The Collision Between Girls and Girls

If Han Zhu were here, he would definitely be speechless to find out that this is Lu Er who led them the way yesterday, and it really is a chance to meet them! .

The thin man said with a smile all over his face: "Hehe! This is the first time I saw two fairies in Xia Lu Er."

Dong Xuan'er, who was already anxious, turned a little ugly after hearing this. After all, he was in a hurry to find Brother Han! You must know that she has been with her demon father for a while, and she has a bad temper.

As an old and cunning Lu Er, he could see the impatience of this fairy at a glance. Hastily made another big gift and said: "It's the first time for the two fairies to come to Tianxing City, right? They must be very unfamiliar with the roads and conditions of this city, but the young one is a native of this city, so he knows this city like the palm of his hand."

"If the two fairies are going somewhere or doing something, if there is a little help to guide the way, it will definitely save a lot of trouble. And as long as the fairy gives the boy one or two spirit stones."

As the old driver, Fairy Hongfu patted her daughter's shoulder lightly. He asked Lu Er: "If we want to find someone, can we?".

Dong Xuan'er's eyes also brightened, she was too anxious just now and didn't think about it. When Lu Er heard this question, he had a troubled look on his face. He had never taken this kind of work before.

Dong Xuan'er saw the embarrassed expression on his face, and hurriedly said: "If you can help us, I can give you a hundred spirit stones."

Lu Er, who was originally hesitating whether to take the job, felt a little dizzy when he heard that he was given a hundred spirit stones.

His head was already lighting up like a rattle. He felt that his luck had been very good recently. The three immortal masters who helped yesterday gave him twenty spirit stones, and today it was even more exaggerated.

Lu Er hurriedly inquired about the person the two fairies were looking for. He planned to take out fifty spirit stones by himself to get rid of their family's relationship. It happened that he had a relative who worked in the rental office of the cave, otherwise he wouldn't dare to guarantee it.

Dong Xuan'er hurriedly described the general appearance of Han Zhu, Han Li and Han Xingyue.

As the beautiful fairy talked more and more, Lu Er's face became more and more ancient. Xiangu Hongfu, who had been standing by the side without saying a word, saw something at a glance, and suddenly said, "Have you seen them?".

Dong Xuan'er was stunned by his mother's words, Lu Er's face changed for a while, but in the end he still didn't say anything blackmailing. He bent his waist even lower.

Respectfully said: "I am dissatisfied with the two fairies, I just received three fairy masters yesterday, and it is exactly the same as what this beautiful fairy said."

Although Dong Xuan'er and the others all wore veils, they were definitely not beautiful, after all, few immortal cultivators were ugly. Dong Xuan'er showed a look of surprise and asked: "Did you really receive Brother Han and the others yesterday?".

Lu Er felt that his life had been turned upside down, and he asked with a confident smile on his face, "Are those immortal masters surnamed Han?"

Dong Xuan'er nodded excitedly, and even the old driver Hong Fu Xiangu, who was next to her, had a smile on her lips. Although they didn't dare to confront Han Zhu and the others last time, they were lucky this time.

Their luck was not so good either, they were sent from Tiannan to find the message Han Zhu had left for them in that cave. The two rushed to "Little Huan Island" non-stop, but unfortunately they were still a step too late.

Han Zhu and the others had set off for Skystar City half a month ago, and the two of them had no choice but to keep chasing after them. Fortunately, Han Zhu and the others traveled all the way and swam over, otherwise they would have arrived long ago.

Dong Xuan'er quickly asked in surprise: "Then do you know where Brother Han and the others live?".

Lu Er hesitated for a moment, and as an old driver, Xiangu Hongfu immediately understood what he meant. She touched her storage ring, and a hundred spirit stones appeared in midair.

Greed suddenly appeared in Lu Er's eyes. As an old bird, he didn't come to get it right away, and quickly bowed respectfully to Fairy Hongfu and said, "Thank you fairy, those three Han immortal masters live on the thirty-ninth floor and three hundred and eighth floor." Cave House No. 16".

Fairy Hongfu asked him about things like the cave, and finally nodded to him. Lu Er hurriedly grabbed the one hundred spirit stones into his arms, bowed to the two beautiful fairies, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Dong Xuan'er blushed and said, "Mother! Let's go find Brother Han quickly."

Fairy Hongfu smiled and shook her head, set up a shield light and flew to the thirty-ninth floor. Ling Yuling also flew to the thirty-ninth floor with an excited face.

Han Zhu and Han Li are inlaying these beautiful jades in a secret room with a size of more than ten feet, not leaving an inch.

After turning the stone wall of the secret room into jade. Han Licai carefully put those gold-eating bugs into it. Both of them looked at those gold-eating bugs excitedly, and smiled happily.

