Two Girls

The Shenfengzhou flew towards "Kuixing Island" at an extremely fast speed. Now that Han Li's cultivation has reached the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, the speed is one-third faster than before.

It only took a little more than a day to arrive at "Kuixing Island". The Shenfeng boat stopped quietly in the midair of this port. Han Zhu looked at the port with people coming and going, and had to sigh again for the magic of the world of cultivating immortals.

From time to time, a stream of light flashed by their side, and Han Zhu felt that "Kuixing Island" was more prosperous than it was twenty years ago.

"Let's go! Go directly to "Kuixing City". Without hesitation, Han Li rushed into the "Kuixing Island" island guard array without any hesitation, and disappeared into the sky in a flash.

Several hours later, Shenfengzhou came to the front of the "Kuixing City" protective formation, and Han Li's controller "Shenfengzhou" slowly fell outside the formation. Following other monks, the two slowly walked into the largest city of cultivating immortals in "Kuixing Island".

Han Zhu looked at this huge "Kuixing City", which was at least seven or eight times larger than the other "Dongshi City" he had been to! Han Zhu and the two walked on a certain street in Kuixing City, looking at the street that was enough for several beast carts to drive side by side, they felt a little emotional.

Since Han Li came here once, he bravely led the way. Soon the two passed through a transparent mask and came to another busy street.

Han Zhu looked at this square city that was all composed of monks. "This is the so-called "Tiandu Street"?" Han Zhu looked at everything in front of him in surprise, with a look of surprise on his face.

I saw a huge white shield covering the entire northern area of ​​"Kuixing City". There is no street here. Even if there are hundreds of articles, there are only a few more. But it was many times bigger than the Huangfenggufang City where he had stayed at the beginning.

Han Zhu suddenly remembered the "Quiet Grocery Store" that he and his younger sister opened at the beginning. Now it seems that there is no time to do this, and there should be opportunities in the future! After all, Han Li still had to go out and wander.

Han Zhu glanced casually, and out of a hundred monks, two or three were Jidan. The proportion of foundation building is really too big, which may be related to the unique resources here. After all, the main material used for foundation building here is not the elixir, but the inner alchemy of the foundation building monster.

What surprised Han Zhu the most was that in the middle of the urban area, there was a huge pavilion floating in the sky more than thirty feet above the ground. "This is a fucking formation, right? It's definitely a floating formation."

Even if he was as steady as an old dog, he felt a little excited at this moment. He had thought about this formation for a long time, but unfortunately, he had never seen this formation in Tiannan, a remote village like that.

Han Li looked at the second brother next to him and stared at the floating building, his golden eyes couldn't be concealed no matter what. He didn't feel too surprised by this, after all, he is a formation master! This is the expression when I see the awesome formation.

Even the monks who came and went didn't show any surprise when they saw Han Zhu's eyes shining. It seems that they have seen this kind of situation a lot.

But as Han Zhu and the others stood for longer and longer, many people noticed this situation. After all, standing there quietly for several hours, looking at the floating building with bright eyes, it doesn't look like he is going to do anything good.

Seeing this, Han Li quickly pulled the second brother beside him, because he saw the law enforcement team from Youfang City walking this way. Han Zhu withdrew his longing eyes. If he was given another day or two, he should be able to crack the formation.

Han Zhu and the two quickly got into the crowd, and disappeared in the crowd of monks in an instant. The law enforcement officers did not chase after seeing this. After all, they did not do anything to endanger the city.

Han Zhu found a new place to look at the emerald green attic, only to see that it exudes faint fluorescence, like a piece of super-large emerald, which is really eye-catching. Han Zhu saw several high-level formations on it, and they were all poor places like Tiannan.

He now has a trace of regret in his heart. He knew that he would have come in with Han Li last time. Seeing such a good formation, I will buy a few no matter what.

Maybe now his formation skills can be improved to a higher level. Han Zhu glanced at Han Li with resentful eyes.

Han Li could only smile awkwardly, he guessed what the second brother was thinking. But at that time, he was running for his life desperately, so he forgot about it.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly looked around, but there were no figures of the two girls, so he let go of his mouth for a long time. Han Zhu looked at Han Li with a wicked look on his face, ignored him, and continued to look at the surrounding environment.

As Han Zhu continued to look at them, his heart became more and more shocked. This "Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars" was indeed much stronger than a small place like Tiannan. Just now he even saw two Jindanqi flying over their heads.

I have to sigh, building a foundation in the "Chaotic Star Sea" is not as good as a dog, and only Jindan stage can shake it. When Han Zhuzheng was watching with enthusiasm, Han Li next to him changed his expression.

The whole body became tense in an instant, and then suddenly withdrew the magic power on his body, maintaining the exposed spiritual power to the level of the late stage of the Qi refining period. Can't help leaning behind Han Zhu.

Han Zhu looked around suspiciously, and then fixed his eyes on the two girls. Although I was only on the Shenfengzhou at that time, I just glanced at it casually. The monk's memory is so powerful that he instantly identified these two girls as the two girls who were chasing Han Li back then.

