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Han Zhu looked at the two happy people, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go back! Your fourth brother is about to form an alchemy."

Han Xingyue's eyes showed excitement, and she hurriedly asked Han Li excitedly, "Is it true? Fourth brother."

Han Li's face was also full of joy, and he nodded affirmatively. The little girl quickly cheered, "Then our family will have a strong person in the Golden Core stage in the future, so that we won't be afraid of being bullied by others."

Han Li looked at his second brother speechlessly, "Our family has never been afraid of the golden core period, okay?" In the end, he still didn't dare to say it, he was afraid that he would be beaten up again by his second brother.

Han Zhu came to the town again, patted Heigui on the shoulder standing at the front, "Young man, I value you very much, keep working hard. I believe tomorrow will be even better."

Hei Gui stood there with an excited face, and a young man who was about his age next to him said: "Father Xianshi has left!".

Most people in the town knelt on the ground, watching the disappearance of the three immortal masters, with expressions of admiration in their eyes, especially when they looked up at the face of the mayor next to him, the admiration on his face was even stronger.

As soon as Han Li and the others returned to the cave, Han Li hurriedly told the two that he planned to retreat. Han Zhu nodded with a smile and said, "Xiao Li! You can go with peace of mind! You must believe that you can succeed."

Han Li nodded firmly, "Don't worry! Second Brother and Younger Sister, I will definitely form a golden core, and I will bear the burden of the family from now on!".

Looking at Han Li who was about to leave the door, Han Zhu reminded again worriedly: "Xiao Li! Remember to take care of your bugs."

"Ah..." Han Li's whole body froze, and he suspected that he had heard it wrong. "Shouldn't the most concerned thing now be my alchemy? Is my alchemy not as important as a group of bugs."

Han Li turned his head and squeezed out an ugly smile. In the end, I could only say: "Don't worry! Second brother, I will take good care of my acupoints, as if I were my own son."

Only then did Han Zhu nodded in satisfaction, and gave him a look that favored you. Han Li's heart was about to collapse. Could this be his own brother?

The little girl was on the sidelines and encouraged him all the time, so Han Li felt a little comfort in his heart. At least he had a little sister who cared about him the most, and he really didn't love her in vain.

Han Li's cave formation slowly closed and entered the highest defense state. These are all required by Han Zhu, and this is also the basic operation of a monk.

Han Xingyue looked at her second brother worriedly, while Han Zhu looked at her younger sister's worried eyes, smiled at her and said, "As far as your fourth brother is so strong, you should worry more about yourself!".

Han Zhu glanced at the little girl's cultivation, and it turned out that she was about to reach the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage. He took out a few bottles of pills from the storage ring and said, "Here are two "Jiejin Dan and Jiangchen Pill".

Glancing at the excited little girl, he continued: "As for the "Xue Lingshui" and "Tianhuoye", if your fourth brother has no alchemy left this time, we will go buy some when you form the alchemy. Very cheap".

The little girl nodded excitedly at first, and then asked suspiciously: "Second brother, didn't you say that there is only "Jianchen Pill"? Where did this golden pill come from?"

Han Xingyue looked at her second brother suspiciously, and Han Zhu blushed suddenly, smiled and said, "I found you another sister-in-law."

"Ah..." The little girl also had a confused expression on her face, and it took a long time to react and said, "What about Sister Xuan'er?".

Han Zhu smiled awkwardly and said, "No way! Your second brother is so charming, she wants to follow me life and death, if I don't agree, she might not think about it."

"In the end, I had no other choice, so I agreed. After all, it is a life!". Seeing the second brother's explanation that his face was not even a little red, Han Xingyue could only roll his eyes helplessly.

"Is their family rich, and is she beautiful?" The word "beautiful" is particularly important.

Han Zhu looked at the little girl's sharp eyes, and explained with a guilty conscience: "I didn't fancy her beauty, but her sincere heart moved me."

The little girl had an expression that I believe you are a ghost, but she remembered clearly about the matter between the second brother and sister Xuan'er, if it wasn't for the beauty of sister Xuan'er, the second brother would definitely refuse.

Han Zhu looked at the little girl's disbelieving eyes, even if he was sharp-toothed, he couldn't explain it. I can only helplessly shake my shoulders and say: "It's really pretty."

Only then did the little girl nod in satisfaction, and asked the question again: "Is their family rich? The high-grade medicine "Jie Jin Dan" is free to give away."

Han Zhu nodded and said: "She is the young master of Tianxing Palace, one of the two superpowers in Luan Xinghai. Do you think their family has money?"

The little girl suddenly opened her mouth, and after a long time, staring at her eyes, she said: "Didn't sister-in-law come back with you?".

Han Zhu looked at the little stars in her eyes and guessed what she was thinking. He rolled his eyes at the little girl who was a money fan and said, "She still has her own affairs, and when your fourth brother succeeds in forming the alchemy, we will go find her."

The little girl nodded excitedly, and did not forget to say: "Sister Xuan'er is the big one, and I have to stick to my position on this point."

