The First Collision with Another Han Li

All the monks looked at the huge funnel in the sky suspiciously, because it was still absorbing the aura between heaven and earth crazily. And it is still expanding.

Suddenly two figures appeared on the top of the big funnel, and a monk with a high cultivation base recognized them instantly.

Surprised and shouted: "Two Saints of Tianxing Palace".

All the people who saw this scene showed surprised expressions. The two palace masters kept taking out storage bags one by one, and poured bags of high-grade spirit stones into the huge vortex.

All the people opened their mouths wide. Each storage bag contained at least tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones. There were still a few people at first, but they gradually fell silent.

At least hundreds of bags have arrived, and everyone is numb. As bags of high-grade spirit stones poured in, the spirit vortex finally stopped expanding.

As time went on, the aura vortex suddenly began to shrink. Looking at this scene, Ling Xiaofeng often heaved a sigh of relief.

If it continues like this, even the Heavenly Star Palace will not be able to bear it, after all, there are hundreds of thousands of high-grade spirit stones. That is the accumulation of tens of thousands of years of Tianxing Palace.

Han Zhu looked at the two people in the air through layers of formation restraints. He smiled and nodded at them and said: "Thank you two seniors for your support and help, and leave the next thing to me!".

Ling Xiaofeng nodded at Han Zhu, and a faint voice came in: "Nephew Han Xian must come back alive, I don't want our little girl to wash her face with tears every day."

Han Zhu nodded with a smile, and the woman next to him just looked at Han Zhu with loving eyes. Then the two figures faded away.

Han Zhu's face also became serious, and he stepped on the very center of the formation. A strange force spread out, and soon the entire mountain peak disappeared between the sky and the earth.

The girls who were standing in the distance watching this scene showed worried expressions. Ling Yuling glanced at the two of them, especially the little girl Han Xingyue.

He reached out and gently hugged her and said, "Don't worry! Brother Han will be fine, he will definitely come to pick us up."

Han Xingyue also nodded desperately and said: "Second brother has never lied, and he has never lied to us."

Han Zhu just stood there quietly with his eyes closed, waiting for his cultivation to improve.

Three days later, Han Zhu's whole body began to glow with multicolored light, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth rushed into his body frantically, and the spiritual energy of five attributes crazily filled his dantian.

At the same time, in his five internal organs, there are five breaths of different attributes. It also began to slowly gather in the dantian, and soon a golden pill with five colors slowly formed in the dantian.

Han Zhu didn't move at all, just quietly watching the changes in his dantian and his body. Because of the formation, even the image of heaven and earth did not appear.

In this small space, he is the sky. The entire space can change according to his mind, and a large amount of aura is stored in the formation. Han Zhu was not worried about not having enough aura.

As time passed by like this, the multicolored golden pill in the dantian also slowly changed from the size of a sesame seed to the size of a fist.

Seeing that it didn't look like it was going to stop, Han Zhu couldn't help but frown, he was the golden core who had seen a few girls. Even the biggest Ling Yuling is only half the size of a fist.

Even if it is an ancient technique, it is impossible to be so perverted! However, there was no warning from the system, so he still looked as steady as an old dog. After all, the bigger the golden core, the stronger the mana.

Soon Han Zhu discovered another problem. With the continuous transformation of his body, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy also accelerated.

It's a pity that the system can't be opened while it is being upgraded, so he can only wait quietly. As time passed by like this, Han Zhu looked at the golden core that was already half the size of a basketball.

He was really worried that it would burst like this, and soon he was relieved, because Jin Dan no longer grew up. However, it is still crazily absorbing the five auras of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

"Ding" suddenly a system voice came from his mind.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for reaching the golden core stage. The so-called swallowing a golden core, my life is up to me. You have reached the minimum standard for breaking away from the subsistence allowance. From now on, your own destiny is up to you to decide." .

There was a knowing smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, he knew that the system must be protecting him, otherwise he would be wiped out as soon as he crossed over.

"Do you think that Old Demon Han is screaming for nothing? In particular, it is a remnant without any emotion. He is just like the Alpha in his previous life, he will only carry out the destiny that has been set earlier. If there is any accident during the period, he will directly fix".

Sure enough, at the moment when the system's voice sounded, an extremely terrifying power of time and space descended here.

Han Zhu didn't show any surprised expression, he just watched quietly, the power of time and space constantly hit the space.

As that force became stronger and stronger, the space barrier swayed circles of ripples. Han Zhu shook his head with a wry smile, he was indeed too weak.

The only thing that comforted him was that the power of time and space could not break through his formation in an instant. Without hesitation, Han Zhu quickly hit the formations one after another, and afterimages appeared in front of him.

