Han Li Full of Confidence

Han Zhu looked at Han Li, who was wearing nothing to hide his aura, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "It's not easy! They have been in this world of cultivating immortals for almost a hundred years, and they have finally made a name for themselves."

Han Li looked at Han Zhu excitedly and said, "Second brother, I feel that I am full of strength now, and I can at least beat a hundred of my former self."

Then he said tactfully: "Second brother! I feel that I don't have enough control over my power, why don't you help me adapt to the sudden surge of power."

Han Zhu looked at the excited Han Li and shook his head helplessly. "It's exactly the same as when he transformed for the first time. He suddenly gained great power and felt that he was invincible."

"It seems that there is still a lack of social beatings!" Han Zhu nodded with a smile, and Han Li flew directly to the outside of the island excitedly. Han Zhu smiled faintly, stepped lightly on the sky, and disappeared here in an instant.

Han Xingyue looked at the two missing brothers, and she was used to it. Shaking his head helplessly, he went back to tidy up the cave. After all, when the fourth brother formed the alchemy, the powerful force destroyed part of the entire cave.

Han Li came to about a hundred miles away from "Little Huan Island". There was a remote island about ten miles away. They used to compete here often.

Han Li looked behind and saw that his second brother hadn't followed. He was wondering if he broke through the golden core too fast, and the second brother couldn't keep up.

Just when he was about to wait a little longer, the space around him suddenly started to fluctuate, scaring him to jump back quickly.

This is not a joke, if he is transferred in by the turbulent flow of space, even he at the golden core stage will be wiped out instantly. When he looked puzzled, a space crack suddenly appeared there.

A familiar figure stepped out from inside, and Han Li looked at his second brother with a look of surprise. He couldn't help but wiped his eyes, the crack in the space behind him healed instantly as Han Zhu came out.

He, who was originally full of strength, suddenly felt unsatisfactory. Now he dares to be 100% sure that even if he has reached the early stage of Jindan, he is not the opponent of the second brother.

When you are still playing with speed, others are already playing with space. This is not at the same level at all. I originally wanted to take advantage of my second brother's failure to reach the peak of the foundation period, so that I could avenge my previous revenge.

It seems impossible now, Han Li said weakly: "Second brother, I feel that I can control the power, let's try again next time."

Han Zhu showed a smile that was not a smile, and Han Li wailed in his heart. His face became serious in an instant, and he thought to himself: "Even if I can't beat the second brother now, there should be no problem in protecting myself! What if the second brother is just a strong outsider...".

Thinking of this, Han Li immediately regained his confidence. Looking at Han Zhu, he said, "Second brother, you can think clearly, I won't show mercy."

Han Li stared at Han Zhu intently, he wanted to overwhelm the second brother in terms of momentum, anyway, he is also a strong golden core now. It's a pity that even if he exploded with all his momentum, he pressed down on the second brother fiercely.

Han Zhu still had the same face with a faint smile, just stretched out a finger and ticked him.

Han Li also released two big fireballs without hesitation, and then quickly took out his top-quality flying sword, which reached more than eighty feet in an instant, and quickly killed Han Zhu. He didn't mean to show mercy .

After all, having suffered so many losses before, he knew that no matter how he attacked, he might not be able to break through the second brother's defense.

The only thing that made him hesitate was that the second brother didn't use the defensive cover this time. Fei Jian came to Han Zhu at a very fast speed. Han Li looked at Han Zhu anxiously. The second brother hadn't opened the protective cover yet, but just looked at him with a faint smile.

Just when he wanted to control the flying sword to stop, a space crack suddenly appeared in front of his flying sword, and his flying sword was swallowed by the space crack after swiping, and his spiritual consciousness was cut off from Fei Jian in an instant .

Just when he was dazed and at a loss. He felt an extremely powerful wave of power behind him, he quickly dodged and cast several defensive spells on himself.

Quickly looking at the sense of danger, his mouth suddenly opened into an O shape. "This..." Han Li looked at his flying sword in surprise, it actually appeared behind him out of thin air, and even attacked him.

Han Li quickly controlled Feijian with his spiritual sense, and just as he breathed a sigh of relief, a sense of crisis suddenly appeared behind him, before he could react.

His shields were broken layer by layer, and with a bang, a fist as big as a casserole hit him hard in the face, and Han Li felt that he had hit a floor. Even Jin Danqi's body was instantly sent flying.

The scene that followed was a bit horrible, every fist was like rain, greeting his face continuously.

Soon he was beaten into a pig's head, Han Zhu shook his fist lightly, and yelled: "Shuang..."

Han Li looked at his second brother with a look of lovelessness, he only felt that his road ahead was dark. Until now, he still couldn't believe that the second brother didn't use any spells, and only relied on his physical strength to defeat him at the early stage of Golden Core.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, and he looked at the bewildered Han Li. He was also very happy in his heart. Now he could easily defeat Han Li with his physical strength.