Han Zhu couldn't help her face and said: "I know!".

The little girl said worriedly again: "It's been more than twenty years, why hasn't Sister Xuan'er come to look for her!".

Han Zhu also had a little worry in his heart, although in the original plot, she lived beyond the Golden Core Stage. "But Tiannan is in such a mess now, will something happen?"

With a firmer thought in Han Zhu's heart, he said to the little girl, "Don't worry! If she doesn't come to me in a few years, I plan to go to Tiannan."

Looking at the firm eyes of the second brother, the little girl could only suppress the worries in her heart. "At that time, the fourth brother should have successfully formed the alchemy!".

If Han Li knew what the little girl was thinking, he would definitely roll his eyes at her and say, "You think too much! Little sister, even if I become a Nascent Soul, I may not be able to beat the second brother."

Han Li excitedly returned to the cave, and carefully released the two "Blood Jade Spider" spiders from the leather pouch that held the spirit beasts.

I looked at them with satisfaction. After these years of training, the two white spiders have grown to the size of their heads, and they have also risen two levels in a row, reaching the level of the first level.

There is no problem dealing with ordinary monks in the Qi refining period. They are also the spirit insects that Han Li is most optimistic about. As for the other spirit insects, he simply glanced at them and didn't pay much attention to them.

As for what the second brother said to him specifically, he just listened casually. He believed that the second brother just wanted him to ease his mood, so he deliberately made a joke.

When Han Li arrived in his retreat room, he closed his eyes quietly and meditated for several days. After adjusting his whole body to the best condition, he took out the small bottle containing the Heaven Fire Liquid.

He raised his head and carefully poured a few drops into his mouth, then hurriedly put the bottle away, closed his eyes and waited for the medicine to take effect.

Originally, he only had a 50% chance of forming a Golden Core. But the two "Golden Formation Pills" given to him by the second brother, now he has at least an 80% chance.

A smile appeared on the corner of Han Li's mouth, it's great to have a good second brother! Not long after, the meridians in Han Li's body began to scald, and the magic power in his body flowed rapidly along the meridians like boiling water.

He didn't worry too much, these are common phenomena. He took some auxiliary pills from the side, poured them into his mouth without thinking, and began to practice the Qingyuan Sword Art calmly to hit the bottleneck.

He has already cultivated to the seventh level of sword arts, as long as he breaks through the eighth level, that is the day when he succeeds in forming alchemy.

Then he also took the "Heaven Fire Liquid" and other auxiliary elixir. Time passed day by day! Spring goes to winter... one day four years later.

Han Zhu, who was studying various formations, suddenly stood up, with a smile on his lips, and looked towards Han Li's cave.

At the same time, he activated the entire "Little Huan Island" island protection formation, a faint mist quickly spread in all directions, and soon covered the entire "Little Huan Island" with a radius of tens of miles.

Han Xingyue hurriedly ran out of her cave, watching the changes in the aura of the wind in the whole world, she happily asked: "Did the fourth brother succeed in forming the alchemy?"

Han Zhu hugged the little girl's excited face, smiled and nodded. The little girl laughed and danced quickly, Han Zhu could only shake his head helplessly with her happy look.

After all, this is a good start. When Han Li becomes the leader of the Jindan stage, their old Han family can be regarded as a high-level monk.

The townspeople in "Little Huan Island" are all living their lives leisurely, when suddenly the originally cloudless blue sky suddenly changed! A large mass of dark clouds enveloped the sky above Tiandi Peak at some unknown time.

Silver lightning, deafening thunder, dancing like mad snakes. But everyone has become accustomed to it, even if the sword falls from the sky now, they will not be surprised.

At the same time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in all directions began to whirl and sing with the Tiandi Peak as the center, forming a huge vortex with a diameter of several kilometers under the black clouds.

Fortunately, all of this was covered by a big earthquake, otherwise it would be sensed by monks with a radius of hundreds of miles. The spiritual energy of Tiandi Peak is very sufficient, so there is no great abnormality in the world.

At this time, Han Zhu and Han Xingyue both retreated outside Tiandi Peak, after all, Jie Jindan should not be disturbed in any way. This astonishing scene of heaven and earth continues continuously.

Three days later, the aura vortex on Tiandi Peak finally stopped absorbing aura. With a huge long laugh, it suddenly occurred to him that a powerful aura spread from Tiandi Peak, completely disintegrating the black clouds in the sky in an instant.

At the moment when the black clouds were scattered, the five-color glow was faintly reflected, which looked extremely beautiful. Then, the clouds cleared, the fog cleared, the thunder and lightning disappeared, everything returned to normal, and it was still a beautiful and sunny day.

"Hahaha..." A louder and louder crazily laughter resounded through the entire "Little Huan Island". island".

"It's almost enough." Suddenly, the laughter seemed to be stuck, and disappeared in an instant. Han Li came to Han Zhu and Han Xingyue's side in a flash, and the smile on his face could not be concealed.