Six Company Hall

The cyan girl quickly said: "Little girl Yanli, this is my good friend Yuan Yao, we are casual cultivators from a nearby island. I heard that a batch of rare materials from other big islands came to Tiandu Street today, so I met these three halfway Fellow Daoists, we came here to have a look together! In fact, we are not familiar with the three of them."

"Damn it! It looks like these two girls are planning to wrap Han Li's thigh!" The other three immediately showed embarrassing roles, and looked at Han Li's aura at the peak of the foundation establishment period.

Hastily clasped fists at Han Li and disappeared into the crowd in an instant. Looking at Han Li's cold eyes and murderous look, he was definitely not someone to be provoked.

Seeing that the three monks left in an instant, the two girls let go of their mouths. After all, they are stalkers who want to follow them.

The smile on the beautiful girl's face became even more intense. He even winked at Han Li, Han Zhu looked at the ordinary-looking Han Li speechlessly, and complained frantically in his heart: "With his good looks, he can actually attract my younger sister. It really is the halo of the protagonist, which makes no sense at all." Word".

Han Zhu looked at another mature girl carefully. She looks even more beautiful and amazing. Not only is her skin as soft as snow, she can be broken by blowing bullets, but also under the tight clothing, her graceful figure is fully displayed, making men swallow secretly when they see it. It is really a disaster for the country and the people .

This woman didn't look at Han Li, she was staring at "Han Zhu" non-stop with her bright beautiful eyes, and there was still a flash of divine light in her eyes. I've been watching it for a long time, but unfortunately, I didn't see anything famous.

However, a woman's sixth sense told her that this person must not be simple. She didn't pay attention at first, but she saw that cultivator at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage looking at Han Zhu with awe several times.

Han Li seemed to have noticed this too, and frowned secretly. He glanced at the second brother calmly, seeing that he was still indifferent, so he was relieved.

Han Li just wanted to reject the two girls again, when the second elder brother's indifferent voice came in his mind: "There are many friends and many ways, so I can just ask them about the situation of the shops here. After all, they are local monks. Understand".

Han Li said with a normal expression: "I made the two fairies laugh! I'm Han Li, this is my second brother Han Zhu, but the spiritual root is relatively weak, so the cultivation level is a little lower."

"Actually, it's my second time to come to "Kuixing City". Last time, I had a little misunderstanding with the two girls. I don't know much about this place. If the two fairies don't suggest it, can you introduce it to us?".

The lively girl called Yanli said quickly: "Of course there is no problem, we are so wishing for it! We really want to make friends with someone as advanced as senior."

"Sister Yuanyao and I can introduce you to the big and small shops in Tiandu. You know, although we are not from Kuixing Island, we have been to Tiandu Street many times. We know everything here like the back of our hands."

Hearing Han Li's sudden change of words, Yanli said with a smile. Even the mature girl next to her smiled and said, "Yes! If Senior Han doesn't dislike me, the two of my sisters can serve as guides for seniors to go down Tiandu Street, so that seniors can spend less time buying satisfactory products." thing".

Han Li just nodded indifferently. Seeing this, the two daughters both showed joy. After all, a peak cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage, within tens of thousands of miles of "Kuixing Island", is also a small master.

The two girls hurriedly took Han Zhu and the others to stroll along this street. At first glance, the street here is no different from the mortal shops outside, and rows of square houses of similar size are lined up on both sides of the street.

The plaques and banners hanging outside the shops are respectively written with various names such as Wu Family Grocery Store, Chen Ji Dharma Utensil Shop, Five Elements Refining Artifact Shop, Huo Yang Raw Materials...etc.

The two girls did not take them into these small shops. After all, how could a monk at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage go to such a small place.

The two took Han Zhu and the others straight to the center of Tiandu Street. Because according to their past experience, monks who are at the peak of the foundation building period like this will go to those powerful big shops.

Soon the four of them came to a small square several acres in size. This square is covered with long strips of pure white jade, which looks extremely exquisite and gorgeous. In the middle of the square, there is nothing but Yunmeng Pavilion floating in mid-air, but at this moment, the gate of the castle in the sky is closed, and there is no intention of entertaining guests.

And around this small square, there are six small palaces with different styles. The distances between the various halls and pavilions are equal, and there is a faint confrontation between them.

Except for these six shops, no other shops dare to set foot in this square. Seeing this situation, Han Zhu stared carefully at the castle in the air for a while, and then his eyes fell on the six palaces on the ground.

The girl next to him hurriedly introduced them: "Senior Han, here are the six shops of "Shanhai Pavilion, Baishuilou, Yuhuanju... in Kuixing City". Except for the one in the sky, these six shops are the strongest."

Han Zhu kept looking at the situation of the nearby monks entering and leaving the six shops. I want to choose one of the most popular palaces to enter. But after a while, Han Zhu frowned, and couldn't help swearing a few words inwardly.