Han Zhu glanced at his attribute panel:

Name: Han Zhu

Realm: foundation building period [late stage]

Spirit Root: Fire, Wood and Earth

Cultivation method: "Xiao Wuzang Yuan Yuan Gong" "Second layer high-level 2% [upper five layers in total] "Star body training formula" The number of star points is 4 [Every increase of 1 star body strengthening speed +1]" 100% of the fourth floor of "Da Yanjue" [Fourth floor of the remaining version] 8% of the third pass of "Three-turn Chongyuan Gong" [three turns in total]

Spells: "Elementary spells are hidden" [Middle-level spells: "Elementary Fire Snake Art 100%", "Elementary Stealth Art 100%", "Intermediate Sword Art 100%", "Advanced Returning Spirit Armor 100%"]

Sub-occupation: Hidden Branch 1: Array Master "Spirit Gathering Array 100%", "Five Elements Upside Down Array 100%", "Stone Falling Array 100%", "Four Elephant Array 100%", "Heavenly Wind Fierce Array 100%", "Phantom Walking Sky" Luo Formation 100%", "Beidou Liangyi Formation 100%", Qiankun Eight Diagrams Formation 100%", "Wuyuan Renewing Life Formation 100%", "Ancient Teleportation Formation 100%", "Small Teleportation Formation 100%" Low-level formations have been hidden

The first hang-up position: "Xiao Wuzang Forging Yuan Gong" 2% high level on the second floor [add 1% for each cycle]

The second hang-up position: "Star Body Training Art" astrology point 4/0% [1% increase for each big cycle]

The third hang-up position: 8% on the third floor of "Three-turn Heavy Yuan Gong" [1% increase for each small cycle]

Available slots: 0 [You can hang up any skills and spells throughout the day, without any bottleneck]

Han Zhu looked at the two biggest changes in his attributes. The first one was that his "Star Body Training Art" just reached the four star points yesterday, which is why he was able to beat Han Li fiercely with his body.

Now even if he doesn't use the Star Battle Body, he can easily defeat the early stage of the Jindan stage. As for the middle stage, I don't know, after all, he hasn't tried it.

According to his own budget, if he uses a star combat body, he should be able to use the same skills as the Nascent Soul Stage. This is also his own guess. Without experiments, there is no right to speak.

The second biggest change is that he himself created a "Small Teleportation Formation", which is an escape formation. Of course, it is also very powerful for chasing the enemy. With this formation, even in the hands of Yuan Yingqi, he can escape .

no way! As a Gou Dao monk, life-saving is the most important thing. Han Li was running the exercises with all his strength, and the pig's head on his face gradually disappeared, and soon his ordinary face was restored.

"Second brother hits people in the future, can you stop slapping your face?" Han Zhu rolled his eyes at him and said, "I'm afraid I'll hit you somewhere else, so I'll beat you to death."

Han Li looked at Han Zhu speechlessly, "Is this my own brother? It doesn't matter if you are ruthless. Every time you say hello to your own face, luckily he has reached the golden core stage now and is recovering." very fast".

Han Zhu looked at Han Li who quickly returned to his original appearance, and shook his head in disappointment. It seems that it can't be the same as before. You must know that it will take several days to get rid of Han Li's duel with Han Li.

This is the power of the golden core period, "Swallowing a golden core into the stomach, my life is up to me." This sentence is not just words.

Not to mention anything else, Han Li can live at least five or six hundred years now, which is ten lifetimes for a mortal. Looking at Han Li who had fully recovered, he could only helplessly shake his head.

Han Li hurriedly licked his face and asked, "Second brother, what did you use just now? Why did you cut off my connection with Feijian in an instant, and it actually attacked me?"

Han Zhu glanced at Han Li who was looking eagerly, and said lightly: "This is a new usage of formations that I have researched in the past few years. It is not very strong at present. At most, it can only devour top-grade magic weapons, but it cannot be devoured yet. magic weapon".

Han Li looked at the second brother who was getting more and more perverted, and he felt his heart was very tired. The excitement of breaking through to the golden core stage was instantly icy cold.

Now he doubts very much whether their brothers were born by the same mother. No matter how talented a person is, it is impossible for a genius to reach this level! He felt that it might not be a good thing for him to have such an awesome second brother.

"Now he feels very bad in his heart. He has been trying to catch up with the second brother. Unfortunately, the second brother is like a very tall mountain, and the top of the mountain is covered by layers of fog."

"Whenever he passed through a layer of fog, he thought he had caught up with the second brother, but there was still a layer of fog above. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't climb to the top of the mountain."

Han Zhu could clearly feel that Han Li's state of mind was fluctuating violently. He didn't show any signs of worry, this was what he did on purpose, in order to sharpen Han Li's mood.

After a long time, Han Li still woke up from that state, and his face began to recover calm. Looking at his second brother who was looking at him with a faint smile, he also smiled, "Thank you, second brother."

Han Zhu patted him on the shoulder lightly and said: "You have to work harder on this aspect. I also know that it is normal to lose yourself when you suddenly get powerful power. You can control yourself every time, after all, I may not be by your side every time."

Han Li nodded firmly and said, "I know about Second Brother! I will pay more attention to this aspect in the future."

Han Zhu just smiled and nodded. After all, he suffered a big loss in the blood refinement realm last time. He has sharpened his state of mind now, even if he gains a power that is a hundred times stronger than himself, he can still control it now.