Han Zhu looked helplessly at Han Li behind him, "Brother! Although I know that your protagonist's halo is strong, at least you have to go shopping for me before you come back! This is too sudden."

Just when the two looked at each other, speechless. One of the young girls spotted Han Li in an instant, quickly jumped in front of Han Li, grabbed his arm in an instant, and shouted excitedly: "Little thief! Let's see where you are going this time."

Han Li quickly explained: "This fairy was really just a misunderstanding last time." The girl stared, "Do you think I will believe you?".

At this moment, another girl came up. This girl was obviously older and more experienced. She first glanced at Han Zhu, seeing that he was just a little monk in the Qi refining stage, and then looked at Han Li.

There was a flash of light in his eyes. He must have used some kind of powerful secret technique, and quickly saw through Han Li's disguise. Although he hadn't seen him for twenty years, he had reached the peak of the foundation-building stage from the middle stage of the foundation-building stage.

One must know that she has dual spiritual roots, and she has only reached the middle stage of foundation establishment. After all, Han Li's occult technique has only reached the level of Xiaocheng, and it is normal for him to be seen through by a powerful occult technique.

The mature girl came up and teased the cyan girl and said: "Xiaoyan may have really misunderstood last time, I don't think this senior will do such a thing."

Seeing that his cultivation was seen through by this girl, Han Li no longer concealed his cultivation. A powerful aura emanated from him, and the young girl looked at Han Li in surprise.

"I haven't seen you for more than 20 years. You actually broke through from the middle of the foundation period to the peak of the foundation period. Could it be that you are also a dual spiritual root?"

Han Li just smiled helplessly and did not explain. The cyan girl nodded, it seems that the last time was really a misunderstanding.

Han Zhu looked at all this, and he knew it was because Han Li's cultivation base was higher than theirs.

I have to sigh again, such a world is really cool. Because he will also become a strong person in the future, so he should be treated like this in the future! With a stare, the kind that destroyed several worlds in an instant, thousands of immortals shouted: "Long live Boss Han".

The cyan girl quickly regained her lively personality, and said without looking outside, "Senior, is this fellow Taoist's first visit to Tiandu Street? I just saw him look at Yunmeng Pavilion, and I was shocked for a long time! ".

Han Zhu looked at the cyan woman who was instantly possessed by drama, and it seemed that she was also a veteran in the world of cultivating immortals! It is the most basic common sense not to offend seniors in the world of cultivating immortals.

As long as you have been in the world of cultivating immortals for a while, you will understand. For those who don't understand, the grass on the grave is already half a meter high.

Hearing it was as sweet as a yellow oriole, Han Li could only show a helpless expression, and glanced at the second brother next to him, only to see that he was still swearing that he would not give up on himself, and hung up high. I look like a little monk, and I can barely squeeze out a stiff smile.

"Yes! I brought my second brother over to see the world. The two girls looked at Han Zhu in surprise. The cyan girl couldn't help asking: "Is he your second brother?" Why is the cultivation base so low?" She really wanted to add, are you sure it was born by a mother? But she didn't dare to say it.

Han Zhu also glanced at Han Li speechlessly, "This kid is taking revenge on me! Seeing how to teach him a lesson, it seems that we will have to discuss with him again. Breaking through to the peak of the foundation-building period, it seems a bit drifting."

"Young man! It seems that the beating from the second elder brother is not enough!" Han Li looked at the faint smile of the second elder brother, and he had an extra witty beating all over his body, secretly regretting it. I shouldn't have said one more sentence just for the sake of momentary enjoyment.

Now he can only hold on to the end, at most he will be beaten again, anyway, he is used to it.

The two girls saw that this monk in the late stage of the Qi refining stage was actually the second brother of the pinnacle of the Foundation Establishment stage, and nodded to Han Zhu with a smile.

Han Zhu quickly made an expression that a low-level monk should have. Han Li looked at his second brother's expression, and really wanted to say loudly: "He's all pretending, he's already killed several people in Jindan Qi", but unfortunately, he only dared to think about it in his heart.

At this moment, three more male monks chased after him. Han Zhu cast a glance at the three monks. Two of them were in the early stage of the foundation establishment period, and one was in the middle stage of the foundation establishment period. He lost interest in an instant.

Putting his gaze back on the cyan girl, he looked him up and down. The girl named Yanli was charming and gorgeous, and her dress was extremely bold.

I saw her simple clothes, not only showing her pink arms and smooth calves, but she didn't wear any shoes or socks at all. Her snow-white thighs were particularly eye-catching.

On the girl's bright wrists and foreheads, there are three delicate and shining gold rings, one big, two small, adding a different kind of hot style to them.

The three men looked much more ordinary, and one of them even had pockmarks all over his face, making him look a bit ugly. It's like a remake of Beauty and the Beast.

Seeing that the misunderstanding between the two girls had been cleared up, Han Li regained his aloof image, "Since the misunderstanding has been cleared up, I won't bother you any more."