Although "gold devouring insects" are at the top of the list of strange insects, according to what the Yuling Jian said, their individual abilities are very limited, and they rely entirely on their large numbers to win.

If there are only a dozen or dozens of them, they will not be of much use even when they become adults. Only when the number reaches hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands, is it truly worthy of its ranking on the Strange Bug List.

Han Zhu and Han Li felt a little shivering when they thought of the countless insects flying and attacking in the air, and they couldn't kill them all.

So what we need to do now is to ripen these gold-eating insects as soon as possible, and then let them give birth to offspring as soon as possible, so that the number can roll up. But it's easier said than done! Gold-eating insects, as strange insects that existed in ancient times, have long been extinct in the world of cultivating immortals in Tiannan.

The specific method of feeding and breeding has also been lost for an unknown number of generations. The worm-raising jade slip written by the monk of Yulingzong only sorted out some habits of the worm based on some ancient books, and there was no detailed training method at all.

These hard work can only be left to Han Li to do. In fact, not only the twelfth-ranked "gold-eating worms", but almost all the strange worms in the top 30 are insect-type monsters that have been extinct in the world of cultivating immortals for many years.

The monk of Yulingzong was originally an insect idiot. After collecting various ancient materials for analysis, he ranked these ancient insects into the list of strange insects.

Whether the ranking at the top of the Strange Bug List is reliable or not, only God knows! Han Li was able to get these gold-eating bugs that should be extinct, it can only be said that the protagonist's aura is too strong.

Because these gold-eating insects, which are still larvae, have been in a long sleep of suspended animation in the depths of Xiaohuan Island since ancient times for unknown reasons.

It stands to reason that even if landslides and landslides, rivers and seas are turned upside down, these strange insects will not wake up easily. But Han Li gathered many other strange insects together to feed them in the cave on Xiaohuan Island.

As a result, the smell of these bugs slowly spread to the ground, and miraculously woke up the gold-eating bugs out of eating instincts. They should have launched a feeding attack long ago.

Han Zhu glanced at Han Li who was looking excited. He could only sigh helplessly in his heart, it was impossible for him to touch the protagonist's shit luck.

In fact, with his current formation skills, these foreign objects are not of great help to him. It's just that the gold-eating worms are still very powerful in the later stage. Judging from the current situation, these gold-eating worms are only enough for Han Li alone.

Han Zhu patted Han Li on the shoulder and said: "Little Li! These little guys are still good, you should train them well!".

Han Li quickly patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, second brother! I will definitely train you well, and I will divide you up when I have cultivated a group in the future."

Han Zhu also just nodded with a smile and said: "Ling'er should be here soon, I'll wait for her outside."

Han Zhu came to the living room with big strides. The little girl had already tidied up her own cave and was cleaning the hall. In fact, there is nothing to clean up, she can only cast a few spells at most.

Just as Han Zhu was about to say something, his face suddenly changed. That face that was as stable as an old dog suddenly became more exciting.

The little girl looked at the second brother suspiciously, she felt that the change in the second brother's face this time was different from before. She was about to ask, but was interrupted by Han Zhu's words.

"Xingyue, go and invite your sisters Xuan'er and Linger, as well as Uncle Hongfu, to come in."

Han Xingyue was stunned for a moment, but when she realized it, she quickly shouted in surprise, "Sister Xuan'er has come to look for us."

Then he quickly ran to the entrance of the cave, and Han Zhu, who was worried, could only smile helplessly, and hurriedly followed out.

In front of No. 386 cave on the thirty-ninth floor, two beautiful women, Xiu Xiu, stared at each other with wide eyes, even though they didn't know each other.

But women's sixth sense tells them that this is definitely their own rival. Fairy Hongfu looked vigilantly at the beautiful girl opposite. As a peak Golden Core Stage girl, she could feel the danger of death from this girl.

Just when she wanted to persuade her daughter to take a step back. The formation at the door suddenly opened, and a familiar figure rushed from inside.

Han Xingyue recognized Dong Xuan'er at the door at a glance, and quickly shouted in surprise: "Sister Xuan'er! It's really you! I thought the second brother lied to me!".

Dong Xuan'er also showed a look of surprise, and exclaimed excitedly: "Little sister!" Then the two happily hugged each other again. The originally tense atmosphere instantly relaxed.

Ling Yuling looked at the scene in front of her in doubt, "Could it be that I went to the wrong cave? She looked at the number of the cave again, and it was indeed the cave No. 386 on the 39th floor that Brother Han told her."

Just when one side is happy and the other side is confused. The formation at the door fluctuated again, and a familiar figure appeared there.

Two surprise voices sounded at the same time: "Brother Han, Brother Han."

This time Han Zhu didn't have a faint smile on his face, but a wry smile. Originally, I thought that this matter would not be faced so quickly, but it turned out that the plan was not as fast as the change.