The Situation in Tiannan

The two girls ran over at the same time, each holding an arm, and then glared at each other. Han Zhu could only smile awkwardly and said: "Xuan'er, you guys are finally here. Originally, I planned that if you don't come again, I will go to you after I form the alchemy."

Originally, Dong Xuan'er was not very happy, but when he heard Brother Han say this, he immediately showed a happy smile. Most of the unhappiness in my heart disappeared.

She hugged Han Zhu's arm vigorously and said, "Who is this younger sister, Brother Han! Won't you introduce me?".

Han Zhu glanced at her speechlessly, women are indeed born to be dramatic in this respect. He has also recovered his calm state of mind now, and introduced with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Xuan'er! This is your sister Ling Yuling."

Then he smiled at Ling Yuling and said, "Ling'er! This is my Taoist companion Dong Xuan'er whom I mentioned to you, you should get along well."

Ling Yuling's eyes flickered, and she understood the meaning of Brother Han's words. Then he showed a sweet smile and said: "Sister Xuan'er, hello! I have been hearing Brother Han mentioning you before, saying that my sister is gentle, generous, lively and cute. I want to learn more from you."

Dong Xuan'er also understood what Brother Han meant, and she also knew that Brother Han was a quiet person. The most important thing was that when she came again, she was already mentally prepared.

It is impossible for someone as outstanding as Brother Han not to attract girls. If Han Zhu knew what was going on in her heart, he would definitely give a wry smile. If it weren't for his ability to form a formation, he really wouldn't be able to attract girls.

Fairy Hongfu saw that Ling Yuling was not simple, so she wanted to ease the embarrassment. He hurriedly walked up and smiled and said, "Kid Han has not seen him for decades, and his cultivation has already reached the late stage of foundation establishment."

Han Zhu hurriedly saluted the prospective mother-in-law and said, "Uncle Hongfu, I haven't seen you for more than 20 years, and you still look good!".

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Hongfu Xiangu's mouth and said: "I haven't seen Han for many years, and his mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. No wonder he can deceive such a beautiful girl."

Han Zhu understood what she meant in an instant, and could only smile awkwardly. After all, she is Dong Xuan'er's biological mother, so it's normal to fight for her daughter.

Dong Xuan'er heard that her mother was blaming her, and quickly said coquettishly to Fairy Hongfu, "Mother...".

Looking at her daughter's performance, Fairy Hongfu could only shake her head helplessly. Han Xingyue suddenly shouted in surprise: "Sister Xuan'er! Uncle Hongfu is your mother?".

Dong Xuan'er hurriedly told the story of the past, and Fairy Hongfu smiled wryly beside her. Ling Yuling and Han Xingyue showed a clear look.

Han Xingyue's eyes were a little red and said: "Sister Xuan'er! Your father is really a big villain. We must teach him a lesson when we grow up."

Ling Yuling also nodded at the side, and soon the three girls talked together there. Han Zhu looked at this scene speechlessly, "Weren't you full of hostility just now? What's the situation now."

"Sure enough, never try to guess a woman's mind, you will never guess right." The three girls quickly kept shouting at their sisters and sisters.

Han Zhu could only say helplessly: "Let's go in and talk!".

Han Xingyue hastily and excitedly dragged the two of them to run inside. Han Zhu and Fairy Hongfu looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Han Zhu asked as he walked: "Uncle Hongfu! How is Tiannan? Are all the uncles in Huangfeng Valley okay?".

A wry smile appeared on Fairy Hongfu's originally smiling face. When Han Zhu saw her expression, his heart skipped a beat.

"You don't need to guess, it must be someone you know who died." Fairy Hongfu glanced at the ugly Han Zhu and said, "Brother Li died in a battle with the Demon Sect."

A look of pain flashed across Han Zhu's face. Apart from Aunt Hongfu, this person was the person he was most familiar with.

Han Zhu stood at the door and pondered for a long time before he sighed and said, "I will avenge him in the future, and I promised Uncle Li to help him hone his cultivation."

Fairy Hongfu comforted her and said, "Senior Brother Li's temper is like that, he could have survived originally, but it was because of the sect."

Fairy Hongfu didn't say any more, and Han Zhu understood what she meant. After all, I have lived in the place for hundreds of years, and I have long had deep feelings, and Li Shishu's Taoist companion and his apprentice are all there.

Han Zhu quickly adjusted his state of mind, and asked Fairy Hongfu, "Is everyone else okay?".

Fairy Hongfu's face looked better now, "I have to thank you for all this, if you hadn't helped Senior Brother Lei break the last bottleneck back then, maybe now Huangfenggu would have suffered a heavy loss like other sects!".

Fairy Hongfu then told him about the general situation of the Yue Kingdom, and the six sects were indeed withdrawn to other places just like the original book.

Because Huang Fenggu had two Nascent Soul stage monks, the losses of the six sects were the least. Even so, three Jindan stage monks died in battle.