It turned out that the number of people entering and exiting the small halls of these six families was almost the same, and most of them left reluctantly or excitedly after going around the halls of the six families one by one.

Han Li also showed the same expression as him. Seeing this, the two girls smiled and explained, "Senior Han, the strength of these six families is actually similar, and it doesn't matter which one you belong to."

The girl continued to introduce: "Senior Han, look at the flags and banners of the six palaces and pavilions. The logo embroidered on them is what they mainly sell."

Han Zhu and Han Li once again set their sights on the banners of the Shanhai Pavilion. Just now, they only paid attention to the monks who seemed to be coming and going, and noticed these details. After being reminded by the girl, the problem was soon discovered.

I saw a blue monster embroidered on the flag of Shanhaige, a small golden sword in Baishuilou, and a blue Ganoderma lucidum in Yuhuanju... The two of them immediately turned pale when they saw this.

The two looked at each other, and they still needed a guide. Seeing that Han Li's second brother looked indifferent, it seemed that everything was up to him.

After Han Li thought for a while, he still walked towards Baishuilou, which was the closest to him. The others quickly followed behind him without saying anything.

Once you enter the hall of Baishui Building, the inside is not small, about twenty or thirty feet long and wide.

There are rows of shelves made of withered white jade all around, on which there are nearly a hundred gleaming instruments of various colors, but Han Li swept them away at a glance. He knew that the best of these things were just high-level magic weapons, and they couldn't get into his eyes at all.

And in front of each shelf, there are four or five neatly dressed guys in Tsing Yi, calling seven or eight monks to select and recommend some of the magic weapons.

As soon as Han Zhu and the others came in, a sharp-eyed fellow in Tsing Yi saw Han Li's cultivation at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage at a glance. After all, he didn't hide it at all.

As an old bird, he knew that the higher his cultivation level was, the higher his cultivation level would be. The more respectful others are to him, they dare not cheat him casually. The guy in Tsing Yi's eyes lit up, and he hurried over. Give Han Li a deep gift first.

He also bowed to the two girls behind him. As for Han Zhu, who was only in the Qi training period, he was ignored, and asked Han Li cleverly: "Senior, what magic weapon do you want, or don't you?" s things?".

Han Li said coldly: "Lead the way ahead, take out the best magic weapon you have here!".

Hearing Han Li speak so condescendingly, the guy was even happier. With a smile on his face, he invited Han Li and the others to the side hall on the side of the main hall, and then he left to invite the shopkeeper.

But as soon as he left, a beautiful maid came in and served a few cups of fragrant tea to Han Li and the others, who then retreated out silently.

The two girls glanced at Han Li, then picked up the teacups and slowly sipped them. Not a while later, a middle-aged man with a strange appearance and three long beards walked in.

This person had a smiling expression when he first came in, but after seeing Han Li's cultivation level, he couldn't help being surprised, and immediately hugged Han Li with both hands and said: "I didn't expect that fellow Taoist has reached the realm of fake alchemy. It's really gratifying and congratulatory!" ah!".

"Cao Lu, the treasurer here, I wish you fellow Taoists can achieve the golden alchemy as soon as possible!" When he said these words, his expression was solemn and solemn, which made Han Li startled! But with his mind turning very fast, he immediately understood that the fake alchemy state mentioned by the other party should refer to the peak of the foundation building period.

Han Li got up and said smoothly: "Fellow Daoist, you are joking, how can it be so easy to achieve the golden core? But the next time I come here, I really want to prepare for the sprint to form the core.

But when Han first came to Tiandu Street, he really didn't know where to buy the "Xue Lingshui" and "Tianhuoye" needed for forming alchemy. I hope that fellow Daoist Cao can give some pointers! ".

Han Li said it very politely, because the strange-looking middle-aged man in front of him was also a late-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator.

"Hehe, this matter is easy to talk about! Our Liulian Temple is in the same body, so I will contact the Taoist friend Ouyang from "Yuhuanju". If you have these things, let him send it to you immediately. ".

The shopkeeper Cao agreed without hesitation, took out a sound transmission talisman without hesitation, said a few words in a low voice, turned it into a red light and left the room.

Next, the shopkeeper Cao chatted with Han Li in an unusually enthusiastic manner, casually wanting to inquire about Han Li's background and teacher.

I don't know how many thought lessons Han Li has been taught by his second brother, how could he find out any news. They said a lot of nonsense, but the main thing is that they came from other sea areas.

I feel that "Kuixing Island" has beautiful scenery, so I temporarily lived here. As for the two girls beside them, they just met each other.

After hearing this, the storekeeper Cao's smile became more and more charming, and Han Li felt that he couldn't bear the enthusiasm.

Just when Han Li was secretly suspicious, wondering what the other party's intentions were, Han Zhu could tell at a glance that the treasurer Cao was trying to win over Han Li, a master.

At this moment, a big man with a beard in a pale blue robe walked into the hall. This person has a purple complexion, a tall and burly figure, and is extremely mighty!