Han Zhu punched out the last formation, and a more intense nine-color light wrapped him tightly. At that moment, the sound of space breaking came.

An illusory shadow slowly appeared in front of him. Han Zhu looked at it carefully, and it was indeed 80% similar to Han Li.

Han Zhu said calmly, "You're here."

Xu Ying didn't speak or attack, but just stared at him. Han Zhu smiled wryly and said, "Can you let me go?"

Phantom was silent for a long time, and finally an illusory voice came: "You shouldn't exist, your existence has changed a lot, you are the biggest variable."

Han Zhu showed a wry smile and said: "In fact, our purpose is the same, why can we go on together if we are different."

It's a pity that no matter how he explained, the phantom still looked at him with cold eyes. Han Zhu also stopped and continued to persuade, he felt that he was talking to an idiot.

Xu Ying said again: "If you are willing to die now, I can guarantee that you will become the protagonist in the next era."

Han Zhu showed a mocking smile, and asked in a cold voice: "If I die, will the person who reappears be me again? He just carries my memory, and I really disappear forever ".

A very hot look flashed across Han Zhu's face, and he said viciously: "In this case, let's do it!".

Xu Ying showed a sneering look, Han Zhu looked at his haughty look, and said lightly: "You strong people are just too arrogant. If I were outside, I might be killed by you in an instant."

"But in the world I created, I can at least protect myself." Han Zhu stopped talking nonsense with him, and followed him to type out the spells one by one. The entire sky began to be filled with spells one by one.

"The Ten Thousand Magic Formation is not called for nothing, but it really contains tens of thousands of spells." Han Zhu looked at the phantom with a cold face, and said lightly: "Mie".

Countless fire balls, water balls, thunder balls, ice balls, the light of death, the eye of destruction, the burning of the soul, and the shock of the spirit. He continued to cover that phantom, and soon, his figure disappeared in the ocean of spells.

Han Zhu did not show a smug smile, he knew clearly that these little tricks would not hurt him at all. Xu Ying just glanced at these spells lightly, he stretched out an illusory hand, and lightly touched the air.

Han Zhu looked at the scene of Xian, and quickly opened his supernatural eye "Eye of Ten Thousand Laws". There seemed to be countless spells spinning in his eyes. Fortunately, he was staying in the formation now, and his magic power was endless. The mana can only be opened for a few seconds at most.

Although he has cultivated two supernatural powers, he cannot use them because his realm is too low. Now he has reached the golden core stage, just barely reaching the standard for use.

As the phantom pointed out with one hand, time seemed to stop. The speed at which those spells fell instantly slowed down, and as time passed, they disappeared directly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Han Zhu couldn't help sighing: "These big guys who can use the law are amazing, especially the time law."

"Sure enough, time is king and space is respected. This sentence is not for nothing." The scene in front of me can be completely explained clearly, the spells in the formation just like this rise and fall.

The afterimage no longer held back, and the powerful law of time kept attacking the protective shield in front of Han Zhu. Han Zhu didn't pay attention to his protective shield, he knew that it could at least block a cup of tea for him.

Now he wants to crack the law of time, as long as he touches a little bit of fur, it will last him a long time. After half-spreading the tea, a smile appeared on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth.

Finally, he got a little fur, and Han Zhu also started to use his real plan. Han Zhu started to play a series of formations again, this time it was different from before.

With his spell formation, the whole space began to fluctuate. The afterimage suddenly gave a pause, and he scanned the entire space suspiciously.

Suddenly there was a loud cry: "He!" The whole space suddenly began to shrink, and for the first time, an inconceivable expression appeared on After Shadow's face.

Looking at the afterimage that had stopped attacking, he suddenly laughed crazily and said, "Hahaha... I really thought my past sixty years were wasted. In order to deal with you, I died countless brain cells, day and night Research Formation".

"Finally let me think of a way to barely restrain you. Since I can't beat you, kill you, or outrun you, can I trap you!".

Looking at the afterimage with a serious face, Han Zhu's face suddenly became crazy. "Do you know how much we paid to trap you?"

"The heaven and earth spirit vein in the Tianxing Palace will have tens of thousands of years before it will slowly dry up. In order to trap you, I directly extracted its tens of thousands of years of spiritual energy, directly hurting its origin, even if I use formations to maintain it, and it will dry up in a thousand years at most.

"The Tianxing Palace even took out their tens of thousands of years of accumulation, just to keep you in place." Han Zhu's eyes became more and more cold, and he continued to say indifferently: "You high-ranking bosses, just for the so-called variables, kill others at will, this time I want you to pay the price you deserve."