Not to mention other sects, it can be said that they suffered heavy losses. After Han Zhu understood the situation over there, he just nodded silently.

The only person who has a good relationship with him over there is Martial Uncle Li. Now that even he has died in battle, there is nothing to worry about.

As for the parents, based on the current time, they should have passed away long ago. It's just that Xianfan is different.

The two also quickly came to the cave, looking at the three girls who were chattering there. Han Zhu was originally in a somewhat disappointed mood, but suddenly healed up a lot.

When the three of them saw Han Zhu approaching, they all showed happy expressions. Ling Yuling quickly smiled at him and asked, "Brother Han, don't you leave this time!".

Han Zhu glanced at several people with a smile and said, "I shouldn't leave within fifty or sixty years."

The three girls smiled happily when they heard his words. Han Zhu looked at Ling Yuling and Dong Xuan'er's cultivation bases and said, "Both of you plan to form alchemy."

Ling Yuling nodded excitedly and said: "I was planning to form the alchemy, even if you don't come, I will go to you after I form the alchemy."

Han Zhu nodded with a smile, and shifted his gaze to Dong Xuan'er. The little girl blushed a little and said: "The Tiannan side has been chaotic these years, and we haven't prepared anything yet."

Han Zhu had already guessed this kind of result, before he could speak. Ling Yuling next to him quickly said: "Sister Xuan'er, you have broken through the resources of the golden core, and I will help you out."

Both Dong Xuan'er and Fairy Hongfu looked at her in surprise. It is not a little bit of resources to spread to the Jindan period. Even if you have spirit stones, you may not be able to buy them.

Han Zhu looked at Dong Xuan'er with a puzzled face and Ling Yuling with a sincere face, and could only nod helplessly and said: "Xuan'er, since your sister said so, leave your resources to her!".

Seeing that Han Zhu also agreed, Ling Yuling quickly took out a talisman and threw it outside. Dong Xuan'er and Fairy Hongfu looked at this scene suspiciously.

Then he turned his gaze to Han Zhu, even if it was a big school like Huang Fenggu. Every fifty years, it may not be possible to collect all the resources to popularize the golden elixir period.

Seeing that the two of them turned their attention to him, Han Zhu smiled and said: "It doesn't matter that their family has a mine, this resource is not enough for her family's rent for a year."

The two became even more curious, when Han Zhu planned to expose the identity of this super rich woman. There was a wave of fluctuations from the formation at the door, and everyone turned their eyes to the door.

Han Zhu just waved it casually, and a gap appeared in the formation restriction at the door. A middle-aged man in a white robe strode away, his eyes swept over the entire cave. He walked quickly to Ling Yuling, saluted and said, "Young Master, you have already brought what you want."

Then he handed over a storage bag, and Ling Yuling nodded flatly. When she stretched out her hand, the storage bag flew into her hand, and then waved at the man.

The monk, who was at least in the middle of the golden core period, bowed to Ling Yu Lingxing again before retreating.

Dong Xuan'er and Fairy Hongfu stared at all this in a little bit of stupefaction. You must know that he was a strong person at the Golden Core stage, and he was so respectful to a monk who was one stage lower than him.

No matter how high her status is, his parents or elders are at least Nascent Soul Stage Daxiu, or the legendary Huashen Tianren.

The two of them didn't dare to think about it anymore, and Dong Xuan'er also asked straightforwardly: "Brother Han! What does Linger's sister do at home?".

Han Xingyue hurriedly replied: "Sister Xuan'er, I know, Sister Ling'er is the young master of Tianxing Palace, and the cave we are renting now belongs to her family."

Then the little girl added a sentence later: "Sister Ling'er, your rent is too expensive."

Han Zhu tapped her little head speechlessly, and Han Xingyue stuck out her little tongue at Han Zhu.

Both Dong Xuan'er and Hongfu Fairy felt like they were in a dream, and this was a young master of super power. It just appeared in front of them alive.

This is not a small force like the Yellow Maple Valley. The Tianxing Palace is well-known in the entire world of mortal cultivators, and its history is too long. Arguably one of the oldest, its history dates back to ancient times.

Ling Yuling handed the storage bag in her hand to Dong Xuan'er and said with a smile: "Sister Xuan'er! This is a little meeting gift from my sister."

Dong Xuan'er looked at Han Zhu with his eyes, and the meaning was already very obvious. Han Zhu smiled faintly and said: "Xuan'er, just accept it! This is not a precious thing."

For him now, even the resources to popularize the Nascent Soul stage are not considered precious. As long as he wanted, he could reveal his identity casually, and a lot of people would come to his door.

Seeing Brother Han's indifferent look, Dong Xuan'er smiled generously, reached out and took the storage bag, "Then I will thank Sister Ling'er."

The atmosphere between the two girls became much more harmonious in an instant, and Han Zhu heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this. After all, he has a major event to do next, and he might be away from them for a long time.

Thinking of this, Han Zhu's face darkened. The other girls also felt the change in the atmosphere, and looked at Han Zhu with doubtful eyes.