han Li saw this scene, he further agreed with the second brother's statement that he really needed to temper the younger sister well, isn't it just a little coercion.

Han Li took the lead and walked into the attic without hesitation, and Han Zhu followed behind the two. Walking into the attic, the three Han who had just entered were stunned.

The inside is completely opposite to the appearance of the attic, and it is extremely magnificently decorated! The floor is covered with fiery red and shiny precious silk, and the walls are inlaid with gold and jade, countless sparkling gems are shining on it, and there are a few gorgeous flowers and plants that Han Zhu doesn't know what kind of species they are, placed in the corner of the attic inside.

On the opposite side of Han Zhu and the others, there was a weird stone bed. This bed was dimly blue and glowed with a strange light. Although it was unknown what it was made of, it must be a rare and unusual thing.

On it, half-lying a middle-aged man with a haggard face, wearing a fiery red dazzling leather jacket, holding a huge white pearl in his hands, looking at Han Zhu and the others indifferently.

Han Li sensed a little, and it turned out to be another cultivator at the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage. He cupped his fists and said to him, "Friend Daoist, we are here to go through the formalities of settlement. May I ask that Fellow Daoist is in charge of this matter?".

"Settled down?" The middle-aged monk glanced at Han Li and Han Xingyue suspiciously. As for Han Zhu behind him, a rookie in the Qi refining period, he was directly ignored.

When the middle-aged man saw that Han Li had a mid-stage foundation-building cultivation, his expression softened immediately, and he smiled and asked, "Do you have a guarantor, Fellow Daoist?".

"Yes..." Han Li immediately took out the document given by Gu's family, and handed it to the other party two steps forward. He did not dare to underestimate this person, after all, he was taught a lesson by his second brother just now.

Moreover, the mana fluctuations on the other party clearly told him that this person was a monk in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. The middle-aged man took the written document in Han Li's hand, and put it down with a slight sweep.

Then there was a flash of light in his eyes, as if some kind of magic had been used, and he looked Han Li up and down.

"I heard that a new monk has come to the island. He is very powerful and easily defeated the guards. It should be you!".

The middle-aged man stroked the pearl in his bosom with one hand, and suddenly asked a little casually. Hearing the other party's question, Han Li was slightly startled, and hurriedly said humbly: "Fellow Daoist, it's just a fluke for me."

"Fellow Daoist is really humble. If you have strength, you don't need to hide it. Our "Kuixing Island" welcomes a powerful monk like you. The stronger your strength, the happier we are."

Then he showed a hint of worry, and said leisurely: "After all, in this sea of ​​chaotic stars, our human race belongs to the weak." Han Li fell silent when he heard this.

Seeing that Han Li fell silent, the middle-aged man smiled and said, "Since you are willing to join our "Kuixing Island", I believe you will do your part for the island."

Han Li just nodded silently. After all, no one would dare to turn against the banner of the human race, even on the surface.

"Okay! Now I'll handle the settlement for you!" The middle-aged man's hand flashed white, and the pearl suddenly disappeared. Then he got up and said slowly.

The so-called settlement procedures are very simple. The middle-aged man took out a golden book and wrote Han Zhu's and his name on it.

certainly! The green jade badge that Han Zhu and the others had when they first entered Hong Kong was naturally taken away, and another blue jade pendant was issued instead. This jade pendant is shining with blue light, but it is still a low-level magic weapon.

I heard from a middle-aged man that this thing has a small water-repelling effect, but it is also very practical. And with this token, except for the forbidden area on the island, other places are unimpeded. But then, the middle-aged man took out another silver album from his body and threw it to Han Li.

He said calmly: "Fellow Daoist Han chooses where to build his own cave. Any place with golden light on it has already been inhabited. The white one is an empty place for cultivation. You choose it yourself! Choose well Just tell me."

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes slightly, as if he had entered a certain state of ecstasy. Han Zhu was soy sauce the whole time, he didn't say a word, just like a real Qi-refinement period.