Choosing a Cave House

Han Li took the album and slowly unfolded it, just like the 3D map in his previous life, except that the sky was more real, and the golden light and white light echoed each other on the album, shining with a mysterious light.

As an old bird, he didn't feel surprised, after all, this world has such a magical thing as formations, especially since his second brother is a master of formations, he didn't find it novel.

Han Li moved the entire map to the left, just enough for Han Zhu to see. Han Zhu's five senses were keen, and he scanned the entire map, and the entire map screen was printed into the sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.

Han Zhu focused his gaze on the center of the map, where there was a large blue area. Only then did Han Zhu realize that the area occupied by Qingyun Mountain was far beyond his imagination. The cyan area in the middle actually accounts for more than a quarter of the entire island.

Looking at those gleaming white spots, Han Zhu couldn't help but half-closed his eyes, and began to look carefully. Compared with the golden light, the white light is obviously more than half. but,

The brightness of the white light is obviously different. Some are extremely dazzling, while others only emit a faint light. The places marked as mountain peaks are very glaring and shiny, but Han Zhu doesn't think about these places at all, he just wants to find a quiet place.

Han Zhu gave Han Li a look, and Han Li quickly asked understandingly: "Fellow Daoist, I want to ask, are there any restrictions for us to open caves in these places?".

The middle-aged man didn't even open his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "With your cave as the center, within a radius of ten miles is your private area, you can arrange formations and restrictions at will, as long as you have such a great ability to surround it stand up".

Han Li's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but want to look at his second brother. In the end, he resisted the impulse and nodded with a smile.

Although Han Li hid it well, something was discovered by the middle-aged monk, and his slightly closed eyes showed some surprise. Couldn't help but opened his eyes, glanced at Han Zhu, and saw that he was just an ordinary monk in the late stage of Qi refining period.

Seeing the middle-aged man looking at him, Han Zhu quickly showed a flattering smile. The middle-aged monk ignored him and closed his eyes again.

Han Zhu still saw a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his eyes, but he didn't care at all. This time, he really planned to hang on until the end of time.

He is going to practice here for hundreds of years with peace of mind and body, and first set a small goal to reach the Nascent Soul Stage. According to his calculations, as long as he reaches the Nascent Soul Stage.

Coupled with his attainments in formation techniques, even the thousand-year-old monster, Old Man Xiang, might not be his opponent. At that time, the so-called strongest man in the human world may have to change.

Han Zhu quickly determined a place, which seemed relatively desolate, and had a small branch. As long as he easily arranged a few powerful compound spirit gathering arrays, it would not be easy to surpass the so-called main peak of Qingyun.

Seeing his second brother's eyes fixed on a small island, Han Li immediately understood what he meant. Without hesitation, he pointed to a certain place on the map and tapped it lightly, and the white light there immediately turned yellow.

Han Li handed the album back to the other party. "Here!" The eyes of the middle-aged monk swept over the place Han Li was pointing at, with a look of surprise on his face.

Seeing that Han Li pointed to a small island outside of Kuixing Island, there was indeed a faint white light shining there.

The middle-aged man said in surprise: Fellow Daoists are sure this is here, "This island is only sixty or seventy miles long, and there is indeed a small spiritual vein several miles long on the island."

"We set up a small protective formation on the island. And built a small town on it. There are probably hundreds of people!"

He asked once with certainty: "Fellow Daoist, are you sure? With your cultivation base, you can choose a better place."

Han Li didn't say a word. The expression on his face had already answered his question. The middle-aged man could only sigh helplessly and said, "This island can be regarded as a weak point for our Kuixing Island. Because of the spiritual vein On the top, it is a pity to discard it. But its aura concentration is much lower than other islands, and the area is too small."

"Fellow Daoists really want to choose this place. Of course there will be no other monks to interfere with their cultivation, but the concentration of spiritual energy is at least one-third thinner than the place provided by our Qingyun Mountain."

Seeing the other party's good intentions, Han Li smiled and said, "Don't worry, fellow daoist, I still understand a little bit about the formation, it's just a little more effort."

I also silently added in my heart: "I only know a little bit, but there is a formation master next to me."

The middle-aged cultivator saw that Han Li's combat prowess was good, and he couldn't help persuading him again: "Fellow Daoist, if you choose this place, your cultivation speed will be much slower than other cultivators. There were a few of you who like to monopolize The monks who practiced penance all over the place also chose this island. But after staying for a few years, they returned honestly one by one."

"They would rather pay a large sum of spiritual stones to re-select the place of practice than stay on this island. After all, for us immortals, spiritual energy is the most important."

"Moreover, it is stipulated that the monks who choose this island are also responsible for protecting the island. That is to say, you will have to pay for the spirit stones that protect the magic circle on the island."

"Of course, you can collect a certain amount of spirit stones from the island residents as compensation. And I don't have to pay the spirit stone tribute to the main island every year."

"However, let me remind you first that the spirit stones handed in by the residents of this island are not enough to make up for the daily wear and tear of the protective array. Kuixing Island has been directly responsible for the consumption of spirit stones on this island, so it can support until now".

Han Li still had that expressionless expression on his face. The middle-aged monk could only sigh helplessly when he saw that he had become determined after eating the weight.

Seeing that he treated him well, Han Li simply explained: "Is it okay to think that if we arrive at this small island, we will actually be the owners of this island?"

When the middle-aged man heard his explanation, he couldn't help but froze. Suddenly he burst out laughing, "Fellow Daoist wants to be the owner of the island!" Then he looked at Han Li with strange eyes.

Han Zhu knew without thinking that this middle-aged monk must be thinking wrong. He didn't say anything, just watched all this quietly.

The middle-aged monk looked at Han Li again with intriguing eyes, and sneered a few times to himself. At that time, only the huge amount of spirit stones will be consumed. I'm afraid they will complain endlessly! He believed in a year or two at most. The young cultivator will come back with a disheartened face and choose a new place to practice.

It's a pity that his combat power is so strong. I thought he was still a talent, so I wanted to give him a hand. He shook his head helplessly, and did not try to persuade Han Li anymore.

"Okay! Now that Fellow Daoist has confirmed this island, I won't persuade you anymore." He took out a golden writing brush from the storage bag, and lightly touched the island on the picture, and the white light on it instantly turned golden.

Then he took out three jade slips from his body, wrote some words on the jade slips with a gold pen, and threw them to Han Li together.

Han Li took the jade slips and looked down. There were several golden symbols on the three jade slips, and their names were written in local characters.

The middle-aged man explained flatly: "This jade slip is the proof that Xiao Huan Island is the place where you practice! Then he handed over another jade slip, which contains the roster of all the residents on the island, you should keep it safe! "

After the middle-aged monk said these words, he put the map away and put it in the storage bag. The man half-lyed on the bed again, and waved at Han Zhu and the others.

The meaning is very clear, walk slowly, don't send. Thinking of his kindness and persuasion just now, Han Li gave a slight salute to the middle-aged monk and said, "Thank you for your kindness and reminder, fellow daoist. If you have anything to do in the future, fellow daoist, you can come to Xiaohuan Island to find Han. I will do my best to help."

The middle-aged monk Han Li still closed his eyes slightly, and led Han Zhu and the others back out tactfully.

After leaving Dengxian Pavilion, Han Li just wanted to say something, but Han Zhu stopped him with a look. As an old driver, he quickly understood the meaning.

Tapping the storage bag at their waist, a small boat instantly appeared in front of them. Han Li slapped a spell on the small boat, and it quickly grew to five or six feet long. The three of them jumped on it easily, and the small boat The magic weapon disappeared in front of Dengxian Pavilion in an instant.

The middle-aged monk who was sitting inside opened his eyes again, looked at the disappearing streamer, and shook his head helplessly, "He is really a guy who doesn't listen to persuasion, and he will come back to find him sooner or later."

Han Zhu, who originally wanted to go shopping in Fangshi on the island, changed his mind directly and asked Han Li to fly to Gujiazhuang with the magic weapon.

Soon, the three of them returned to the yard that Han Zhu personally built. Han Zhu asked them to pack up their things, and now they went to "Xiaohuan Island". alright.

Han Xingyue glanced at the courtyard where she had lived for more than a month, with a look of reluctance on her face, Han Zhu smiled and patted her head and said, "Don't worry! We will have our own cave soon. The aura will be more abundant there, and we will be there for a long time."

The little girl nodded excitedly, thinking that she would soon have her own cave, the sadness disappeared in an instant. Han Zhu played a few formations, and soon a formation flag flew into his hands. As the formations disappeared, the rich aura began to spread around, and the plants beside them got a lot of moisture , Maybe in a few years it will become a spiritual herb.

Han Zhu left a letter to Gu Dongzhu in the courtyard, which probably meant that we are leaving! I went to such and such a place, if there is something, I will come to such and such place to find them.

At the end of the letter, I also wrote a sentence: "Remember to send them the ones that should be given to them." When Gu Dongzhu got the letter, he was silent there for a long time, and finally walked back decadently.